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You n try<!-- --> <a href="/newsletters">subscribg here</a> or try aga later.</span></div></div></div></div></hear><article class="article" data-rid="775134" data-rtype="story"><div id="gtm-visibily-50" class="gtm-pixel"></div><div id="gtm-visibily-75" class="gtm-pixel"></div><div id="gtm-visibily-100" class="gtm-pixel"></div><sectn class="sectn--bo sectn--bp sectn--first sectn--learboard"><div class="uw bp--rponsive"><div class="bp-ner"><p class="bp-label">Advertisement</p><div class="bp-ntent bp-ntent--centered"><div></div><div id="adslot-388355"></div></div></div></div></sectn><hear class="article-sectn--tle article-sectn--island"><div class="article-actn"><h1 class="article-hdr">5 thgs to do this weekend to celebrate Pri</h1></div><div class="article-meta"><span class="article-meta-em--date"><span tle="Thursday, June 9th 2022, 5:00:19 am">June 09, 2022</span></span><ul class="article-meta-em--thorlist article-meta-group"><li class="article-meta-em article-meta-em--thor"><a class="article-meta-lk article-meta-em--thor" href="/si/staff/lren-williams">Lren Williams</a></li></ul><div class="article-share article-share-ins"><a href=" & target="_blank" rel="noreferrer" class="article-share-lk" tle="Share on Facebook"><svg class="in in-facebook" viewBox="0 0 128 128" role="img" width="24" aria-labelledby="tle"><tle id="tle">facebook</tle><path display="le" d="M120.1,0H8.2c-4.4,0-8,3.6-8,8v112c0,4.4,3.6,8,8,8h60.4V78.2h-16V59.8h16V43.9 c0-14.6,8.9-24.3,26.4-24.3c7.7,0,13.1,0.9,13.1,0.9V37h-12c-5.3,0-8,3-8,8.2v14.5h18.7l-2.7,18.4h-16v49.7h32c4.4,0,8-3.6,8-8V8 C128.1,3.6,124.5,0,120.1,0z"></path></svg></a><a href="mailto:?body=5 thgs to do this weekend to celebrate 5 thgs to do this weekend to celebrate Pri" class="article-share-lk" tle="Share by email"><svg class="in in-email" viewBox="0 0 128 128" width="20" aria-labelledby="tle"><tle id="tle">Email</tle><path display="le" d="M64.2,86.3l-64-48V104c0,4.4,3.6,8,8,8h112c4.4,0,8-3.6,8-8V38.4L64.2,86.3z M64.2,72l64-48 c0-4.4-3.6-8-8-8H8.2c-4.4,0-8,3.6-8,8L64.2,72z"></path></svg></a></div></div></hear><sectn class="article-sectn--ntent hang-punctuatn article-sectn--first article-sectn--centered article-sectns"><p class="">We’ve ma to June, and the send weekend of Pri Month! Massachetts has a special role LGBTQ+ history as the first state to legalize same-sex marriage, and this weekend the cy of Boston is celebratg big-time wh events like experimental plays on queerns at the Pao Arts Center, the Big Gay Dance Party and the Road of Rabows 5K. While not billed as a Pri event, I’d be remiss if I didn’t share one of the fastt growg mic ftivals the state, which is also takg place this weekend. Check out the roundup of celebratns below.</p><span><h2>Adil Mansoor's '<a href=" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Amm(i)gone</a>'</h2></span><span><h3>Friday, June 10-Sunday, June 12</h3></span><p class="">Two central them of Sophocl' “Antigone” are civil disobedience and faial rponsibily. In this new reimagatn of the Greek tragedy, Adil Mansoor weav narrative history to create a piece of theater that explor the tersectn of love and fah. Usg rerdgs om Mansoor’s nversatns wh his mother, discsns on var adaptatns of the origal play, and teachgs om the Quran, the playwright explor queerns and the afterlife. The performance will be shown for one weekend only at the Pao Arts Center.</p><hr/><span><h2><a href=" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Pop-Up Pri</a></h2></span><span><h3>Sunday, June 12</h3></span><p class="">Celebrate Pri on the Boston Common at Pop-Up Pri on Sunday. This is a one-time, muny-anized event that honors all LGBTQ+ inti. Pop-Up was anized to fill the gap of the <a href=" target="_blank" rel="noopener">dismantled Boston Pri</a>. The foc of the Pop-Up is to reclaim the celebratn for the entirety of the LGBTQ+ muny. It will beg at 11 a.m., and programmg clus a rally, food mic, and other show-stoppg performanc.