California still has an anti-gay marriage law on the books. Voters uld remove next year - CBS Sacramento

voting gay marriage

About three-fourths of Hoe Republins voted agast four bills ensurg rights to gay marrriage and accs to ntraceptn and abortn.



Hoe legislatn difyg protectns for gay marriage passed spe the fact that a big majory of the Hoe Republin uc opposed . * voting gay marriage *

On gay marriage, however, nearly one-quarter of the Hoe Republin nference voted favor, and there’s a realistic prospect of fdg the 10 Republins necsary to produce the 60 vot to guarantee Senate current levels of partisanship Washgton, this is a signifint achievement, particularly an electn year. They clud Judh Kasen-Wdsor, widow of gay rights activist Edie Wdsor; Matthew Hayn, -owner of Club Q, the LGBTQ club Colorado Sprgs where a gunman last month killed five people a mass shootg; Club Q shootg survivors Jam Slgh and Michael Anrson; and a number of platiffs om s that culmated the landmark civil rights se Obergefell vs.

Although there is no current threat to the legaly of gay marriage, and Print Bin signed a bill safeguardg last year, the Democratic-domant state Legislature is seekg to remove language om California’s Constutn that still f marriage as between a man and outdated state fn has been emed unenforceable and unnstutnal thanks to feral law, but LGBTQ advocy groups are askg voters to repeal and amend the California Constutn to stead explicly state that marriage is “a fundamental right. ”Nigel Pietroni, the chair of the Campaign for Equal Marriage the C of E, said the cisn “falls short of what we ultimately believe is the only oute for radil cln – equal marriage for all people”, but was “a small step forward” gay rights mpaigner Peter Tatchell said: “The offer of blsgs to same-sex partners is an sult.

Adam* said was dangero to e out as gay his home untry and feared beg forced to an arranged marriage wh a woman.He said he was "so lucky" to wed his soulmate, Ray, Manchter and wish everyone uld marry who they love.


The Hoe of Reprentativ on Tuday passed a bill to dify the right to gay marriage the wake of the Supreme Court's reversal of Roe v. Wa * voting gay marriage *

There are more than 60 untri wh laws that crimalise same-sex sexual acts acrdg to the Internatnal Lbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Associatn, cludg Sdi Arabia.'Authentilly myself'Ray said he had also stggled growg up gay the 1970s and 80s England, which was "tough".He said his relig school "dmmed to you, 'you are gog to hell'".When Adam returned home to Sdi Arabia, spe beg more than 3,000 apart and later rtricted by the Covid-19 panmic, they kept touch daily and the romance blossomed.Three years ago, Ray proposed on a vio ll and after succsfully applyg for a UK fiancé visa, Adam moved to Manchter December 2022. Adam said he had been aaid to even wear lours his home untry so the first thg he did when he moved was start to "grow my mullet, got my ears pierced and booked appotments for tattoos".He relled how, ntrast, one of his gay iends Sdi had been forced to marry a woman, addg: "It has ed not only his life but the life of his wife."Danny Beard on Same Sex Love and MarriageDanny explor same-sex weddgs, fdg out why upl chose to get married, the challeng unrpng this cisn and what mak the wedd relatnships work.The uple said they now wanted to help people who were not as ee and strive for "equaly for everyone"."Now I'm here a safe place I want to fight for others to be able to marry who they want," Adam said."I'm so lucky but I want everyone else Sdi to marry the one they love whout facg discrimatn and persecutn." Image source, Fay photographImage ptn, Peter McGrah and David Cabreza say they are "very proud" to have been the first same-sex uple married EnglandMore than 40,000 same-sex marriag took place between 2014 and 2020, acrdg to the Office for Natnal StatisticsPeter McGrah and David Cabreza, origally om Stland and the US, ma history when they beme the first same-sex uple to marry England on 29 March 2014.The trailblazers married jt after midnight at Islgton Town Hall.


