The Gold Coast don't have a gay bar, but the drag queens behd Flamboyance hope that will change - ABC News</tle><meta name="tle" ntent="The Gold Coast don't have a gay bar, but the drag queens behd Flamboyance hope that will change - ABC News"/><meta name="scriptn" ntent="There hasn't been a dited LGBTQIA+ club or bar on the Gold Coast for the past two years, but there's hop a "surge" events uld help change that."/><meta name="keywords" ntent="gold ast gay bar, gay bars queensland, flamboyance drag show, pk flamgo, drag show, drag queens, dixie wrecked, natasha st jam, abc, lgbt, bgo, surfers paradise"/><lk rel="nonil" href="><lk rel="in" type="image/png" href="/news-web/assets/"/><lk rel="in" type="image/svg+xml" href="/news-web/assets/"/><lk rel="mask-in" lor="black" href="/news-web/assets/"/><lk rel="apple-touch-in" href="/news-web/assets/"/><lk rel="preload" href=" as="font" type="font/woff2" crossorig="anonymo"/><lk rel="preload" href=" as="font" type="font/woff2" 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Gold Coast: Tickets & Tours‎A & J Transfer Servic: Tickets & Tours‎Elife Las Vegas: Tickets & Tours‎PROFi DRIVER Gold Coast, Atralia, South Pacific: Tickets & Tours‎Airport Transfers / Hire the Driver: Tickets & Tours‎Thgs to do near Tambore MountaThgs to do near Pot DangerThgs to do near Curmb BeachThgs to do near The SpThgs to do near Sanctuary CoveThgs to do near Artvo Gold CoastThgs to do near TransLkThgs to do near Gold Coast SkydiveThgs to do near Cooly E AdventurThgs to do near Run Am CisThgs to do near Aqua AdventurThgs to do near Hopo Gold Coast FerryThgs to do near Wildflower DistilleryThgs to do near Te Blue Fishg ChartersThgs to do near Tipsy ToursThgs to do near Gold Coast InnPlaya San PanchoCy of Yon, OklahomaWaimanalo BeachFlorida Cs Center and Souvenir WorldKadasi Shoppg CenterLifou IslandExotic Animal ExperienceShoot Em' Up CemaAroma Thai Spa GongokSanta's WorkshopPasadia Playa Blan, BaGracia Village Walkg Tour2-Day Tour: Petra, Wadi Rum, and Dead Sea om AmmanFull-Day Capri Island Cise om SorrentoGrand Canyon Wt Rim B Tour wh Hoover Dam Stop, Meals and Optnal UpgrasThree Star Deluxe Sunset Dner and ShowGhana Dmmg & Dancg ExperienceThe Seven Rila Lak & Rila MonasteryDisver Azerbaijan 4 Days 3 NightsKennedy Space Center Small Group VIP ExperienceRtrantsFlightsVatn RentalsTravel StoriCisRental CarsToursAdd a PlaceTravel FomAirlTravel GuisRoad TripsHelp CenterSouth PacificAtraliaQueenslandGold CoastThgs to Do Gold CoastGay Bars Gold CoastGay Clubs & Bars Gold CoastAll thgs to doCategory typAttractnsToursDay TripsOutdoor ActiviConcerts & ShowsFood & DrkEventsShoppgTransportatnTraveler RourcTyp of AttractnsNightlifeNightlifeBars & ClubsBar, Club & Pub ToursDance Clubs & DissKaraoke BarsJazz Clubs & BarsCoffeehoBlu Clubs & BarsGay Clubs & BarsComedy ClubsWe BarsGood forGood for CouplBudget-iendlyGood for KidsGood for Big GroupsHoneymoon spotGood for Adrenale SeekersHidn GemsFree EntryAdventuroGood for a Ray Day1 place sorted by traveler favorClear all filters1. There is new hope that the Gold Coast's "sttered" LGBTQI+ scene will fd a greater sense of muny after the cy's first gay bar more than two years pots:There hasn't been a dited LGBTQI+ safe venue on the Gold Coast for more than two yearsA new bar has opened Broadbeach aimed at the muny and s alliGold Coast Rabow Communi has weled the venue and says more are on the wayDan Dunn lnched Chameleon Lounge Bar last week to addrs what he scribed as a "disnnected" muny.

