Porto Gay Map 2023 - gay bars, gay clubs, gay snas, hotels & more - Travel Gay

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Top Porto Gay Clubs & Bars: See reviews and photos of Gay Clubs & Bars Porto, Portugal on Tripadvisor.



Légalisatn (ou non) du mariage gay, regard la populatn sur l upl gays et lbiens et bons plans sorti, vo trouverez tout l rmatns nécsair dans notre gui gay et lbien Porto. * plage gay a porto *

Like Lisbon, Porto is very gay-iendly and has a great selectn of bars, clubs, and fés to choose om. In fact, as we discsed our gay travel guis to Lisbon and the Algarve, Portugal is a very gay-iendly untry overall. It was the 6th untry Europe to legalise gay marriage, and the 8th untry the world.

This statistic don’t specifilly apply to gay travel, but should give you some ditn of how open, tolerant, and welg Portugal is to visors. Acmodatn ias for PortoGay bars, clubs, and fés PortoAnnual gay events PortoGay snas PortoGay parti Porto. Maison Nos B&B – A small and stylish B&B, Maison Nos is one of the few plac Porto to specifilly advertise self as gay-iendly acmodatn.


The ultimate Gay Porto Travel Gui for any LGBTQ / Gay traveller who will be visg Porto the north of Portugal. Read all our tips & suggtns here! * plage gay a porto *

As well as the hotels and B&Bs above, there are also a few webs like Mister B&B and Gay Homtays that specifilly foc on gay and gay-iendly room and apartment rentals. – An Airbnb-style se where you n rent a room or an entire apartment om a gay or gay-iendly host.

– Siar to MisterBandB, Gay Homtays allows you to stay wh gay hosts, rent an entire apartment, or stay a gay or gay-iendly B&B. Ebab – A siar platform that allows you to rent an entire apartment or room om a gay or gay-iendly host.

Pri Café – By day this is a popular gay venue for ffee, and by night turns to a bar.


* plage gay a porto *

Bar Conceiçâo 35 – For gay hipsters Porto, this is the place to vis.


Check our new Gaily Tours & Excursns Gay Porto - Cy Tour wh Official Gay or Lbian Gui - Disver this amazg cy a LGBT versn - Special Price om € 45,00! - Porto Classic Tour - Porto Gay Tour - Porto by Night Gay Tour * plage gay a porto *

Fabrik – One of Porto’s most popular gay bars, Fabrik is known for s cktails and parti. Pri Bar Nightclub – One of the most popular gay and lbian nightclubs Porto, Pri is known for s themed parti and drag shows. Zoom – One of Porto’s olt nightclubs, Zoom attracts some of Porto’s hottt gay and lbian lols.


Portugal is known as one of the most LGBT-iendly untri the world. LGBT people have accs to a variety of rights such as gay marriage and adoptn. * plage gay a porto *

Sna Thermas 205 – Gay sna featurg a Turkish bath, sna, steam room, dark room, and vio room. 1906 Club – Private gay party muny that holds a uple of events every month, ually wh changg them and lotns. Help other gay travellers out by leavg a review or ment below.

L gays et l lbienn rtent discrets dans l Porto mais se montrent mos réservés dans l nombrx clubs gay-iendly, qui se ncentrent tour du Jardim da Cordoaria. La Gay Pri se déroule le premier ou le uxième week-end juillet.

D chambr privé et appartements x hôtels LGBTQ-iendly, vo pourrez choisir le séjour qui vo nvient le mix dans le r s quartiers gays mais ssi to l tr quartiers s statns visé.


It’s rare to see the Algarve listed as a top gay-iendly travel statn. The list is ually domated by the lik of Berl, Barcelona, Copenhagen… * plage gay a porto *

Un loft à Soho, une chambre partagée à Barcelone ou dans le Castro, un hôtel gay-iendly dans le Marais ou à Chelsea, profez misterb&b dans tout l statns gays! It’s one of the up and g ci to vis Europe and the past few years has seen a huge upswg gay and gay-iendly venu across the cy. There aren't currently any gay hotels Porto, but there are many gay-iendly optns.


Portugal has some of the livelit gay scen Europe. Here's a list of the bt LGBT-iendly bars and olt events Portugal. * plage gay a porto *

Misterb&b is not a hotel or cha, but rather a bookg platform for rooms, apartments and hom and allows you to book om gay and gay-iendly hosts around the world. Unrstandg the gay scene is much more easily done wh the help of a lol and home-sharg is one of the bt ways to meet someone livg the cy who knows how thgs work, where and when are the bt nights to go out, and what plac to eat at and which to avoid.

Misterb&b is our top choice if your prry is explorg the lol gay scene. The crowd is also mixed but will likely be more gay than straight pendg on the night. Le Portugal t fort hrsement l'un s pays l pl gay iendly d'Europe, et du mon.

La munté gay a une importance majre à Lisbonne mais également à Porto, ville qui ne cse se renouveler et mettre en avant tout l munté t donc un pace safe pour l LGBTQQICAPF2K+ et à sa pete échelle, ofe une variété d'endros, bars et tr, pour cx qui souhaent faire la fête!


Ils sont sués dans l'une s l pl longu Porto: Rua do Bonjardim, 11213 - L'stutn: ZoomDans la munté gay, c't un passage obligé, une stutn à Porto.

Adrse: Rua da Conceição, 80Voilà pour cette sélectn s meillr adrs gay Porto! Bien évimment, il existe d'tr lix "gay iendly", mais la sélectn s't ncentrée sur cx qui sont réellement vtis dans la munté.


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Conceio 358Gay Bars • CoffeehoBy 553armandbHoly moly… what a fun place to be.


If you go through the surface, you will fd a cent and buzzg selectn of gay activi, mostly loted the area around Jardim da Cordoaria. Meet our Gay/Lbian Tour Gui for a private walkg tour of Porto Gay and experience one of the lourful ci the world. Enjoy an enlightened Porto and an amazg walkg tour through Porto's gay & lbian bars and clubs to live on your sk the magic atmosphere and LGBT scene of the cy.


Get ready for a special full day Gaily Excursn om Porto Gay wh ! LGBT people have accs to a variety of rights such as gay marriage and adoptn. Portugue societal views tend to reflect homophobia and transphobia.


A Complete Gay Porto, Portugal - Travel Gui | Travel-Boo Europe Travel Blog .