The 50 Greatt Gay Bars the World

best gay nightlife in the world

Embark on a journey of disvery and dulgence as we explore the bt gay hotels the world. From opulent acmodatns to exemplary service, each property embrac diversy, ensurg a unique and unfettable stay the heart of global hotspots.



There's a first time for everythg, but the first vis to a gay bar occupi an entire place of s own. * best gay nightlife in the world *

There's no such thg as a five list of anythg, but that hasn't stopped om surg the world to fd 50 bars wh all the right quali to make you feel at AMERICAS:USAATLANTAMARY'STheme nights range om outrageo to downright unsavory: Hanky Co Party, No Pants Dance, and MondoHomo, to name a few. The openly gay bar is a relatively new addn to the social space scene, and beme que mon que quickly, perhaps, some say, too, most straight folks have ltle fear of homosexualy, and gay bars bee their jot du jour--to the horror of many men and women who wish they still had their sacred space ee of bachelorette parti (read Drew Droege's take on this phenomenon). THE TIN ROOM: It's all about the go-go boys and their pol at this Dallas hotspot, which allows anyone 18 and over, which means plenty of young guns n be found roamg the expansive, dimply l, OhCLUB MASQUE: Gays, girls, straights, bis, and drag queens aplenty dance the night away unr one roof.

Don't let exposed brick and velveteen curtas fool you, Bolt's open to all, and would love to have VEGAS, NevadaKRAVE MASSIVE: Callg self the "world's largt gay bar, " and featurg Ibiza-sized danced floors, five themed dance rooms, three bars, two stag, a VIP lounge, a marti lounge, a gift shop ('s Vegas remember) and a theater, and more go-go boys than you n shake your stick at, Krave Massive may be the biggt homo pleasure place on Earth. ) and the perfect pat, this is where many a gay brgs his or her out-of-town pals to see and experience the heart of Perhaps the social epicenter of hard-partyg Alterna-Wood, Akbar is the go-to spot the middle of Los Angel's antigloss neighborhoods of Los Feliz, Silver Lake, and Echo Park.

MANCHESTER, New HampshireBREEZEWAY PUB: Unplited fun and dallianc n be found at the aptly named Breezeway Pub , FloridaJAMBOREE LOUNGE: A wonrful boozy dive bar where the drks are strong and so is the sleaze, this is a perfect antidote to the overwhelmg to the technilor displays seen at other Miami The ial gay at hoe, a plethora of rooms to play awa here this South Beach mt. And ask please before they p a LAFITTE IN EXILE: The olst gay bar the Uned Stat, 's a great iendly hangout even if do feel like a dgy dive for the most part, wh vio screens and cmmy FRIENDS: In the heart of New Orleans's French Quarter, you're sure to make some new pals over pool, shuffleboard, and cheap drks at Good OZ: The most popular dance club the French Quarter.


Gay Events & Parti. The bt gui to gay dance parti, gay pris and other LGBT events USA, Europe and Asia. Updated regularly. * best gay nightlife in the world *

INDUSTRY: As Hell's Kchen has overtaken Chelsea as the gayborhood of the moment, Indtry (om the same people who brought you Elmo and Barracuda) outsh as the stand-and-mol masterpiece where the boys (and girls) are pretty and the nights stretch until ': The gran dame of New York Cy's gay bars, Juli' is the olst, most ntuoly popular and poppg gay bar town. The boys are wonrful, the mic lively, the vtage photos pellg and the burgers and tater tots are a mt-have durg late night 'S CRISIS: Another oldie but goodie the Big Apple, Marie's Crisis has been on the scene for almost four s and prr to that this basement space was a pre-prohibn gay bar and before that was a brothel.