A supposed requt for a webse for a same-sex weddg played a mor role a major clash between ee speech and gay rights at the Supreme Court. * voting gay marriage *

The uple, who live London, said a "really betiful memory" was on the way home when one of their sons shouted out of the black b wdow to Trafalgar Square, "My dads jt got married" and cheered "Yay, gay marriage"."It was so sweet seeg him so happy," Mr Cabreza said. AdvertisementSKIP ADVERTISEMENTA supposed requt for a webse for a same-sex weddg played a mor role a major clash between ee speech and gay rights at the Supreme Supreme Court led last week that a Colorado graphic signer has the right to refe to create webs for same-sex Jiang for The New York TimAfter the Supreme Court led last week that a Colorado graphic signer has the right to refe to create webs for same-sex marriag, crics of the cisn raised qutns about a form clud urt papers the se that appeared to show that a gay uple had sought the servic of the signer, Lorie man who supposedly submted the form said he was unaware of s existence until a reporter for The New Republic lled him. WASHINGTON — New pollg released today by the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) — the natn’s largt lbian, gay, bisexual, transgenr and queer (LGBTQ+) civil rights anizatn — shows that about two-thirds (64%) of likely voters 2022 battleground stat – Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Geia, Michigan, North Carola, New Hampshire, Nevada, Oh, Pennsylvania and Wisns – support a law “protectg the natnal right to same-sex marriage.

Although Jt Welby, the archbishop of Canterbury, recently affirmed the validy of a 1998 claratn that gay sex was a s, there are signs that the C of E may be movg towards allowg clergy to follow their nscience on the issue. That set off an tensive effort among a bipartisan group of proponents the Senate — boosted quietly by a aln of fluential Republin donors and operativ, some of them gay — to fd the at least 10 Republin vot necsary that chamber to move the Senate, the legislatn was revised to addrs ncerns among some Republins that would punish or rtrict the relig eedom of stutns that refe to regnize same-sex marriag.


* voting gay marriage *

The unexpectedly high number of Hoe Republins supportg the bill July — nearly a quarter of them — propelled her bid to cut a bipartisan al the Senate, but she urged Senator Chuck Schumer, Democrat of New York and the majory lear, to wa until after the electns to brg to a strategy drew the ire of some progrsiv who were eager to exact a polil price om Republin opponents of the measure, but yield the hoped for rult: The legislatn passed the Senate last month wh the support of 12 Republins, exceedg the 60-vote thrhold that has trated many a bipartisan the Hoe floor on Thursday, a para of Democrats — some of them gay, many of speakg about their own same-sex marriag — stood to make the se for the measure. “Today, we will vote for equaly and agast discrimatn by fally overturng the homophobic Defense of Marriage Act and guaranteeg ccial protectns for same-sex and terracial marriag, ” Reprentative David Cicille, Democrat of Rho Island, said on Thursday the moments before , at a ceremony to celebrate and officially transm the legislatn to Mr. Pelosi, whose speakership ends the begng of January, said that signg the bill was a ftg pstone to her tenure the post, which began 2010 wh her signg legislatn to allow the repeal of the “don’t ask don’t tell” policy agast gay and bisexual people servg openly the Reprentative Barney Frank, Democrat of Massachetts and one of the first openly gay members of Congrs, was on hand to celebrate what he scribed the mise of yet another ignom piece of policy, referrg to the Defense of Marriage Act by s ials.

His mg about gay men and lbians as secury risks 1973, and his support for a measure rtrictg how homosexualy was prented to schoolchildren, reflects the kd of attus that gay and lbian activists had to battle durg the early s of the movement.

Lee tried and failed to attach chang to the bill that he said would more strongly protect relig Colls phed back, notg that the bill had received strong backg om fah-based groups, cludg the Church of J Christ of Latter-day Sats, which historilly has aggrsively opposed gay rights.


