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Episos om Liberty Cy</a></div><h1 class="display-tle jsx-1062180250" data-cy="article-headle">GTA IV: Episos om Liberty Cy Preview</h1><h2 class="tle3 jsx-2866659985" data-cy="article-sub-headle">Step asi Niko, there are other gun-totg madmen on the loose.</h2><div id="p-article-below-hear" class="jsx-3647225544 piano-template-placeholr wh-shadow"></div></div><div class="jsx-1897904587 page-ntent"><sectn class="jsx-3528870638 byle"><div class="stack jsx-816329128 byle-stack"><div class="stack jsx-1752463718 article-thors"><sectn class="jsx-1825775112 thor-avatars avatars-1"><div class="jsx-3001299294 thor-thumb profile-thumb aspect-rat aspect-rat-1-1"><img dg="async" alt="Hilary Goldste" src=" srcSet=" 1x, 2x" class="jsx-2920405963 progrsive-image profile-thumb-img jsx-2407332289 jsx-3166191823"/></div></sectn><div class="ptn jsx-1189612256">By <a href="/person/Hil-IGN" class="jsx-3953721931 article-thor unrled">Hilary Goldste</a></div></div><div class="jsx-3176214726 divir"></div><div class="ptn jsx-1189612256">Updated: <!-- -->May 9, 2012 8:54 am</div><div class="jsx-3176214726 divir"></div><div class="ptn jsx-1189612256">Posted: <!-- -->Mar 2, 2010 12:01 am</div></div><div class="jsx-4050243981 divir"></div></sectn><div id="p-article-below-hear-image" class="jsx-3606872557 piano-template-placeholr wh-shadow"></div></div><div class="jsx-3517015813 page-ntent"><div class="jsx-3517015813 si-by-si"><div class="jsx-3517015813 article-ntent page-0"><sectn class="article jsx-2571790323 article-sectn jsx-28683165"><sectn class="article-page">In 2009, Xbox 360 owners were treated to a pair of exclive downloadable episos extend the story of Grand Theft Auto IV. At the end of March, PS3 and PC owners will get to experience the same ntent. The ntent isn't changg, meang that we n fill you on what to expect om Episos of Liberty Cy. The disc clus both The Lost & Damned and The Ballad of Gay Tony, two solid addns to GTA IV. <div class="jsx-303009029 adun-wrapper"><div class="jsx-303009029 bobble bobble-0 pogot pg-article"><div data-mix-name="mediumAd" data-pos="0" data-pogo-hi="1" class="jsx-343126785 pogo-slot"></div></div></div> <br/> <output class="box-wrapper jsx-537794787"><figure class="jsx-3954765903"><span><img dg="async" alt="" role="prentatn" aria-hidn="te" src=" class="jsx-2920405963 progrsive-image article-image jsx-2407332289 jsx-3166191823 round loadg"/></span></figure></output> <br/> Ten mut to my first experience wh The Ballad of Gay Tony, I hijacked a tra by rryg to an empty ballfield via helipter. That was shortly after leapg om an overpass onto the movg tra, crawlg along the top and blowg a dozen pursug attack choppers to bs. Yeah, The Ballad of Gay Tony is a ltle over-the-top. For those who missed the outlandishns of GTA: San Andreas, rejoice. The missns of Gay Tony ratchets up the ridiculons. It's a damned good time. <br/> <br/> In Gay Tony, you play as Luis Lopez, bodyguard and bs associate of the tle character. Gay Tony owns the hottt straight nightclub and the hottt gay club the cy. But Tony's gotten himself to a b of trouble and as is a mon theme Liberty Cy, he's a powerful man takg a tumble. <br/> <br/> <output class="box-wrapper jsx-537794787"><figure class="jsx-3954765903"><span><img dg="async" alt="" role="prentatn" aria-hidn="te" src=" class="jsx-2920405963 progrsive-image article-image jsx-2407332289 jsx-3166191823 round loadg"/></span></figure></output> GTA IV let you experience the story of an immigrant Liberty Cy, risg om rags to Gap khakis. Niko is blue llar anti-hero. Luis Lopez a't that guy. He liv the good life and als wh the upper echelon of Liberty Cy crimals. I'd pare Niko's tale to that of immigrant Vo Corleone The Godfather II. Luis Lopez is livg more of a Goodfellas life. <br/> <br/> As wh The Lost and Damned, the events of Gay Tony take place around the same time as those of the ma story om GTA IV. You'll see a lot of the same characters and get to know some of the bigger crimelords a guy like Niko would never meet. In one missn, Luis is dog a solid for Bulgar, the top Rsian gangster the cy. Bulgar is a nutjob, of urse, and wants to get his hands on The Liberty Cy Rampage – a hockey team. But the owner is keepg the al om