Wh a noticeable gap the Gay Night Clubbg scene market; Tickle hop to provi both lol and tourists wh a quirky, all-clive fun venue to let your hair down on a Sunday night whout the mute to Brisbane. Movie WorldHotels near Surfers Paradise BeachHotels near SkyPot Observatn DeckHotels near Curmb Wildlife SanctuaryHotels near DreamworldHotels near Con-x-n Airport TransfersHotels near Wet'n'Wild Gold CoastHotels near G:lkHotels near Infy AttractnHotels near Gold Coast Airport (OOL)Hotels near Brisbane Intl Airport (BNE)Motels near Brisbane Intl Airport (BNE)Motels near Gold Coast Airport (OOL)Hotels near Bond UniversyPopular All-Inclive RortsPopular Beach RortsPopular Fay RortsPopular All-Inclive HotelsPopular Hotels Wh WaterparksPopular Honeymoon RortsPopular Luxury RortsPopular All-Inclive Fay RortsPopular Golf RortsPopular Spa RortsPopular Cheap RortsThgs to DoAll thgs to do Gold CoastNightlife Gold CoastGood for KidsGood for Big GroupsGood for CouplBudget-iendlyGood for a Ray DayFree EntryGood for Adrenale SeekersAdventuroHoneymoon spotHidn GemsBars & Clubs Gold CoastBlu Bars Gold CoastGay Bars Gold CoastJazz Bars Gold CoastKaraoke Bars Gold CoastComedy Clubs Gold CoastDance Clubs & Diss Gold CoastCoffeeho Gold CoastWe Bars Gold CoastBar, Club & Pub Tours Gold CoastOutdoor Activi Gold CoastTours & Activi Gold CoastSpas & Wellns Gold CoastBoat Tours & Water Sports Gold CoastFun & Gam Gold CoastNature & Parks Gold CoastShoppg Gold CoastTransportatn Gold CoastSights & Landmarks Gold CoastClass & Workshops Gold CoastFood & Drk Gold CoastMms Gold CoastAmement Parks Gold CoastTheater & Concerts Gold CoastDay Trips Gold CoastBeach & Pool Clubs Gold CoastBeach Gold CoastGolf Cours Gold CoastHorseback Ridg Tours Gold CoastHikg Trails Gold CoastSports Camps & Clics Gold CoastWater Sports Gold CoastGear Rentals Gold CoastBoat Rentals Gold CoastDolph & Whale Watchg Gold CoastGondola Cis Gold CoastSpeed Boats Tours Gold CoastKayakg & Canoeg Gold CoastParasailg & Paraglidg Gold CoastScuba & Snorkellg Gold CoastSightseeg Tours Gold CoastFactory Tours Gold CoastB Tours Gold CoastSegway Tours Gold CoastWalkg Tours Gold CoastWater Sports Gold CoastBoat Rentals Gold CoastDolph & Whale Watchg Gold CoastGondola Cis Gold CoastSpeed Boats Tours Gold CoastKayakg & Canoeg Gold CoastParasailg & Paraglidg Gold CoastScuba & Snorkellg Gold CoastSurfg & Wdsurfg Gold CoastSwim wh Dolphs Gold CoastHealth Clubs Gold CoastHammams & Turkish Baths Gold CoastThermal Spas Gold CoastYoga & Pilat Gold CoastWater Sports Gold CoastBoat Rentals Gold CoastDolph & Whale Watchg Gold CoastGondola Cis Gold CoastSpeed Boats Tours Gold CoastKayakg & Canoeg Gold CoastParasailg & Paraglidg Gold CoastScuba & Snorkellg Gold CoastSurfg & Wdsurfg Gold CoastSwim wh Dolphs Gold CoastWaterskig & Jetskig Gold CoastDuck Tours Gold CoastFishg Charters & Tours Gold CoastStand Up Paddleboardg Gold CoastPlaygrounds Gold CoastMovie Theaters Gold CoastComedy Clubs Gold CoastGame & Entertament Centers Gold CoastHorse Tracks Gold CoastBowlg Alleys Gold CoastSports Complex Gold CoastEspe Gam Gold CoastSvenger Hunts Gold CoastShootg Rang Gold CoastMiature Golf Gold CoastPat & Pottery Studs Gold CoastDams Gold CoastIslands Gold CoastPlaygrounds Gold CoastBeach Gold CoastGarns Gold CoastMaras Gold CoastMountas Gold CoastNatnal Parks Gold CoastNature & Wildlife Areas Gold CoastHikg Trails Gold CoastWaterfalls Gold CoastBodi of Water Gold CoastArt Galleri Gold CoastDepartment Stor Gold CoastFactory Outlets Gold CoastFlea & Street Markets Gold CoastShoppg Malls Gold CoastSpecialy & Gift Shops Gold CoastFarmers Markets Gold CoastFashn Shows & Tours Gold CoastShoppg Tours Gold CoastTrams Gold CoastFerri Gold CoastPublic Transportatn Systems Gold CoastTaxis & Shuttl Gold CoastB Servic Gold CoastCivic Centr Gold CoastRelig S Gold CoastEdutnal s Gold CoastHistoric S Gold CoastLightho Gold CoastMonuments & Statu Gold CoastObservatn Decks & Towers Gold CoastScenic Walkg Areas Gold CoastArenas & Stadiums Gold CoastFarms Gold CoastM Gold CoastPots of Intert & Landmarks Gold CoastLookouts Gold CoastChurch & Cathedrals Gold CoastUniversi & Schools Gold CoastSports Camps & Clics Gold CoastLsons & Workshops Gold CoastCookg Class Gold CoastPat & Pottery Studs Gold CoastWeri & Veyards Gold CoastBreweri Gold CoastDistilleri Gold CoastBeer Tastgs & Tours Gold CoastCoffee & Tea Tours Gold CoastCookg Class Gold CoastFood Tours Gold CoastWe Tours & Tastgs Gold CoastWe Bars Gold CoastFarmers Markets Gold CoastDistillery Tours Gold CoastArt Galleri Gold CoastArt Mms Gold CoastHistory Mms Gold CoastMilary Mms Gold CoastNatural History Mms Gold CoastObservatori & Plaariums Gold CoastSpecialy Mms Gold CoastBlu Bars Gold CoastJazz Bars Gold CoastComedy Clubs Gold CoastTheatre & Performanc Gold CoastDner Theaters Gold CoastCabarets Gold CoastTambore Mounta: Tickets & Tours‎Curmb Beach: Tickets & Tours‎The Sp: Tickets & Tours‎Artvo Gold Coast: Tickets & Tours‎Hopo Gold Coast Ferry: Tickets & Tours‎Wildflower Distillery: Tickets & Tours‎Trixy Trails - Gold Coast: Tickets & Tours‎A & J Transfer Servic: Tickets & Tours‎Elife Las Vegas: Tickets & Tours‎PROFi DRIVER Gold Coast, Atralia, South Pacific: Tickets & Tours‎Airport Transfers / Hire the Driver: Tickets & Tours‎Thgs to do near Tambore MountaThgs to do near Pot DangerThgs to do near Curmb BeachThgs to do near The SpThgs to do near Sanctuary CoveThgs to do near Artvo Gold CoastThgs to do near TransLkThgs to do near Gold Coast SkydiveThgs to do near Cooly E AdventurThgs to do near Run Am CisThgs to do near Aqua AdventurThgs to do near Hopo Gold Coast FerryThgs to do near Wildflower DistilleryThgs to do near Te Blue Fishg ChartersThgs to do near Tipsy ToursThgs to do near Gold Coast InnNorth ShoreHaigh's Cholat Strand ArGuawayan IslandThe OculYongmasanMbudya IslandCathedral of the Good ShepherdTnA's LoungeClifton HillAvalon Spa Wellns and MassageZiple Adventure through Twilla ParkE-Ofoad Can-Am UTV Tour San Juan, Puerto RiLumo Lagoon (Glisteng Waters) Night TourCosta Maya Shore Excursn: Chacchoben Day TripIs Island Boat Trip and Beach Day Package om Fajardo8-Day Taste of Mederranean Tour om Lisbon explorg bt of Spa & PortugalHalf-Day Private Boatg On Avalon Funship - Clearwater BeachSerengeti Balloon Safari and thentic bh breakfastDisver the Paris of Co Chanel Virtual Experience wh a Fashn DignerPrivate Tour to Nazareth & Sea of Galilee & Jordan River Yarn - ExcliveRtrantsFlightsTravel StoriCisRental CarsToursAdd a PlaceTravel FomAirlTravel GuisHelp CenterSouth PacificAtraliaQueenslandGold CoastThgs to Do Gold CoastGay Bars Gold CoastGay Clubs & Bars Gold CoastAll thgs to doCategory typAttractnsToursDay TripsOutdoor ActiviConcerts & ShowsFood & DrkEventsShoppgTransportatnTraveler RourcTyp of AttractnsNightlifeNightlifeBars & ClubsBar, Club & Pub ToursDance Clubs & DissKaraoke BarsJazz Clubs & BarsCoffeehoBlu Clubs & BarsGay Clubs & BarsComedy ClubsWe BarsGood forGood for CouplBudget-iendlyGood for KidsGood for Big GroupsHoneymoon spotGood for Adrenale SeekersHidn GemsFree EntryAdventuroGood for a Ray Day1 place sorted by traveler favorClear all filters1.