For a different kd of vibe than you'd expect at a gay bar, take advantage of the photo booth or Skee-Ball The newt (and one of the few) gay-centric dance clubs the cy has weekly themed parti, special gut DJs, and some of the hottt boys om around the world lookg for a night of sweaty dancg. OKLAHOMA CITY, OklahomaTHE BOOM: The Boom's rint drag star Renee Hilton and her drag queen sisters are some of the bt the cy, but you n only go to one event here, make sure 's this rtrant/bar's gospel Sunday, NebraskaDC SALOON: There's not an ounce of pretense and jt the right amount of sleaze this bar or among s clientele, primarily a mix of lol bears and leather MAX: The Max scrib self as "the bt gay dance club Ameri. Loted on the San Anton Strip, 's the perfect place to pre-game before headg over to Heat or JUAN, Puerto RiCIRCO: This small spot Santurce, the hub for gay nightlife, packs 'em --for the drag queens, for the dancg--and, even better, no matter how crowd gets, there's always a great vibe.


Lookg for the bt gay-iendly ci to vis? We asked the top LGBT travel bloggers om around to world to remend their favoure statns * best gay nightlife in the world *

CHILESANTIAGODIONISIO: In addn to beg the first gay bar the Bellavista neighborhood, Dnis has the charm and character of an off-the-beaten path nightclub, plete wh small ndlel tabl and a stageful of bawdy PRINCIPE: See how Chileans do theme night at this always rc bar and club, home to many of the cy's bt drag + MEDITERRANEANAUSTRIAVIENNABLUE ORANGE: One of the more popular rtrant chas Vienna, Blue Orange offers some of the bt breakfast fare the pal. Although not particularly fashnable, 's always crowd a good way, wh lots of nooks for CAFE: Most of the actn tak place on the siwalk at see-and-be-seen-bar, where handsome French gents take cisg to the next level, and look oh-so-chic dog Charmg and zy, wh staff that will go out of their way to engage you, Okawa stands out on Rue Vieille-du-Temple, a street punctuated wh the gay bars of the Marais, the gayt part of gay Paris.


Travel Gay gui to Europe's bt gay snas London, Paris, Berl and beyond. Gay sna gui - gay travel Europe. * best gay nightlife in the world *

PANORAMA BAR/BERGHAIN: An enormo Ferris wheel si sets the stage for Bergha, the ultimate rgmaster's n of iquy: myriad v, ns, dance floors, locker rooms, and bathtubs, while Panorama Bar, a world-class dance club wh an unrivaled lp of ternatnal DJs, occupi the upper 'S BAR: The crowd is young, gged (thk T-shirts, flannel, and leather), and 'ber-nghty at Berl's classic gay n for "succsful cisg". RUSSIAMOSCOW12 VOLT: A mixed crowd of younger and cidly, tentnally hip Mosw help give poppy, lorful 12 Volt a sh of thentic, uneded Rsian Rsia's ernment and public at large railg agast "homosexual propaganda, " but you wouldn't know by lookg at Sharm's dance floor, where men and drag queens let loose to Rsian and.


* best gay nightlife in the world *

" If that's not your speed, the downstairs area has an timate outsi ck to take weather and pool CORNER: A tavern that's more of a drkg tablishment where you'll watch a gby match rather than a hardre club, you're most likely to fd your bear iends equentg, was opened by gay guys and serv a weekly "braai, " Aikaans for grilled meat, an sential social ctom. The crowd, though mostly straight, is almost exclively expat, so if there's a well-heeled homo travelg through Kathmandu at the same time you are, chanc are he'll swg through PHILIPPINESMANILABIG PAPA: One of many "macho dancer bars" Manila, bars where the mcle-bound go-go bars dance artfully to moody mic stead of gyratg to the bass, Big Papa's also one of the bt. The right to change legal genr has been place sce 2012 and anti-discrimatn laws are full force Rosar and the big pal cy, Buenos love Buenos Air bee has one of the bt gay scen across Lat Ameri, which is heavily supported by the ernment, particular Augt when has s BADiversa week every Augt.

