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class="article-le-byle" data-activy-map="le-byle-article-top">By <span class="byle-name"><a href=">Sahil Kapur</a></span> and <span class="byle-name">Kyle Stewart</span></div></sectn><div class="article-body__ntent article-body-font--loadg"><p class="">WASHINGTON — The Hoe passed legislatn Thursday that would enshre feral protectns for marriag of same-sex and terracial upl.</p><p class="">The vote of 258-169 sends the Rpect for Marriage Act to Print Joe Bin, who praised Congrs for passg the bill and is expected to sign to law. <a href=">The Senate passed the bill</a> last week by a vote of 61-36.</p><div class="ad ad--text-alignment ad-ntaer boxleAd dn-prt"><div data-mps="te" data-slot="boxle" data-siz="[[[1000,1],[]],[[758,1],[[300,250],[700,50],[5,5],[728,90],[360,360]]],[[0,0],[[300,250],[700,50],[5,5],[360,360]]]]" data-renr-on-view="te" data-targetg="{}" data-active-tab="te" data-offset-viewport="100"></div></div><div id="taboolaReadMoreBelow"></div><p class="">Democrats were unified favor of the bill, while most Republins both chambers voted agast . Thirty-ne Hoe Republins supported the legislatn Thursday, and one voted prent. </p><p class="">“Your love is your choice,” Hoe Majory Lear Steny Hoyer, D-Md., said on the floor Thursday, sayg there is “no reason” to believe that Republin appote on the Supreme Court won’t want to <a href=" target="_blank">revis precents on LGBTQ rights</a> after havg overturned Roe v. Wa. </p><p class="">“The pursu of happs means you n love whom you choose,” he said, addg: “I am shocked that nservativ that have a libertarian bent believe that somehow we ought to get volved this. It’s not the ernment’s bs.”</p><figure class="styl_leImage__yAWZ0 styl_medium__OMa6x"><picture class="styl_image__1qciH"><source media="(m-width: 1000px)" srcSet=" 2x, 1x"/><source srcSet=" 2x, 1x"/><img loadg="lazy" src=" alt="Rebekah Monson, Andrea Vigil" height="1718" width="2500"/></picture><figptn class="ptn styl_ptn__Pe5JC"><span class="ptn__ntaer">Rebekah Monson, left, and Andrea Vigil at a weddg ceremony at the marriage license bure Miami on Jan. 6, 2015.</span><span class="ptn__source">Wiledo Lee / AP file</span></figptn></figure><p class="">The legislatn — led by Sen. Tammy Baldw, D-Wis., the first openly gay person elected to the Senate — would ensure that the feral ernment regniz marriag that were validly performed and guarantee full benefs “regardls of the uple’s sex, race, ethnicy, or natnal orig.” It would not, however, require stat to issue marriage licens ntrary to state law.</p><div class="ad ad--text-alignment ad-ntaer boxleAd dn-prt"><div data-mps="te" data-slot="boxle" data-siz="[[[1000,1],[]],[[758,1],[[300,250],[700,50],[5,5],[728,90],[360,360]]],[[0,0],[[300,250],[700,50],[5,5],[360,360]]]]" data-renr-on-view="te" data-targetg="{}" data-active-tab="te" data-offset-viewport="100"></div></div><p class="">Hoe Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., was prent to gavel down the vote and announce the bill's passage. Loud applse broke out on the Democratic si of the chamber, while a few Republins joed clappg.</p><p class="">The bill was amend rponse to Senate GOP mands. It clarified that relig anizatns wouldn’t be required to perform same-sex marriag and that the ernment would not be forced to protect polygamo marriag.</p><p class="">The revisns meant the Hoe had to vote aga after <a href=">passed an earlier versn</a> July.</p><p class="">Former Rep. Barney Frank, D-Mass., the first openly gay member of Congrs, attend the vote the Capol.</p><div class="ad ad--text-alignment ad-ntaer boxleAd dn-prt"><div data-mps="te" data-slot="boxle" data-siz="[[[1000,1],[]],[[758,1],[[300,250],[700,50],[5,5],[728,90],[360,360]]],[[0,0],[[300,250],[700,50],[5,5],[360,360]]]]" data-renr-on-view="te" data-targetg="{}" data-active-tab="te" data-offset-viewport="100"></div></div><div class="remend-tersectn-ref" data-activy-map="remend-article-body-remend"></div><p class="">“It’s a sign of enormo polil change Ameri,” he said an terview. “And ’s meangful for people. It’s real. It’s not a symbolic gture. I know a lot of married gay and lbian people who have been worried ever sce Clarence Thomas <a href=" target="_blank">said what he said</a>. So this is reassurance to them, as well.”</p><p class="">The legislatn was passed <a href=" target="_blank">amid fears</a> that the nservative Supreme Court majory might revis the right to same-sex marriage after rcd the right to an abortn. It reflects rapidly growg public support for legal same-sex marriage, which h a new high of 71% June, acrdg to<a href="> Gallup trackg polls</a> — up om 27% 1996.