</p><hr/><span><h2><a href=" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Somerville's Big Gay Dance Party</a></h2></span><span><h3>Saturday, June 11</h3></span><p class="">Jo ArtsUnn celebratory movement at the Big Gay Dance Party Somerville’s Unn Square on Saturday. There will be mic om DJ Live and drag performanc by Amanda Playwh and Karisma Geneva Jackson-Tae. If dancg isn’t your thg, you n check out homema earrgs and jewelry om ART By Omayda, art om Colectiva Wellbeg and more. This event is ee to all LGBTQ+ people and alli.</p><hr/><span><h2><a href=" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Road of Rabows 5K Run/Walk</a></h2></span><span><h3>Saturday, June 11</h3></span><p class="">Lookg to get a sweat on this weekend? If so, this is the perfect event. Boston Theater Company will host s send annual Road of Rabows 5K this Saturday at the Boston Common. This is an clive 5K for the entire fay. Get to the startg le early for a pre-5K ftival wh lol drag queens and micians that starts at 12 p.m. The race kicks off at 2 p.m.</p><hr/><span><h2><a href=" target="_blank" rel="noopener">BAMS Ft</a></h2></span><span><h3>Saturday, June 11</h3></span><p class="">The beloved Boston Art & Mic Soul (BAMS) Ft is back this weekend at Frankl Park. This is one of the fastt growg arts and mic ftivals the cy, and this year’s lp is pecially strikg. Cathere Morris, the founr and executive director of BAMS Ft, says that ’s one of their most eclectic yet wh micians like Jonathan Suazo performg Lat jazz, Pl Willis liverg new hip-hop and Simpli Whney, a ary vet, brgg his chart-toppg sgl to the ftival. There will also be soul food, live art stallatns and artisan goods for sale. Morris says BAMS Ft is “a Black wonrland that everyone gets to experience.”</p></sectn><sectn class="article-sectn--story-group article-sectn--centered Tags_article-sectn--tags__NOKiB"><a data-ec="Article Tags" data-el="The ARTery's Weekend Preview" data-ea="Click" class="article-tag" href="/news/sectn/arts-culture/tag/weekend-preview">The ARTery's Weekend Preview</a></sectn></article><sectn class="article-sectn--story-group article-sectn--centered"><div class="ntributor has-photo"><div class="ntributor-profile"><figure class="ntributor-profile-em ntributor-photo"><a href="/si/staff/lren-williams"><picture><img src=" class="lazy rd-image" alt=""/></picture></a></figure><p class="ntributor-profile-em ntributor-b"><a class="ntributor-name" href="/si/staff/lren-williams">Lren Williams</a> <span class="ntributor-tle">Arts Edor</span><br/>Lren Williams is an edor at WBUR. </p><p class="ntributor-more"><a class="ntributor-lk ntributor-b-lk" href="/si/staff/lren-williams">More…</a></p></div></div></sectn><sectn class="sectn--bo sectn--bp"><div class="uw bp--rponsive"><div class="bp-ner"><p class="bp-label">Advertisement</p><div class="bp-ntent bp-ntent--centered"><div></div><div id="adslot-388356"></div></div></div></div></sectn><div></div><div class="global-d-ponents onmand--is-playg"><div class="global-player"><d preload="to"></d><div class="global-player-bar"><div class="global-player-bar-left"><button class="global-player-bar-ntrol"><i class="in-play in-play--global-player-bar in-play--psed"><span class="in-play-shape"><span class="in-label" data-note="for-screen-rears">Rume</span></span></i></button><div class="global-player-label global-player-label--live"><div class="global-player-channel"><span>Listen Live</span></div><div class="global-player-tle"><a class="global-player-label-lk" href="/">Loadg...</a></div></div></div><div class="global-player-bar-right"><div class="global-player-x"><svg class="in in-close" viewBox="0 0 24 24" aria-labelledby="tle"><tle id="tle">Close