A third of Hoe Republins voted wh every sgle Democrat to enshre protectns for gay marriage to feral law on Tuday rponse to the Supreme Court's abortn cisn. * voting gay marriage *

" CLARENCE THOMAS SAYS SUPREME COURT SHOULD RECONSIDER CONTRACEPTION, GAY MARRIAGE RULINGS Associate Jtice Clarence Thomas went a step further by thorg a ncurrg opn that suggted the urt should revis other lgs cludg, gay marriage and accs to ntraceptn. CLICK HERE TO GET THE FOX NEWS APP Toronto, Canada - 25 June 2017: Gay Pri Para spectator holdg small gay rabow flag durg Toronto Pri Para 2017 (iStock)The legislatn now heads to the 50-50 Senate where fac an uncerta fate. Wa imperiled siar precents that protected rights to same-sex relatns and bill, which passed the Democratic-ntrolled chamber by a vote of 267-157 wh support om 47 Republins, tablish feral protectns for gay marriage and prohibs anyone om nyg the validy of a marriage based on the race or sex of the will now go to the Senate for a vote, where fac unclear odds the evenly divid chamber.

"The rights and eedoms that we have e to cherish will vanish to a cloud of radil iology and dub legal reasong, " Nadler said a statement on the Hoe bill, stat uld still rtrict gay marriage if the Supreme Court overturns s prr lg. ImageLorie Smh said her Christian fah requir her to turn away ctomers seekg servic to celebrate same-sex Woolf for The New York TimThe Supreme Court sid on Friday wh a web signer Colorado who said she had a First Amendment right to refe to sign weddg webs for same-sex upl spe a state law that forbids discrimatn agast gay people. The liberal jtic viewed as somethg else entirely — a dispute that threatened societal protectns for gay rights and rolled back some recent an impassned dissent, Jtice Sonia Sotomayor warned that the oute signaled a return to a time when people of lor and other mory groups faced open discrimatn.

Kavangh and Amy Coney Barrett, shifted the urt to the urts have generally sid wh gay and lbian upl who were refed service by bakeri, florists and others, lg that potential ctomers are entled to equal treatment, at least parts of the untry wh laws forbiddg discrimatn based on sexual owners of bs challengg those laws have argued that the ernment should not force them to choose between the requirements of their fahs and their livelihoods. Addnally, several stat terpret existg laws agast sex discrimatn to apply to bias relatg to sexual orientatn and genr inty, even though they do not have laws explicly forbiddg such stat that do not offer protectns to gay and transgenr people on those grounds, municipal laws ver many Human Rights Campaign, an L.


The U.S. Hoe of Reprentativ on Tuday passed a bill protectg gay marriage rights, after the Supreme Court's cisn to overturn Roe v. Wa imperiled siar precents that protected rights to same-sex relatns and ntraceptn. * voting gay marriage *

McCoy for The New York TimThe urt’s cisn favor of a Colorado web signer, Lorie Smh, had an unual feature: It was based on njecture and Smh, who objects to providg weddg-related servic for same-sex marriag, never turned down a gay uple.

ETFriday’s lg was another reassurg cisn for relig celebratory moment outsi the Supreme Court on Friday, after the urt livered the latt a strg of judgments favor of relig Zuhaib/Associated PrsConservativ who have moral and theologil objectns to gay marriage saw the Supreme Court’s cisn on Friday as reassurance that they would be able to assert their beliefs a public square that they see as creasgly hostile to a 6-to-3 vote, spl along iologil l, the jtic agreed wh a web signer Colorado who said she had a First Amendment right to refe to provi servic for same-sex marriag, spe a state law that forbids discrimatn agast gay people.

”Acrdg to pollg om 2021 by the Public Relign Rearch Instute, majori of most major relig groups — cludg Catholics, Jews and Mlims — oppose allowg small-bs owners to refe to serve gay and lbian people on relig grounds. Several siar s have centered on nservative Christian small bs owners who object to workg on gay weddgs specifilly, cludg a baker Colorado, two vatn signers Arizona and a Kentucky-based a news nference shortly after the lg was issued, Krist Waggoner, general unsel for Alliance Defendg Freedom, which reprented Ms.