</p><sectn class="le-vio le-vio---body"><div class="le-vio__background"><div class="le-vio__player"><div class="vioPlayer styl_vioPlayer__bL8AJ styl_adNotPlayg__Q51_C styl_alignDktopBottom__4cHaO styl_alignMobileBottom__bhgkQ"><div class="vioSlate"><a href=" class="allowClicksOnPreview"><picture class=""><source media="(m-width: 1240px)" srcSet="><source media="(m-width: 758px)" srcSet="><img loadg="lazy" src=" height="1080" width="1920"/></picture></a><div class="playButtonOuter absolute absolute-fill w100 dn-prt"><div class="absolute absolute-fill w100 df ems-center ems-center-m jtify-center jtify-center-m"><div class="play le-vio__play-button"><svg class="play--in" xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 15 15" prerveAspectRat="xMidYMid" style="max-width:30px"><path d="M0 0v15l15-7.41z" fill-le="evenodd"></path></svg></div></div></div></div><div id="156676677517"></div></div></div></div><div class="le-vio__"><h2 class="le-vio__tle"><a href=">LGBTQ muny members fear rollback as Hoe vot favor of Rpect for Marriage Act</a></h2><span class="le-vio__tail"><span>Dec. 8, 2022</span><span>02:46</span></span><div class="styl_share__n3Syu le-vio__share dn-prt"><div class="styl_shareExpanr__hVk8d le-vio__share-expanr styl_hoverEffect___Dj4s"><span class="styl_shareDot__9pfRZ le-vio__share-dot"></span><svg class="styl_shareClose__6BZxR le-vio__share-close" viewBox="0 0 15 15"><le class="styl_shareLe__EJUjO" x1="0" x2="15" y1="0" y2="15"></le><le class="styl_shareLe__EJUjO" x1="0" x2="15" y1="15" y2="0"></le></svg></div><div class="styl_shareList___M8wC le-vio__share-list"><a href=" class="styl_shareLk__gSGN3" target="_blank" rel="noopen noreferrer"><span class="in in-facebook styl_shareIn__lVnRm le-vio__share-in"></span></a><a href=" class="styl_shareLk__gSGN3" target="_blank" rel="noopen noreferrer"><span class="in in-twter styl_shareIn__lVnRm le-vio__share-in"></span></a><a href="mailto:?subject=LGBTQ muny members fear rollback as Hoe vot favor of Rpect for Marriage Act& class="styl_shareLk__gSGN3" target="_blank" rel="noopen noreferrer"><span class="in in-email styl_shareIn__lVnRm le-vio__share-in"></span></a></div></div></div></sectn><p class="">“After the uncertaty ed by the Supreme Court’s Dobbs cisn, Congrs has rtored a measure of secury to lns of marriag and fai," Bin said a statement. "They have also provid hope and digny to lns of young people across this untry who n grow up knowg that their ernment will regnize and rpect the fai they build."</p><p class="">Bin also thanked members of both parti who champned the bill, sayg, "We showed that ’s possible for Democrats and Republins to e together to safeguard our most fundamental rights."</p><div class="ad ad--text-alignment ad-ntaer boxleAd dn-prt"><div data-mps="te" data-slot="boxle" data-siz="[[[1000,1],[]],[[758,1],[[300,250],[700,50],[5,5],[728,90],[360,360]]],[[0,0],[[300,250],[700,50],[5,5],[360,360]]]]" data-renr-on-view="te" data-targetg="{}" data-active-tab="te" data-offset-viewport="100"></div></div><p class="">In the Senate, 12 Republins voted wh unanimo Democrats <a href=" target="_blank">to pass the bill</a>, which sent back to the Hoe. The GOP proponents were an eclectic group, cludg retirg Sens. Rob Portman of Oh, Roy Blunt of Missouri and Richard Burr of North Carola; centrist al-makers like Mt Romney of Utah, San Colls of Mae, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Thom Tillis of North Carola; a learship member Joni Ernst of Iowa; and nservativ Todd Young of Indiana, Shelley Moore Capo of Wt Virgia, Dan Sullivan of Alaska and Cynthia Lummis of Wyomg.</p><div class="remend-tersectn-ref" data-activy-map="remend-article-body-remend"></div><p class="">In the Hoe, fewer Republins voted for the bill Thursday than supported the earlier versn. Seven Republins who voted y July opposed Thursday's bill: Cliff Bentz of Oregon; Mar Diaz Balart, Brian Mast and Maria Salazar of Florida; Dan Mser and Stt Perry of Pennsylvania; and Jeff Van Drew of New Jersey. Another, Burgs Owens of Utah, voted "prent" Thursday after havg supported the bill July. Two other Republins — Mike Gallagher of Wisns and Jaime Herrera Btler of Washgton — moved the other directn, supportg the bill Thursday after havg voted agast the earlier versn.</p><p class="">Frank, who attend a bill signg ceremony wh Pelosi and Senate Mory Lear Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., on Thursday, reflected an terview on the bill’s passage, 26 years after the Defense of Marriage Act banned feral regnn of same-sex marriage.</p><p class="endmark">“I was here for the birth of DOMA. And this is one se when the funeral is a much happier ocsn,” he said.