gay calendar boston

Boston Gay Pri 2024 Highlights clu the official fla raisg ceremony, pri day celebratn a Pri night the legendary Fenway Park



Lookg for the bt gay bars and clubs Boston? Check out the LGBTQ-iendly plac for partyg, drag shows and more. * gay calendar boston *

TopletetopleteFiltersDateCategoryFormatPriceLanguageCurrencyMost popular matchGay Speed Datg (21 & Over) l NYC Gay Sgl Events (Williamsburg)Wednday • 7:00 PM3 Dollar BillGay Speed Datg (21 & Over) l NYC Gay Sgl Events (Williamsburg)Wednday • 7:00 PM3 Dollar BillCarers Gateway Info EventsWed, Aug 9 • 7:00 PM GMT+10Carers Gateway Info EventsWed, Aug 9 • 7:00 PM GMT+10Game Nights wh MOR Events! Wednday • 7:00 PM + 17 moreNo Bull Burger BarPromotedSaperavi Battle at Moldova RtrantThu, Aug 17 • 7:00 PM Moldova RtrantPromotedSaperavi Battle at Moldova RtrantThu, Aug 17 • 7:00 PM Moldova RtrantPromotedBarbie Boozy BnchTomorrow • 2:00 PMMorn Party ArtPromotedBarbie Boozy BnchTomorrow • 2:00 PMMorn Party ArtGay Men Speed Datg Boston | Fancy a Go? | Sgl EventFri, Aug 18 • 7:00 PM Scholars Amerin Bistro and Cocktail LoungeRoss Gay at the Brattle TheatreFri, Sep 29 • 6:00 PM The Brattle TheatreRoss Gay at the Brattle TheatreFri, Sep 29 • 6:00 PM The Brattle TheatreGay Men Speed Datg Boston | Sgl Event | Fancy a Go?

| Sgl EventFri, Aug 18 • 7:00 PM Scholars Amerin Bistro and Cocktail LoungeGay Jews: A Debate Across Two TalmudsThu, Aug 17 • 8:00 PM LehrhsGay Jews: A Debate Across Two TalmudsThu, Aug 17 • 8:00 PM LehrhsGay Men BoardGame Speed Datg at Castle Island Brewg for ag 25-39Wed, Aug 9 • 7:00 PM Castle Island BrewgGay Men BoardGame Speed Datg at Castle Island Brewg for ag 25-39Wed, Aug 9 • 7:00 PM Castle Island BrewgTriple Crown Pageant: Cirque Du So GaySun, Oct 8 • 5:00 PM Jacqu' CabaretTriple Crown Pageant: Cirque Du So GaySun, Oct 8 • 5:00 PM Jacqu' Cabaret2023 HistoryMaker Awards, Prented by The History ProjectThu, Sep 7 • 6:00 PM St. Botolph ClubDay Retreat for Men- Movement, Medatn & Mdfulns Gay & Open MdSun, Nov 5 • 10:30 AM KJfnsDay Retreat for Men- Movement, Medatn & Mdfulns Gay & Open MdSun, Nov 5 • 10:30 AM KJfnsBoston Speed Datg for Lbians | Seen on BravoTV! | Sgl EventFri, Aug 4 • 7:00 PM Scholars Amerin Bistro and Cocktail LoungeBoston LGBTQ+ Weddg ExpoSun, Nov 12 • 12:30 PM Sheraton Commanr HotelBoston LGBTQ+ Weddg ExpoSun, Nov 12 • 12:30 PM Sheraton Commanr HotelDONELAN - Drawg On The Gay ExperienceThursday • 6:00 PMJamon & Thompson Picture FramersDONELAN - Drawg On The Gay ExperienceThursday • 6:00 PMJamon & Thompson Picture FramersFlex First Friday LGBTQ+Fri, Aug 4 • 10:00 PM + 4 morePlatforms Dance ClubFlex First Friday LGBTQ+Fri, Aug 4 • 10:00 PM + 4 morePlatforms Dance ClubGayngel Night - A Queer + Trans FundraiserSun, Aug 13 • 9:00 PM AS220 Black BoxGayngel Night - A Queer + Trans FundraiserSun, Aug 13 • 9:00 PM AS220 Black BoxFs by the Foot Comedy at Distractn BrewgToday • 8:00 PMDistractn Brewg by the Foot Comedy at Distractn BrewgToday • 8:00 PMDistractn Brewg Co.

