ESRB: Mature</tle><path fill="#1B1615" d="M.119.117h54.824V74.6H.119V.117z"></path><path fill="#FFF" d="M51.63 3.277H3.454v11.237H51.63zM3.546 17.29h48.09v43.82H3.546z"></path><path fill="#FFF" d="M3.6 70.673v-6.588h9.685v1.54H7.489v.94h4.906v1.538H7.489v1.032h6.025v1.538H3.599zM21.735 66c-.057-.22-.274-.36-.556-.444-.277-.085-.62-.12-1.007-.12-.856 0-1.236.138-1.236.383 0 .975 6.829.365 6.829 2.76 0 1.527-2.296 2.272-5.559 2.272-3.135 0-5.175-1.017-5.258-2.207h3.721c.087.24.319.408.647.52.315.11.723.165 0 1.621-.171 1.621-.484 0-.997-6.834-.311-6.834-2.823 0-1.401 2.176-2.103 5.15-2.103 3.289 0 4.797.933 5.077 2.082h-3.704zM31.59 66.94h1.527c1.207 0 1.855-.173 1.855-.624 0-.466-.657-.69-1.57-.69H31.59v1.314zm0 1.437v2.296H27.7v-6.589h5.601c3.956 0 5.262.603 5.262 1.883 0 .762-.607 1.394-1.994 1.614 1.251.252 2.01.409 2.01 1.739 0 .857-.048 1.154.414 1.154v.199H35.05c-.099-.146-.196-.567-.196-1.15 0-.866-.262-1.146-2.076-1.146H31.59zM44.85 65.625v1.105h1.617c.771 0 1.338-.202 1.338-.578 0-.514-.765-.527-1.584-.527H44.85zm0 2.296v1.214h1.693c.961 0 1.687-.108 1.687-.601 0-.576-.902-.613-2.149-.613H44.85zm-3.892 2.753v-6.59h5.672c2.678 0 4.803.354 4.803 1.663 0 .678-.793 1.17-1.549 1.43 1.279.184 1.976.801 1.976 1.511 0 1.469-2.026 1.986-5.116 1.986h-5.786z"></path><path fill="#1B1615" d="M4.563 12.838V5.252h2.212l1.031 5.16h.019l1.088-5.16h2.136v7.586H9.715V6.987h-.016l-1.264 5.851H7.118L5.922 6.987h-.023v5.851H4.563zM11.666 12.838l1.822-7.586h1.814l1.78 7.586h-1.446l-.361-1.678h-1.877l-.374 1.678h-1.358zm2.648-6.126h-.022l-.623 3.28h1.315l-.67-3.28zM21.095 5.252v1.26h-1.529v6.326h-1.375V6.512h-1.525v-1.26zM26.17 5.252v5.381c0 .289-.038.569-.113.847a2.252 2.252 0 0 1-.37.746c-.174.22-.404.399-.692.534-.28.138-.636.206-1.05.206-.763 0-1.323-.21-1.692-.631-.363-.419-.55-.986-.55-1.702V5.252h1.373v5.277c0 .467.079.801.233 0 .526-.111.663-.334.141-.224.213-.547.213-.967V5.252h1.371zM28.637 12.838h-1.373V5.252h2.534c.475 0 .855.166 1.127.503.278.337.415.832.415 1.482 0 .484-.095.893-.277 1.231-.188.337-.499.547-.942.632v.02c. 0 .117 0 .286.006.501 0 .219.009.443.019.676. 2.026 0 0 1-.144-.724c-.006-.25-.006-.5-.006-.744 0-.226 0-.439-.003-.642a1.56 1.56 0 0 0-.09-.531.738.738 0 0 0-.291-.362c-.137-.091-.336-.138-.594-.138h-.356v3.141zm0-4.307h.611a.512.512 0 0 0 .333-.107.691.691 0 0 0 .217-.267c.057-.109.093-.229.116-.362.021-.133.033-.258.033-.377 0-.366-.063-.623-.184-.771a.63.63 0 0 0-.515-.229h-.611v2.113zM32.347 12.838V5.252h3.584v1.166h-2.207V8.29h2.036v1.165h-2.036v2.219h2.282v1.164h-3.659zM38.788 6.392c.233-.155.455-.323.666-.513.21-.19.4-.413.564-.669h1.219v7.629h-1.373V6.97a4.912 4.912 0 0 1-.518.462c-.18.137-.368.267-.558.391V6.392zM46.075 6.664l-1.543 6.175h-1.431l1.741-6.448h-2.174V5.21h3.407zM48.197 6.724h1.01v2.071h1.538v1.167h-1.538v2.07h-1.01v-2.07h-1.545V8.795h1.545z"></path><path fill="#1B1615" d="M6.678 27.32l13.824-3.715 7.877 18.509.067-.022-2.38-19.974 13.82-3.709 8.626 32.318-8.427 2.255-6.163-23.107-.07.029 2.616 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ballad of gay tony strangers

