Todd Gaynor is an attorney Norfolk, VA at Taylor and Walker. Review Todd’s profile, experience and crentials.
Todd M. Gaynor, Esquire Bgraphy * todd gaynor attorney *
Gaynor’s ligatn experience clus several areas of the law wh a special foc on labor and employment law. Gaynor has fend and prosecuted vlatns of var state employment laws volvg wrongful discharge and unfair petn.
Gaynor has advoted before the Equal Employment Opportuny Commissn (EEOC), Virgia Employment Commissn (VEC), the Mer Systems Protectn Board (MSPB) and the Virgia State Employee Grievance Employment Dispute Rolutn Center. Gaynor has also unseled employers on how to avoid legal disput the workplace volvg race and genr discrimatn, employee benefs, harassment, retaliatn, and wage and hour laws.
Gaynor (ntact form). Gaynor, Partner AttorneyLabor and Employment Law; Employee Benefs Law; Civil Rights; Discrimatn Law; Bs Law; Civil LigatnPhone:757-216-1411, 757-625-7300Web: 555 E.
5 reviews for Todd Gaynor Norfolk, VA - ntact, servic, appotment and much more... * todd gaynor attorney *
GaynorPhone:757-216-1411, 757-625-7300Fax:757-625-1504Lawyer Tle:PartnerPractice Areas:Labor and Employment Law; Employee Benefs Law; Civil Rights; Discrimatn Law; Bs Law; Civil LigatnB:Phi Alpha Delta.
Gaynor, graduated om Universy of Wtern Ontar, B.
* todd gaynor attorney *
Gaynor is one of the more than one ln lawyers Uned Stat. Gaynor as your lawyer, you should nsir whether Todd M. Gaynor offers ee nsultatn, (if not) how much the ial terview sts, if there is any hidn attorney fe, what's the fee schle, whether he or she has good muny reputatn and is able to provi a list of good referenc.
Gaynor has ever been placed unr any disciplary actns. Gaynor's office is loted at Norfolk, VA, he or she might belong to the bar associatn of other stat.
Todd Michael Gaynor is an attorney Norfolk, VA. Practice Employee Rights, Discrimatn, Bs, Civil Rights, General Practice. * todd gaynor attorney *
Gaynor has been admted 2002, Virgia, U. Gaynor's llege and law school tn clus Universy of Wtern Ontar, B.
Gaynor and her entire firm were a pleasure to work wh, even a difficult circumstance. Gaynor tly listens and works to unrstand the client and their goals and then provis advice and optns to help achieve the out the client wants and needs. Related Web Rultsgaynorlawcenter.
Gaynor. Todd Gaynor.
Todd M. Gaynor is a Labor and Employment Law, Employee Benefs Law, Civil Rights, Discrimatn Law, Bs Law, Civil Ligatn attorney Norfolk, Virgia. Search for more lawyers by name, practice area and lotn only on * todd gaynor attorney *
Gaynor practic personal jury law Norfolk, VA, at Taylor and Walker.
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