There is new hope that the Gold Coast's "disnnected and sttered" LGBTQI+ scene will fd a greater sense of muny after the return of gay bar after more than two years whout one the cy. * gay nightclub gold coast *

1Audience RatgBased on 81 vot2017 Audience Awards4 Star Wner2018 Audience Awards4 Star Wner2019 Audience Awards4 Star Wner2020 Audience Awards4 Star WnerGay cise party for group actn Mosw, wh XX vios, dark room, DJ, bar and kchen.


Gay iendly Gold Coast is full of beach, amazg bars, clubs, and hotels. Fd your bt gay acmodatn Gold Coast, Atralia here! * gay nightclub gold coast *

1Audience RatgBased on 81 vot2017 Audience Awards4 Star Wner2018 Audience Awards4 Star Wner2019 Audience Awards4 Star Wner2020 Audience Awards4 Star WnerWeekend: Sat 22:00 - 07:00; Sun 19:00 - 05:00Last updated on: 8 Aug 2023Last updated on: 8-Aug-2023JOKER Party3Audience RatgBased on 1 votAnother gay cise & fetish party om the IMPERIA group, wh XX vios, dark room, DJ, bar and kchen. It is a morn cy of almost 640, 000 people that sells self as a leisure pal, but for the past two years there has not been a gay bar on the Gold some wh the lol LGBTQIA+ muny, there are ser ncerns that the cy is movg the wrong directn. (ABC Gold Coast: Domic Cansdale)There ed to be several gay bars on the Gold Coast, but the last one was closed and put up for sale early Jam said the lack of an "actual tangible venue" had real nsequenc.