</p></div><div class="expand-byle-ntributors articleByleContaer"><div class="expand-byle article-expand-byle" data-activy-map="expand-byle-article-bottom"><div class="byle-thumbnail byle-thumbnail--has-image expand-byle__thumbnail"><a href="><picture><source srcSet=" 2x, 1x"/><img loadg="lazy" src=" alt="" height="48" width="48"/></picture></a></div><span class="byle-name expand-byle__name"><a href=">Sahil Kapur</a></span><span class="byle-social expand-byle__social"><a href=" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="byle-social--lk"><span class="in in-twter"></span></a><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="byle-social--lk"><span class="in in-email"></span></a></span><div class="expand-byle__b-wrapper"><p class="byle-b expand-byle__b">Sahil Kapur is a senr natnal polil reporter for NBC News.</p></div></div><div class="expand-byle article-expand-byle" data-activy-map="expand-byle-article-bottom"><div class="byle-thumbnail byle-thumbnail--has-image expand-byle__thumbnail"><picture><source srcSet=" 2x, 1x"/><img loadg="lazy" src=" alt="" height="48" width="48"/></picture></div><span class="byle-name expand-byle__name">Kyle Stewart</span><span class="byle-social expand-byle__social"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="byle-social--lk"><span class="in in-email"></span></a></span><div class="expand-byle__b-wrapper"><p class="byle-b expand-byle__b">Kyle Stewart is an associate producer verg Congrs for NBC News.</p></div></div></div></div><div class="article-body--right-rail-ntaer"><div class="article-body__right-rail layout-grid-em grid-l-4_5-l grid-l-3_5-xl grid-l-ph-half-xl"><div class="ad article-body__right-rail--ad ad--text-alignment ad-ntaer dn-prt"><div data-mps="te" data-slot="boxrail" data-siz="[[[1000,1],[[300,250],[360,360]]],[[758,1],[]],[[0,0],[]]]" data-offset="10" data-renr-on-view="te" data-targetg="{}" data-active-tab="te"></div></div></div></div></div><div class="body-bottom-remend"><div class="ad ad--midrponsive ad-ntaer dn-prt"><div data-mps="te" data-slot="midrponsive" data-siz="[[[1000,1],[[700,1],[5,5]]],[[758,1],[]],[[0,0],[]]]" data-offset="300" data-reh-terval="0" data-renr-on-view="te" data-targetg="{}" data-active-tab="te"></div></div></div></div></div></article></div></div><div id="hfs-footer" class="dn-prt" data-activy-map="hfs-footer"><footer class="hfsf" ><div class="ner"><div class="logo"><a href="><svg class="peack" viewBox="578 62 67 39" xmlns=" fill="currentColor"><g fill-le="evenodd"><path d="M579.074 90.58c1.717-4.494 6.472-6.08 10.697-3.37l18.29 12.754h-22.18c-4.62 0-8.252-4.23-6.8-9.385"></path><path class="feather" d="M579.074 90.58c1.717-4.494 6.472-6.08 10.697-3.37l18.29 12.754h-22.18c-4.62 0-8.252-4.23-6.8-9.385"></path><path class="feather" d="M597.563 75.863l9.442 21.613-19.478-13.35c-4.887-3.24-3.896-8.79-1.19-11.237 3.83-3.24 9.245-2.12 11.226 2.97"></path><path class="feather" d="M610.57 70.93l-3.433 24.19-9.772-23c-2.113-5.75 2.64-9.516 5.81-9.583 3.632-.396 8.188 2.38 7.396 8.394"></path><path class="feather" d="M625.494 72.103l-9.707 23.067-3.102-20.82c-.265-3.17 1.716-3.237 2.443-3.832-.133-.463-1.124-.463-1.124-.463h-1.848c-.198-5.42 4.028-7.8 7.462-7.535 3.697.132 7.856 4.428 5.876 9.583"></path><path class="feather" d="M635.338 84.167L615.86 97.584l9.177-21.348c2.775-6.742 9.245-5.42 11.556-2.842 2.51 2.51 3.235 7.6-1.255 10.773"></path><path class="feather" d="M637.448 99.9h-22.515l18.29-12.756c4.49-2.975 9.244-.266 10.498 3.635 1.327 4.36-1.65 9.12-6.27 9.12"></path></g></svg></a></div><nav class="lks"><ul class="lks__wrap" data-l-2="14" data-l-3=15><li><a href=" target="_self">About</a></li><li><a href=" target="_self">Contact</a></li><li><a href=">Help</a></li><li><a href=">Careers</a></li><li><a href=" target="_blank" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Ad Choic</a></li><li><a href=" target="_blank" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Privacy Policy</a></li><li><a href=" target="_blank" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Do Not Sell My Personal Informatn</a></li><li><a href=" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">CA Notice</a></li><li><a href=">Terms of Service</a></li><li><a href=">NBC News Semap</a></li><li><a href=">Advertise</a></li><li><a href=" target="_self">Select Shoppg</a></li><li><a href=" target="_self">Select Personal Fance</a></li></ul></nav><div class="py"><p>© 2023 NBC UNIVERSAL</p><div class="brands"><a href="><svg viewBox="0 0 120 20" fill="none" xmlns=" aria-labelledby="nbc_news_logo"><tle class="nbc_news_logo">NBC News Logo