Botolph ClubQueer Asian Supper Club Lnch Event - Hosted by NAAAP BostonThu, Aug 10 • 6:00 PM CIC Cambridge @ 1 BroadwayQueer Asian Supper Club Lnch Event - Hosted by NAAAP BostonThu, Aug 10 • 6:00 PM CIC Cambridge @ 1 BroadwayUNI Queer NightMon, Aug 14 • 9:00 PM UniUNI Queer NightMon, Aug 14 • 9:00 PM UniLGBTQ+ Job FairMon, Oct 30 • 3:00 PM Curry Stunt CenterLGBTQ+ Job FairMon, Oct 30 • 3:00 PM Curry Stunt CenterBoston LGBTQ+ Weddg ExpoSun, Nov 12 • 12:30 PM Sheraton Commanr HotelBoston LGBTQ+ Weddg ExpoSun, Nov 12 • 12:30 PM Sheraton Commanr HotelThe Queer Neighborhood Council: Communy Connectn Allston-BrightonSun, Aug 20 • 2:00 PM Allston-Brighton — RSVP for AddrsThe Queer Neighborhood Council: Communy Connectn Allston-BrightonSun, Aug 20 • 2:00 PM Allston-Brighton — RSVP for AddrsFlex First Friday LGBTQ+Fri, Aug 4 • 10:00 PM + 4 morePlatforms Dance ClubFlex First Friday LGBTQ+Fri, Aug 4 • 10:00 PM + 4 morePlatforms Dance ClubHERITAGE Party (BOSTON)Today • 10:00 PMYAS ChickenHERITAGE Party (BOSTON)Today • 10:00 PMYAS ChickenAoCy Bnch + Day Party @HUE | 1p-8pTomorrow • 1:00 PM + 75 moreHue BostonAoCy Bnch + Day Party @HUE | 1p-8pTomorrow • 1:00 PM + 75 moreHue BostonALLURE FRIDAYS (MTP EVENTS)Fri, Aug 4 • 10:00 PM + 7 moreHAVA NIGHTCLUBALLURE FRIDAYS (MTP EVENTS)Fri, Aug 4 • 10:00 PM + 7 moreHAVA NIGHTCLUBDONELAN - Drawg On The Gay ExperienceThursday • 6:00 PMJamon & Thompson Picture FramersDONELAN - Drawg On The Gay ExperienceThursday • 6:00 PMJamon & Thompson Picture FramersGay Jews: A Debate Across Two TalmudsThu, Aug 17 • 8:00 PM LehrhsGay Jews: A Debate Across Two TalmudsThu, Aug 17 • 8:00 PM LehrhsCaribbean Rum & Food FtivalSat, Sep 16 • 12:00 PM Roxbury Communy CollegeCaribbean Rum & Food FtivalSat, Sep 16 • 12:00 PM Roxbury Communy CollegeJamain Inpennce Weekend CelebratnThursday • 3:00 PMPowers FarmJamain Inpennce Weekend CelebratnThursday • 3:00 PMPowers FarmSongs From The Wild RabowSat, Nov 4 • 8:00 PM REVEL factorySongs From The Wild RabowSat, Nov 4 • 8:00 PM REVEL factoryFOR THE CULTURE (MTP EVENTS)Tomorrow • 10:00 PM + 22 more100 Warrenton StFOR THE CULTURE (MTP EVENTS)Tomorrow • 10:00 PM + 22 more100 Warrenton StLbianNightLife 35+ TeadanceToday • 4:00 PMHan NightclubLbianNightLife 35+ TeadanceToday • 4:00 PMHan NightclubPri Worcter PageantSat, Aug 19 • 6:00 PM Mechanics HallPri Worcter PageantSat, Aug 19 • 6:00 PM Mechanics HallTrendg search Boston, MAThgs to do around BostonThgs to do ProvinceThgs to do CambridgeThgs to do WorcterThgs to do ManchterThgs to do SomervilleThgs to do PawtucketThgs to do LowellThgs to do BrocktonThgs to do MedfordThgs to do NewtonThgs to do QucyThgs to do Salem. 