Gran Canaria also has several gay pri ftivals happeng throughout the year such as the Maspalomas Fetish Week October, Maspalomas Wter Pri November, Carnivals Febary (both Maspalomas and Las Palmas), Maspalomas Gay Pri May and fally numero bear parti October and another of our favoure experienc Gran Canaria was takg a boat trip (n by Canarias Gay) wh iends to the remote beach lled Gui Gui.

Therefore, public displays of affectn (PDAs) and topics like sex and sexualy are thgs Japane do not talk about, though genr norms are more fluid Japan than elsewhere the LGBT people Japan are jt ‘gay for the weekend’ and often even have a ‘normal’ fay durg the rt of the week. To bat this factor, we have put together this specially curated list of the very bt queer and gay-specific hotels om all about the world – factorg both the mer of the tablishments’ lotn, their reputatn as a place of acmodatn, and how well they ter towards queer crowds and their unique needs and preferenc. Jt like the Seven Hotel and Wellns that me before , the Alpha Gay Rort and Spa is home to far more than s fair share of eebi and plimentary servic, cludg s daily breakfasts, s astoundgly betiful pool and stg area, and – of urse – the extend length of s mon areas, bar, and socializatn spac.


A gay gui to the USA. Reviews, maps and rmatn verg the major towns and ci om Alaska to New York. * best gay nightlife in the world *

The Bo Put district surroundgs of the Alpha Gay Rort and Spa are among some of the most queer-leang and ternatnal the entire span of the Koh Samui island that ss upon, and even if you’re not terted dippg your to to the gs and gogs of the lol nightlife, there’s more than enough activy gog on at the hotel’s bar and rtrat to keep you occupied. The rooms of the Hôtel Gaytherg are among some of the most fortable and well-round out of all the lotns on this list, and there’s an discernible somethg about them that mak clear that this hotel is queer, excg, and here to stay as one of the US’s most important gay hotels for a very long time.

The B&B First Floor is a specifilly gay-terg hotel that fds self wh perhaps ls than a mute’s walk of the Colossm and many of Rome’s most famo historil landmarks and – direct ntrast to the ancient importance of s surroundgs – as a part of the heart of the cy’s most famo LGBTQ+ district.

Kted out wh everythg om an expansive pool area to a golf urse, the Hacienda at Warm Sands is a pure gem of luxury and exquise, queer-centric service, and new arrivals to the hotel will fd almost impossible to believe that a lotn this exclive uld be targeted to gay and LGBTQ+ crowds alone. Although this list of the top twenty most fabulo gay hotels the world is very nearly over, we still have time to dart back around to the US of A for one last excellent lotn – a te blockbter of a hotel that brgs a classic yet fe-tuned touch to the queer-tered fun we’ve been enjoyg so much along the way. Many gay bars are loted The Castro, one of the first gay neighborhoods the 's On TodayBadlands SaloonBINGO at 8:30PM wh Jimmy EmersonBadlands SaloonWednday Night KaraokeThe Stonewall InnPIANO BARBOXERS - ChelseaKaraokeBOXERS - ChelseaBgoTwistShowtune WedndaysIndtrySister SisterIndtryThe Help: Pixie AventuraThe STUD (Permanently Closed)Sg for Your Life Karaoke440 Castro$2 Beer All Day and All NightThe Club Fort Lrdale1/2 Price RoomsSteamworks ChigoBoyz Night Smarty Pants BarTriviaTudayPiranhaPirahna Tudays – Las Vegas Gay NightclubDallas EagleUnrwear NightRAGEClub Jete (Every 3rd Wednday).


