Newsweek ver: Obama ‘first gay print’

newsweek magazine obama gay president

<p>Brown, whose tenure as edor at Newsweek has seen an array of ntroversial vers, will rpond tomorrow wh the ver above, pegged to Andrew Sullivan's piece on Obama's support for same-sex marriage: &quot;The First Gay Print.&quot;</p>



It won't be nearly as ntroversial as Time magaze's breastfeedg ver, but Newsweek's May 21 issue clar Barack Obama the untry's "first gay print." The acpanyg ver story was wrten by Andrew Sullivan, the popular--and openly gay--polil blogger. The magaze even giv the manr--chief a rabow halo. Obama, Sullivan wr, "had to disver his black [...] * newsweek magazine obama gay president *

May 13, 2012&#151; -- It won't be nearly as ntroversial as Time magaze's breastfeedg ver, but Newsweek's May 21 issue clar Barack Obama the untry's "first gay print. "The acpanyg ver story was wrten by Andrew Sullivan, the popular--and openly gay--polil blogger. Sullivan's ver story is not yet onle, but a blog post published earlier this week, Sullivan wrote that Obama's support of gay marriage brought him to tears:I do not know how orchtrated this was; and I do not know how lculated is.

What I know is that, absorbg the news, I was uncharacteristilly at a loss for words for a while, didn't know what to wre, and, like many Dish rears, there are tears my let me simply say: I thk of all the gay kids out there who now know they have their print on their si. I thk of the centuri and s which gay people found impossible to believe that marriage and cln their own fai was possible for them, so cshed were they by the weight of social and relig prsure. I thk of the gay parents who now feel their print is behd their sacrific and their love for their terview chang no laws; has no tangible effect.


Followg Print Barack Obama's public announcement backg gay marriage last week, Newsweek magaze has featured him on s ont ver wh the headle, "The First Gay Print." Wh Obama's face pictured lookg skyward and a rabow-lored halo above his head, the ntroversial ver leads to a story wrten by gay wrer Andrew Sullivan -- a self-scribed polil nservative -- who analyz the print's backg of gay marriage. Obama said Wednday he supported gay marriage, reversg his posn on a ntroversial social issue jt six months before the November electn and adoptg a stance ght wh uncerta polil implitns. The print said that after years of lengthy discsns wh iends and fay, cludg his wife and two young dghters, he now "personally" believ gays and lbians should have the right to marry. His views are direct ntrast to those of prumptive Republin printial nomee Mt Romney, who reerated Saturday that he believ "marriage is a relatnship between one man and one woman." The boundary-phg May 21 Newsweek issue featurg Obama, available Monday, after Time magaze's ver last week, which featured an attractive 26-year-old mother breastfeedg her toddler son. The ver sparked strong reactns across the world last week and led a Newsweek spokperson to tell the New York Post that the magaze's edor Ta Brown had viewed the ver as a challenge. "When Ta saw the Time ver, she lghed and said, 'Let the gam beg,'" the spokperson told the Post. * newsweek magazine obama gay president *

Obama's journey on this has been like that of many other Amerins, when faced wh the actual realy of gay liv and gay relatnships. I was the room long before the 2008 primari when Obama spoke to the mother of a gay son about marriage equaly.

News stori: • How Whe Hoe gay marriage claratns are affectg other Democratic ndidat • Time breastfeedg ver sparks ntroversy • Will Obama's Julia celebrate a gay marriage? It won't be nearly as ntroversial as Time magaze's breastfeedg ver, but Newsweek's May 21 issue clar Barack Obama the untry's "first gay print. The magaze even giv the manr--chief a rabow, Sullivan wr, "had to disver his black inty and then rencile wh his whe fay, jt as gays disver their homosexual inty and then have to rencile wh their heterosexual fay.


* newsweek magazine obama gay president *

"The full ver story is not yet onle, but a blog post published earlier this week, Sullivan wrote that Obama's support of gay marriage brought him to tears:I do not know how orchtrated this was; and I do not know how lculated is. That's why we elected New Yorker, which is also out wh a ver story on gay marriage, took a b more subtle approach wh s May 21 issue.

News stori:• How Whe Hoe gay marriage claratns are affectg other Democratic ndidat• Time breastfeedg ver sparks ntroversy• Will Obama's Julia celebrate a gay marriage? WASHINGTON – Followg Print Barack Obama's public announcement backg gay marriage last week, Newsweek magaze has featured him on s ont ver wh the headle, "The First Gay Print. "Wh Obama's face pictured lookg skyward and a rabow-lored halo above his head, the ntroversial ver leads to a story wrten by gay wrer Andrew Sullivan -- a self-scribed polil nservative -- who analyz the print's backg of gay said Wednday he supported gay marriage, reversg his posn on a ntroversial social issue jt six months before the November electn and adoptg a stance ght wh uncerta polil print said that after years of lengthy discsns wh iends and fay, cludg his wife and two young dghters, he now "personally" believ gays and lbians should have the right to views are direct ntrast to those of prumptive Republin printial nomee Mt Romney, who reerated Saturday that he believ "marriage is a relatnship between one man and one woman.


Brown, whose tenure as edor at Newsweek has seen an array of ntroversial vers, will rpond wh the above, pegged to Andrew Sullivan's piece on Obama's support for same-sex marriage: "The First Gay Print. (Also on POLITICO: 20 gay rights ton).

It’s easy to wre off Print Obama’s announcement of his support for gay marriage as a polil ploy durg an electn year.

“When you step back a ltle and asss the rerd of Obama on gay rights, you see, fact, that this was not an aberratn.


” And Print Obama has much mon wh the gay muny. “He had to disver his black inty and then rencile wh his whe fay, jt as gays disver their homosexual inty and then have to rencile wh their heterosexual fay, ” Sullivan wr.

Newsweek, which has recently bee a ndu for ntroversy wh s ver art choic, drew more attentn wh the but of s latt issue clarg Print Obama to be “the first gay print. ” The ver, featurg Obama anoted wh a rabow halo above his head, ma s arrival on newsstands Monday and the wake of Obama’s claratn last week that he is personally favor of gay marriage.

The ver article, by proment Newsweek polil wrer and outspoken gay muny member Andrew Sullivan, lv to Obama’s past and asserts that given his background, his claratn of support for gay marriage should e as no surprise. Drawg parallels between the sense of isolatn felt by many growg to acceptg their homosexualy and Obama’s stggle to assert his own racial inty his early years, Sullivan wholeheartedly celebrat Obama’s cisn.


Newsweek lls Obama 'The First Gay Print' on ver | Fox News .