Our exclive Gold Coast gay map. Fd gay bars, gay nightclubs, gay cise clubs and some of the bt hotels Gold Coast, Atralia. Updated for 2021. * gay nightclub gold coast *

"There's nothg like this wh [the] productn, theatrils, LED lights and chorography, " he bee 's only a one-night-a-week event and Mr Rigas said he didn't nsir Flamboyance to be a an alternative to a gay bar. "Two years ago I don't thk I ever thought I would be standg on this stage, proudly homo, " he he hoped a gay bar would open on the Gold Coast soon, Nimri said there was "a big surge of the LGBT events" g. The only gay bar Arlgton, Tex., has shuttered due to the 1851 Club, which for s operated as a Cheers-style waterg hole for the lol LGBTQ+ muny, announced the sad news to s patrons a January 2021 Facebook post.

Oil Can Harry's has had s last gay untry-wtern bar, which has provid le-dancg and a waterg hole for the LGBTQ+ muny Los Angel's Stud Cy neighborhood for 52 years, was sold December to a new owner who plans to nvert to a venue wh jazz mic, acrdg to owner John a Monday Facebook post, Fagan revealed that the landlord of the buildg, Monty Overstreet, had ma the sale. Although no reason was given the post, the popular dive bar was the fourth gay bar after Rage, Flamg Saddl, and Gym Bar to shutter Wt Hollywood durg the COVID-19 panmic, which has forced all Los Angel bars that nnot nvert to rtrants wh outdoor dg to cease Coast was also the third closed WeHo gay bar to have had Monte Overstreet as a landlord. Except for a brief wdow, bars Wt Hollywood had been closed to prevent the spread of the Robert Maghame and Saeed Sattari opened the gay bar on Santa Moni Boulevard 1983, reports Wehoville.


Sadly, there will be no more socializg at the Albuquerque Social New Mexi gay club, known to lols as the "SOCH, " operated for nearly four s before shutterg Augt 2020 due to fancial issu tied to bar had first opened as The Heights the 70s before takg on the Albuquerque Social Club name 1983. Flamg Saddl Wt Hollywood has hung up s Squatriglia and Chris Barngay, owners of the untry-wtern bar, announced Augt 2020 that COVID-19, bed wh a failure to renegotiate the lease wh the landlord durg the panmic, has led to s permanent tablishment, known for shirtls wboys and wgirls who danced on the bartop, opened January 2015 on Santa Moni Boulevard. The Stud, San Francis's olst gay bar, shuttered s lotn of 33 years rponse to the health opened 1966 around the cy's burgeong leather muny by founrs Gee Mason and trans bs owner Alexis Muir, who was mored to be the spiratn of Anna Madrigal Tal of the Cy, the Stud grew to an LGBTQ+ stutn and safe hosted many drag and muny events over the s.

The only gay bar on Barracks Row, a mercial strip near the Navy Yard, Orchid was known for s Prohibn-era style, a 40-foot marble bar, and an upsle menu that clud avodo gazpacho, seared sea sllops, and magnums of rose. It also featured a cktail named for Hay and others named for one of his lovers, fashn signer Rudi Gernreich, and Pershg Square, once a gay cisg an terview wh The Advote, owner Garrett McKechnie said gay bars were still relevant. A sad story is nnected wh the bar; a manager, Sean Verdi, died sudnly at age 23 2014, possibly of a dg overdose, a Central Park South apartment belongg to Ian Reisner of Out NYC hotel fame (and known more recently for hostg a receptn for antigay printial ndidate Ted Cz).


When Rawhi closed due to a rent crease 2013, after 33 years bs, the Chelsea spot was mourned as "one of the last of a handful of old-school, unpretent gay bars" the cy, as a blog lled Jeremiah's Vanishg New York put . Dpe s proximy to Dupont Circle, a rzy District gayborhood, Apex was a notor dive; patron Charlie Leveridge wr, "I remember drivg past s cr block, wdowls fa high school and wantg so badly to venture si.... As had been ced as one of the bt gay bars Miami, Mova's closure me as a surprise -- fact, the Brickell property was bought out om unr the owner, Babak Movahedi, who then cid to sell the other lotn and start h somewhere else.


We pay our rpects to those amongst the lbian, gay, bisexual, trans, and tersex muni who have worked to support the improved health and wellbeg of their peers, children, fai, iends, and untry.


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