What Do It Mean to be Gay? Defn and Meang of Gay | HealthyPlace

the definition of gayest

The meang of HOMOSEXUALITY is sexual or romantic attractn to others of one's same sex : the qualy or state of beg gay. Usage of Homosexualy: Usage Gui



The meang of GAY is of, relatg to, or characterized by sexual or romantic attractn to people of one's same sex —often ed to refer to men only. How to e gay a sentence. Usage of Gay: Usage Gui Synonym Discsn of Gay. * the definition of gayest *

Before Sibley, a gay teen was allegedly murred Brooklyn — shot, burned and left on tra tracks Febary. Women are also more likely to embrace environmental , while men tend to view habs like brgg a rsable bag to the grocery store as gay or emasculatg.

Robson was an openly gay sger-songwrer who performed unr the name Jonty Dream, his iend Tenille Clarke wrote for Brish Vogue.

Given to social pleasur, pecially at the expense of ser pursus: "You know she is gay, and wild, lov pany and mirth, and that was her impatience of rtrat the thgs, that ma the breach between her and her father" (Daniel Defoe). ]gay′ns Note: The word gay is now standard s e to refer to people whose sexual orientatn is to the same sex, large part bee is the term that most gay people prefer referrg to themselv.


Defe gayt. gayt synonyms, gayt pronunciatn, gayt translatn, English dictnary fn of gayt. adj. gay·er , gay·t 1. Of, relatg to, or havg a sexual orientatn to persons of the same sex. 2. Showg or characterized by cheerfulns and... * the definition of gayest *

Gay is generally nsired objectnable when ed as a noun to refer to particular dividuals, as There were two gays on the panel; here phrasg such as Two members of the panel were gay is preferable.

But there is no objectn to the e of the noun the plural to refer llectively eher to gay men or to gay men and lbians, so long as is clear whether men alone or both men and women are beg discsed.


Gay fn, unfed See more." name="scriptn * the definition of gayest *

[C13: om Old French gai, om Old Provençal, of Germanic orig]ˈgayns nUsage: Gayns is the word ed to refer to homosexualy. 1685–1732, English poet and dramatist; thor of The Beggar's Opera (1728)Colls English Dictnary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edn 2014 © HarperColls Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014gay (geɪ) adj., -er, -t, n., adv.

* the definition of gayest *

A homosexual man n be referred to as a gays were worried about the new is sometim ed to scribe lours, plac, or piec of mic which make people feel cheerful bee they are bright or lively. ThsAntonymsRelated - someone who practic homosexualy; havg a sexual attractn to persons of the same sexhomo, homophile, homosexualdividual, mortal, person, somebody, someone, soul - a human beg; "there was too much for one person to do"gay man - a homosexual mangay woman, triba - a female - bright and pleasant; promotg a feelg of cheer; "a cheery hello"; "a gay sunny room"; "a sunny se"cheery, sunnycheerful - beg full of or promotg cheer; havg or showg good spirs; "her cheerful nature"; "a cheerful greetg"; "a cheerful room"; "as cheerful as anyone nfed to a hospal bed uld be" - full of or showg high-spired merriment; "when hearts were young and gay"; "a poet uld not but be gay, such a jocund pany"- Wordsworth; "the jolly crowd at the rnn"; "jolly old Sat Nick"; "a jovial old gentleman"; "have a merry Christmas"; "peals of merry lghter"; "a mirthful lgh"jocund, jolly, jovial, merry, mirthfuljoyo - full of or characterized by joy; "felt a joyo abandon"; "joyo lghter" - given to social pleasur often cludg dissipatn; "led a gay Bohemian life"; "a gay old rogue wh an eye for the ladi"dulgent - characterized by or given to yieldg to the wish of someone; "dulgent grandparents" - brightly lored and showy; "girls cked out brave new drs"; "brave banners flyg"; "`braw' is a Sttish word"; "a drs a b too gay for her years"; "birds wh gay plumage"braw, bravelourful, lorful - strikg variety and tert; "a lorful perd of history"; "a lorful character"; "lorful language" - offerg fun and gaiety; "a ftive (or ftal) ocsn"; "gay and excg night life"; "a merry eveng"ftal, ftive, merryjoyo - full of or characterized by joy; "felt a joyo abandon"; "joyo lghter" - homosexual or arog homosexual sirhomophile, queerBased on WordNet 3. Homosexual, mp (rmal), lbian, pk (rmal), bent (offensive slang), queer (rmal, rogatory), same-sex, sapphic, dykey (slang), poofy (offensive slang), moffie (S.