In this page you n fd the full list of Characters GTA IV: The Ballad of Gay Tony, the downloadable episo of Grand Theft Auto V. This lists all TBoGT...



This is a list of missns The Ballad of Gay Tony. In total, there are 26 missns, 6 si-missns, and 3 random character enunters (meetg two of them twice). A new feature to the seri is that the player is sred on the missn by their statistics (accuracy, headshots, time etc... * ballad of gay tony strangers *

This is a list of missns The Ballad of Gay Tony.


On this page, you fd the ultimate gui and checklist to achieve 100% Completn GTA IV: The Ballad of Gay Tony, wh all the required tasks. The... * ballad of gay tony strangers *

Navigatnv • d • eGrand Theft Auto seriGrand Theft AutoProtagonists | Liberty Cy (and New Guernsey) | San Andreas | Vice Cy | Characters | Missns | Vehicl | Weapons | Rad statns | CheatsGrand Theft Auto:LondonLondon 1969Protagonists | London | Characters | Missns | Vehicl | Weapons | Rad statns | CheatsLondon 1961Protagonists | London | Manchter | Characters | Missns | Vehicl | Weapons | Rad statnsGrand Theft Auto 2Cl Speed/GBC Protagonists | Anywhere Cy (Downtown | Rintial | Indtrial) | Characters | Gangs | Missns | Vehicl | Weapons | Rad statns | CheatsGrand Theft Auto III Cl | Liberty Cy | Characters | Gangs | Missns | Vehicl | Weapons | Rad statns | Achievements/Trophi | CheatsVice CyTommy Vercetti | Vice Cy | Characters | Missns | Vehicl | Weapons | Rad statns | Achievements/Trophi | CheatsSan AndreasCarl Johnson | State of San Andreas (Los Santos • San Fierro • Las Venturas • Red County • Flt County • Whetstone • Bone County • Tierra Robada) | Characters | Missns | Gangs | Vehicl | Weapons | Rad statns | Achievements/Trophi | CheatsAdvanceMike | Liberty Cy | Characters | Gangs | Missns | Vehicl | Weapons | Soundtrack | CheatsLiberty Cy StoriToni Cipriani | Liberty Cy | Characters | Gangs | Missns | Vehicl | Weapons | Rad statns | CheatsVice Cy StoriVictor Vance | Vice Cy | Characters | Gangs | Missns | Vehicl | Weapons | Rad statns | CheatsGrand Theft Auto IVNiko Bellic | Liberty Cy | Alrney | Characters | Gangs | Missns | Vehicl | Weapons | Rad statns | Achievements/Trophi | CheatsGrand Theft Auto:Episos om Liberty CyThe Lost and DamnedJohnny Klebz | Liberty Cy | Alrney | Characters | Gangs | Missns | Vehicl | Weapons | Rad statns | Achievements/Trophi | CheatsThe Ballad of Gay TonyLuis Fernando Lopez | Liberty Cy | Alrney | Characters | Gangs | Missns | Vehicl | Weapons | Rad statns | Achievements/Trophi | CheatsChatown WarsHuang Lee | Liberty Cy | Characters | Gangs | Missns | Vehicl | Weapons | Rad statns | CheatsGrand Theft Auto VMichael De Santa | Trevor Philips | Frankl Clton | Southern San Andreas (Los Santos (County) | Blae County) | State of North Yankton (Lundorff) | Characters | Gangs | Missns | Weapons | Vehicl | Rad statns | Achievements/Trophi | CheatsGrand Theft Auto OnleGTA Onle Protagonist (Crews | Organizatns | Motorcycle Clubs) | Southern San Andreas (Los Santos (County) | Blae County) | The Caribbean (Cayo Peri) | Missns | Jobs | Gangs | Vehicl | Weapons | Rad statns | Reputatn (Arena Pots | LS Car Meet) | Content Updat | Events | Achievements/Trophi | AwardsRelatedUpg Grand Theft Auto tle | Collectibl | Multiplayer | Modifitns | Controversy.

