Gay Jeopardy Jeopardy Template

gay jeopardy questions

Ever wonred how much you know about male homosexualy? When did same-sex marriage start the U.S.? We ve you to dive to yourself g our bt gay quizze



This performer was "Born This Way" and intifi as bisexual., This Lat mic sensatn me out wh this century after fatherg two children., Known bt for patgs of Campbell's Soup ns, this pop artist's sexualy has long been intified as nonheteronormative, but wh no five ncln as to whether he was gay or asexual, Billie Joe Armstrong me out as bisexual 1995, and is the lead sger for this band of Amerin Idts * gay jeopardy questions *

What is PFLAG (Parents and Friends of Lbians and Gays)? Known bt for patgs of Campbell's Soup ns, this pop artist's sexualy has long been intified as nonheteronormative, but wh no five ncln as to whether he was gay or asexual. This big state was taken to the Supreme Court by a private party, lost, and the lg set a standard that crimalized homosexualy Ameri (cludg all 13 stat that had not already) 2003.

This mpaign started rponse to the gay marriage ban California, and has rulted ternatnal art projects supported by celebri like Kim Kardashian. This gay actor has prospered through his long life and enuraged gay youth Tennsee to e his name place of "gay, " when a ban was placed on g that word public schools. This bar New York Cy was the lotn of a turng pot the Gay Rights Movement when a rt broke out durg a police raid 1969 and the name has been ed many gay rights movements sce then.

Even wh all the voic that this activist his hilar adult rtoons, he also has one that speaks out strongly for gay rights as a straight ally. This polician me out openly and beme the first openly gay person elected to public office California, tablishg the Castro District as a hub for the natnal gay rights movement. This anizatn monors the media and fights homophobia and ignorance the public fom as well as promot diversy programmg.


This song artist is the first openly gay artist to have #1 Rerd on the Billboard Hot 100., Known for his character who is "Legend-DARY" on a popular CBS show. , Known for beg a eakg awome judge on Dancg wh the Stars. , This guy, (ht: one of my favore celebri ever), wrote, directed, and starred Netflix's Scht's Creek. * gay jeopardy questions *

What is GLAAD (Gays & Lbian Alliance Agast Defamatn)?

Speakg of Roach and her nsecutive ws, she is a 23-year-old Canadian tutor who wasn’t shy about beg gay on her Twter acunt. Known for snappg his fgers and slammg his buzzer, Virtel was proudly flamboyant even when his snappg was misnsted as support for anti-gay Republins.

This song artist is the first openly gay artist to have #1 Rerd on the Billboard Hot 100. Probably the most famo and inic gay in, this famo actrs starred as Dorothy the first movie put lor!


* gay jeopardy questions *

This phrase is ed to help someone tell others that they are a part of the queer muny while providg themselv a b of a shield om homophobia.

This phrase referenc the most famo gay in also. This Gay In has tapulted over 150 drag artists to world-wi fame on his nway show. This is the first untry the world to legalize gay marriage 2001.

Known as the "English Rose", this Gay In was mored to equent gay nightclubs boy drag wh iends Elton John, Freddie Mercury, and Gianni Versace. This voted relig Gay In enurag her fans to spread kdns, passn, and enurag them to be acceptg to all. Her song "Fay" teach people that “Some are preachers / some are gay / some are addicts, dnks and strays / But not a one is turned away when 's fay” – and this is back 1991 – long before Gaga popularized sgers acknowledgg their gay fans.


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