There’s no one right answer to this qutn, but we n help you expla to children what “gay” means while focg on love and fay.
A batn of great and gay. Used on thgs or persons that are generally awome but have a somewhat gay touch to . Also ed by people to sult others whout them noticg bee gayt pretty much sounds like great when 's said quickly enough." name="Dcriptn" property="og:scriptn * what does gayt mean *
A batn of great and gay.
Used on thgs or persons that are generally awome but have a somewhat gay touch to . Also ed by people to sult others whout them noticg bee gayt pretty much sounds like great when 's said quickly I went to Lord of the Dance last night, was gayt!
Nick: Wow Mike that vle solo of yours was gayt! Get the gayt What are you dog tonight? Why are you tellg people you are gog on a date when clearly is a gayte!
DEE DEE: Fuck my lifeGet the Gayte mug. Many tors are unsure how to rpond when a stunt asks you what do gay mean. An answer n be as simple as: “‘Gay’ means two people of the same genr who love each other – two women or two men.