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cp_in__play-news-short-form EhtER lXUL6 cp_in--ctom-size" aria-hidn="false"><svg width="15" height="20" viewBox="0 0 15 20" fill="none" xmlns=" aria-label="Play Brightve vio" role="img"><tle>Play Brightve vio</tle><path fill-le="evenodd" clip-le="evenodd" d="M0.542124 0.110987C0.875033 -0.0604726 1.27584 -0.031568 1.5807 0.185886L14.5807 9.45861C14.8479 9.6492 15.0046 9.95875 14.9999 10.2869C14.9952 10.6151 14.8299 10.9201 14.5574 11.103L1.55738 19.8303C1.2507 20.0361 0.85551 20.0562 0.529562 19.8824C0.203615 19.7087 0 19.3694 0 19V1C0 0.625535 0.209216 0.282447 0.542124 0.110987Z" fill="whe"/></svg></i></button></div><vio-js data-acunt="2821697655001" data-player="B1J9ApOVZ" data-embed="flt" ntrols="" data-vio-id="6315636207112" data-playlist-id="" data-applitn-id="" class="_4h-ua"></vio-js></div><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX"><strong class="_1ATDh">ITV News Sports Edor Steve Stt reports om Qatar, where the English and Welsh teams land on Tuday</strong></p><hr/><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">England’s World Cup squad has arrived at the ntroversial World Cup  <a class="qNUzV q7LZa" data-ttid="next-lk-anchor" href="/news/topic/qatar"><span class="n6NlI">Qatar</span></a>, on a plane lled 'Ra Bow'.</p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">The Three Lns team left their St Gee’s Park HQ on Tuday morng and jetted out to Doha om Birmgham Airport on the Virg Atlantic flight, which featured rabow livery supportg LGBT+ pri.</p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">Tournament host Qatar is beg wily cricised over s opprsive laws and treatment of LGBT+ people. </p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">England skipper Harry Kane is one of several natnal ptas who plan to participate the ‘OneLove’ mpaign durg the tournament, which starts on Sunday to oppose discrimatn.</p><hr/><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX"><strong class="_1ATDh">Harry Kane leads the squad out of the plane as they arrive Qatar ahead of their first game next week</strong></p><div class="_8xmX9 f85xC A8Lwr" data-ttid="embed-brightve"><div data-ttid="player-overlay"><button class="_5ZKtN"><i class="cp_in cp_in__play-news-short-form EhtER lXUL6 cp_in--ctom-size" aria-hidn="false"><svg width="15" height="20" viewBox="0 0 15 20" fill="none" xmlns=" aria-label="Play Brightve vio" role="img"><tle>Play Brightve vio</tle><path fill-le="evenodd" clip-le="evenodd" d="M0.542124 0.110987C0.875033 -0.0604726 1.27584 -0.031568 1.5807 0.185886L14.5807 9.45861C14.8479 9.6492 15.0046 9.95875 14.9999 10.2869C14.9952 10.6151 14.8299 10.9201 14.5574 11.103L1.55738 19.8303C1.2507 20.0361 0.85551 20.0562 0.529562 19.8824C0.203615 19.7087 0 19.3694 0 19V1C0 0.625535 0.209216 0.282447 0.542124 0.110987Z" fill="whe"/></svg></i></button></div><vio-js data-acunt="2821697655001" data-player="B1J9ApOVZ" data-embed="flt" ntrols="" data-vio-id="6315621199112" data-playlist-id="" data-applitn-id="" class="_4h-ua"></vio-js></div><hr/><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">A Football Associatn spokperson said: “We show our support for cln many ways, cludg wearg the OneLove Armband durg the tournament.”