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class="Episo_sgle-episo-tle__v3XV_">The hidn tth about Red Cross lifeguards</div></div><div class="Episo_podst-playlist-episo-__X1zSu"><p class="Episo_podst-playlist-episo-scr__4d02U">The Red Cross’s lifeguard certifitn program is nsired the gold standard water safety, but an vtigatn to the nonprof reveals alleged gaps s oversight of lifeguard trag. </p></div><div class="Episo_podst-playlist-episo-date__Agmff">Monday, July 17, 2023</div></div><div><img class="Episo_hi__huBV0" src=" style="m-width:180px" alt="The hidn tth about Red Cross lifeguards"/></div></div><div><div class="Episo_podst-playlist-episo-player__e57gs"><div class="h-sm"><svg aria-labelledby="64b560a9c9e77c000a9dc711-aria" role="img" height="32" width="200" viewBox="0 0 250 40" class="db"><tle id="64b560a9c9e77c000a9dc711-aria">Loadg...</tle><rect role="prentatn" x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%" clip-path="url(#64b560a9c9e77c000a9dc711-diff)" 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class="Episo_photo-cred__kKutI">(Derek Abella for The Washgton Post)</span></div><div class="Episo_episo-scriptn__xjxJk"><p><span style="lor: rgb(0, 0, 0); background-lor: transparent;">In 2019, Doug Forb and his wife left their 6-year-old dghter, Roxie, at Summerkids Camp, an idyllic day mp the Los Angel area. Ls than an hour later, they got a phone ll om the mp director. Roxie was beg transported to a nearby hospal. The next day, Roxie was pronounced ad; she had drowned.</span></p><p><br></p><p><span style="lor: rgb(0, 0, 0); background-lor: transparent;">Forb would spend the next four years tryg to unrstand how his dghter’s tragic ath uld have happened. What he – and The Post’s rporate acuntabily reporter, Doug MacMillan, disvered – is a seri of loophol the Red Cross’s lifeguard trag program that allegedly allows lifeguard trae to go rogue and skip lifavg trag protols.</span></p><p><br></p><p><span style="lor: rgb(0, 0, 0); background-lor: transparent;">Today, Doug MacMillan tak si The Post’s vtigatn of the Red Cross, the story of a father who lost his dghter to drowng, and why one whistleblower om si the anizatn says he don’t tst lifeguards to protect his children.</span></p></div></div></div></div></div><div><div class="AddToPodstApp_podst-subscribe-ntaer__QjQCe"><div class="AddToPodstApp_podst-subscribe-tle__QKK_a">Add to a podst app</div><div class="unfed AddToPodstApp_podst-hear__VIWKA"><div class="AddToPodstApp_podst-standard-sub-wrapper__wZD9R"><div><div class="AddToPodstApp_subscribe-actn-ll__a_ZHO">Listen to new episos on your smartphone or other vice.</div><div class="AddToPodstApp_podst-sublks__d02mX"><div 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tth about Red Cross lifeguards</div></div><div class="Episo_podst-playlist-episo-__X1zSu"><p class="Episo_podst-playlist-episo-scr__4d02U">The Red Cross’s lifeguard certifitn program is nsired the gold standard water safety, but an vtigatn to the nonprof reveals alleged gaps s oversight of lifeguard trag. </p></div><div class="Episo_podst-playlist-episo-date__Agmff">Monday, July 17, 2023</div></div><div><img class="Episo_hi__huBV0" src=" style="m-width:180px" alt="The hidn tth about Red Cross lifeguards"/></div></div><div><div class="Episo_podst-playlist-episo-player__e57gs"><div class="h-sm"><svg aria-labelledby="64b560a9c9e77c000a9dc711-aria" role="img" height="32" width="200" viewBox="0 0 250 40" class="db"><tle id="64b560a9c9e77c000a9dc711-aria">Loadg...</tle><rect role="prentatn" x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%" clip-path="url(#64b560a9c9e77c000a9dc711-diff)" style="fill:url(#64b560a9c9e77c000a9dc711-animated-diff)"></rect><fs><clipPath 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class="Episo_episo-scriptn__xjxJk"><p><span style="lor: rgb(0, 0, 0); background-lor: transparent;">In 2019, Doug Forb and his wife left their 6-year-old dghter, Roxie, at Summerkids Camp, an idyllic day mp the Los Angel area. Ls than an hour later, they got a phone ll om the mp director. Roxie was beg transported to a nearby hospal. The next day, Roxie was pronounced ad; she had drowned.</span></p><p><br></p><p><span style="lor: rgb(0, 0, 0); background-lor: transparent;">Forb would spend the next four years tryg to unrstand how his dghter’s tragic ath uld have happened. What he – and The Post’s rporate acuntabily reporter, Doug MacMillan, disvered – is a seri of loophol the Red Cross’s lifeguard trag program that allegedly allows lifeguard trae to go rogue and skip lifavg trag protols.</span></p><p><br></p><p><span style="lor: rgb(0, 0, 0); background-lor: transparent;">Today, Doug MacMillan tak si The Post’s vtigatn of the Red Cross, the story of a father who lost his dghter to drowng, and why one whistleblower om si the anizatn says he don’t tst lifeguards to protect his children.</span></p></div></div></div></div></div><div class="PrevNext_podst-next-prev-feature-ntaer__JunJJ"><div class="PrevNext_podst-next-prev-ntaer__b_JgB PrevNext_grid__x3tGD"><div><div class="PrevNext_tle__jUPM5">Prev Episo</div><div class="PrevNext_prev-next-episo__cQxcB"><div><div style="box-shadow:5px -5px 0 0 null"><div class="Episo_podst-episo-ntaer__7PRqK"><div><img class="Episo_hi__huBV0" src=" alt="Deep Reads: A gay uple ran a rtrant peace. Then new neighbors arrived."/><div><h3 class="Episo_podst-next-prev-episo-tle__R8Ysi"><a class="Episo_podst-episoClicked__MnSA6" href="/podsts/post-reports/ep-reads-a-gay-uple-ran-a-rtrant--peace-then-new-neighbors-arrived/">Deep Reads: A gay uple ran a rtrant peace. Then new neighbors arrived.</a></h3></div><div class="Episo_podst-playlist-episo-__X1zSu"><p class="Episo_podst-playlist-episo-scr__4d02U">This is the send bon stallment of "Deep Reads," the bt of The Post's narrative journalism. It's a story about iologil differenc, accatns of harassment and the monopolizg of town rourc.</p></div><div class="Episo_podst-playlist-episo-date__Agmff">Saturday, July 15, 2023</div></div><div><img class="Episo_hi__huBV0" src=" style="m-width:180px" alt="Deep Reads: A gay uple ran a rtrant peace. Then new neighbors arrived."/></div></div><div></div></div></div></div></div><div><div class="PrevNext_tle__jUPM5"> Next Episo</div><div class="PrevNext_prev-next-episo__cQxcB"><div><div style="box-shadow:5px -5px 0 0 null"><div class="Episo_podst-episo-ntaer__7PRqK"><div><img class="Episo_hi__huBV0" src=" alt="Hollywood’s existential crisis"/><div><h3 class="Episo_podst-next-prev-episo-tle__R8Ysi"><a class="Episo_podst-episoClicked__MnSA6" href="/podsts/post-reports/hollywoods-existential-crisis/">Hollywood’s existential crisis</a></h3></div><div class="Episo_podst-playlist-episo-__X1zSu"><p class="Episo_podst-playlist-episo-scr__4d02U">Hollywood is facg a crisis. Almost every wrer and actor is on strike agast major studs, haltg productn. Massive protts have taken over LA and New York. Today, we unpack the upheaval that will change Hollywood forever.</p></div><div class="Episo_podst-playlist-episo-date__Agmff">Tuday, July 18, 2023</div></div><div><img class="Episo_hi__huBV0" src=" style="m-width:180px" alt="Hollywood’s existential crisis"/></div></div><div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="PodstCaroel_sgleEpiso-podstCaroel__pLXsk"><div class="PodstCaroel_podst-roel-list-ntaer__4LHCp"><div class="PodstCaroel_podst-roel-ntaer__drsOj"><div class="PodstCaroel_podst-roel-hear__8qoJk"><div class="roel-ntaer relative overflow-hidn PodstCaroel_roel__aR7zg" dot="never"><a href="#end-react-aria-1" class="sr-only">Prs Enter to skip to end of roel</a><div class="absolute right-0 pa-md h-100 z-1 poter-events-none fa-overlay" style="top:0;background-image:lear-gradient(to left, #fff, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0))"></div><div class="flex-ns jtify-between ems-center"><a class="PodstCaroel_roelHear__hNVnb" href=">More podsts</a><div class="arrows mb-sm flex-ns dn dn-m"><button class="pa-0 flex-shrk-0 brad-50 borr-box transn-lors duratn-200 ease--out bg-gray-lighter gray ml-xxs mb-xxs h-sm w-sm not-allowed b-none" disabled="" tabx="-1" data-qa="sc-roel-arrow-left" aria-label="Navigate to the left"><div class="flex ems-center jtify-center h-100 w-100"><svg class="ntent-box fill-current" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" xmlns=" aria-hidn="te" focable="false" role="img"><tle>ArrowLeft

hidden gay hollywood

Disney executive producer Latoya Ravene says her team has implemented a "not-at-all-secret gay agenda" and is "addg queerns" to films.



Frankly, I’d have served a prison jt for him to hold my hand, like he did his off-whe Vxhall Nova on the drive there, breakg only to change, he took me for strawberry cir the Gloucter, a pub at the park’s edge, takg my tremblg hand his and reassurg me: “It’s actually a gay bar.

Gay pubs are far more than bars; they’re refug. On Sunday, the first a new seri of rabow plaqu will be stalled at the Gloucter – now the Greenwich Tavern – cementg s place gay home the workg-class Medway area of Kent, where we met when he sold me a phone cred rd at the lol petrol statn, “queers” like were wily perceived as predatory, perverted, spic or simply scum.

”After the strawberry cir, served by a man a tight whe vt – the only other gay man I’d seen real life – the squiggly summer sunlight ma a strobe effect through the park’s tre. The first time I saw wh him, when I was 18, I realised he had echoed the love story of the two protagonists, who also had their first kiss the twilight of Greenwich Park’s tre, and their first experience of a gay pub at the Gloucter.


The explanatn for his obssn is now clear: there was such a pcy of same-sex love stori that this was the first time many young people had seen a same-sex kiss, or peeked si an actual gay bar after dark.

The project remds people “that we have always been here, good tim and bad, ” David Robson of the London LGBT+ Foms’ Network said when the plaqu were film and my own story were workg-class gay love: not dandyish and sheltered by the polse of privilege, but the btal realy of beg perceived a non-mascule boy. It was a powerful and rarely told tersectn – and one that, even more rarely, ends rather happily, wh a betiful scene of fiance and acceptance played to a Mama Cass waltz on the sk I disvered that I wasn’t the only wi-eyed baby gay my boyiend had been chasg through those ancient chtnuts that summer. For me, the plaque honours that private moment as well as the shared history of the LGBTQ+ ’s the msage I’d impart to anyone who thks such symbols are meangls, as the unique social history of the UK’s gay bars is endangered by gentrifitn, hook-up apps, the st of livg crisis and even assiatn.

Like many workg-class, closeted gay boys, I’d hi unr the glovebox of my boyiend’s Nova when we drove back om the park, lt anyone saw. It whispered to ckney-accented gay boys like me: there are others like you.


The fact that Fzgerald was gay wasn’t an issue — this was Hollywood, after all — though he’d have to make sure he kept a secret.

Rince that beme a stop and a safe space for the dtry’s gay muny. So much of Hudson’s story as a gay man revolv around his ath, which the last third of All That Heaven Allowed ep-div to the name of patg Hudson as “a reluctant activist. ” The benef of this look back is that wants you to know what Hudson’s life as a gay man was like as well, and that is where the rrective part .

Gable's bltery homophobia may have been a there ever been talk of a Gable havg a same-sex affair once he beme famo? I've read Sie Hayward was homophobic, but I'm thkg was more of a "different time then" thg than some ep-seated hatred.


I've always found tertg that The Valley Of The Dolls (the book much more so than the movie) tak a much nastier tone about gay men than gay women.

Whereas the gay men are referred to as if they're all screamg Anonymoreply 3April 15, 2021 9:18 PM. I've heard speculatn that the (married) Edh Head was gay, and she certaly prented herself as someone who uld be.


The first gay pub I dared set foot now has a rabow plaque. Here’s why that matters | Gary Nunn | The Guardian .