NEW QUEENS ON THE BLOCK(every last Wednday)DIK BarKaraokeThe Crew ClubNaked YogaSwgg Richards - CLOSEDGay StrippersAtlanta EAGLEUnrwear NightCy Si LoungeT-PartyCy Si LoungeKaraokeRedleMercury RetrograRedleOn Wedndays We Do DragWildroseKaraokeUnirnDrag BgoSteamworks Baths SeattleBear NightPonyKaraokeFlicksKaraoke NightPat O's Bunkhoe SaloonKaraokeThe Cash Nightclub & LoungeDance LsonsThe Cash Nightclub & LoungeKaraokeKarambaSalsaCshTriviaSilveradoBear, Cub and Otter Night Hank'sBear NightCherry's9pm - Hedda Lettuce LiveCherry's9pm-12am - Bgo wh Valerie! Grand Central (CLOSED)Sync or Sg wh Sherry BlossomGrand Central (CLOSED) Wild Wednday's hosted by Briella DeVille Derèon Xstasy Bar & LoungeBgoMetropolanKaraokeMetropolanTriviaMacri ParkKaraokeHoe of YESWednday, Nov 17, 2021: WALK THE WALK - A Fashn Show Dance ExtravaganzaSan Diego EagleFree PoolSan Diego EagleWei-nee WedndayPecs BarPoundTown @ PECSHillcrt Brewg TWOsdaysNellie's Sports BarDrag Bgo / KaraokeNellie's Sports BarTriviaMenjo'sFetish/Kk NightMenjo'sUnrwear ConttSplash Bar IncKaraokeSplash Bar IncTriviaJR's Bar & GrillDragAlbatross BarDrag BgoICONSherry PoppsICONFita LataJacqu' CabaretKaraoke BuffetGood Friends BarKaraokeCutter'sTrivia Night5 Star SaloonKaraokeCarl's The SaloonFree PoolTwist Social ClubKaraokeCavan's Irish PubKaraokeBernard's TavernTriviaCharlie's Nightclub DenverGam NightCharlie's Nightclub DenverKaraoke and DragX BarKaraokeBlh and BluUnrground PoetryBlh and BluTexas Hold'em and KaraokeThe Triangle DenverTriviaThe SaloonKaraokeThe SaloonBgoThe Lipstick LoungeTriviaThe Lipstick LoungeKaraokeThe MaxKaraokeFlixxTrivia & AnswersThe Pumpg StatnDIY KaraokeD's BarKaraokeD's BarTriviaFlex Nightclub and BarKaraokeFlex Nightclub and BarBgo and KaraokeInCahoots NightclubKaraokeZonie's ClosetDrk N SyncEnigma St PeteTalent ConttUptown Arts BarMic Open MicUptown Arts BarPoetry NightWaterworks PubDragBonham ExchangeKaraokeClub CummgThe Curfew ShowClub CummgGladys KnightsWAVE Vio BarStage & Screen Mil NightThe Deep EndKaraoke WedndaysLipsTwisted BroadwayThe GlenwoodKaraoke NightHome Base TavernKaraoke Night - 10pm till closg Home Base TavernFree Pool - 9pm till closgThe Back DoorOpen Stage WedndaysSpotlight LoungeWd Down Wedndays (4pm - 8pm) Flex Cocktail LoungeClassic Tudays (om 8pm)Flex Cocktail LoungeSg Along Wh Viv (om 9pm)The GarageHappy Hour (11am - 7pm)The BirdgeKaraokeHARDWARE BarDrag SwapHARDWARE BarCshHARDWARE BarPRIMA WedndaysWhat's On TomorrowBadlands SaloonBINGO at 8:30PM wh Jimmy EmersonBadlands SaloonWednday Night KaraokeBadlands SaloonTNT - Thursday Night TriviaThe Stonewall InnPIANO BARThe Manhattan MonsterSpunk ThursdayBOXERS - ChelseaKaraokeBOXERS - ChelseaBgoTwistShowtune WedndaysIndtrySister SisterIndtryThe Help: Pixie AventuraIndtryQueen - Weekly Drag RevueThe STUD (Permanently Closed)Sg for Your Life Karaoke440 Castro$2 Beer All Day and All NightThe Club Fort Lrdale1/2 Price RoomsThe Club Fort Lrdale1/2 Price LockersSteamworks ChigoBoyz Night Steamworks ChigoLights OutSmarty Pants BarTriviaTudaySmarty Pants BarThursday Night Men's Unrwear NightThe PUB Wilton Manors Anton EdwardsPiranhaPirahna Tudays – Las Vegas Gay NightclubDallas EagleUnrwear NightRAGEClub Jete (Every 3rd Wednday). NEW QUEENS ON THE BLOCK(every last Wednday)RAGEHs of Starr Drag Show DIK BarKaraokeThe Crew ClubNaked YogaSwgg Richards - CLOSEDGay StrippersAtlanta EAGLEUnrwear NightAtlanta EAGLEBlackout NightClub CobraTRANSFIXCy Si LoungeT-PartyCy Si LoungeKaraokeCy Si LoungeTriviaRedleMercury RetrograRedleOn Wedndays We Do DragRedleThursdays Are A DragWildroseKaraokeUnirnDrag BgoUnirnTriviaSteamworks Baths SeattleBear NightSteamworks Baths SeattleTwk NightPonyKaraokeFlicksKaraoke NightFlicksGo-go Dancers and DJRich's San DiegoLadi night and go-go girlsThe RailTrivia NightPat O's Bunkhoe SaloonKaraokePat O's Bunkhoe SaloonUnrwear NightThe Cash Nightclub & LoungeDance LsonsThe Cash Nightclub & LoungeKaraokeThe Cash Nightclub & LoungeTriviaKarambaSalsaCshTriviaSilveradoBear, Cub and Otter Night Hank'sBear NightCherry's9pm - Hedda Lettuce LiveCherry's9pm-12am - Bgo wh Valerie!