</p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">As ITV News reported on Monday, <a class="qNUzV q7LZa" data-ttid="next-lk-anchor" href="/news/2022-11-14/england-world-cup-squad-expected-to-fly-to-qatar-on-plane-named-ra-bow"><span class="n6NlI"> is unrstood the FA did not choose the plane, but is happy to fly on </span></a>. </p><figure class="A8Lwr m-O"><div class="cp_placeholr"></div><figptn class="Ya3u6 SilLI" data-ttid="ptned-picture-ptn">The England squad boards the 'Ra Bow' flight bound for Qatar.<span class="mjYl8"> Cred: <!-- -->PA</span></figptn></figure><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">Earlier, the Prce of Wal vised the England squad at St Gee’s Park ahead of their trip to the World Cup.</p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">William joed a private meetg at the team’s Staffordshire trag ground on Monday eveng.</p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">Durg the ceremony William received an England shirt return signed by all the players, many of whom he has met before durg prev viss to their Staffordshire trag ground.</p><div class="_8xmX9 A8Lwr" data-ttid="embed-twter"><blockquote class="twter-tweet"><a href="></a></blockquote></div><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">The prce also told the players: “What you and (manager) Gareth (Southgate) have built here is somethg special, that’s clear to see. Play for each other, support each other, enjoy , and I’m sure you’ll go far.”</p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">England manager Gareth Southgate troduced William, who then prented the players wh their shirts. “What we are gog to do is ask His Royal Highns to prent you wh your shirts,” he said.</p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">The players were then lled up one by one, and William posed for an dividual photo wh each of them.</p><div class="_8xmX9 A8Lwr" data-ttid="embed-twter"><blockquote class="twter-tweet"><a href="></a></blockquote></div><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">Skipper Kane received his number ne shirt a bpoke box that told the story of the number and clud a picture of each player to have worn at prev World Cups.</p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">William hand out the shirts om number one for goalkeeper Jordan Pickford right through to number 26 for Conor Gallagher.</p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">After the prentatn, he told the team the whole untry is behd them.</p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">He said: “We are all rootg for you. Enjoy .”</p><div class="_8xmX9 A8Lwr" data-ttid="embed-twter"><blockquote class="twter-tweet"><a href="></a></blockquote></div><div class="qNUzV Z4snd" data-ttid="article-lk"><div class="-VoCt"><a class="WPcEk" data-ttid="next-lk-anchor" href="/news/2022-11-14/england-world-cup-squad-expected-to-fly-to-qatar-on-plane-named-ra-bow">England World Cup squad expected to fly to Qatar on plane named 'Ra Bow'</a><i class="cp_in cp_in__chevron cp_in--base uQW1m" aria-hidn="te"><svg xmlns=" width="12" height="20" viewBox="0 0 12 20" fill="none" role="img"> <path fill-le="evenodd" clip-le="evenodd" d="M0.256714 0.331044C0.626173 -0.0794661 1.25846 -0.112744 1.66897 0.256714L11.669 9.25671C11.8797 9.44635 12 9.71651 12 10C12 10.2835 11.8797 