happeng. So 's Luis' job to stop this guy om breathg. <br/> <br/> Thgs beg wh a eefall om a helipter. Dive out, pull your chute and parachute onto the roof. From there 's standard GTA IV stuff – ver shootg, explosive barrels, lots of people dyg. The P90, one of the new guns, is a beast of an tomatic weapon. It fir 900 rounds per mute (I unted). Of urse, you only need to fire a sgle round per send if you pull of some headshots. After ppg the owner, 's time to make your pe. But why take the stairs when you n take the wdow? Leap out, pull your chute and gui Luis onto the back of his movg getaway tck. <br/> <br/> Another new toy for Luis are planted charg. Put the wherever you like and tonate remotely. This allows for some excellent ambh opportuni. In one missn, Luis has received a tip that some rpt ps are gog to plant evince to crimate him, Bulgar and another stand-up crook, Timur. Settg an ambh, you plant charg on Bulgar's r and anywhere else you like the parkg garage. The three of you hi, wa for the crooked ps to get near the r, then blow all to hell. Thgs go nuts at this pot. It's not nearly as tense as the amazg bank robbery om GTA IV, but 's a pretty crazy scene as ps e swarmg. <br/> <br/> One of my favore missns is the one I mentned at the start. "For the Man Who Has Everythg" has Luis workg for Yuf Amir. If that name sounds faiar, he's the crazy land veloper Niko and Playboy talk about GTA IV. He wants Luis to steal a tra r. Easy enough when given an AA-12 shotgun packed wh explosive rounds. <br/> <br/> Standg on an overpass, you'll need to wa for the tra's horn to signal s passg below. Leap down and you'll h near the back of the tra. Then 's time to ph your way forward. It won't be so easy as choppers e after you. Fortunately, well-placed shots wh the AA-12 n take the guys down quickly. It's an awome sequence that ends, naturally, wh a transport chopper swoopg and liftg the target tra r off the tracks. <br/> <br/> The Ballad of Gay Tony tak you to the more rpectable realm of the crimal unrworld. Everyone you meet is a whole lot richer than what you've seen GTA IV (and que a b crazier). They live well and do not go gentle to that good night. This means some new terrs, cludg a tr of nightclubs, where Luis n practice his club management wh tasks cludg gettg the party started on the dance floor, a champagne drkg migame and alg wh the unly clientele. <br/> <br/> <output class="box-wrapper jsx-537794787"><figure class="jsx-3954765903"><span><img dg="async" alt="" role="prentatn" aria-hidn="te" src=" class="jsx-2920405963 progrsive-image article-image jsx-2407332289 jsx-3166191823 round loadg"/></span></figure></output> The highlight for many is gog to be the addn of base jumpg challeng. Spread across Liberty Cy, base jump challeng e two typ. One has you guidg yourself through a seri of rgs and landg the rrect spot. The ntrol is simple and sensible. You n tug left or right on the chute to manver, lift your legs for acceleratn or hold yourself out straight to slow your scent. The other base jumpg game I played has you attemptg to land on the back of a movg target tck. Base jumpg tasks are good fun and brg back a ltle of that San Andreas feel, which I'm sure many will appreciate. <br/> <br/> The Ballad of Gay Tony brgs the GTA IV saga to a close and Rockstar wanted to go all out for the fale. The Ballad of Gay Tony is an actn-heavy, explosn-filled episo that uld jt leave Liberty Cy bble. <br/> <br/> Oh, and there's a tank too. <br/> <br/> <br/> <p class="jsx-3649800006 "> <br/> </p><output class="box-wrapper jsx-537794787"><figure class="jsx-3954765903"><span><img dg="async" alt="" role="prentatn" aria-hidn="te" src=" class="jsx-2920405963 progrsive-image article-image jsx-2407332289 jsx-3166191823 round loadg"/></span></figure></output> <br/> Rockstar has a unique visn for Liberty Cy. What if Liberty Cy--as fully tailed and realized a cy as you'll fd a viogame--were a platform self? What if the cy was a template where new gam uld be serted? While The Lost & Damned featur the same gameplay mechanics and storytellg style of GTA IV, is as close to a full new game as I've seen for "add-on ntent." <br/> <br/> L&D offers a full-fledged mpaign, new lotns, new mi-gam (arm wrtlg!), refed gameplay mechanics, new vehicl, new