Gay Couchsurfg

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Read tips and tricks of uchsurfg wh gay hosts around the world. We are two experienced, gay travelers and have uchsurfed 8 different untri. * couchsurfing gay host *

I am gay and only host gay male guys. If you are not openly gay, and don't want a reference, I won't give you one.

Please let me know your requt if you are gay.


David and Aton of the "Two Bad Tourists" blog give a ndown of their experiencg uchsurfg as gay backpackers. * couchsurfing gay host *

gay. gayiendly. Back 2012 we published an article on Robert’s Leave Your Daily Hell blog where we shared our take on Gay CouchSurfg Europe wh tips on how to uchsurf and fd hosts that are a good f.

We shared our experienc about how we stayed wh gay iendly hosts durg our 1-year round the world trip. Helpful if you’re a uple and ’s super obvly you’re gay (you know who you are…). How to fd gay Couchsurfg hosts on the new webse:.


What is Gay Couchsurfg? LGBTravel Buddy is the first platform to fd LGBT hosters, and uch surfers. Disver Gay CouchSurfg here. * couchsurfing gay host *

Sce listg your orientatn your Couchsurfg profile isn't one of the standard stats like genr, age, occupatn, etc, n be a b difficult to know if a host is gay or gay-iendly if they don't specifilly mentn somewhere on their profile. Chanc are, if they’re a gay group – they are gay themselv, or equally as supportive, which is almost the same – at least om a fort and safety perspective.

Example: Fd an LGBT group like “Gay Madrid” the group search. For example, if you’re lookg for a host Madrid, you might fd a host that is part of the group “Gay Madrid. Popular LGBT uchsurfg groups clu “Queer CouchSurfers” and “Backpackers (for gay and gay iendly).

Example: type the group name “Gay Madrid” to the keyword search box. Or if you still n’t fd a suable gay or gay-iendly host g the se but you don’t want to pay for an expensive hotel, you might nsir rentg a room an apartment om a se like MisterBnB.


* couchsurfing gay host *

This giv you an opportuny to have a private room (or entire apartment if you have the budget) while ensurg your host is gay themselv, or at a mimum gay-iendly. Dancg terribly behd a float the gay pri para (Christopher Street Day as ’s lled lolly) as we tried to keep up. If you’ve never heard of or are hant to try, stayg wh a gay host n help you ease to the muny, pecially if you’re ncerned about safety as an LGBT or female solo traveler.

While we enurage stayg wh gay hosts, ’s important to pot out that CouchSurfg tends to attract open-md people so homophobic issu are unlikely when addrsed advance.

While many of the ci we’ve vised have liberal views, we still sought out gay hosts simply bee of mon terts. Celebratg Gay Pri Munich wh our German host; attendg the Lady Gaga ncert Sofia wh our Bulgarian host; okg a tapas style dner for our Czech hosts – the unique experienc have been formed by the type of host we stay wh, the cy we’re and our own abily to rema flexible and open to the opportuni that are prented. Fdg gay hosts is not straight forward sce the profil on CouchSurfg don’t state the sexual orientatn of s ers.


So, if you want to stay wh a gay host they mt be filtered out of the abyss.


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