October is LGBT History Month October is Lbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgenr (LGBT) History Month. Each day throughout the month a vio highlightg a different historil figure will be available for viewg a special sectn of the LGBT Center Webse: LGBT History Month Featured Vios Each of the 31 lears were nomated by lears of state, natnal and ternatnal LGBT anizatns and om the public, and have achieved succs a variety of different enavors, were natnal hero, or advanced LGBT civil rights. The LGBT Communy is one of the only muni worldwi that do not always learn s history at home, the public schools, or relig or other stutns. LGBT History Month teach our herage, provis role mols, builds muny, and t about our unique natnal and ternatnal ntributns. This week’s featured historil figur are: October 1: Hans Christian Anrsen, Fairy Tale Author October 2: Roba Asti, Transgenr Rights Activist October 3: Richard Avedon, Preement Photographer October 4: Nia Baher & Genora Dancel, Marriage Equaly Pneers October 5: Sue Bird, WNBA Superstar October 6: Victor Blackwell, CNN News Anchor October 7: Matt Bomer, Actor October 8: Raphael Bostic, Feral Rerve Bank CEO October 9: Jennifer Fney Boylan, Author & Transgenr Activist October 10: Kate Brown, Governor of Oregon LGBT History Month vios and other materials are ma possible by the Equaly Fom, a natnal and ternatnal LGBT civil rights anizatn wh an tnal foc.
October is Lbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgenr (LGBT) History Month the Uned Stat and cis wh Natnal Comg Out Day, and memorat the first March on Washgton for Lbian and Gay Rights, and Spir Day. * october gay history month *
Although has been celebrated for more than 50 years, Print Bill Clton officially clared June as Gay and Lbian Pri Month 2000.
Print Barack Obama expand the observance 2011 to Lbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgenr Pri Month. The Stonewall Uprisg occurred June 28, 1969, and was a tippg pot for the Gay Liberatn Movement the Uned Stat. In the 1960s, the Stonewall Inn New York Cy’s Greenwich Village was a gay club and refuge for many the LGBTQ muny.
A year later on June 28, thoands of people marched om the Stonewall Inn to Central Park what was then lled “Christopher Street Liberatn Day” — markg what is now regnized as the natn’s first gay pri para. 11), which was already tablished, and the anniversary of the first march on Washgton for gay and lbian rights 1979.
October is Natnal LGBT History Month. Let’s she a light on some people who brought awarens to . “The greatt act of advocy for civil rights for LGBT Amerins is the act of g out,” wrote Rodney Wilson who tablished Gay History Month 1994. “LGBT history gave me self-nfince as a gay person and strengthened my rolve to live, as bt I uld, an hont, open and tegrated life.” In 1994, while teachg history at Mehlville High School suburban St. Louis, Wilson me out to his class durg a lson about the Holot. He told his class if he had lived Germany durg World War II, he probably would have been imprisoned and killed by the Nazis for beg gay. He beme the first openly gay K-12 teacher Missouri. What started wh a lson evolved to a broar missn to teach young people about gay history. Inspired by Women’s History Month and Black History Month, he worked wh natnal anizatns to velop a gay-iendly curriculum for tors. Today Wilson holds a master's gree om the Harvard Extensn School as well as the Universy of Missouri-St. Louis. Read more about the People Behd the Movement om the Countway Library. * october gay history month *
The month is meant to highlight and celebrate the history and achievements of lbian, gay, bisexual and transgenr people. The missn of Lbian Gay Bisexual Transgenr Qutng/Queer (LGBTQ+) Servic is to nnect our diverse stunt populatn to opportuni, rourc, and each other to achieve the visn of a stronger, healthier, and more equable world for LGBTQ+ people and s alli. LGBT History Month celebrat the achievements of 31 lbian, gay, bisexual or transgenr Ins.