votes gay marriage

Ameri’s largt male Prottant nomatn had planned to meet this week for a likely vote to spl over differenc on gay marriage and LGBTQ pastors.



The Hoe of Reprentativ on Tuday passed a bill to dify the right to gay marriage the wake of the Supreme Court's reversal of Roe v. Wa * votes gay marriage *

Liz Cheney of Wyomg -- a break om her past stance on the issue, which publicly put her at odds wh her parents and sister, who is gay. ”The legislatn me about after the nservative Supreme Court majory overturned the nstutnal right to an abortn, sparkg fears that the jtic may also revis liberal urt precents that enshre marriage rights for gay and terracial bill would require the feral ernment to regnize marriag that were valid a state when they were performed.

They clud Judh Kasen-Wdsor, widow of gay rights activist Edie Wdsor; Matthew Hayn, -owner of Club Q, the LGBTQ club Colorado Sprgs where a gunman last month killed five people a mass shootg; Club Q shootg survivors Jam Slgh and Michael Anrson; and a number of platiffs om s that culmated the landmark civil rights se Obergefell vs. Philanthropist and Democratic donor David Boht, who has been an outspoken gay- and transgenr-rights activist and longtime supporter of Bin, told CNN that Tuday’s bill signg uld not e at a more ccial moment.

“[Bin] has monstrated his support for s for lbian and gay civil rights, and Tuday’s signg to law is a reaffirmatn of that durg this time when rights are unr asslt, ” Boht said. “I have suggted to others that not only would I like to see Roe, Casey, and Griswold on ntraceptn dified but I’ve also ma clear my support for, for gay marriage years ago, ” she said. Several GOP senators have also lled the 2015 Supreme Court cisn legalizg gay marriage “wrongly” marriage is broadly popular wh the Amerin people.