weapons, a hefty new soundtrack, new DJs, new TV shows, new Inter s and new multiplayer. Episos om Liberty Cy don't require you to own GTA IV. You n buy the disc and play whout even had any experience playg as GTA IV star Niko Bellic. Though both GTA IV and Lost & Damned take place Liberty Cy, the two are separate stori and have some different gameplay elements. <br/> <br/> L&D stars Johnny Klebz (aka Johnny the Jew), Vice Print of a motorcycle gang, The Lost. Sce Billy, the print of the gang, has been rehab, Johnny's been nng thgs. However, when Billy returns, a power stggle ensu. Billy enjoys random acts of vlence and sellg dope; Johnny thks there are better ways for the gang to be succsful. It seems that, evably, the two are gog to clash. <br/> <br/> <output class="box-wrapper jsx-537794787"><figure class="jsx-3954765903"><span><img dg="async" alt="" role="prentatn" aria-hidn="te" src=" class="jsx-2920405963 progrsive-image article-image jsx-2407332289 jsx-3166191823 round loadg"/></span></figure></output> The thought of playg a dozen hours of GTA IV wh a foc on bik might have you a ltle worried. However, Rockstar ma a number of fix for L&D that should dissipate any tratns. You really have to work hard to get knocked off your bike. In fact, took me plowg head-first to a fence to fally get thrown. Bik are easier to ntrol overall, but even if you bump rs, nudge walls, or slam agast the ocsnal light post, you will most likely stay on your seat. <br/> <br/> Wh bik as a foc on L&D, you'll see more on the streets as you're drivg around. A few new vehicl have been add to GTA IV's roster, none more important than Johnny's ctomized ri. This special bike is Johnny's and Johnny's alone. You won't fd others ridg on the street. Don't worry about ridg safely to avoid nickg the pat; you n ll Clay for a replacement anytime you stroy or lose your ri. <br/> <br/> While the gameplay L&D se no drastic chang, there is a different feel to Johnny's story. Niko was a lonely guy, h off the boat, tryg to get his beargs the big cy. Johnny's been Liberty Cy a long time. He has iends, tablished hangouts. He don't have a funny accent or any of Niko's naiveté. Don't expect to go alone. There is often at least one other biker along for the ri. This is a gang, after all. <br/> <br/> Though there is nflict between Johnny and Billy, there's also a war ragg between The Lost and rival biker gang the Angels of Death. In "Actn/Reactn" Billy mands retributn for an earlier transgrsn by the Angels of Death. He leads the gang, wh Johnny tow, to one of the AoD's hangouts. As wh GTA IV, you're gog to have to drive yourself to the objective. However, Rockstar is attemptg to spice this up a b. At var tim throughout the ri, you'll see the Lost & Damned logo appear on the ground. If you posn Johnny si the logo for a few sends, the gang ris perfect formatn, wh your reward beg some addnal dialogue. <br/> <br/> Actn/Reactn plays out like a typil GTA IV missn. You show up, kill some folks, and then n om the ps. But you do get to try out some of the new weapons the game. When you reach the AoD hangout, you'll need to toss a pipe bomb through one of the wdows. As the AoD storm out of the buildg, meet them wh a shot om the new grena lncher. This is one weapon you are certa to love. Though has a ltle ls explosive power than an RPG, fir more quickly and is far ls cumbersome. It also seems much easier to aim grenas through r wdows wh this baby. And thanks to s archg trajectory, wh some practice, you n get shots to land jt over barris. <br/> <br/> For a personal touch, you n swch to the sawed-off shotgun. This powerful and easily ncealed weapon is a real bety and certa to quickly bee a favore. It n also be fired while on your bike and certaly mak takg out a p's tir a b easier than wh a pistol. <br/> <br/> Thgs get a ltle more tertg wh the missn, "Buyer's Market." Johnny's story ns parallel to Niko's and, as this missn shows, the two tersect at tim. Remember the missn "Blow Your Cover" where Elizabeta sent Niko and Playboy to make a pick-up wh some other du you didn't know and turned out the alers were unrver ps and the whole al went to hell? That du you didn't know was Johnny, the character you play The Lost and Damned. Now you get to experience that missn om a