From paras & parti to film ftivals & art exhibs, here are 15 ways to celebrate lbian, gay, transgenr Pri Month KC this June.
Kansas Cy played an important role the early gay rights movement, even predatg Stonewall. Here's how you n honor LGBTQ history Kansas Cy this Pri Month. * kansas city mo gay pride *
She said she didn’t know what to expect beg around this many people, but was exced to meet new people at what she lled “Gay Con. Louis Cortez was quick to mentn they have two children to celebrate today — “proud gay parents, ” he said, of Cale Cortez and Louie year’s Pri was Geadrt and his hband’s first time attendg as a married uple.
Geadrt said people are generally more acceptg of gay people than when he was growg up. Trans, gay people have always existed and (people here today are) proof of that, so that's really nice to see. But what many people don’t know is that Kansas Cy played an important role the “homophile movement, ” the early gay rights movement that predated Stonewall.
* kansas city mo gay pride *
In 1966, Kansas Cy hosted the first natnal homophile was a time the not-so-distant past when LGBTQ folks uld not easily be “out” public.