27-30, 2023Northampton LGBTQ Pri/NoHo LGBTQ Pri – May 6, 2023Montgomery County MD LGBTQ Pri/Kensgton MD LGBTQ Pri – May 12, 2023New Hope LGBTQ Pri/Bucks County LGBTQ Pri – May 19-21, 2023Staten Island LGBTQ Pri – May 27, 2023DC Black Pri/Washgton DC Black LGBTQ Pri – May 26-29, 2023Berkshire County LGBTQ Pri/Ptsfield LGBTQ Pri – May 31-June 4, 2023Ogunqu LGBTQ Pri – June 1-4, 2023Gettysburg LGBTQ Pri – June 2-4, 2023Ptsburgh LGBTQ Pri – June 2-4, 2023Provcetown LGBTQ Pri – June 2-4, 2023Annapolis LGBTQ Pri/Chapeake Bay LGBTQ Pri – June 3, 2023Auburn NY LGBTQ Pri – June 3, 2023Bethel CT LGBTQ Pri – June 3, 2023Catonsville MD LGBTQ Pri – June 3, 2023Charlton LGBTQ Pri/Rabow Pri of Wt Virgia – June 3, 2023Essex VT LGBTQ Pri – June 3, 2023Hallowell ME LGBTQ Pri/Augta ME LGBTQ Pri – June 3, 2023Hamptons LGBTQ Pri/East Hampton NY LGBTQ Pri – June 3, 2023Hudson LGBTQ Pri/OutHudson NY LGBTQ Pri – June 3, 2023Johnstown PA LGBTQ Pri - June 3, 2023Malone NY LGBTQ Pri/Small Town Pri Upstate NY – June 3, 2023Middletown CT LGBTQ Pri – June 3, 2023Montpelier VT LGBTQ Pri – June 3, 2023New Bedford LGBTQ Pri/Massachetts South Coast Pri – June 3, 2023Oneonta LGBTQ Pri/Otsego LGBTQ Pri – June 3, 2023Ridgefield CT LGBTQ Pri – June 3, 2023Sprgfield MA LGBTQ Pri – June 3, 2023Buffalo LGBTQ Pri – June 4, 2023Cumberland MD LGBTQ Pri – June 4, 2023Fall River LGBTQ Pri/Massachetts South Coast Pri – June 4, 2023Glen Falls NY LGBTQ Pri/Lower Adirondack Pri – June 4, 2023Jersey LGBTQ Pri/Asbury Park LGBTQ Pri – June 4, 2023Patchogue NY LGBTQ Pri – June 4, 2023Philalphia LGBTQ Pri – June 4, 2023Pono LGBTQ Pri/Stroudsburg PA LGBTQ Pri – June 4, 2023Queens NY LGBTQ Pri – June 4, 2023Qucy MA LGBTQ Pri – June 4, 2023Whe Plas LGBTQ Pri/Wtchter NY LGBTQ Pri – June 4, 2023Bar Harbor LGBTQ Pri – June 8-10, 2023Corng LGBTQ Pri/Southern Fger Lak Pri – June 9-10, 2023Itha LGBTQ Pri – June 9-10, 2023Jamtown NY LGBTQ Pri/Chtqua Pri – June 9-10, 2023Washgton, DC LGBTQ Pri/Capal Pri – June 10-11, 2023Albany Black and Lato LGBTQ Pri – June 10, 2023Barre VT LGBTQ Pri – June 10, 2023Bghamton LGBTQ Pri - June 10, 2023Boston LGBTQ Pri/Boston Pri for the People – June 10, 2023Brooklyn LGBTQ Pri – June 10, 2023Central New York Gay Pri/Syrace LGBTQ Pri – June 10, 2023Chter County LGBTQ Pri/Malvern LGBTQ Pri/Phoenixville LGBTQ Pri – June 10, 2023Delaware LGBTQ Pri/Dover LGBTQ Pri – June 10, 2023Fairfield County Pri the Park/Norwalk LGBTQ Pri – June 10, 2023Frankl County MA Pri the Park/Greenfield LGBTQ Pri – June 10, 2023Geneva NY LGBTQ Pri/FLX Pri/Fgers Lak LGBTQ Pri – June 10, 2023Lewiston ME LGBTQ Pri/Auburn ME LGBTQ Pri/L/A Mae Pri – June 10, 2023Montclair NJ LGBTQ Pri – June 10, 2023Poughkeepsie LGBTQ Pri/Dutchs County Pri – June 10, 2023Red Bank NJ LGBTQ Pri – June 10, 2023State College LGBTQ Pri/Penn State LGBTQ Pri – June 10, 2023Ssex County NJ LGBTQ Pri/Newton NJ LGBTQ Pri – June 10, 2023Yonkers LGBTQ Pri – June 10, 2023York PA LGBTQ Pri/York EqualyFt – June 