MixersKaraokeGrand Central (CLOSED)Sync or Sg wh Sherry BlossomGrand Central (CLOSED) Wild Wednday's hosted by Briella DeVille Derèon Grand Central (CLOSED)Karaoke Nights Wh BombalicXstasy Bar & LoungeBgoXstasy Bar & LoungeSassy ThursdaysMetropolanKaraokeMetropolanTriviaMacri ParkKaraokeHoe of YESWednday, Nov 17, 2021: WALK THE WALK - A Fashn Show Dance ExtravaganzaSan Diego EagleFree PoolSan Diego EagleWei-nee WedndayPecs BarPoundTown @ PECSFita Canta - Hillcrt (TEMP CLOSED)Play ThursDaze - Hosted by Landa PlentyHillcrt Brewg TWOsdaysHillcrt Brewg Rh Thursdays and All-Night Hoppy HourNellie's Sports BarDrag Bgo / KaraokeNellie's Sports BarTriviaThe Liberty BarKaraokeMenjo'sFetish/Kk NightMenjo'sUnrwear ConttSplash Bar IncKaraokeSplash Bar IncTriviaJR's Bar & GrillDragJR's Bar & GrillKaraokeAlbatross BarDrag BgoICONSherry PoppsICONFita LataICONKaraoke ThursdayJacqu' CabaretKaraoke BuffetGood Friends BarKaraokeCutter'sTrivia Night5 Star SaloonKaraokeCarl's The SaloonFree PoolTwist Social ClubKaraokeAWOLKaraokeCavan's Irish PubKaraokeBernard's TavernTriviaBernard's TavernKaraokeCharlie's Nightclub DenverGam NightCharlie's Nightclub DenverKaraoke and DragX BarKaraokeThe Clocktower CabaretBurlqueBlh and BluUnrground PoetryBlh and BluTexas Hold'em and KaraokeBlh and BluComedyThe Triangle DenverTriviaThe SaloonKaraokeThe SaloonBgoThe Lipstick LoungeTriviaThe Lipstick LoungeKaraokeThe MaxKaraokeFlixxTrivia & AnswersFlixxKaraokeThe Pumpg StatnDIY KaraokeD's BarKaraokeD's BarTriviaD's BarDragFlex Nightclub and BarKaraokeFlex Nightclub and BarBgo and KaraokeMiraBarKaraoke ThursdayInCahoots NightclubKaraokeZonie's ClosetDrk N SyncZonie's ClosetOpen StageEnigma St PeteTalent ConttUptown Arts BarMic Open MicUptown Arts BarPoetry NightUptown Arts BarKaraokeWaterworks PubDragOh BarKaraokeBonham ExchangeKaraokeClub CummgThe Curfew ShowClub CummgGladys KnightsClub CummgPanmic BurlqueWAVE Vio BarStage & Screen Mil NightThe Deep EndKaraoke WedndaysThe Deep EndFemme TurfGreen LanternShirtls men drk ee - 22:00 - 23:00LipsTwisted BroadwayLipsDner Wh The DivasMidway CafeQueeraoke Hamburger Mary’s ClearwaterTBT ThursdayThe GlenwoodKaraoke NightThe GlenwoodTrivia NightClub MarcellaTasty ThursdaysHome Base TavernKaraoke Night - 10pm till closg Home Base TavernFree Pool - 9pm till closgThe Back DoorOpen Stage WedndaysThe Back DoorFree Ttg ThursdaysThe Garn Las VegasHappy Hour (5pm - 7pm)Spotlight LoungeWd Down Wedndays (4pm - 8pm) Flex Cocktail LoungeClassic Tudays (om 8pm)Flex Cocktail LoungeSg Along Wh Viv (om 9pm)Flex Cocktail LoungeFlamBOYance (om 8:30pm), Club Flex (10pm - late)The GarageHappy Hour (11am - 7pm)The BirdgeKaraokeThe Birdge90s NightHARDWARE BarDrag SwapHARDWARE BarCshHARDWARE BarPRIMA WedndaysHARDWARE BarTKO ThursdaysHARDWARE BarKockyBook A Travel Gay Approved HotelLotnCheck InCheck OutGutsSearchAbout USAHomosexual activyLegalJune 26, 2003Same-sex marriageLegalJune 26, 2015LGBT discrimatnvariJune 15, 2020Equal age of nsentEqualLearn MoreTrendg Hotels USAFoxberry InnThe Peabody MemphisThe Wt Memphis Beale StreetSheraton Memphis Downtown HotelFour Pots by Sheraton Memphis EastNews & FeaturTravel Gay meets Stephen Fry"I've tried to learn to five myself for days that aren't good.