Cheerful, happy, bright, glad, lively, sparklg, sunny, jolly, animated, merry, upbeat (rmal), buoyant, cheery, joyo, joyful, reee, jnty, chirpy (rmal), vivac, jovial, gleeful, bonair, blhe, souciant, full of beans (rmal), light-hearted I am good health, gay and cheerful. Lourful, rich, bright, brilliant, vivid, flamboyant, flashy, gdy, garish, showy I like gay, vibrant posters. Rogatory slang), batty boy (slang), bull dyke (slang), shirt-lifter (rogatory slang), dyke or dike (slang) Gays have proved themselv to be style lears.

Homosexual straight, heterosexualUsage: By far the most mon and up-to-date e of the word gay is reference to beg homosexual.

Gayns fn, gay or lbian sexual orientatn or behavr. See more." name="scriptn * the definition of gayest *

Translatnsزاهٍلواطيلواطي، أحادي الجنسمَرِح، جَذِلбезгриженвеселхомосексуаленшаренhomosexuálhomosexuálníjásavýptrývelýbøssefarvtrålengladhomoseksuellbisk kvgajasamseksemaeläväenhilpeähomohomoseksuaaleniloenboldogmelegkátur, glaîværlskrúîugursamkynhneigîurgėjhomoseksualistashomoseksualistųhomoseksualjtrskošspriecīgsspilgtshomoseksualenvelgaygladhomohomosexuellltiggay [geɪ]A. 1971, 1988 © HarperColls Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005gay [ˈgeɪ] adj(old-fashned) (= cheerful) → gai(e) [lour] → gai(e)Colls English/French Electronic Rource. © HarperColls Publishers 2005gay adj (+er)(= homosexual) person → schwul (f); (= for homosexuals) rights → für Schwule; sex → unter Schwulen; gay men and women → Schwule und Lben pl (f); gay movement → Schwulenbewegung f; gay bar → Schwulenkneipe f; gay marriage → gleichgchlechtliche Ehe, Homoehe f (f); gay group → Schwulengppe f; the gay muny → die Schwulen pl n → Schwule(r) mf; gay lib → die SchwulenbewegungColls German Dictnary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edn 2005.

N (homosexual) → gay mColls Italian Dictnary 1st Edn © HarperColls Publishers 1995gay (gei) adjective1. English-Spanish Medil Dictnary © Farlex 2012gay adj & n gay mf, homosexual mf, (female) lbianaEnglish-Spanish/Spanish-English Medil Dictnary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Compani, Inc. Adjective, gay·er, gay·, relatg to, or beg a person who is sexually or romantilly attracted to people of their own sex or genr: A gay uple strolled by on the, relatg to, or beg a person who is sexually or romantilly attracted only to people of their own sex or genr: Gay and bisexual men are both discsed this, ditg, or supportg terts or issu pertag to gay people or the gay muny: He giv charable ntributns to a gay anizatn.

(ed pecially of women and pecially poetry) betiful, lofty, noble, or excellent: The learned man hath got the lady gay. Sexually unrtraed; havg loose morals: In the 1930s movie, the baron is referred to as “a gay old rogue wh an eye for the ladi. Appropriately forward or bold; overly faiar; reckls: Gee got gay at the Christmas party and sudnly swept his boss's wife onto the dance floor.

The meang of HOMOSEXUAL is of, relatg to, or characterized by sexual or romantic attractn to people of one's same sex : gay. How to e homosexual a sentence. Usage of Homosexual: Usage Gui * the definition of gayest *

A person, pecially a man, who is sexually or romantilly attracted exclively to people of the same sex or of gay1First rerd 1275–1325; Middle English gai, om Old French “happy, cheerful, ” om Germanic; pare Old High German gāhi “fast, sudn”age alert For gayThe sexual orientatn meang of the word gay has bee so predomant that people hate to e the term s origal sens of “merry, lively” and “bright or showy.

Gay is a word wh many meangs. A gay person is homosexual, but if we scribe somethg like a scene or a party as gay, that means 's bright, merry, and happy. * the definition of gayest *

This sexual world clud gay men too, and gay as an adjective the sexual meang go back at least to the late 1930s. After World War II, as social attus toward sexualy began to change, gay was applied openly by gay men to themselv, first as an adjective and later as a noun.


Gayt - fn of gayt by The Free Dictnary .