Immigratn and gay rights: Gillibrand and Gabbard qutned on past views | US electns 2020 | The Guardian

kirsten gillibrand gay rights

Gillibrand outl prri regardg gay and transgenr Amerins



* kirsten gillibrand gay rights *

"We need the ERA to make sure that the hard-won civil liberti, everythg om gay marriage to Tle XI to the right for reproductive health re, accs to birth ntrol, fertily treatments and ntraceptn, n no longer be erod eher now or the future, " Gillibrand said at a news nference alongsi Bh and some of the rolutn's Jackie Speier (D-CA) wears a button supportg passage of the Equal Rights Amendment as she was to speak durg a news nference wh members of the Democratic Women's Cc prr to State of the Unn at the Capol on Feb. The only Democratic ndidate for print who has mpaigned at a drag club, is now the first ndidate to prent an agenda to protect the rights of gay and transgenr Amerins.

Kirsten Gillibrand announced Saturday — the first day of Gay Pri Month — her plan to help enforce LGBTQ rights. Regardg fai and children, Gillibrand outled multiple policy plans foced on gay parents and children. She would dify gay marriage, nomate an Edutn secretary who foc on LGBTQ issu, and ban nversatn therapy – the ntroversial practice of achg, sometime aggrsively, gay children to believg they are the agenda, Gillibrand ntrasted her polici wh Print Tmp, claimg the print is "a bigoted, wardly bully who mak the LGBTQ muny more vulnerable.


A 2017 Universy of Chigo study found that young people who are gay or transgenr are 120% more likely to fall to homelsns than their peers. Gillibrand – who supports Medire for All – would require hormone therapy, treatments ed to medilly assist trans men and women transn, be vered by would also make PrEP, a leadg HIV dg, more affordable, and repeal the FDA's regulatn preventg gay men om donatg blood if they have had sex twelve months prr to tend donatn. Gillibrand, who has been cricized for havg more nservative views durg her time as a member of the US Hoe of Reprentativ, has touted her Senate votg rerd on gay rights on the mpaign trail.

gay rights. CNN reported this week that when she was the Hawaii state hoe, she “touted workg for her father’s anti-gay anizatn, which mobilized to pass a measure agast same-sex marriage Hawaii and promoted ntroversial nversn therapy” up for the US morng briefgThe ngrswoman apologised. ) me out support of gay marriage rights jt hours before she was announced as her state’s next U.


She worked to improve the handlg of sexual asslt s wh the ary and to repeal “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, ” a policy that barred openly gay men and women om servg the ary. For all the acunts of the last-mute machatns that went to the selectn of Kirsten Gillibrand as New York's new senator, we haven't heard much about the sudn willgns of some gay-rights activists to vouch for her. Hours before Governor David Paterson lled Gillibrand to rm her that she would replace Hillary Clton the Senate the early morng hours of Jan 23, a member of the ernor's mp reached out to Gillibrand to rm her that she need to improve her lacklter standg wh gay groups before she uld w Paterson's appotment, acrdg to one Democratic source.

Paterson's advocy for gay marriage has helped secure his populary wh progrsiv downstate. But wh gay marriage legislatn unlikely to pass this year, Paterson apparently worried that appotg a senator wh a weak rerd on gay issu would further ero his rerd and threaten that support. As late as the day before her selectn, she had the lowt ratg of all of New York's Democratic reprentativ om the LGBT advocy group the Human Rights Campaign, which gave her dismal marks for her opposn to gay marriage, the repealg of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell, " and legislatn to grant same-sex partners of U.


Immigratn and gay rights: Gillibrand and Gabbard qutned on past views | US electns 2020 | The Guardian .