Perth Gay Yoga | Meetup

gay meetup groups perth

Please jo for one of our weekly yoga class exclively for Gay Men every Wednday night 7:30 to 8:30pm and every send Saturday om 4th Febary 2023 om 4-5pm at Twistg Peack Yoga Osborne by highly experienced stctors a safe and supportive environment wh a f



Fd lol Gay groups Perth and meet people who share your terts. Jo a group and attend onle or person events. * gay meetup groups perth *

Gay Mens Fab Friendship Group!

Perth Gay Yoga.

What we’re aboutPlease jo for one of our weekly yoga class exclively for Gay Men every Wednday night 7:30 to 8:30pm and every send Saturday om 4th Febary 2023 om 4-5pm at Twistg Peack Yoga Osborne Park.


* gay meetup groups perth *

This is an opportuny to do yoga wh other gay men and make new nnectns and mat! Also Twistg Peack Yoga pass and memberships are not accepted as, 16 Aug 2023, 7:30 pm AWSTPERTH GAY YOGA 3/228 Ma St, Osborne Park, WAOur yoga class n for one hour ( sometim a b more) every Wednday om 7:30-8:30pm at Twistg Peack Yoga on Ma Street Osborne Park.

We offer a playful, supportive and safe space for other gay men to meet and make iends. 2 attenWed, 23 Aug 2023, 7:30 pm AWSTPERTH GAY YOGA 3/228 Ma St, Osborne Park, WAOur yoga class n for one hour ( sometim a b more) every Wednday om 7:30-8:30pm at Twistg Peack Yoga on Ma Street Osborne Park. 1 atteneWed, 30 Aug 2023, 7:30 pm AWSTPERTH GAY YOGA 3/228 Ma St, Osborne Park, WAOur yoga class n for one hour ( sometim a b more) every Wednday om 7:30-8:30pm at Twistg Peack Yoga on Ma Street Osborne Park.

Contact via phone 0487 595 672, email: [email protected], or BI+ COMMUNITY PERTH – is a safe place for people who are not gay or straight (we e the term ‘bisexual’ as an umbrella term for that) to engage rpectful discsn, nnect wh people, and form muny onle.


Our visn is to see “The LGBTQI+ muny unr one platform; brought together, bee we are stronger together” COUNTRY NETWORK – Country Network (CN) – ung gay and bisexual men across Atralia iendship, socialisg, fun, support and ntact. CN has been operatg for 45 years and was ially formed NSW to promote a lk for gay men ral areas to ntact others their muny or the cy. LIVING PROUD – (formerly Gay & Lbian Communy Servic of WA).


PFLAG PERTH – (PARENTS, FAMILIES & FRIENDS OF LESBIANS & GAYS — is a muny anisatn offerg support and unrstandg for fai and iends wh loved on who are LGBTI. Pri WA enurag the cultural exprsn, celebratn and human rights of lbian, gay, bisexual, transgenr, tersex, queer and all people of diverse sexualy and genr livg Wtern Atralia. PRIMETIMERS WA — If you are a mature gay or bisexual man, we are keen to wele you to Prime Timers.

QLife provis natn-wi, early terventn, peer supported telephone and web based servic to support Lbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgenr and Intersex (LGBTI) people of all ag. E: [email protected] — SHUTTERPUPS An rmal social group for gay photographers.

The sual and iendly atmosphere of Bears Perth meetgs has greatly ntributed to beg one of Perth’s leadg gay men’s social groups. Perth Gay Social Club is an award wng premier social club for makg new iends and formg new bonds a fun, iendly environment. Established 2018, Perth Gay Social Club anis events, rporatg "get to know you" activi as a way to navigate through the challeng that go wh tryg to talk to someone new.


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