Hoe legislatn difyg protectns for gay marriage passed spe the fact that a big majory of the Hoe Republin uc opposed . * votes gay marriage *

Last month, Gallup found that a rerd high of 71% of Amerins support , cludg a majory of are the nam of every Republin reprentative who opposed feral protectns for gay marriage:Robert Arholt (Ala.


U.S. Senate vot on legislatn protectg gay marriage on Thursday were put off until after the Nov. 8 ngrsnal electns, as negotiators failed to w enough Republin support to ensure passage. * votes gay marriage *

Nightclub his state, which five people were killed, unrsred the importance of fendg the rights of gay Amerins. Lee tried and failed to attach chang to the bill that he said would more strongly protect relig Colls phed back, notg that the bill had received strong backg om fah-based groups, cludg the Church of J Christ of Latter-day Sats, which historilly has aggrsively opposed gay rights. Cens Bure 2019 timated that there were 543, 000 same-sex married uple hoeholds and 469, 000 hoeholds wh same-sex unmarried partners livg Majory Lear Chuck Schumer is "extremely disappoted" that there were not at least 10 out of 50 Republins willg to e forward to support the gay rights legislatn, spokman Jt Goodman said a statement.


California voters will be asked to affirm gay marriage rights on the 2024 ballot followg Prop. 8 ncerns about the state nstutn. * votes gay marriage *

Republin Senator Rob Portman told reporters, "We were very, very close" to movg toward passage of a ph to enact a feral law regnizg gay marriage arose after nservative U.


* votes gay marriage *

(Anna Moneymaker / Getty Imag) Californians will vote on a proposal to amend the state Constutn on the 2024 ballot to reaffirm gay marriage rights — a ut move that amid natnal anxiety after recent lgs by the nservative-leang U. Although there is no current threat to the legaly of gay marriage, and Print Bin signed a bill safeguardg last year, the Democratic-domant state Legislature is seekg to remove language om California’s Constutn that still f marriage as between a man and outdated state fn has been emed unenforceable and unnstutnal thanks to feral law, but LGBTQ advocy groups are askg voters to repeal and amend the California Constutn to stead explicly state that marriage is “a fundamental right. Gav Newsom was out of state, Senate lear Toni Atks (D-San Diego) signed bills to law on his behalf as the first out gay actg ernor.

Clarence Thomas: Court Should Rensir Gay Marriage, Birth Control Decisns Next After Overturng Roe (Forb).

After days of passnate bate, liberatn, and prayer—and years of tensn—the Uned Methodist Church (UMC) voted Tuday to mata s tradnal stance agast same-sex marriage and non-celibate gay clergy, bolstered by a growg nservative ntgent om Ai. The Tradnal Plan prerv existg UMC posns and adds further acuntabily measur for those who vlate them by performg same-sex ceremoni or ordag gay clergy.


About three-fourths of Hoe Republins voted agast four bills ensurg rights to gay marrriage and accs to ntraceptn and abortn. * votes gay marriage *

Though Methodist views have shifted, Pew reported that they are still ls likely than male Prottants overall to say homosexualy should be accepted (60% of Methodists vs. The One Church Plan, backed by the UMC’s bishops, would have allowed dividual pastors, church, and regnal bodi to follow their own nscience on the issu of homosexual marriage and ordatn.

Siarly, the Queer Clergy Cc’s “Simple Plan” was also feated, though the discsn brought passnate ttimony om gay legat at the nference. Supreme Court legalized gay marriage natnally two years 2020, Nevada beme the first state to ensure the right to same-sex marriage s state nstutn.


“Log Cab Republins thanks the forward-thkg members for votg to settle this issue once and for all and move the Republin Party le not jt wh the vast majory of the untry, but wh the majory of s own voters, ” the nservative gay advocy group said a statement Tuday. Nohels, the Hoe’s move to provi feral regnn of gay marriag — wh the support of 47 Republins — is a breakthrough worth celebratg. In addn to validatg the untry’s progrs on gay rights, the vote signals that lawmakers may fally be embracg their rponsibily to tackle social issu through the legislative procs, rather than leavg the task to the urts.

Congrs prevly addrsed the issue of gay marriage 1996, when passed the Defense of Marriage Act, which former Print Bill Clton signed to law.


The Supreme Court subsequently overled DOMA, requirg stat to regnize gay marriag sanctned other stat and clarg gay upl eligible for the same feral benefs as straight people.

