Gay - Oxford Reference

what is the definition of gay oxford dictionary

Defn of gay_2 noun Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictnary. Meang, pronunciatn, picture, example sentenc, grammar, age not, synonyms and more.



Defn of gay_1 adjective Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictnary. Meang, pronunciatn, picture, example sentenc, grammar, age not, synonyms and more. * what is the definition of gay oxford dictionary *

(of people, pecially men) sexually attracted to people of the same sex synonym homosexualgay menI didn't know he was she gay?

He is openly gay. Oppose straightTopics People societyb2Oxford Collotns Dictnaryverbsbelooksound…adverbopenlyphrasgay and lbianSee full entry.


gay fn: 1. sexually or romantilly attracted to people of the same genr and not to people of a different…. Learn more. * what is the definition of gay oxford dictionary *

[only before noun] nnected wh people who are gaya gay club/barthe lbian and gay munythe gay and lbian sectn the bookstoreOxford Collotns Dictnaryverbsbelooksound…adverbopenlyphrasgay and lbianSee full entry. [not before noun] (slang, disapprovg, offensive) (ed pecially by young people) an offensive way to scribe somethg you fd borg, stupid or not attractive (parative gayer, superlative gayt) (old-fashned) happy and full of fungay lghterShe felt lighthearted and gay.

(old-fashned) brightly louredThe garn was gay wh red geraniums. See also gaiety, gailyWord OrigMiddle English ( sense (4)): om Old French gai, of unknown whout thkg about the rults or effects of a particular actn See gay the Oxford Advanced Amerin DictnarySee gay the Oxford Learner's Dictnary of Amic EnglishCheck pronunciatn:. gay.

"gay" published on by null." name="scriptn * what is the definition of gay oxford dictionary *

Meang of gay English. gay adjective. (Defn of gay om the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictnary & Ths © Cambridge Universy Prs).

gay | Amerin Dictnary. (HOMOSEXUAL).

Note: Sometim gay refers only to men. Gay. (Defn of gay om the Cambridge Amic Content Dictnary © Cambridge Universy Prs).

* what is the definition of gay oxford dictionary *

Translatns of gay. gay, homosexual, alegre…. gay, homossexual, gay [mascule-feme]….


gay_2 noun - Defn, pictur, pronunciatn and age not | Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictnary at .