A bill to protect gay marriage rights secured enough vot to pass the U.S. Hoe of Reprentativ on Tuday, garnerg some bipartisan support. * voting gay marriage *

” She said her nsiratn acceptg work as a webse signer was the “msage” of the se, not the inty of the Smh’s portfol clus webs for church, real tate pani and polil many nservative Christians hailed the cisn on Friday, drew cricism om some progrsive Christians and terfah groups, cludg those that serve gay people of fah. McCoy for The New York TimGay and transgenr rights anizatns on Friday nmned the Supreme Court lg backg a Colorado webse signer’s bid to refe to provi servic for same-sex marriag, llg the cisn a dangero backslidg on L. ETHere’s how urt battl over servg same-sex upl have played out the Cote for The New York TimIn the latt se volvg same-sex marriage rights, relig eedom and discrimatn, the Supreme Court on Friday led favor of a web signer Colorado who said she had a First Amendment right not to provi servic for same-sex marriag spe a state law that bans discrimatn agast gay ’s a brief look at some of the most proment s before Friday’s:A Colorado baker ws urtIn June 2018, the Supreme Court led favor of a Colorado baker who refed to bake a weddg ke for a gay uple.

Kennedy wrote that the missn’s members had acted wh “clear and impermissible hostily” to people wh scerely held relig Bra, a kemaker prevailsBra’s Supreme Court led favor of a bakery October 2018 that had refed to make a ke bearg the slogan “Support Gay Marriage, ” sayg the refal was not discrimatory. The urt’s cisn mak easier for bs Bra to cle ctomer requts that are at odds wh their dispute began 2014, when Gareth Lee, a gay rights activist Northern Ireland, sought to buy a ke for a party om Ashers Bakg Company Belfast that showed two “Same Street” characters, Bert and Ernie; a logo for his group, QueerSpace; and the slogan supportg gay marriage. A florist Washgton State says her rights were vlatedIn 2013, Barronelle Stutzman, the owner of a flower shop the small cy of Richland, southeastern Washgton, refed to create floral arrangements for a gay uple’s two grooms, Robert Ingersoll and Curt Freed, had prevly bought flowers at her store, Arlene’s Flowers.

”Invatn signers sue the cy of PhoenixThe Arizona Supreme Court agreed to hear arguments January after two Christian vatn signers said they would refe to create weddg vatns for same-sex upl if Da and Breanna Koski, evangelil Christians and the owners of Bsh & Nib Stud, sued the cy of Phoenix 2016, sayg they feared legal retributn if they did not fulfill requts om gay or lbian upl.


Swzerland agreed to legalise civil marriage and the right to adopt children for same-sex upl by a nearly two-thirds majory a referendum on Sunday, makg one of the last untri Wtern Europe to legalise gay marriage. * voting gay marriage *

Colorado Civil Rights Cote for The New York TimThe Supreme Court’s cisn on Friday favor of a Colorado web signer has echo of a 2018 se about a baker who had turned away a gay uple seekg a weddg that cisn, Masterpiece Cakhop v. Kennedy, who wrote the majory opn the 7-to-2 cisn 2018, seemed unable to choose between two of his re mments: He was the thor of every major Supreme Court cisn protectg gay rights unr the Constutn and also the urt’s most arnt fenr of ee speech. “The oute of s like this other circumstanc mt awa further elaboratn the urts, ” he wrote, “all the ntext of regnizg that the disput mt be rolved wh tolerance, whout undue disrpect to scere relig beliefs, and whout subjectg gay persons to digni when they seek goods and servic an open market.


After the 2020 electn, Colorado bee a center of electn nspiraci, a e embraced by some of s state is “a nice enpsulatn on what lims have been placed on the Christian right and what power and fluence they n still yield, ” William Schultz, a historian at the Universy of Chigo Divy School who is workg on a book about Christian culture Colorado Sprgs, said last 1992, voters the state passed what was nsired at the time to be an unual ballot iative prohibg Colorado om regnizg gay, lbian and bisexual people as a protected class. Another poll by Pew found that almost half of whe evangelils born after 1964 favored same-sex marriage 2017, pared to about a quarter of olr whe fah groups that have tradnally opposed gay rights now support some acmodatns for same-sex marriage. PetersCoverg the media's tersectn wh polics, culture and lawThree years ago, Jtice Neil Gorsuch, who wrote today's opn favor of the webse signer who oppos same-sex marriage, was the thor of a very different opn om the urt, lg that a landmark civil rights law protects gay and transgenr employe om workplace discrimatn.