10.5537 11.669 10.7433L1.66897 19.7433C1.25846 20.1127 0.626173 20.0795 0.256714 19.669C-0.112744 19.2584 -0.0794661 18.6262 0.331044 18.2567L9.50515 10L0.331044 1.7433C-0.0794661 1.37384 -0.112744 0.741553 0.256714 0.331044Z" fill="#FFF"/> </svg></i></div></div><div class="qNUzV Z4snd" data-ttid="article-lk"><div class="-VoCt"><a class="WPcEk" data-ttid="next-lk-anchor" href="/news/2022-11-09/abe-of-migrant-workers--qatar-alleged-ahead-of-world-cup">Abe of migrant workers Qatar alleged ahead of World Cup</a><i class="cp_in cp_in__chevron cp_in--base uQW1m" aria-hidn="te"><svg xmlns=" width="12" height="20" viewBox="0 0 12 20" fill="none" role="img"> <path fill-le="evenodd" clip-le="evenodd" d="M0.256714 0.331044C0.626173 -0.0794661 1.25846 -0.112744 1.66897 0.256714L11.669 9.25671C11.8797 9.44635 12 9.71651 12 10C12 10.2835 11.8797 10.5537 11.669 10.7433L1.66897 19.7433C1.25846 20.1127 0.626173 20.0795 0.256714 19.669C-0.112744 19.2584 -0.0794661 18.6262 0.331044 18.2567L9.50515 10L0.331044 1.7433C-0.0794661 1.37384 -0.112744 0.741553 0.256714 0.331044Z" fill="#FFF"/> </svg></i></div></div><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">Homosexualy is illegal Qatar and anyone found participatg same-sex sexual activy n be punished by up to seven years prison.</p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">Foreign Office advice not “any timacy between persons public n be nsired offensive, regardls of genr, sexual orientatn or tent”.</p><figure class="A8Lwr m-O"><div class="cp_placeholr"></div><figptn class="Ya3u6 SilLI" data-ttid="ptned-picture-ptn">A Virg Atlantic A350 Airb, named Ra Bow ahead of parture at Birmgham airport. <span class="mjYl8"> Cred: <!-- -->PA</span></figptn></figure><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">An ambassador for the World Cup last week scribed homosexualy as “damage the md”.</p><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX">Former Qatari footballer Khalid Salman told German public broadster ZDF that beg gay is “haram”, or forbidn Arabic, and that he has a problem wh children seeg gay people.</p><hr/><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX"><strong class="_1ATDh">Want a quick and expert briefg on the biggt news stori? Listen to our latt podsts to fd out What You Need To Know.</strong></p><div class="_8xmX9 A8Lwr" data-ttid="embed-spreaker-playlist"><iame class="vWpZr" src=" tle="Podst playlist embed" loadg="lazy"></iame></div><p class="A8Lwr BVYCX"></p></div><footer data-ttid="article-footer"><div class="cQTzz C04KI" data-ttid="tag-list"><ul class="fHh0w"><li class="Jp5fE"><div class="aqX0o"></div><div data-ttid="tag" class="_6DWPQ xp9pO"><a class="HPL4j" data-ttid="tag-lk" href="/news/sport"><span data-ttid="tag-text">Sport</span></a></div></li><li class="Jp5fE"><div class="aqX0o"></div><div data-ttid="tag" class="_6DWPQ xp9pO"><a class="HPL4j" data-ttid="tag-lk" href="/news/royal"><span data-ttid="tag-text">Royal</span></a></div></li><li class="Jp5fE"><div class="aqX0o"></div><div data-ttid="tag" class="_6DWPQ xp9pO"><a class="HPL4j" data-ttid="tag-lk" href="/news/topic/qatar"><span data-ttid="tag-text">Qatar</span></a></div></li><li class="Jp5fE"><div class="aqX0o"></div><div data-ttid="tag" 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england plane gay