different perspective. <br/> <br/> As Johnny, Elizabeta hooks you up wh Playboy and Niko for this very missn. You pick up the hero, then meet wh Niko and his buddy to plete the al wh the buyer's. When thgs go to hell, Niko and Playboy spl om Johnny, who mt make his way downstairs through a group of the LCPD's ft. <br/> <br/> The scripts for GTA IV and L&D were wrten at the same time and Rockstar had this crossover md om the very begng. Instead of jt tackg on a few elements om the GTA IV story, Rockstar has been able to fully tegrate characters to both. Niko isn't the only character you'll regnize on your journey and subplots barely touched on GTA IV will be more fully explored. <br/> <br/> <output class="box-wrapper jsx-537794787"><figure class="jsx-3954765903"><span><img dg="async" alt="" role="prentatn" aria-hidn="te" src=" class="jsx-2920405963 progrsive-image article-image jsx-2407332289 jsx-3166191823 round loadg"/></span></figure></output> One of the strongt missns is "Shiftg Weight." This on-rails missn puts Johnny on the back of a bike, wh the AI drivg. The ps are heavy pursu the lengthy chase. But don't worry, you're armed wh an asslt shotgun. This aptly named weapon is a terror. Wh cent aim, 's easy to tear through the p rs and helipters givg pursu. It don't hurt to have unlimed ammo. <br/> <br/> Beg ee of the burn of drivg allows you to do somethg rare GTA IV -- foc on shootg. And allows Rockstar to offer some cematic moments, sce there's no worry wh disptg your drivg. This is one of those missns that feels like a reward. It's not about story, has no ted elements, and 's unique om anythg else GTA IV. It's jt pure shootg glory. <br/> <br/> And adds somethg many gamers have been beggg for om GTA IV -- mid-missn checkpots. About halfway through Shiftg Weight, you'll pass a r alership. Die after this pot and you have the optn to start om this moment. Hooray. <br/> <br/> </sectn></sectn><div class="stack jsx-2881464549"><div id="p-article-before-verdict" class="jsx-1985944744 piano-template-placeholr wh-shadow"></div><div class="jsx-303009029 adun-wrapper"><div class="jsx-303009029 bobble bobble-1 pogot pg-article"><div data-mix-name="sendaryMedrec" data-pos="1" data-pogo-hi="1" class="jsx-343126785 pogo-slot"></div></div></div></div></div><div class="jsx-3517015813 right-rail"></div></div></div><div class="jsx-1897904587 page-ntent"><div id="p-article-below-all-article-ntent" class="jsx-3647225544 piano-template-placeholr wh-shadow"></div><h3 class="tle3 jsx-115949532">In This Article</h3><sectn class="box-wrapper jsx-537794787 object-summary-embed"><div class="box jsx-2911101772"><div class="ObjectSummaryEmbed_object-ntaer__hb9z4"><div class="ObjectSummaryEmbed_object-loar__LeEK8"></div><div class="ObjectSummaryEmbed_object-tails__UwCNz"><div class="ObjectSummaryEmbed_object-thumbnail__h2Bot"><div class="jsx-2950730975 object-thumbnail"><figure class="jsx-4143518889 aspect-rat aspect-rat-1-1"><img dg="async" alt="Grand Theft Auto: Episos om Liberty Cy" src=" srcSet=" 1x, 2x" class="jsx-2920405963 progrsive-image object-image jsx-2407332289 jsx-3166191823 round expand"/><div class="stack jsx-2096939886 thumbnail-widgets wrapper ObjectThumbnailWidgets_thumbnail-widgets__xJaXR"></div></figure></div></div><div class="ObjectSummaryEmbed_object-tle-lumn__fc73H"><a href="/gam/grand-theft-to-iv-episos-om-liberty-cy" class="tle5 jsx-1231161345 jsx-957202555 tle">Grand Theft Auto: Episos om Liberty Cy</a><div class="stack jsx-3465796296 meta-ems jsx-3609068095 subtle"><div class="stack jsx-2562410857 meta-em"><a href="/gam/producer/rockstar-north" tle="Developers" data-cy="embed-producerLk" class="ptn jsx-1189612256 muted">Rockstar North</a></div><div class="jsx-1608829512 divir vertil"></div><div class="stack jsx-2562410857 meta-em"><time class="ptn jsx-1189612256 muted">Oct 29, 2009</time></div></div></div><div class="stack jsx-3458218677 meta-ems jsx-3609068095 object-meta-ems"><div class="stack jsx-2562410857 meta-em"><div class="ptn jsx-1189612256 active small">Ratg</div><div class="stack jsx-2503409011"><a href="/wikis/ntent-ratgs/ESRB" tle="ESRB: M" class="tle5 jsx-2845969612"><svg class="ign-in jsx-1785568775 in-rb-m" focable="false" viewBox="0 0 55 74" aria-hidn="false" role="img"><tle>ESRB: Mature

gta 4 episodes from liberty city tony gay

Grand Theft Auto: Episos om Liberty Cy is a pilatn of two expansn packs released for 2008's Grand Theft Auto IV. It clus The Lost and Damned and The Ballad of Gay Tony, both origally released on the Xbox 360 2009 as part of an exclive al wh Microsoft. Both expansns...



Thanks to all for the qutns, ments, feedback and enthiasm rponse to our "Episos om Liberty Cy vs The Ballad of Gay Tony: What You Need to Know" post earlier this week.  We've round up a batch here that quirg mds want to... * gta 4 episodes from liberty city tony gay *

The Ballad of Gay Tony - Rockstar Gam. Technilly speakg, the Episos om Liberty Cy is the pilatn of the expansn packs: GTA 4: The Lost and Damned and GTA 4: The Ballad of Gay Tony. The base game of GTA 4 has the player play as Niko, wh Johnny Klebz and Luis Fernando Lopez beg the protagonists of GTA 4: The Lost and Damned and GTA 4: The Ballad of Gay Tony, rpectively.


* gta 4 episodes from liberty city tony gay *

Golf is only available to play The Ballad of Gay Tony (Image via GTA Wiki).

Exampl prise golf, unrground fight clubs, and nightclub management which are featur The Ballad of Gay Tony.

Everythg you need to know about Grand Theft Auto IV: The Ballad of Gay Tony. * gta 4 episodes from liberty city tony gay *

In The Ballad of Gay Tony, players will fd themselv an almost GTA San Andreas-que adventure, whereas GTA 4's base game is far more realistic s Lost and Damned foc more on biker mararie and how a once-rpected gang n implo on self, which is an aspect entirely ignored the other GTA 4 This article reflects the wrer's personal views. Category: Ballad of Gay Tony. Grand Theft Auto IV's two episodic expansns, The Lost and Damned and The Ballad of Gay Tony, are now available on the PC and PlayStatn 3 platforms North Ameri.


GTA Episos om Liberty Cy: The Men Behd Gay Tony - IGN .