v • d • eThe Ballad of Gay TonyLotnsLiberty Cy (Algonqu | Bohan | Broker | D) | AlrneyCharactersCharacters | Luis Lopez | Tony Prce | Yuf Amir | Ray Bulgar | Roc Pelosi | Mori Kibbutz | Adriana Yanira Lopez | Armando Torr | Henrique BardasContentFeatur | Safeho | Trailers | Vehicl | WeaponsGameplay100% Completn | Achievements and Trophi | Cheats | Missns | Nightclubs (Maisote 9 and Hercul) | SeagullsCrossoversDiamonds | Hero | Impossible Try (Mm Piece, Collector's Item, and Not So Fast). v • d • eMissns The Ballad of Gay TonyIntroductnI Luv LCTony Prce(Gay Tony) Part 1Practice Swg | Che TakeoutPart 2Bang Bang | Blog This!... Cage Fighters | Club Management | Random EnuntersMissns The Ballad of Gay Tony (Category) | Missns | Beta Missns | Si Missns (Category)* not the fal story missn.

On this page, you fd the ultimate gui and checklist to achieve 100% Completn GTA IV: The Ballad of Gay Tony, wh all the required tasks. The Ballad of Gay Tony is the send expansn add to Grand Theft Auto IV, based Liberty Cy. You play as Luis Fernando Lopez, a young associate of Gay Tony Prce, whom he helps out wh managg his high-end nightclubs Algonqu.


Grand Theft Auto: The Ballad of Gay Tony Ma Theme Grand Theft Auto: The Ballad of Gay Tony (official abbreviatn TBoGT) is the send episo of two downloadable add-ons for Grand Theft Auto IV. It is the fourth expansn pack the Grand Theft Auto seri and the fourteenth release the... * ballad of gay tony strangers *

To ease your task of fully pletg Grand Theft Auto: The Ballad of Gay Tony, we've created this full list of all the tasks required to achieve 100% pletn GTA IV The Ballad of Gay Tony.


For Grand Theft Auto IV: The Ballad of Gay Tony on the Xbox 360, a GameFAQs msage board topic tled "Stranger the club?". * ballad of gay tony strangers *

For each task, you n fd out extra rmatn by accsg the lks to our The Ballad of Gay Tony Guis.

GTA IV The Ballad of Gay Tony: Missns (80%)Complete all 26 Storyle Missns (60%)Complete 8 Club Management Missns (10%)Complete all 3 Random Character's Enunters (5%)Complete 25 Dg Wars (2. 5%)GTA IV The Ballad of Gay Tony: Activi & Friends (15%)Do all Friend Activi wh Armando & Henrique (5%)W a game of PoolW a game of DartsW a game of GolfW a game of Air HockeyW the Cage Fightg ChampnshipW the Champagne Drkg ConttDance succsfully Hercul and Maisote clubsGTA IV The Ballad of Gay Tony: Collectibl (5%)Complete all 15 Base Jumps (2.

5%)GTA IV The Ballad of Gay Tony: 100% Completn RewardsTasks NOT Required for 100% CompletnGTA IV The Ballad of Gay Tony: 100% Completn Vio Walkthrough. GTA IV The Ballad of Gay Tony: Missns (80%). Fd Arnd, Daisie, and Margot, the 3 random characters available The Ballad of Gay Tony, and help them out wh their tasks.


Highly provotive expansn wh dgs, sex, and killg. Read Common Sense Media's Grand Theft Auto IV: The Ballad of Gay Tony review, age ratg, and parents gui. * ballad of gay tony strangers *

GTA IV The Ballad of Gay Tony: Activi & Friends (15%). GTA IV The Ballad of Gay Tony: Collectibl (5%). Here is a map of all the seagull lotns GTA IV The Ballad of Gay Tony:.