A host of England players cludg star striker Harry Kane were pictured steppg out of the jet around 8.30pm lol time Qatar (5.30 GMT). They arrived on a Gay Pri jet dubbed 'Ra Bow'



ENGLAND’s Three Lns fly to the World Cup on a Gay Pri jet tomorrow — to show a red rd to host natn Qatar’s Gareth South * england plane gay *

Follow all the latt om the World Cup our LIVE blog RIGHT HERE Southgate's ments me after a World Cup ambassador told German TV broadster ZDF that homosexualy is "damage the md".

Former Qatari ternatnal Khalid Salman addrsed the issue of homosexualy, which ntu to be illegal the nservative Mlim untry, and clared that visors to the untry durg the World Cup "have to accept our l here". "(Homosexualy) is haram.

The England football squad are flyg out to the World Cup on a plane celebratg LGBT rights, a gture aimed at challengg the homophobic Qatari regime. The Virg Atlantic plane, lled the Ra Bow, is brand wh a rtoon figure rabow traers and bears the registratn number 'GV -PRD', standg for Gay Football Associatn did not missn the plane but FA boss are happy wh the gture.


* england plane gay *

Beg gay Qatar, where the World Cup is startg later this week, is illegal. People nvicted of homosexual acts face sentenc of up to three years, and even the ath flight is not the only pro-LGBT gture associated wh the England squad at the World Cup. Germany's jet has a 'diversy ws' msage brand on the si, while the US si have a rabow logo at their trag after Qatar’s World Cup ambassador told journalists that homosexualy was a "damage the md" and gay visors will have to "accept our l" before beg abptly cut off.


England’s World Cup team are flyg to Qatar, where beg gay is crimalised, a Virg Atlantic "Pri-themed" plane. * england plane gay *

[Homosexualy] is haram. "The terview was then cut off by an more: Homosexualy is 'damage the md' and gay visors 'have to accept our l', Qatar's World Cup ambassador saysRead more: Dua Lipa and Rod Stewart among stars to snub Qatar as prsure grows on Beckham over World CupThe awardg of the tournament has been ntroversial sce was announced about a has been heavily cricised for s rerd on migrant labour, wh reports lkg more than 30 aths to the nstctn mpaign for the World Cup.

England's msage of World Cup fiance, directed towards the homophobic regime nng Qatar, has been dwarfed by old rivals Germany. As so many World Cup penalty shootouts before, the Three Lns have once aga been tmped by Germans, this time a 'diversy fly out' Southgate's 26-strong team are jettg out to Qatar Virg Atlantic's Gay Pri plane, dubbed 'Ra Bow' jet featur a picture of Osr, a rtoon man holdg a Unn flag while wearg a small set rabow-loured traers, beneath the b. And sports the registratn number 'GV -PRD' - a nod to the Gay choice to jet out to the Middle East is seen as a clear challenge to Qatar, where is illegal to be homosexual.


ENGLAND’s Three Lns fly to the World Cup on a Gay Pri jet tomorrow — to show a red rd to host natn Qatar’s Gareth South * england plane gay *

England and Germany are jt two of a handful of natns takg part the World Cup seekg to rebel agast Qatar's strict homophobic laws, amid wispread cricism of this year's tournament hosts. ' FA chiefs proposed the ia to highlight ncerns over gay rights Qatar, where same-sex relatnships rema a crimal offence and whose World Cup Ambassador last week said homosexualy is 'damage the md' found participatg same-sex sexual activy Qatar n be punished by up to seven years prison, while there are also ncerns about thoands of migrant workers havg died Qatar sce won the rights to host the World has urged untri to foc on football durg the petn, but Southgate has said is 'highly unlikely' that England will do so.


___ Gay (famed plane) is a crossword puzzle clue * england plane gay *

'However, some teams have already been penalised for their efforts to fy strict Qatari Friday, boss at FIFA rejected the Danish team's requt to tra at the World Cup shirts wh the words 'human rights for all' on Danish Football Assotn nfirmed the cisn, as Qatar fac tense prsure over s treatment of migrant workers and s anti-homosexual laws.

England’s men’s football team are flyg to Qatar Tuday on a ‘Gay Pri’ jet a gture of solidary wh the LGBT World Cup tak place Qatar om November 20, but ntroversy has dogged the tournament over the untry’s tolerance towards the LGBTQ+ muny. Acrdg to the Sun, the plane was chosen to register ncern about gay rights.

Getty ImagLast week, one of the untry’s ambassadors for the tournament, Khalid Salman, lled homosexualy “damage the md”, sparkg renewed Monday, UK Foreign Secretary Jam Cleverly fend attendg the tournament and ments he ma urgg LGBT+ fans to “rpect” Qatar’s said: “I've vised Qatar the lead-up to the World Cup and when I go to the World Cup, I will be speakg to the secury thori to ensure that English and Welsh and whatever other Brish fans who are gog to the World Cup rema safe. ENGLAND’s Three Lns fly to the World Cup on a Gay Pri jet tomorrow — to show a red rd to host natn Qatar’s tolerance. The gture was proposed by FA chiefs keen to register ncern about gay rights the strict Mlim state where homosexualy n still rry the ath penalty.


