Gay Munich Gui 2023 - gay bars, clubs, snas & more - Travel Gay

munich gay bars

Explore gay Munich wh Mr Hudson. The bt of Munich for the discerng gay man. Where to sleep, eat, drk, shop and play.



Munich's bt gay bars & dance clubs, gay-rated hotels, gay snas and cise clubs. Exclive reviews, maps & disunts. * munich gay bars *

> Gay Germany Gay MunichExplore Munich’s imprsive archecture, taste the beer and sample the cy’s extensive gay · luxuryHotels · mid-range + budgetOn TodayBarsDance ClubsCise ClubsSnasMassageCafésServicToursCy GuiGay MapBeer and MunichInseparable. Fd the bt, most popular gay bars the Munich · Mid-Range + Budget HotelsFabulo hotels for gay travelers.

Save up to 75%, book Gay Dance Clubs & PartiThe bt gay clubs and popular gay parti Gay SnasAll you need to know about Munich's steamy gay sna 's On TomorrowCAMPNaked & Unrwear - om 8pmMoro- CLOSEDDisunt on Special DishCafé RegenbogenSchnzel NightBook A Travel Gay Approved HotelLotnCheck InCheck OutGutsSearchAbout MunichHomosexual activyLegalJune 11, 1994Same-sex marriageLegalOctober 1, 2017LGBT discrimatnIllegalJune 29, 2006Equal age of nsentEqualJanuary 1, 1988Learn MoreTrendg Hotels MunichHotel Dtsche EicheCarat Hotel & ApartmentsCoon Sendlger TorArthotel MunichMunich EventsAdd Your Event Munich Gay Pri CSD 2024View DetailsSat, Jun 8Featured VenuPopParty★★★★★★★★★★The hottt boys om Munich and all over the Dtsche Eiche★★★★★★★★★★One of the most popular and the bt gay snas Germany!

Ochsengarten★★★★★★★★★★Long-nng gay cise & fetish bar Munich. Prosec★★★★★★★★★★Fun party bar Munich's gay district wh ★★★★★★★★★★ is known as one of the bt Saturday gay Tours Browse a selectn of tours Munich om our. Munich Gay BarsProsecFun party bar Munich's gay district wh mic that rang om German 'Schlager' pop to ternatnal hs.


Munich Gay Bar Gui. Fd the bt gay bars Munich, Germany. Exclive reviews, photos, gay map, rmatn. Updated for 2023. * munich gay bars *

Neart statn: U: Sendlger Tor, Frnhoferstraße; nightb: MüllerstraßeWeekday: Thu om 7pmWeekend: Fri - Sat 7pm - 5amLast updated on: 8 Aug 2023Last updated on: 8-Aug-2023Café NiLOne of the longt-nng gay venu Munich and a gay landmark for socialisg.

The legendary NIL gay fé bar has a unique Egyptian stylg, wh central bar, fortable alv and uch for loungg. Neart statn: tram: Müllerstraße; U: Sendlger TorFeatur:BarCafeMicRtrantWeekday: 3pm - 3amWeekend: 3pm - 3amLast updated on: 8 Aug 2023Last updated on: 8-Aug-2023Zur FerwacheCosy, smokers-iendly gay bar the heart of Munich that has been bs sce the 80's Drks are reasonably priced.


Munich offers the chance to drk, de, schvz and fd your ner ksch amid s storied Munich gay bars and LGBTQ+ stompg grounds. * munich gay bars *

Neart statn: U: Sendlger TorWeekday: Mon - Thu 11am - 12am, Fri 11am - 2amWeekend: Sat 5am - 2am, Sun 5am - 11pmLast updated on: 8 Aug 2023Last updated on: 8-Aug-2023ElheissDown-to-earth, popular neighbourhood gay bar that attracts beer drkg bears, mature men and their iends.

