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Josh, a 25 years old domant gay kg who lights drillg the hole of male slav is phed off balance when a slave named Clt is brought before him. From Jock to SlaveA lad rells his journey to FagWhAKeyboardGay Male 08/04/2023H4. 3k271043Slave Shorts: Human Sex Toy ShopSet a New World Orr alphafallenboysGay Male 05/23/20234.

03Sub Jam gets fortable his new role at Mark’s BNWOJamGay Male 01/26/2023H4. 03Slave learns how to plete subm to his KCommgsGay Male 02/17/20224. 08Stt breaks a le and mt face tattoo_dragonGay Male 01/23/20224.


* gay slave stories *

01An olr guy be sex entertament to 2 sxyht138Gay Male 12/20/20214. By davasGay Male 02/06/2021H4. 6k11316New Younger BrotherToby gets a rg that enslav his jock younger maxpotterGay Male 01/10/20214.


A man who tak men prisoner and tras them as sex slav, Captive man engaged nonnsensual gay sex. Traveler is forced to sex. Visors change thgs. Kidnapped. Stewie's subjugator wants to hear him scream. and other excg erotic stori at ! * gay slave stories *

07Max wrtl wh chang his life wh maxpotterGay Male 09/13/20204. 05Caged sal has to go through airport secury gog to maxpotterGay Male 09/06/2020H4. Comg of age story of a young man beg a willg Augt74Gay Male 07/11/20204.

06When Kyle viss his fay, tragedy maxpotterGay Male 06/08/2020H4. 04Slavtg leads to pullg a rriage for maxpotterGay Male 03/01/20204. 05Taylor gets tght more ways than maxpotterGay Male 02/16/20204.

20I have to service the twk who giv me a maxpotterGay Male 11/05/20193. 19I get a new form of huiatn as maxpotterGay Male 08/21/20194.


He be a gay slave wh the help of his wife. * gay slave stories *

03sal gets loaned out to an 18 year maxpotterGay Male 08/13/20194. 1k306From Gay Hband to Slave Pt. 01A man subms to his hband and turns to a cuckold assguzzlerGay Male 03/05/20194.

02sal prepar a formal dner, and be a maxpotterGay Male 02/14/2019H4. 5k318The Adventur of slave salA day the life of ged slave maxpotterGay Male 01/09/20194.

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(GAY)by TorySorenssonBDSM 07/13/20173. 05A Day the Life of a Gay Sex davasGay Male 11/17/20164.


7k16622Submtg to Master DanGreg fally meets his Master for the first oliver_mbGay Male 09/26/20163. 03: Surprise UPS Throat FuckJam' stalker appears once more to show Jam his te vanisland1983Gay Male 10/27/2015H4. "by HuifuckGay Male 05/30/20144.

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