Auckland Gay Map 2023 - gay bars, clubs, gay snas, hotels & more - Travel Gay

the basement gay auckland

Gui to The Basement Club, Gay Bar Brighton - ratg, atmosphere, workg hours, addrs, map, directns and nearby LGBTQ+ iendly venu.



Gui to Basement, Gay Club Auckland - ratg, atmosphere, workg hours, addrs, map, directns and nearby LGBTQ+ iendly venu. * the basement gay auckland *

premier gay and lbian space for a number of years.


Top Auckland Gay Clubs & Bars: See reviews and photos of Gay Clubs & Bars Auckland, New Zealand on Tripadvisor. * the basement gay auckland *

> Gay New Zealand > Gay Auckland Auckland Gay MapOur teractive Auckland gay map. HotelsHotels · DisuntsBars & ClubsCise ClubsSnasServicToursCy GuiGay MapHotelsBarCise ClubSnaHave we got somethg wrong?

Auckland Gay Bars & ClubsThe Eagle BarThe Eagle is iendly, chilled-out gay bar on the famo 'K' Road, where you n pick your own mic on the jebox. Weekday: Tue-Thu 16:00 - 00:00Weekend: 16:00 - 04:00 / 01:30Last updated on: 9 Aug 2023Last updated on: 9-Aug-2023Fay Bar & ClubLarge bar, club & party venue for the Auckland LGBT - perhaps the gayt place to dance the night away the cy centre. The crowd is mixed, although most of the staff are gay.

Featur:BarCafeMicRtrantWeekday: 12:00 - 01:00Weekend: 12:00 - 01:00Last updated on: 9 Aug 2023Last updated on: 9-Aug-2023URGE EventsFormerly a gay bar, URGE now anis gay dance parti and events at var venu Auckland. Check URGE's Facebook for tails of upg gay updated on: 9 Aug 2023Last updated on: 9-Aug-2023Latt Auckland Hotel OffersFabulo als, amazg hotels. Auckland Gay and Lbian Scene.


Auckland / Tāmaki Makr gay tourism: At you n fd the rmatn you need for your vatns Auckland / Tāmaki Makr. * the basement gay auckland *

The gay and lbian scene on New Zealand's North Island is beg more open and obv, although by ternatnal standards, is still relatively small and low-key.

Many people refer to Karangahape Road as the cy's 'Rabow Strip', due to s populary wh the rint gay muny.


Our exclive Auckland gay map of the bt gay bars, gay dance clubs, gay snas, gay cise clubs remend hotels Auckland. Updated for 2021. * the basement gay auckland *

Also standg on Karangahape Road is the 'non-attu' Urge Bar, which has been servg the Auckland gay muny sce 1997.

Auckland Gay Ftivals and Events.


Auckland Gay Bar & Club Gui. Fd the bt gay bars & gay dance clubs Auckland, New Zealand. Exclive reviews, photos, maps. * the basement gay auckland *

First held 1992, the two-week Hero Para ran for jt unr a , until 2001, wh s annual gay and lbian procsn takg to the streets of Auckland Febary, ually the week prr to the famo Sydney Mardi Gras.

It was very succsful promotg the subject of acceptance and gay rights New Zealand, and at s peak, drew over 100, 000 people to the cy. Useful LGBT gay and lbian nam and addrs:Pri Centre.

An excellent ntact pot for gay and lbian visors.

Gui to The Grr Cise Lounge, Gay Lounge Auckland - ratg, atmosphere, workg hours, addrs, map, directns and nearby LGBTQ+ iendly venu. * the basement gay auckland *

A gay and lbian newspaper, published fortnightly, full of LGBT rmatn about the lol scene and sold at most newsagents.

New Zealand Gay Gui.

This is a popular monthly gay magaze, sold at most newsagents.

The gay and lbian scene on New Zealand's North Island is beg more open and obv, although by ternatnal standards, is still relatively small and low-key. * the basement gay auckland *

'Guenzel llected Stempniewicz, 59, om Drn's b statn on November 4 that year and drove him to the cheap B&B he ran wh a gay man the Erzgebirge si, he took him to the cellar and - acrdg to ttimony at the first trial - slashed his throat, llectg his blood an old pat fiancee of Stempniewicz, a Rsian woman intified only as Svetlana, lled police when her lover did not return home aga. Although SPQR is not an out and out gay bar, is extremely popular among the LGBTQ crowd, and the ripped torso on the sign is somewhat of a giveaway. Apartamentos alhedor, quartos privados e sas críveis: seja bem recebido pela unida gay em mais 200 país.

Apartamentos, quartos, ridências: seja alhido pela unida gay.


The Basement Club, Brighton Gay Bar | Rabow Inx .