Come to this unpretent ltle gay bar for cheap drks and chey ro-mic, away om the more upsle part of the cy. Neart statn: Sendlger TorWeekday: 6pm - lateWeekend: 6pm - lateLast updated on: 8 Aug 2023Last updated on: 8-Aug-2023AuroomIn the heart of the Glockenbackviertel, the gay neighbourhood Munich, Auroom is a small cktail bar specialisg classic drks wh a twist. Neart statn: FrnhoferstrasseWeekday: 6pm - 12amWeekend: 6pm - 12am (Sun closed) Last updated on: 8 Aug 2023Last updated on: 8-Aug-2023Drei GlöckleThis bar is very unpretent and nspicuo - the only way to know that this is a gay venue is the ltle rabow flag over the doorway.


Munich Gay Cise Club Gui. Fd the bt gay cise & gay fetish clubs Munich. Exclive reviews, photos, gay map, rmatn. Updated for 2023. * munich gay bars *

Neart statn: FrnhoferstrasseWeekday: 3pm - 1amWeekend: 3pm - 1amLast updated on: 8 Aug 2023Last updated on: 8-Aug-2023Jenny Was A Friend Of MeIn the heart of the gay area, jt south off the ma gay street Munich, Jenny Was A Friend Of Me has been servg the LGBTQ+ muny for many years. Live large at Oktoberft’s Gay Sunday.

This rtrant and bar has been a staple the gay muny for 30 years, drawg LGBTQ+ lols, ternatnals and their iends who are hungry for reasonably priced classics, like the massive Cornflake-bread schnzels or the goulash soup. A half-century-old bar that’s seen Munich through much of s recent history, the Ochsengarten, lolly known as the “Ox, ” was the cy’s first men-only, gay venue for jeans, leather and uniform enthiasts.

Freddie Mercury, as well as other notable gay celebri, were said to have equented this veteran, no-ills bar.


Gay Munich Cy Gui for gay travelers. Review of the cy, gay scene, how to get there, travel tips, popular tourist attractns Munich. * munich gay bars *

Bnos Store is a natnal LGBTQ cultural stutn that was first lnched 1981 as a publishg hoe rponsible for a popular gay liftyle magaze and a bt-sellg gay travel guibook.

Today, the retail store’s four branch Munich, Berl, Hamburg and Cologne serve as a place to both socialize and to browse gay magaz, toys, and other playful accsori. Other popular events clu the Garry Kle gay dance parti held midweek at Harry Kle, as well as regular drag bnch across the cy.


Gay Munich Travel Gui - All rmatns LGBTQ+ travelers need for a vaytn, weekend or cy trip to gay-iendly Munich Germany * munich gay bars *

Every July, Munich’s Gay Pri Ftival, also known as Christopher Street Day, is a fantastic opportuny to take some fabulo, feathery stum as well as some serly experimental lerhosen and dirndl. Sce the 1980s, the ftivi annually attract around 200, 000 participants to the Marienplatz, the heart of the Old Town and proximy to Aloft Munich, which partnered wh The Gay Explorer to showse Munich’s Gay Pri Ftival through vio. On the first Sunday of Oktoberft, Germany’s largt annual ftival, revelers make their way to the Bräurosl tent to celebrate Gay Oktoberft, or “Rosa Win.


* munich gay bars *

The LGBTQ* scene Munich has a long history: as well as beg one of the first ci to hold Christopher Street Day celebratns (the German and Swiss equivalent to Gay Pri), the Munich-based polil party Rosa Liste was the first gay and lbian electoral group Europe to take up seats on a lol uncil, the 90s. Although there are not as many specifilly gay bars and clubs here as there were the 1980s and '90s, there are several venu the area which always attract a good crowd. Wednday is generally known as “gay day”, when the area is buzzg wh young people and the bar is open for the eveng at the Diversy Café, a queer meetg place for young people and adults aged up to 27.


LGBTQ Gui: Munich Gay Bars & More | Marrtt Bonvoy Traveler .