Its enomy has MoreA Gay Gui to HonoluluWhilst Honolulu don’t have the same expansive gay scen as ci such as San MoreA Gay Gui to San DiegoMuch like s Californian neighbors of San Francis and Los Angel, San Diego is a MoreA Gay Gui to TampaThere is a wealth of gay venu Tampa’s gay district of Ybor Cy, a historic and MoreThgs To Do Las VegasLas Vegas don’t do subtlety. MoreThe World's Bt Gay BeachWe rank The World's Bt Gay Beach - om sun-soaked stretch of Koh Samui to R De MoreGay Cisg the USAHere's our gui to some of Ameri's ft gay cise clubs and adult entertament MoreBt Gay Hotels Palm SprgsPalm Sprgs is one of the bt statns the USA for gay travelers... MoreThgs To Do BostonStroll through the swanky Bean Hill neighborhood, try some clam chowr and have a cup MoreThgs To Do Fort LrdaleWh s stretchg astle of sandy beach, tropil climate and thrivg gay MoreA Gay Gui to AtlantaThe pal of Geia and home to more than 6 ln people, Atlanta is a vibrant and MoreThgs To Do OrlandoWh s vibrant and lorful neighbourhoods, close proximy to some of the USA’s bt MoreThe bt gay beach Fort LrdaleFort Lrdale is an imprsive cy s own right, however, what mak this hub of MoreA Gay Gui to ChigoStg on the banks of Lake Michigan and holdg the tle of the third-largt cy MoreLos Angel' Coolt NeighborhoodsLos Angel is a cy of neighborhoods and districts, and has a lot of them.


Gay USA Gui 2023 - gay bars, clubs, snas & more - Travel Gay .