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mom carries baby for gay son

SACREMENTO, UNITED STATES (REUTERS) - When Cecile Eledge offered to rry a baby for her adult son and his hband, they thought she was kiddg - and that her doctors the fay's Nebraska hometown would balk at a 61-year-old woman servg as a surrogate for a gay uple. Read more at



New grandmother Cecile Eledge livered her granddghter to help her gay son, Matthew Eledge, and his hband, Ellt Dougherty, Omaha, Nebraska. * mom carries baby for gay son *

The uple planned to fd another surrogate to liver the child, but they found the procs nfg and weren’t pletely nfint about navigatg vro fertilizatn as gay men. Matthew Eledge, left, his mother, Cecile, and his hband, Ellt Dougherty, greet baby Uma last Panowicz / via AP“Nebraska is a b more nservative, and we were hant to go to agenci, and had a b of fear that maybe some thgs would hold back beg a gay uple, ” Matthew Eledge ’s when Cecile offered to be the uple’s gtatnal rrier. SACREMENTO, UNITED STATES (REUTERS) - When Cecile Eledge offered to rry a baby for her adult son and his hband, they thought she was kiddg - and that her doctors the fay's Nebraska hometown would balk at a 61-year-old woman servg as a surrogate for a gay uple.


SACREMENTO, UNITED STATES (REUTERS) - When Cecile Eledge offered to rry a baby for her adult son and his hband, they thought she was kiddg - and that her doctors the fay's Nebraska hometown would balk at a 61-year-old woman servg as a surrogate for a gay uple. Read more at * mom carries baby for gay son *

The fay is tryg to ignore the negative reactns - the people who wrongly thk that Matthew had sex wh his own mother to produce the baby, or who leave homophobic remarks. The polics of helpg a gay uple and the unual choice of a grandmother for a surrogate did not ter the team, Smh said. A 61-year-old Uned Stat woman who rried a baby for her son and his hband said that servg as a surrogate was a "gift" to the gay pots:Doctors refully checked Cecile Eledge's health before approvg the surrogacyThe 61-year-old gave birth to her healthy baby granddghter, Uma, two weeks ago Uma was nceived g vro fertilisatnCecile Eledge and her fay did not thk doctors her Nebraska hometown would allow her to act as a surrogate bee of her two weeks ago she gave birth to Uma Louise Dougherty at the Nebraska Medil Centre Omaha a natural livery.

" The fay is tryg to ignore the negative reactns, such as the people who wrongly thk that Mr Eledge had sex wh his own mother to produce the baby, or who leave homophobic they set out to start their fay, Mr Eledge and Elltt Dougherty believed they would be nied permissn to adopt a baby their nservative home state so cid to try vro fertilisatn g a donated egg and a surrogate to rry the Dougherty's sister, Lea Yribe, offered to donate her eggs.

Doctors Nebraska say they were not terred by the polics of helpg the grandmother act as a surrogate for a gay uple. (AP: Ariel Panowicz)"Matt would illy say, 'Well my mom keeps offerg but we know that's not an optn, '" Ms Eledge possible plitns for olr mothers are gtatnal diabet and high blood prsure, and the medil team monored the high-risk pregnancy Smh, a specialist maternal and foetal medice at the medil centre, said Ms Eledge was healthy and f, and looked years younger than her Eledge took trogen supplements for the first part of the pregnancy, Dr Smh said, until the placenta holdg Uma was able to make hormon of s polics of helpg a gay uple and the unual choice of a grandmother for a surrogate did not ter the team, Dr Smh said.


A 61-year-old Uned Stat woman who rried a baby for her son and his hband says that servg as a surrogate was a "gift" to the gay uple. * mom carries baby for gay son *

Twelve years earlier, Matt had nervoly nfid he was gay. The uple planned to fd another surrogate to liver the child, but they found the procs nfg and weren’t pletely nfint about navigatg vro fertilizatn as gay men. Matthew Eledge, left, his mother, Cecile, and his hband, Ellt Dougherty, greet baby Uma last Panowicz / via AP“Nebraska is a b more nservative, and we were hant to go to agenci, and had a b of fear that maybe some thgs would hold back beg a gay uple, ” Matthew Eledge ’s when Cecile offered to be the uple’s gtatnal rrier.

SACREMENTO, UNITED STATES (REUTERS) - When Cecile Eledge offered to rry a baby for her adult son and his hband, they thought she was kiddg - and that her doctors the fay's Nebraska hometown would balk at a 61-year-old woman servg as a surrogate for a gay uple. The fay is tryg to ignore the negative reactns - the people who wrongly thk that Matthew had sex wh his own mother to produce the baby, or who leave homophobic remarks.

The polics of helpg a gay uple and the unual choice of a grandmother for a surrogate did not ter the team, Smh said. A 61-year-old Uned Stat woman who rried a baby for her son and his hband said that servg as a surrogate was a "gift" to the gay pots:Doctors refully checked Cecile Eledge's health before approvg the surrogacyThe 61-year-old gave birth to her healthy baby granddghter, Uma, two weeks ago Uma was nceived g vro fertilisatnCecile Eledge and her fay did not thk doctors her Nebraska hometown would allow her to act as a surrogate bee of her two weeks ago she gave birth to Uma Louise Dougherty at the Nebraska Medil Centre Omaha a natural livery. " The fay is tryg to ignore the negative reactns, such as the people who wrongly thk that Mr Eledge had sex wh his own mother to produce the baby, or who leave homophobic they set out to start their fay, Mr Eledge and Elltt Dougherty believed they would be nied permissn to adopt a baby their nservative home state so cid to try vro fertilisatn g a donated egg and a surrogate to rry the Dougherty's sister, Lea Yribe, offered to donate her eggs.


New grandmother Cecile Eledge livered her granddghter to help her gay son, Matthew Eledge, and his hband, Ellt Dougherty, Omaha, Nebraska. * mom carries baby for gay son *

Doctors Nebraska say they were not terred by the polics of helpg the grandmother act as a surrogate for a gay uple. (AP: Ariel Panowicz)"Matt would illy say, 'Well my mom keeps offerg but we know that's not an optn, '" Ms Eledge possible plitns for olr mothers are gtatnal diabet and high blood prsure, and the medil team monored the high-risk pregnancy Smh, a specialist maternal and foetal medice at the medil centre, said Ms Eledge was healthy and f, and looked years younger than her Eledge took trogen supplements for the first part of the pregnancy, Dr Smh said, until the placenta holdg Uma was able to make hormon of s polics of helpg a gay uple and the unual choice of a grandmother for a surrogate did not ter the team, Dr Smh said. Twelve years earlier, Matt had nervoly nfid he was gay.


* mom carries baby for gay son *





To help gay son, 61-year-old woman giv birth to own grandchild .