But over the years, LGBTQ+ History Month has evolved to a natnal llaborative effort to brg extraordary figur om the LGBTQ+ muny to the History Month is a month-long celebratn of the history of the diverse and betiful lbian, gay, bisexual, transgenr, and queer muny and the importance of civil rights movements progrsg gay rights. Also, the anniversary of the first march for gay rights Washgton took place on October 14, History Month now also clus Ally Week — durg which stunts are enuraged to be alli wh LGBTQ members and stand up agast bullyg, Spir Day on October 20 — on which the lor purple is worn solidary wh LGBTQ youth, and the ath anniversary of Matthew Shepard — a 21-year-old who was murred a hate crime on October 12, History Month allows the opportuny to extensively learn about the history of the LGBTQ+ movement, and what factors and measur will be succsful buildg muni and providg role mols who will bt reprent and addrs the issu of the LGBTQ+ month-long memoratn is most promently celebrated the Uned Stat, the Uned Kgdom, Canada, Atralia, Hungary, Brazil, and the cy of Berl.
The particular month of celebratn vari across different untri — the Uned Stat, Canada, and Atralia, LGBTQ+ History Month is celebrated October; the Uned Kgdom and Hungary, is celebrated Febary; and Berl, the holiday is celebrated June and is known as Queer History History Month timele1974LGBTQ+ History Month HungaryThe Gay Teacher’s Group is tablished as a support work after a teacher was ‘outed’ by a stunt to his managers.
Read about LGBT History Month USA 2023. An annual month-long observance of lbian, gay, bisexual and transgenr history, and the history of the gay rights and related civil rights movements. * october gay history month *
1987Natnal Comg Out DayNatnal Comg Out Day is celebrated on October 11, markg the march for lbian and gay rights Washgton, U.
LGBTQ+ History Month highlights the history and achievements of lbians, gays, bisexuals, transgenrs, and queers. LGBT stands for lbian, gay, bisexual, and transgenrHow To Celebrate LGBTQ+ History MonthCelebrate the history of LGBTQ+LGBTQ+ History Month aims to highlight the achievements of those who have spearhead and led the e for lbian, gay, bisexual, transgenr, and queer people.
5 Inic LGBTQ+ Figur In HistoryAlan TurgAlan Turg played a signifint role featg Germany WWII bee he cracked the mathematil Enigma — he was also arrted for beg homosexual, which was a crime Bra 1952, but he was pardoned 2017 and was cleared of all charg (and this lead to the Alan Turg Law) WilYou know him as one of the most famo playwrights history, but Osr Wil was also outed as homosexual after the tails of his affair wh an aristocrat were publicly P. Johnson was an Ain Amerin transgenr-rights activist who ma a huge impact on the progrsn of the LGBTQ+ e wh her work the 1960s and HorsfallAlso known as the grandfather of the gay rights movement, Allan Horsfall fearlsly intified as gay and openly mpaigned for homosexuals at a time when was explicly WdsorEdh Wdsor’s se agast the judicial system Ameri was the first time same-sex marriage was legalized the U.
LGBTQ+ History Month is a month-long celebratn that occurs October to observe lbian, gay, bisexual, transgenr, and queer history. It also honors the ongog history of queer and trans rights. * october gay history month *
He tablished a planng mtee wh LGBTQ lears om around the untry, and om there, Gay and Lbian History Month was born. After s foundg, anizatns like the Natnal Gay and Lbian Task Force, GLAAD, and the Human Rights Campaign endorsed Gay and Lbian History Month, and 1995, the Natnal Edutn Associatn passed a rolutn officially regnizg as a memorative month. Harvey Milk, famed out activist who beme one of Ameri’s first gay elected officials and was assassated.
October is Lbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgenr (LGBT) History Month the Uned Stat.
October was selected bee cis wh Natnal Comg Out Day on October 11, and bee is the month of the first March on Washgton for Lbian and Gay Rights 1979. In the Uned Kgdom, LGBT History Month is observed Febary bee that is the month, 2003, of the repeal of Sectn 28 of the Lol Government Act of 1988, which banned "promotg" homosexualy.
First celebrated October 1994 as Lbian and Gay History Month, LGBTQ+ History Month memorat lbian, gay, bisexual, and transgenr history. It also honors the history of gay rights. October was chosen bee the first and send LGBT March on Washgton, 1979 and 1987, occurred durg this month; October 11, Natnal Comg Out Day, * october gay history month *
Of particular historic signifince was the rearch of Evelyn Hooker, which disproved the notn that homosexualy was a mental illns, and led ultimately to s removal om the Diagnostic and Statistil Manual of Mental Disorrs. Psychology Topic: Lbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgenr.