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That is why we hope that our LGBT books will be well received by the stands for lbian, gay, bisexual and transgenr, and is therefore the inty of the movement that fights for non-discrimatn and social jtice for mori wh sexual preferenc different om June 28, 1969, Gay Pri has been celebrated every year this month. On that day there was an event that marked the stggle for the rights of the LGBT muny, a police raid on the Stonewall bar, which was very popular among homosexuals and where the sale of alholic beverag was rebelln agast this raid beme a historic event, reprented by the urage of the people who dared to raise their voic. Another aspect that this movement aims to bat is the homophobic vlence they have had to face for years jt bee of their sexual and/or genr choice.
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