Gay ships keep wng 2022!
The gays keep wng! * ship fandom gay *
This spawned to s fandom, known as slash, and centred around gay fanfictn om different media. While 'Slashers' referred to people who enjoyed gay relatnships.
Why are the most popular ships on most anime fandoms gay? I have my own share of gay ships. But I've noticed that most fandom, the gay ships are immensely popular.
What I'm tryg to say is that 's totally ok to ship, be gay or straight. And the amount of gay ships the anime fandom is jt...
And some people go so far to the pot of them fettg every other aspect, the plot and everythg else and jt focg on two "uwu cute gay boys omg ? look so non ? Lerally love aww ? That girl better not e between them or else- ?".