Why Is Lra Dern a Gay In? Interview Wh Jordan Firstman - PAPER Magaze

laura dern gay

Lra Dern played an out lbian who helps Ellen DeGener' character realize she's gay on the ABC s" emprop="scriptn



The goln age of Lra Dern, better known to sirs (aka gays) as the Dernaissance, has crept up on slowly. Some will say began wh Enlightened, some will pot to Big Ltle Li, others will scream "Baby Yoda!" * laura dern gay *

The goln age of Lra Dern, better known to sirs (aka gays) as the Dernaissance, has crept up on slowly. " But we all n agree that Lra Dern's triumphant cultural domatn crystallized this weekend wh her Bt Supportg Actrs w for Marriage Story at the Amy queers across the globe were ecstatic to see Dern fally regnized as the queen she is, the real gay tribute actually went down at another awards ceremony.

On Saturday, the Film Inpennt Spir Awards honored Dern as part of a mil tribute to the gayt moments you didn't realize were gay this year's top films. The brachild of Search Party wrer Jordan Firstman (who wrote the lyrics alongsi Js Dweck and poser Greg O'Conner) the song — performed by the Gay Men's Chos of Los Angel and Broadway sensatn Alex Newell — also paid homage to Ida Menzel's Uncut Gems moment, pole-dancg to Fna Apple, FKA Twigs talkg about snak Honey Boy and Awkwafa beg rejected by the Guggenheim The after Dern's Osr w (and durg her birthday week, blsed be) PAPER ught up wh Firstman about his love for Lra Dern, why she's such an tergral part of the gay non, and where he falls on the Marriage Story/Ltle Women was the reactn when you pched the song? I don't thk people would necsarily watch The Farewell and see Awkwafa gettg rejected om the Guggenheim and thk that's a gay moment.

Lra Dern, to me and to so many LGBTQ+ people, is gay non. And I thk maybe what mak her a gay in is jt her taste choos tertg, amazg characters and stori and has ma her staple and she jt fuckg ms, she's never not mted, which is fun for queer people to watch. And that's what also mak the song work, is that 's jt gay joy.


* laura dern gay *

It's the most profound gay joy and she felt that. She's spoken about how she didn't work for years after beg on the episo of Ellen where Ellen me out, which also ntribut to her beg a gay in. Gay people like reventn.

The Gay Men's Chos of Los Angel performed a tribute to the "gayt moments other films that you may not have realized were gay." * laura dern gay *

" And I thk that's a thg gay people al wh a lot, relevance and jt always havg to be the next step ahead. If we get more nuanced gay thgs happeng, 'll make people unrstand gay people more and like them more bee we gay people are fuckg else are you workg on right now and what's next for you?

And then I am wrg a gay teen sex edy for another work that I don't thk I'm allowed to say, but I'm unrway to that. That's somethg that I've never thought I would be terted , bee I don't re about teenagers at all, but I re about sex and I re about gay people.

And there's so much to me wh gay people and sexualy and to put that a teen movie, that uld be a ol opportuny. Is Lra Dern gay?


Lra Dern Lov That She's a Gay Halloween Costume Staple | Them.