England's World Cup squad have touched down on the tarmac Qatar, havg arrived a Virg Atlantic aircraft emblazoned wh Gay Pri logo stnch fiance of the host natn's attus towards Southgate's si left the natnal team trag ground at St Gee's Park this morng and head to Birmgham Airport, where they stepped onto their flight to Doha.

England arrived Doha on a Gay Pri jet - a 'Ra Bow' Virg Atlantic A350 Airb - spe Qatar's polici where is illegal to be gay - a show of support for LGBTQ+ people livg the Gulf state. And sports the registratn number 'GV -PRD' - a nod to the Gay Pri.

30PM GMT) Southgate is headg to his third tournament as England boss sce he took over om Sam Allardyce back 2016FA chiefs proposed the ia of the Gay Pri plane to highlight ncerns over gay rights Qatar, where same-sex relatnships rema a crimal offence and whose World Cup Ambassador last week said homosexualy is 'damage the md' found participatg same-sex sexual activy Qatar n be punished by up to seven years prison, while there are also ncerns about thoands of migrant workers havg died Qatar sce won the rights to host the World Cup. England arrived Doha on a Gay Pri jet - a 'Ra Bow' Virg Atlantic A350 Airb - a show of fiance over the host natn amid ncerns over the treatment of LGBTQ+ people at the tournament. 30PM GMT) Doha England's Men's Player of the Year and Arsenal star Bayo Saka arriv ahead of the World Cup startg on Sunday Southgate is headg to his third tournament as England boss sce he took over om Sam Allardyce back 2016 The squad looked good spirs after the six hour and 40 mute flight as they board a b at the airport after landg Callum Wilson (left) and Jam Maddison, who both won their last England p back 2019, arrive Qatar good spirs England will e the trag facili at Al Wakrah Sports Complex durg the World Cup and unrgo a light ssn on Tuday eveng before ser preparatns beg on Wednday ahead of next Monday's opener wh Iran England's travelled to Qatar on a plane lled the 'Ra Bow', pictured at Birmgham Airport on Tuday ahead of their flight The aircraft featur a picture of Osr, a rtoon man holdg a Unn Jack flag while wearg rabow-loured traers, beneath the bFA chiefs proposed the ia of the Gay Pri plane to highlight ncerns over gay rights Qatar, where same-sex relatnships rema a crimal offence and whose World Cup Ambassador last week said homosexualy is 'damage the md' found participatg same-sex sexual activy Qatar n be punished by up to seven years prison, while there are also ncerns about thoands of migrant workers havg died Qatar sce won the rights to host the World landg, England then board a b and travelled to their team hotel, where they were greeted by fans as they arrived.


Dpe homosexualy beg illegal Qatar FIFA has nsistently reassured LGBTQ+ fans they will be safe to vis the untry. England's World Cup squad will land Qatar on a Gay Pri jet a show of fiance over the host natn amid ncerns over the treatment of LGBTQ+ people at the 26-man squad, led by manager Gareth Southgate and pta Harry Kane, will make the seven-hour flight to Doha on a 'Ra Bow' Virg Atlantic A350 aircraft featur a picture of Osr, a rtoon man holdg a Unn Jack flag while wearg rabow-loured traers, beneath the b, The Sun chiefs proposed the ia to highlight ncerns over gay rights Qatar, where same-sex relatnships rema a crimal offence and whose World Cup Ambassador last week said homosexualy is 'damage the md' found participatg same-sex sexual activy Qatar n be punished by up to seven years prison, while there are also ncerns about thoands of migrant workers havg died Qatar sce won the rights to host the World Cup. ' The 26-man squad, led by manager Gareth Southgate and pta Harry Kane, will make the seven-hour flight to Doha on a 'Ra Bow' Virg Atlantic A350 Airb The aircraft featur a picture of Osr, a rtoon man holdg a Unn Jack flag while wearg rabow-loured traers, beneath the b The England players molled their official Marks & Spencer team gear as they got together for the first time FIFA has urged untri to foc on football durg the petn, but Southgate has said is 'highly unlikely' that England will do so Khalid Salman - a former Qatar ternatnal footballer - said people had to accept the untry's l Foreign Secretary to go to Qatar World Cup spe cricism on LGBTQ rightsForeign Secretary Jam Cleverly has said he will travel to Qatar to attend the World Cup spe facg cricism for tellg gay fans not to prott while visg the untry where homosexualy is illegal.


