15.09.23 – 19.09.23 • Gay Oktoberft Munich | Ignas Tour LGBT

gay party oktoberfest

Stoke Travel's gui to gay Oktoberft, cludg a full sectn on the different typ of German ssage on offer and how to get your hands on some



* gay party oktoberfest *

Events for the muny at the Win: That was Gay-Sunday the Bräurosl and Co. September 18, 2022: Gay-Sunday at the Bräurosl. The classic: More than 40 years ago, the gay Munich Lns Club (MLC) created the Gay-Sunday.


München Gay Oktoberft 2023, ch bekannt als Rosa Win Oktoberft, ee Kombatn verschiener Veranstaltungen während s Oktoberft München * gay party oktoberfest *

Every first Sunday of the Win, the gay and lbian muny meets all day the Bräurosl tent. Sce often gets que crowd on Gay-Sunday, there was an unofficial, ee gay get-together at Bräurosl one day later - "RoslMontag".

M., gays and lbians once aga me together sually. There mt be no place for homophobia and vlence at the Oktoberft. Homosexuelle Tage f m Oktoberft 2022.

Für viele gilt r Gay Sunday f m Oktoberft als r schönste Tag s Jahr. Gay Sunday r Bräurosl f m Oktoberft / „Gay Sunday“ r Bräurosl. Für n „Gay Sunday“ benötigen Sie das MLC-Kartenpaket, um f n Balkon r Bräurosl zu gelangen.


Gay Oktoberft Munich ~ Multatnal Group Trip ~ Drk Beer. Scream out loud "O'zapft is" and "E Pos". Meet more than 8.000 Gays and Lbians for the Gay Sunday Oktoberft. Be part of this amazg event together wh your LGBT iends om all over the world ! * gay party oktoberfest *

„RoslMontag“ – Gay Win Club.

Pschorr-Bräurösl platzt se Jahren am Gay Sunday s allen Nähten. Wo übernachten Gay München? In r Gegend gibt ee bree Mischung s Gay-Bars, von trendigen und modischen bis h zu tradnelleren Bierhäern und Cisg-Clubs.

Empfohlene HotelsWo bleiben Sie r Nähe aller Gay-Bars? The LGBTQ* scene Munich has a long history: as well as beg one of the first ci to hold Christopher Street Day celebratns (the German and Swiss equivalent to Gay Pri), the Munich-based polil party Rosa Liste was the first gay and lbian electoral group Europe to take up seats on a lol uncil, the 90s.


Gay Win, the gay Oktoberft party Berl, beat Munich's famed Oktoberft by 12 days. The mpy party will have boys lerhosen and dirndls dancg until dawn every Monday through October 15. * gay party oktoberfest *

Although there are not as many specifilly gay bars and clubs here as there were the 1980s and '90s, there are several venu the area which always attract a good crowd.

Wednday is generally known as “gay day”, when the area is buzzg wh young people and the bar is open for the eveng at the Diversy Café, a queer meetg place for young people and adults aged up to 27. If ’s too by for you there though, you uld try your luck at the Ksar Bar on Müllerstrasse – a pub that always brgs a lot of gay patrons on Wedndays. For the slightly olr crowd, gay bar Café Nil is a fortable spot which opens at noon and offers a menu featurg simple dish such as schnzel, alongsi s drks offerg.

Nearby Aroma Kaffeebar hosts the After Work gay night om 6 pm on the first Tuday of every who liv for happy hour and a breakfast of Weißwurst (Bavarian veal ssage) should fely pay a vis to Bar Zur Ferwache.


A blue checkered shirt, brown lerhosen shorts wh embroired brac and wild tufts of hot pk hair -- Jam Rozeboom is ready to party Sunday at Gay Oktoberft, which fought for a place at the table at Germany's giant beer ftival. * gay party oktoberfest *

Meanwhile, for great cktails and stylish surroundgs, Holzstrasse gay bar Jenny was a iend of me is sure to imprs. There are regular Gay Schlager mic parti here, but the venue also draws a crowd for s After-Oktoberft, Easter and Christmas events.

Though there are always gay and lbian clubbers here, the venue also holds two monthly events which are pecially geared towards the LGBTQ* scene: Playground and well as the many clubs which are part of Munich's LGBTQ* scene, there are also var regular club nights which take place different venu around the cy. And of urse, let’s not fet Jenny tanzt, Munich's largt gay party which tak place every few weeks the Oberangertheater or the Isarpost! The NY Club is another firm fixture on the gay club scene, as is Munich's only exclively gay club.

Jt around the rner you’ll fd the 8below club, which holds gay and lbian parti and is also well-known on the LGBTQ* scene for s '90s parti. Although is not explicly a gay venue, the club is extremely LGBTQ* you're lookg for lbian club nights, you uld head to DJan Delight, for example – though the crowd here is a ltle olr. Other key events for gay women clu the Amazonas party nights and 8below's regular Uschi Ehorn nights and Pk Heaven parti for very young guts.


A blue checkered shirt, brown lerhosen shorts wh embroired brac and wild tufts of hot pk hair -- Jam Rozeboom is ready to party Sunday at Gay Oktoberft, which fought for a place at the table at Germany's giant beer ftival. * gay party oktoberfest *

Munich's first Christopher Street Day took place 1980, when a small polil para of 150 gay men and 30 lbian women marched wh plards through the cy before headg to the beer garn at the Chischer Turm (Che Tower) for drks. There is the Rosa Win for example, a seri of gay Oktoberft events which tradnally kick off on the first Sunday of the ftival, which is known as Gay Sunday.

On the same day, gay and lbian ftival-goers gather the Bräurosl ftival tent om midday to celebrate together. ) Rosl Montag, which tak place on the first Monday of Oktoberft, is another popular gay and lbian meet-up durg the ftival. Revellers e together aga on the last day of the ftival, meetg at the food unter the Schottenhamel tent to mark the end of Gay Oktoberft.

On Rosenmontag, the Monday before Lent begs, priz are award for the most betiful and elaborate stum at the cy's largt gay Faschg ball. The event is anised by Sub (Schwul Kommunikatns- und Kulturzentm München/Gay Communitns and Cultural Centre Munich), the Munich Lns' Club and the Fom Homosexualät, and tak place the Oberangertheater. The big Faschg party day is Tuday, when gay and lbian partygoers ngregate at the Viktualienmarkt food market to celebrate at the “entrance” to the Glockenbachviertel district – where the Altstadtrg meets Reichenbachstrasse.


Gay Oktoberft brgs pri to Munich - The Lol .