German misters say Rsian gay law smacks of dictatorship | Rters

gay politicians germany

The German ernment has pledged to do more to uphold the rights of lbian, gay, bisexual, transgenr, and tersex (LGBTI) people abroad. The mment is clud s multifaceted strategy for foreign policy and velopment operatn, adopted on March 3, 2021.



* gay politicians germany *

(Berl) – The German ernment has pledged to do more to uphold the rights of lbian, gay, bisexual, transgenr, and tersex (LGBTI) people abroad, Human Rights Watch said today.

The adoptn of the LGBTI Incln Strategy is the rult of staed advocy om German civil society groups sce 2012, spearhead by the Lbian and Gay Feratn Germany (Der Lben- und Schwulenverband Dtschland, LSVD), the Hirschfeld-Eddy Foundatn, and the Yogyakarta-Alliance.


From the US’ Pete Buttigieg, to Germany’s Jens Spahn and Serbia’s Ana Brnabić, there are more openly gay and lbian policians senr ernments around the globe than ever before * gay politicians germany *

Openly gay ternatnal policians, om left: Ana Brnabić, Xavier Bettel, Jens Spahn, Pete Buttigieg, Grant Robertson.

5 of the most powerful LGBT policians the world: om Joe Bin’s bet pick Pete Buttigieg, to Germany’s Jens Spahn and the gay prime misters of Serbia and Luxembourg. The prime misters of Luxembourg, Xavier Bettel, and of Serbia, Ana Brnabić, and New Zealand’s puty to Jacda Arrn, Grant Robertson, are all part of a wave of openly gay policians ernment Published: 10:25am, 22 Jan, 2021 Updated: 10:25am, 22 Jan, 2021 Openly gay ternatnal policians, om left: Ana Brnabić, Xavier Bettel, Jens Spahn, Pete Buttigieg, Grant Robertson. Hungary’s hardle natnalist ernment passed a new law earlier this month banng ntent that “promot” homosexualy and genr change om beg shared wh children, effectively prohibg any discsn of LGBTQ them schools.

In dog so, Orbán has followed the playbook of Poland’s ernment, which has been chippg away at the rights of the LGBTQ muny for a number of years, adoptg discrimatory rhetoric and stokg homophobia. “There’s a real regrsn happeng many different untri, and rights that had been regnized are now beg challenged, ” said Evelyne Paradis, the executive director of the European branch of the Internatnal Lbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Associatn (ILGA-Europe). Orbán, like the ernment Poland and some other untri, is tryg to prent homophobic polici as a way of protectg natnal valu.


How have openly lbian and gay policians feared German and Fnish polics om the 1980s to the prent day? The article follows anecdotally the reers of dividual lbian and gay polil actors two untri wh eher a mixed system of nstuency votg and list votg, or an open list wh multi-member districts by g newspaper and journal articl as s sourc. The fdgs of the article challenge perv unrstandgs about the natural nnectn between lbian and gay policians, movements and voters, as well as the most advantageo timg and ways for g out. Whereas both untri polician’s known homosexualy has transformed om a vastatg problem to a potential benef, the article also highlights the cisive role of genr buildg succsful polil reers as an openly homosexual polician high-level polics, and suggts to the endurgly genred and sexualized nstctedns of polics. * gay politicians germany *

“It’s not about homosexuals, ’s about the kids and the parents, ” he told reporters, addg that he was a “eedom fighter” durg Hungary’s munist era. She add that the ia of natn is often closely associated wh a tradnal fay and genr rol – another way to “other” the gay muny.

“You have plac like Germany, France, Spa where 85% or more say that homosexualy should be accepted by society and then once you’re past the dividg le, on the other si of the former Iron Curta, those numbers beg to fall pretty rapidly and then get even lower as you go to Rsia, ” he said.

Acrdg to Pohter’s rearch, 47% of people Poland and 49% of people Hungary say homosexualy should be accepted. “When you look at the former Eastern bloc, the untri had a long tradn of really progrsive legislatn towards LGBTQ rights, Poland for stance crimalized homosexualy 1932, which is really, really early, ” Kościańska said.


Germany is about to appot the first openly gay foreign mister the world. Send him to Iran! * gay politicians germany *

Duds said Hungary, too, was once ahead of Wtern Europe, crimalizg homosexualy 1961, although the muny remaed largely visible. AbstractHow have openly lbian and gay policians feared German and Fnish polics om the 1980s to the prent day? The article follows anecdotally the reers of dividual lbian and gay polil actors two untri wh eher a mixed system of nstuency votg and list votg, or an open list wh multi-member districts by g newspaper and journal articl as s sourc.

The fdgs of the article challenge perv unrstandgs about the natural nnectn between lbian and gay policians, movements and voters, as well as the most advantageo timg and ways for g out. Whereas both untri polician’s known homosexualy has transformed om a vastatg problem to a potential benef, the article also highlights the cisive role of genr buildg succsful polil reers as an openly homosexual polician high-level polics, and suggts to the endurgly genred and sexualized nstctedns of polics.

Cabet officials e and go Europe's mocraci, but this is different: Guido Wterwelle, the lear of the German Free Democratic Party, will bee the first openly gay foreign mister the world.


Two German bet misters have add to cricism of Rsia's anti-"gay propaganda" law, sayg Print Vladimir Put appeared to be leadg his untry to a "flawls dictatorship". * gay politicians germany *

The prevalence of openly gay policians Europe is hardly big news: Iceland's prime mister, Jóhanna Sigurðardóttir, is the world's first openly gay head of state; the mayors of Paris and Berl are also out of the closet.

And y, 's a tone that this uld occur Germany, a natn that only 70 years ago attempted to extermate homosexuals. But the tly signifint thg about Wterwelle's new job is not what means for Europe's enomic powerhoe—already a untry very tolerant of gays—but what means for the rt of the world. Wterwelle is about to bee the face that Germany prents overseas—which might be a problem for the natns where the nial of homosexualy and the imprisonment, torture, and murr of gay people are official state polici.

That's why, after he tak the helm of the Foreign Mistry, Wterwelle ought to kick off his tenure wh a tour of the world's most homophobic natns, speakg about the horrific ways which the regim treat their gay cizens.

Gay rights movement, civil rights movement that advot equal rights for LGBTQ persons—that is, for lbians, gays, bisexuals, transgenr persons, and queer persons—and lls for an end to discrimatn agast LGBTQ persons employment, cred, hog, public acmodatns, and other areas of life. * gay politicians germany *

In his famo addrs two years ago at Columbia Universy, Iranian Print Mahmoud Ahmadejad nied the very existence of homosexualy his untry—an absurd claim.

Three years ago, the se of two Iranian teenagers hanged for homosexualy drew worldwi Iran, 'd be on to nearby Sdi Arabia, which, spe a burgeong gay unrworld, beheads gay people. Then he uld fly down to Zimbabwe, where Print Robert Mugabe refers to gays as "perverts" who are "lower than dogs and pigs.


Send Germany's Openly Gay Foreign Mister Abroad! .