10, 2023Albany LGBTQ Pri/New York Capal Pri – June 11, 2023Long Island LGBTQ Pri ( Huntgton, NY) – June 11, 2023North Jersey LGBTQ Pri ( Maplewood, NJ) – June 11, 2023Rockland LGBTQ Pri/Nyack NY LGBTQ Pri – June 11, 2023Newburgh NY LGBTQ Pri – Usually mid-June, but 2023 dat TBAWatertown NY LGBTQ Pri – June 16-18, 2023Doyltown PA LGBTQ Pri/Bucks County Pri – June 17-25, 2023Aroostook LGBTQ Pri/Prque Isle LGBTQ Pri – June 17, 2023Lanster PA LGBTQ Pri – June 17, 2023Manchter NH LGBTQ Pri/Queen Cy Pri – June 17, 2023Portland LGBTQ Pri/Mae LGBTQ Pri – June 17, 2023Province LGBTQ Pri/Rho Island LGBTQ Pri – June 17, 2023Thoand Islands River NY LGBTQ Pri/Clayton NY LGBTQ Pri – June 22-25, 2023Lchfield County LGBTQ Pri/Pri the Hills CT – June 23, 2023Baltimore LGBTQ Pri – June 24-25, 2023New York Cy LGBTQ Pri/NYC Pri – June 24-25, 2023Adirondack North County Pri/Plattsburgh LGBTQ Pri – June 24, 2023Bangor LGBTQ Pri – June 24, 2023Erie LGBTQ Pri/Northwt Pennsylvania LGBTQ Pri – June 24, 2023Frerick LGBTQ Pri – June 24, 2023Harlem LGBTQ Pri – June 24, 2023Nashua NH LGBTQ Pri – June 24, 2023Newport LGBTQ Pri – June 24, 2023North Fork Long Island LGBTQ Pri/Greenport LGBTQ Pri – June 24, 2023Ocean Cy MD LGBTQ Pri – June 24, 2023Portsmouth LGBTQ Pri/New Hampshire LGBTQ Pri – June 24, 2023Rockville MD LGBTQ Pri – June 24, 2023Rural Pri NH/Claremont NH LGBTQ Pri – June 24, 2023Salem LGBTQ Pri/North Shore Massachetts LGBTQ Pri – June 24, 2023Salisbury MD LGBTQ Pri – June 24, 2023Wt Hartford LGBTQ Pri – June 24, 2023Whe Mountas LGBTQ Pri/North Conway NH LGBTQ Pri – June 24, 2023Bucks-Mont Pri Ftival/Montgomery County PA LGBTQ Pri/Jenktown LGBTQ Pri – June 25, 2023Plymouth LGBTQ Pri – June 25, 2023Revere Beach LGBTQ Pri – June 25, 2023Saratoga Sprgs LGBTQ Pri – June 25, 2023Southgton CT LGBTQ Pri – June 25, 2023Tri-Lake Pris/Lake Saranac LGBTQ Pri – June 25, 2023Boston Urban Pri/Boston Black-Brown-Lato LGBTQ Pri – June 29-July 2, 2023Hagerstown LGBTQ Pri – July 8, 2023Wtmster MD LGBTQ Pri – July 8, 2023Newark LGBTQ Pri – July 10-16, 2023Rochter LGBTQ Pri/ROC PriFt – July 15, 2023Conrd NH LGBTQ Pri - July 16-22, 2023Readg PA LGBTQ Pri - July 16, 2023Ptsburgh Black LGBTQ Pri – Usually late July, but 2023 dat TBACape Cod LGBTQ Pri/Hyannis LGBTQ Pri – July 22, 2023Central Pennsylvania LGBTQ Pri/Harrisburg LGBTQ Pri – July 29, 2023Whe River Junctn LGBTQ Pri/Upper Connecticut River Pri/Hanover NH LGBTQ Pri – July 29, 2023Meadville PA LGBTQ Pri – July 29, 2023Rochter Black LGBTQ Pri – Usually late July to early Augt, but 2023 dat TBANew York Cy LGBTQ Black Pri/Black Pri at the Beach – Aug. 21, 2023For rmatn on Gay Pri ftivals Montreal, Quebec Cy, Toronto, Halifax, Ottawa, and elsewhere Canada, check out the 2023 Canada LGBTQ Pri photography at is by Andrew Colls, unls otherwise noted.


