Gay, bisexual and transgenr mat at California's San Quent State Prison meet weekly wh once-homophobic offenrs for a rtorative jtice group.
In his book The Women's Hoe of Detentn, Hugh Ryan wr about the New York Cy prison and the role played the gay rights movement of the '60s, cludg the 1969 Stonewall Uprisg. * gay women in prison *
In his new book, The Women's Hoe of Detentn: A Queer History of a Fotten Prison, Ryan wr about the prison, and about the role played the gay rights movement of the '60s, cludg the Stonewall Uprisg of 1969. "On the first night of the rts, people rcerated the prison uld actually see what was happeng out their wdows, and they started a rt all their own, settg fire to their belonggs and throwg them down to the streets below while chantg 'Gay rights! Gay rights!
" In the 1960s, the prison began markg gay prisoners wh a "D" for "generate, " and placg them to solary nfement bee they were nsired a "danger to other women. In the 20th century, gets ed to target gay men, trans women, lbians, trans men, anyone who drsed "rrectly" for their genr. On the Hoe of D's role Greenwich Village beg a gay pal of New York One of the big ways is that so many queer women and trans men were beg arrted around the cy every year and brought to this one place where they would be tried, where they would be held, where they would go for health screengs, where they would get fgerprted.
The data is clear: lbian, gay, bisexual, transgenr, and queer (LGBTQ 1) people are overreprented at every stage of crimal jtice system, startg wh juvenile jtice system volvement. (Namely, we provi the only natnal timat for lbian, gay, or bisexual arrt rat and muny supervisn rat that we know of.