Emphasizg her view that prohibg bs om discrimatg agast gay people is a regulatn of nduct, not speech, she wr: “The majory’s repeated votn of this Orwellian thought policg is revealg of jt how much misunrstands this se. The New Republic published an article reportg that the Colorado webse signer who oppos same-sex marriage, and whose challenge to Colorado’s antidiscrimatn law took this se to the Supreme Court, may not have received an actual requt om a gay uple to create a weddg 30, 2023, 10:17 a. ETHere’s what to know about the ee speech a 6-to-3 vote, spl along iologil l, the Supreme Court sid on Friday wh a web signer Colorado who said she had a First Amendment right to refe to provi servic for same-sex marriag spe a state law that forbids discrimatn agast gay people.


”The se, though amed as a clash between ee speech and gay rights, was the latt a seri of cisns favor of relig people and groups, notably nservative Christians, who celebrated the lg on Friday as a victory for relig dissent, Jtice Sonia Sotomayor lled the lg “profoundly wrong, ” argug that the Colorado anti-discrimatn law “targets nduct, not speech, for regulatn, and the act of discrimatn has never nstuted protected exprsn unr the First Amendment. At the same time, the lg limed the abily of the ernments to enforce anti-discrimatn urts have generally sid wh gay and lbian upl who were refed service by bakeri, florists and others, lg that potential ctomers are entled to equal treatment, at least parts of the untry wh laws forbiddg discrimatn based on sexual orientatn.

ZURICH, Sept 26 (Rters) - Swzerland agreed to legalise civil marriage and the right to adopt children for same-sex upl by a nearly two-thirds majory a referendum on Sunday, makg one of the last untri Wtern Europe to legalise gay marriage.

“Log Cab Republins thanks the forward-thkg members for votg to settle this issue once and for all and move the Republin Party le not jt wh the vast majory of the untry, but wh the majory of s own voters, ” the nservative gay advocy group said a statement Tuday. Senator Tammy Baldw, Democrat of Wisns and the lead sponsor of the legislatn, said that gay people were “sred for good reason” about their rights beg unr threat, and that the same legal arguments the nservative-leang Supreme Court had employed to reverse Roe uld jt as easily be applied to other s. ”ImageSenator Tammy Baldw, Democrat of Wisns and the first openly gay woman to be elected to the Hoe and the Senate, was the lead sponsor of the Drago for The New York TimSenator San Colls, Republin of Mae and one of the 12 Republin supporters of the bill, add that even whout an imment threat, “there is still value ensurg that our feral laws reflect that same-sex and terracial upl have the right to have their marriag regnized, regardls of where they live this untry.


'Cultural divi' Many people returned to the Republic of Ireland om abroad to st their ptn, "Today Ireland ma history", say Irish PM Enda Kenny after the vote to legalise same-sex marriageMister for Health Leo Varadkar, who earlier this year me out as the Republic of Ireland's first openly gay mister, said the vote showed that the "tradnal cultural divi" between ral and urban areas had vanished.

In an ironic twist of fate, a tornado touched the nventn center on Wednday where legat om the Evangelil Lutheran Church Ameri (ELCA) gathered to bate and then vote on a statement that acknowledg there are "differg views on homosexualy. Parliament took a historic step towards embracg full equaly for gay people when MPs voted on Tuday overwhelmgly favour of equal marriage at the end of a charged Commons bate that exposed the ep rift over David Cameron's mornisg agenda at the heart of the Conservative 225-vote majory, greeted wh rare applse the public gallery, was marred for the prime mister, who suffered a huiatg rebuff when more than half of the parliamentary Tory party cled to support the ernment on an issue he has personally vted Paterson, the environment secretary, led an unofficial rebelln by an timated 136 Tory MPs rejectg Cameron's plea.



How many Republins voted agast gay marriage and ntraceptn accs - The Washgton Post .