Explore our 2023 Global Gay Pri Calendar for the LGBTQ+ muny featurg a listg of 200+ gay pri paras and celebratns around the world. * gay calendar boston *

The LGBTQ+ rights movement has ma tremendo stris over the past few s and much of the progrs visibily is thanks part to gay pri paras and march that have taken place ci around the world. The global landspe for LGBTQ+ rights, protectns and acceptance vari tremendoly by lotn, wh some statns attractg lns of visors to their events like Madrid Gay Pri, Sao Plo Gay Pri or San Francis Gay Pri, while more than 70 other untri have laws that allow discrimatn or persecutn of LGBTQ+ people.

Gay Pri or rather LGBTQ+ pri events (ed to be more clive), cludg pri paras and ftivals were started major urban centers to improve the visibily, acceptance and legal protectns for LGBTQ+ people livg those muni. In June of 1969, a group of LGBTQ+ people New York Cy rted followg a police raid of the Stonewall Inn, a gay bar loted on Christopher Street Greenwich Village. As the years went on, addnal ci North Ameri and Europe began to hold their own public monstratns or pri day, eventually leadg to what we know today as a gay pri para, march, celebratn or ftival.

Whether travelg alone, wh iends or fay, visg durg a gay pri event n be a fun way to experience a new statn and IGLTA n help you fd LGBTQ-iendly bs almost any lotn to help make you trip memorable, safe and excg. Awag dat – the fun ntu wh a pair of GLBT Block Parti, held the cy’s most gay-popular neighborhood, the Back Bay In the Back Bay (right by the South End), the Back Bay Block Party tak place om 2pm until 9 pm. Followg the Stonewall Uprisg of 1969 Greenwich Village, New York, the Homophile Coordatg Council was formed Boston 1970, to iate the very first Lbian & Gay Pri Celebratn the cy.


* gay calendar boston *

While a full-sle Pri Para did not take place, an excg week of LGBTQ-related workshops and foms transpired the cy, wh everythg culmatg to a gay dance at Charl Street Meetghoe. Boston Gay Pri 2020 will be takg place for an entire week, om June 5 to 16, wh a host of different LGBTQ-related events, all leadg up to the big Pri Para on Saturday, June 13.

The nversatns about Boston’s gay nightlife scene often center around the closgs of cherished tablishments and rapid gentrifitn of once-gay neighborhoods. The Theater District is home to multiple clubs that regularly host big-name DJs and queens om RuPl’s Drag Race (season 15 wner Sasha Colby performed at Legacy this wter), and Back Bay remas filled wh gay-iendly neighborhood hnts. Around for more than 30 years, Club Café is one of the olst gay bars Boston, but you wouldn’t be able to tell om the throngs of Gen Z-ers and lennials who wrap around Columb Avenue on Friday and Saturday nights to get si (pro tip: buy a yearly VIP pass to skip the le.

Wh s spac bar and numero high-tops, Harp and Bard has bee a statn for Dorchter gays who want to enjoy a lorful selectn of cktails or chow down on fort food favor like turkey tips and meatloaf.


Lookg for a place to celebrate Pri Month 2022? The bt of Boston’s gay nightlife scene n be found around the South End and Dorchter * gay calendar boston *

Dbar After Dark throws some of the most bacchanalian events on the Boston gay nightlife lendar, attractg hors of pleasure-seekers for s glow party and r Sunday outdoor tea dance. To this day, Boston remas one of Ameri’s most LGBTIQ+ iendly ci and has a large queer muny actively shapg the cy's future, ensurg remas one of the world’s foremost gay statns for generatns to e.


Gay & Sober - Meetgs MASSACHUSETTS .