Short Film '420' Celebrat The HomoStoner Liftyle: VIDEO - Towleroad Gay News

420 gay significato

Jab Brown's new short film "420" is straightforward, sexy, and psychelic. A prolonged, lip-lock-filled tokg ssn, the movie aims to promote rpect and acknowledgement of a hybrid cultural niche: that of the 'homostoner'. One part homosexual, one part stoner, both parts woozy fun, the film is a fantasia acted out by a real-life uple. Brown's Vimeo scriptns reads: In the past few years, mastream Ameri has warmed to two formerly taboo trends: gay rights and marijuana. New York boyiends Carlos Santolalla and John Tue s at the tersectn of the two––their shared Instagram handle @jarlos420 is a showse of their homostoner liftyle. This vio celebrat 420 and homoeroticism. “It’s about how weed n act as an aphrodisiac,” Santolalla explas. “A fantasy about when ‘lemme h that’ be ‘lemme h that.’” Enjoy the short film, AFTER THE JUMP... (Warng: work-uniendly)



    Short Film '420' Celebrat The HomoStoner Liftyle: VIDEO - Towleroad Gay News.