Th, DOMA uld have been restated if the nservative high urt opted to overturn s prr gay marriage, after the urt’s cisn last month Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organizatn strikg down abortn rights, progrsive activists warned that other urt cisns verg sodomy laws, gay marriage and ntraceptn uld be next for repeal.

On gay marriage, however, nearly one-quarter of the Hoe Republin nference voted favor, and there’s a realistic prospect of fdg the 10 Republins necsary to produce the 60 vot to guarantee Senate current levels of partisanship Washgton, this is a signifint achievement, particularly an electn year. The measure put gay and lbian marriag on hold the state, but a feral appeals urt 2010 emed Proposn 8 unnstutnal.


The se ma s way to the US Supreme Court, which dismissed an appeal 2013 over same-sex marriage on jurisdictnal grounds, lg private parti did not have standg to fend California’s voter-approved ballot measure barrg gay and lbian upl om state-sanctned wedlock. Jefey Warren, a young gay legate om the Upper New York Conference, told fellow nference atten on Monday that he evangeliz on his llege mp — and that he has succs reachg people for an important reason. "You will be puttg a vis to the Amerin church that will make very sick, and will be sick quickly, " Berl said, addg that however 's tend, the Tradnal Plan will be perceived as an overt act agast gay church members and others.

" "When that is the msage — when gay persons bee nvced I don't love them bee I don't ndone their behavr, hurts my relatnships wh them, " Nicklas said. The Rpect for Marriage Act, as is lled, won Senate approval last legislatn won the support of LGBT advot as well as a number of relig anizatns and enti cludg the Church of J Christ of Latter-day Sats, though many Amerin relig nservativ still oppose gay marriage as unter to biblil is narrowly wrten to act as a limed backstop for the 2015 Supreme Court cisn that legalized same-sex marriage natnwi, known as Obergefell v. In a robt but lopsid bate, Democrats argued tensely favor of enshrg marriage equaly feral law, while Republins steered clear of openly rejectg gay marriage.

Portman first dited his support for same-sex marriage 2013 after his son me out to the Oh Republin as gay.


In a 2014 bate for his first Senate n, Tillis, who was at the time servg as North Carola’s Hoe speaker, said he would “formally fend” the state’s gay marriage ban.

More than a ago, Burr voted to repeal Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, although he prevly voiced opposn to gay marriage. Murkowski has long voiced support for same-sex marriage, argug a 2013 op-ed that the ernment should stay out of cizens’ private liv and not prohib gay marriag.

They were lobbied by their lleagu, by proment gay donors and operativ their party, and by relig groups who secured stronger relig liberty Jiang/The New York TimSenator Roy Blunt of MissouriOne of only two Republins learship to vote for the bill, Mr. Burr voted to repeal the policy known as “don’t ask, don’t tell, ” which barred openly gay and bisexual people om servg the ary, llg the policy “outdated. Romney me out favor of the legislatn after the Church of J Christ of Latter-day Sats, which historilly has been opposed to gay rights, gave s support to the Huang for The New York TimSenator Thom Tillis of North CarolaMr.


But a sign of the tim, the Mormon church, which had prevly spent lns of dollars opposn to gay marriage legislatn at the state level, me out support of the measure on Tuday.

“Nothg the bill adds new protectns for gay marriage, but do, my view, create great uncertaty about relig liberty and stutns who oppose gay marriage, ” tweeted GOP Sen. Tammy Baldw, D-Wis., the first openly gay person elected to the Senate — would ensure that the feral ernment regniz marriag that were validly performed and guarantee full benefs “regardls of the uple’s sex, race, ethnicy, or natnal orig. I know a lot of married gay and lbian people who have been worried ever sce Clarence Thomas said what he said.

Y., a -chair of the Hoe LGBTQ+ Equaly Cc who intifi as gay, said that the challenge to LGBTQ equaly currently is "unprecented" light of the Dobbs cisn. Hoeholds wh same-sex Supreme Court had jt overturned s own lgs on abortn rights, and nservative Jtice Clarence Thomas openly med his ncurrg opn whether the urt's landmark 2015 cisn on gay marriage -- which he said was based on "legal fictn" -- should be next. Tammy Baldw, the first openly gay senator and a longtime LGBTQ rights the Hoe ph through a party-le gay rights bill to send a polil msage ahead of the midterm electns?


California still has an anti-gay marriage law on the books. Voters uld remove next year | AP News .