Is Geth Anthony "Renly Baratheon" Gay In Real Life?

renly gay

okay so how do everyone assume Renly is gay. I mean there is no leg mentn the book about him beg gay. He jt has a likg for lourful thgs. or have i missed out on somethg?



Renly Baratheon is a gay character om Game of Thron. This sectn is need of major improvement. Please help improve this article by edg . This sectn is need of major improvement. Please help improve this article by edg . This sectn is need of major improvement... * renly gay *

Renly Baratheon is a gay character om Game of Thron. Renly is strictly homosexual, his orientatn beg well known (or at least spected) by many members of the royal urt Kg's Landg (even when they were children, Jaime Lannister remarked how Renly seemed different om other boys). Renly has been volved a homosexual romance wh Ser Loras Tyrell for many years.

They mt keep their love a secret bee the domant relign of the realm, the Fah of the Seven, nsirs homosexualy to be a s, although many people are nohels aware of their relatnship as somethg of an open secret. As Podrick starts to brg up Renly's homosexualy, Brienne somewhat irrably acknowledg that she knew Renly was only terted men and that he was only beg kd to her, but that still didn't stop her om lovg him. At the same time however, the prospect of a marriage alliance was to create a le of children, which he was was unable to do on acunt of his homosexualy until Margaery reformed that their marriage was only on paper.


Es Renly Baratheon, personaje la serie y libro Juego Tronos R.R. Mart gay * renly gay *

Loras mentns at one pot after Renly's ath that he owned books wh "drawgs that would turn a septon bld, " implyg that he posssed que an imprsive llectn of gay porn. I jt started A Clashs of Kgs and Renly's sudn ath happens so quickly we n't really see him any gay relatnship. Unbeknownst to the realm at large, and spe the many women who are attracted to him, Renly is homosexual.

Igual me equivo pero ¿don ponía en el libro que Renly Baratheon era gay y, lo más fuerte, que taba liado n el Caballero las Flor? Mart ha tado supervisando mucsamente el guión la producción, un hecho nfirmado que ambos eran homosexual y que taban juntos.


Is Geth Anthony "Renly Baratheon" Gay In Real Life? .