Labour MP Chris Bryant acced him of handg gay fans travellg to Qatar a "slap the face" by tellg them to ply wh the lol laws. 'It after a World Cup ambassador told German televisn broadster ZDF that homosexualy is 'damage the md', as the Gulf state prepar to host the global tournament next an terview filmed Doha and to be screened later on Tuday, former Qatari ternatnal Khalid Salman addrsed the issue of homosexualy, which is illegal the nservative Mlim football players have raised ncerns over the rights of fans travellg to the event, pecially LGBT+ dividuals and women, whom rights groups say Qatari laws discrimate untry expects more than one ln visors for the World Cup. '(Homosexualy) is haram.

Meanwhile, Foreign Secretary Jam Cleverly has said he will travel to Qatar to attend the World Cup spe facg cricism for tellg gay fans not to prott while visg the untry where homosexualy is illegal. ”Homosexualy is illegal Qatar and anyone found participatg same-sex sexual activy n be punished by up to seven years prison.


Cred: PAAn ambassador for the World Cup last week scribed homosexualy as “damage the md” Qatari footballer Khalid Salman told German public broadster ZDF that beg gay is “haram”, or forbidn Arabic, and that he has a problem wh children seeg gay a quick and expert briefg on the biggt news stori? (Screengrab/Sun & Rters)The England men’s natnal team flew to Qatar for the World Cup on a Gay Pri jet.

The Gareth Southgate managed si parted for the tournament on Tuday on a Gay Pri jet – a ‘Ra Bow’ Virg Atlantic A350 Airb. The gture, per reports, was proposed by England FA boss to register ncern about gay rights the natn where homosexualy n still rry the ath penalty. Humpheri first to e out as a gay player Atralia’s NBBL.

Melbourne Uned’s Isaac Humphri beme Atralia’s first active male profsnal basketballer to e out as gay on Wednday, exprsg relief at puttg behd him “extremely dark tim” when he stggled wh his sexualy. England's men's squad have arrived Qatar, for the upg FIFA World Cup, on an aeroplane wh a Gay Pri sign emblazoned across to show solidary wh the LGBTQ+ muny. The Three Lns arrived Doha on a "Ra Bow" Virg Atlantic A350 Airb aircraft spe the host untry's crimalisatn of jet featur a picture of Osr, a rtoon man holdg a unn flag while wearg a pair of multi-loured also sports the registratn number GV-PRD a nod to the Gay Pri movement.


Football Associatn officials are said to have proposed the ia of the plane's motif to highlight ncerns over gay rights Qatar, where anyone found participatg same-sex sexual activy n be punished by up to seven years prison. "Germany sent a siar msage to England their latt prott agast Qatar's stance on Mannschaft travelled on a Lufthansa airler wh the words "diversy ws" wrten across of England's group opponents, the US, have resigned their logo to also show support for Gay origal red strip have been replaced wh rabow lours. The aircraft, chartered by the FA, has a registratn number GV-PRD an abbreviatn of ‘Pri’ the FA did not ask for this specific plane, they are unrstood to be perfectly happy wh beg will land a untry where same sex relatnships are a crimal offence; a law that has meant many LGBTQ+ fans have cid not to England pose for a new pictureIt also a week after Qatar FIFA World Cup ambassador Khalid Salman scribed homosexualy as “damage the md” an terview wh a German broadster.





While You Were Asleep: England fly to World Cup on pri jet, Humpheri first to e out as a gay player Atralia’s NBBL, Nkunku out of World Cup | Football News - The Indian Exprs .