Y, I am openly gay, but I happen to be someone who don’t wear lipstick, lash and eyhadow, though I love and support my fellow MUAs who do so. Growg up Philalphia, beg a Black man was hard, but beg a Black, gay man was even harr.
Nigel Shelby and Muhlaysia Booker serve to be here this month celebratg wh , as well as the many gay and trans inti that we’ve lost this year. ILoveMakonneniLoveMakonnen follows one person on Instagram -- jt 12 ls than Kanye Shropshire via Getty ImagThe Atlanta native who embolned to thk clubbg on “Tuday” was acceptable 2014 performed a bolr act this January when he announced that he was gay.
Given the hip-hop muny’s reputatn of homophobia, which is particularly geared towards gay men, iLoveMakkonen’s cisn to e out to the public was mendably unapologetic. Followg the the mass shootg at Pulse nightclub, Ocean took Tumblr to share his experienc wh homophobia followg the horrific attack which targeted the LGBTQ muny last June.