10 Gay Weddg Tradns and Ruals - Wedbuddy

gay unity ceremony

A sweet, simple script for a same-sex weddg cludg a sand ceremony and jot ‘we do’ weddg vows. a heartfelt votn referenc marriage equaly, muny, fay, and the power of love. perfect for gay upl and others the lgbt (lgbtq +) muny.



* gay unity ceremony *

Do What Feels Right to YouUltimately the weddg ceremony is about you and your partner g together to wed— isn't a gay weddg or a lbian weddg, is your weddg and the ceremony script should reflect that. Perfect for gay upl and others the LGBT (LGBTQ +) muny.

This script also clus a reference to marriage equaly, and gratu that the rights of of gay, lbian, and other LGBTQ+ upl to marry are now honored and protected. This short genr-ntral weddg ceremony script n be ed as is, or as a startg pot for a personalized marriage ceremony celebratg same-sex gay / lbian, nonbary, and other LGBTQ+ dividuals and upl on their weddg day. Below, we've llected ceremoni, some officially sanctned, some wrten by the uple, that have been ed to bls gay unns different fahs.


This short genr-ntral weddg ceremony script n be ed as is, or as a startg pot for a personalized marriage ceremony celebratg same-sex gay / lbian, nonbary, and other lgbtq+ dividuals and upl on their weddg day. origal, non-relig weddg script wrten by amm mister dyanna volek. * gay unity ceremony *

"AnglinA plete Re of Covenant for gays and lbians, by the Anglin Dce of New Wtmster, Canada, cludg solemn promis of life-long love and fily om the uple and support om the muny. "CatholicDignyUSA, the largt natnal lay movement of lbian, gay, bisexual and transgenr (GLBT) Catholics, provis rmatn on Holy Unn ceremoni of mment for same-sex Catholic upl and bls unns through lol chapters. "For more on Epispalian gay outreach, vis; or Oasis, California Dce's mistry to gay, lbian, bisexual, or transgenred people.

InterfahRabbi Miriam Jerris, who practic Secular Humanist Judaism, scrib a ceremony she performed for an terfah Jewish-Christian gay uple. Liberal ChristianCathedral of Hope, a well-known gay megachurch Dallas, offers two sample servic: one wh creative touch (cludg the Apache blsg and a Uny ndle); the send more tradnal.

Unarian UniversalistIn 1984, the Unarians beme the first nomatn to affirm gay and lbian unns, and to create relig servic blsg them. This ceremony is one of ne sample servic available om the Unarian Universalist Associatn Office of Bisexual, Gay, Lbian, and Transgenr and Ruth's "rabow handfastg" vok the God and Godss and the lors of the chakras to bls the and Denise exchange self-wrten vows " the name of the Light that ris all.


For rourc on how to sign your own ceremony, check out books on planng a ntemporary, “non-tradnal” weddg, and (2) books on gay and lbian ceremoni (we enurage heterosexual upl to explore the books, too — they are full of great ias!

You might also seek out ngregatns that openly wele gay, lbian, bisexual, and transgenr people, as the clergy there may be pecially fortable wh blsg relatnships that aren’t regnized by the state. Sce wasn’t legal for gay people to get married the Uned Stat until 2015, LGBTQ upl have been creatg their own tradns and ruals. Many gay weddg tradns and ruals stem om heterosexual weddg tradns, but wh a twist.


Gay weddg tradns also highlight the LGBTQ muny and the value of marriage equaly, as the upl have been opprsed for so long. Check out ten betiful and meangful gay weddg ruals and tradns.


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