In this sectn you fd the full list of all Story Missns GTA IV: The Ballad of Gay Tony chronologil orr. There is a total of 26 missns the... * ballad of gay tony strangers *

Achievg 100% Completn of Grand Theft Auto: The Ballad of Gay Tony allows the player to buy unlimed ammunn for their weapons. Well, there are many more thgs to do GTA IV The Ballad of Gay Tony, which are not actually required for 100% pletn of the game, such as:. GTA IV The Ballad of Gay Tony: 100% Completn Vio Walkthrough.

This was everythg you need to know to achieve 100% Completn GTA IV: The Ballad of Gay Tony! While both the GTA 4 DLC episos were crilly acclaimed, Ballad of Gay Tony is the shg example that stands out.

A retrospective look back shows that GTA players nsired Ballad of Gay Tony the better of the two DLC episos.


Complete Gui for Party's Over, 25° missn GTA IV: The Ballad of Gay Tony, wh Missn Objectiv, Vio Walkthrough, 100% pletn, rewards and more. * ballad of gay tony strangers *

However, Ballad of Gay Tony not only sets self apart om Lost and Damned, but also GTA 4 general.


(ESRB: M (Mature) BLOOD AND GORE,INTENSE VIOLENCE,PARTIAL NUDITY,STRONG LANGUAGE,STRONG SEXUAL CONTENT,USE OF ALCOHOL,USE OF DRUGS,ONLINE INTERACTIONS NOT RATED BY THE ESRB) The Ballad of Gay Tony jects Liberty Cy wh an overdose of guns, glz, and grime. As Luis Lopez, part-time hoodlum and full-time assistant to legendary nightclub imprar Tony Prce (a.k.a. “Gay Tony”), players will stggle wh the petg loyalti of fay and iends, and wh the uncertaty about who is r… * ballad of gay tony strangers *

For any fans who wanted ls gloom and more glz and glamor, Ballad of Gay Tony did a superb job. Five reasons why Ballad of Gay Tony is more popular wh GTA fans than Lost and Damned.

Ballad of Gay Tony addrs the ncerns wh progrsively sane storyl, such as blowg up a luxury yacht and skydivg off a buildg.

Ballad of Gay Tony is far more lorful than Lost and Damned, which mak easier on the ey. In a strikg parison, Ballad of Gay Tony is a betiful sight to behold. Ballad of Gay Tony is more remiscient of Vice Cy than is GTA 3.


Grand Theft Auto IV: The Ballad of Gay Tony * ballad of gay tony strangers *

Ballad of Gay Tony do not have this issue. While remas unknown what happened to Luis Lopez, Gay Tony is alive and well the nightclub scene for GTA Onle. Wh stars the sky, Ballad of Gay Tony foc on the by night life.

#1 - Ballad of Gay Tony ends on a high note. It's a memorable fish not jt for Ballad of Gay Tony, but also for the entire GTA 4 pack. In The Lost and Damned and The Ballad of Gay Tony upon unlockg the random character's missn, their lotn will appear on the mimap reprented by a whe person in.

Random characters The Ballad of Gay Tony[]. Crossover missns:The Lost and Damned | The Ballad of Gay Tony | The Lost and Damned and The Ballad of Gay Tony. Crossover missns:Grand Theft Auto IV | The Ballad of Gay Tony | Grand Theft Auto IV and The Ballad of Gay Tony.


Grand Theft Auto: The Ballad of Gay Tony Ma Theme. “The Ballad of Gay Tony jects Liberty Cy wh an overdose of guns, glz, and grime. "Gay Tony"), players will stggle wh the petg loyalti of fay and iends, and wh the uncertaty about who is real and who is fake a world which everyone has a price.

– The Ballad of Gay Tony. Grand Theft Auto: The Ballad of Gay Tony (official abbreviatn TBoGT) is the send episo of two downloadable add-ons for Grand Theft Auto IV. " Acrdg to Rockstar's official webse, "The Ballad of Gay Tony jects Liberty Cy wh an overdose of guns, glz, and grime.


5 reasons why GTA fans preferred Ballad of Gay Tony over Lost and Damned .