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(Male Gas Story) by BorgMaroni, lerature</h2></span><sectn class="_2_R82 _2hOTh" style="width:269px;height:269px" aria-hidn="te"><div class="_2bZrL _2Cvo9" aria-hidn="te"><svg height="100%" viewBox="0 0 15 12" prerveAspectRat="xMidYM slice" fill-le="evenodd"><learGradient x1="87.8481761%" y1="16.3690766%" x2="45.4107524%" y2="71.4898596%" id="app-root-2"><stop stop-lor="#00FF62" offset="0%"></stop><stop stop-lor="#3197EF" stop-opacy="0" offset="100%"></stop></learGradient><text class="DWO1s" fill="url(#app-root-2)" text-anchor="end" x="15" y="11">F</text></svg></div><div class="_3feXW">Lerature</div><h2 class="_1uFgc">Five Tim... (Male Gas Story)</h2><div class="_3eztE">“Franc Weeks,” Chuck said, crossg the room two long, bouncg stris to stand ont of his mirror. “She was the first csh I ever had.” “Oh yeah? How old were you?” “Maybe six, or seven. Franny was the new kid at Sunny Hills. Before her, none of the girls ever even looked at me. It was the hair, I thk. And all the eckl. Always too many eckl…” On that note, Mallm began to hunt through his and Chuck’s chts of drawers for a b. “And how’d you two h off?” He asked, then psed, owng self-reproach; he wasn’t entirely sure you uld say that about seven-year-olds. “She let me borrow her red crayon,” Chuck said. “Which is the most highly valued of all the crayon lors. The girl meant bs.” “We got to talkg, and sharg oki at snack time, and pretty soon I was her guy.” “Pffft, her guy… ” “Hey, I was. I mean, you know how is when you’re kids,” Chuck held up two remarkably siar-lookg shirts to see which one would go bt</div></sectn><a data-hook="viatn_lk" href=" class="_1SRCx" tle="Five Tim... (Male Gas Story)" aria-label="Five Tim... (Male Gas Story) by BorgMaroni, lerature"><span></span></a><div class="_2o-Ze l7J_b" style="width:269px;height:269px" aria-hidn="te"><div class="_1_xnD"><div class="_3VxSH _1ksaE _3RUpU"></div></div><div class="_5F1x4"><div style="width:269px;height:269px" class="_102Ua"><div class="_3_tBN"><div class="WP4Br"><div class="_1eevN"><div class="_3xYbL _3aVNw"></div></div></div><div class="_2U60i"></div></div><div class="_1XzIg"></div><div class="_1gkWM"><div></div><div class="_27yzX _2U60i _1bFfF"></div></div></div></div><div class="_3er0w _5F1x4 theme-dark forced-theme-dark" style="width:269px;height:269px"><div class="_1Kez0"><div class="_2CXRr"></div><div class="_1_xnD _29VhR"></div></div><div class="_1_xnD"></div><div class="_34lVt"><div class="_1_xnD _2CXRr"><div class="_25Sj8"><div class="MvjoN"><div class="_12zhi _3gt7H"><a data-hook="er_lk" data-ername="BorgMaroni" data-in=" data-ertype="regular" data-erid="44662014" data-euid="2c5c0eef-36f6-499b-801e-951a101c72f5" href=" class="er-lk _2yXGz _3mI1h"><img alt="BorgMaroni's avatar" loadg="lazy" data-hook="er_avatar" width="24" height="24" src=" class="_121Hz"/></a></div><div class="_12zhi nRNm-"><a data-hook="er_lk" data-ername="BorgMaroni" data-in=" data-ertype="regular" data-erid="44662014" data-euid="2c5c0eef-36f6-499b-801e-951a101c72f5" href=" class="er-lk _2yXGz"><span class="_2EfV7">BorgMaroni</span><span class="_3jWMJ _2cH7N" style="cursor:poter" role="img"></span></a></div></div></div></div><div class="_1_xnD _29VhR _2AuZJ"><a class="_1FMli _2Pdhv" href="><span class="_20Nv2 _1BAdb _2WA0Y"><svg width="0" height="0" viewBox="0 0 24 24" versn="1.1" xmlns=" xmlns:xlk="><path fill-le="evenodd" d="M20 3a1 1 0 01.993.883L21 4v9.586a1 1 0 01-.206.608l-.087.099-2.414 2.414a1 1 0 01-.576.284l-.131.009H13l-2.7 3.6a1 1 0 01-.683.393L9.5 21H8a1 1 0 01-.993-.883L7 20v-3H4a1 1 0 01-.993-.883L3 16V6.414a1 1 0 01.206-.608l.087-.099 2.414-2.414a1 1 0 01.576-.284L6.414 3H20zm-1 2H6.828L5 6.828V15h4v4l3-4h5.17L19 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data-hook="viatn_lk" href=" aria-label="An awkward date page 2 by OneMillnBullets, visual art"><div class="_3_LJY" style="width:222px;height:269px" aria-hidn="te"><img alt="An awkward date page 2" style="width:222px;height:269px;object-f:ver" src=" srcSet=" 2x"/></div></a><div class="_2o-Ze l7J_b" style="width:222px;height:269px" aria-hidn="te"><div class="_1_xnD"><div class="_3VxSH _1ksaE _3RUpU"></div></div><div class="_5F1x4"><div style="width:222px;height:269px" class="_102Ua"><div class="_3_tBN"><div class="WP4Br"><div class="_1eevN"><div class="_3xYbL _3aVNw"></div></div></div><div class="_2U60i"></div></div><div class="_1XzIg"></div><div class="_1gkWM"><div></div><div class="_27yzX _2U60i _1bFfF"></div></div></div></div><div class="_3er0w _5F1x4 theme-dark forced-theme-dark" style="width:222px;height:269px"><div class="_1Kez0"><div class="_2CXRr"></div><div class="_1_xnD _29VhR"></div></div><div class="_1_xnD"></div><div class="_34lVt"><div class="_1_xnD _2CXRr"><a data-hook="viatn_lk" href=" class="uU5En"><h2 class="_3CpJS">An awkward date page 2</h2></a><div class="_25Sj8"><div class="MvjoN"><div class="_12zhi _3gt7H"><a data-hook="er_lk" data-ername="OneMillnBullets" data-in=" data-ertype="regular" data-erid="41193725" data-euid="58bd7420-176a-4fa8-bf50-ffa27b0f9a24" href=" class="er-lk _2yXGz _3mI1h"><img alt="OneMillnBullets's avatar" loadg="lazy" data-hook="er_avatar" width="24" height="24" src=" class="_121Hz"/></a></div><div class="_12zhi nRNm-"><a data-hook="er_lk" data-ername="OneMillnBullets" data-in=" data-ertype="regular" data-erid="41193725" data-euid="58bd7420-176a-4fa8-bf50-ffa27b0f9a24" href=" class="er-lk _2yXGz"><span class="_2EfV7">OneMillnBullets</span><span class="_3jWMJ _2cH7N" style="cursor:poter" role="img"></span></a></div></div></div></div><div class="_1_xnD _29VhR _2AuZJ"><a class="_1FMli _2Pdhv" href="><span class="_20Nv2 _1BAdb _2WA0Y"><svg width="0" height="0" viewBox="0 0 24 24" versn="1.1" xmlns=" xmlns:xlk="><path fill-le="evenodd" d="M20 3a1 1 0 01.993.883L21 4v9.586a1 1 0 01-.206.608l-.087.099-2.414 2.414a1 1 0 01-.576.284l-.131.009H13l-2.7 3.6a1 1 0 01-.683.393L9.5 21H8a1 1 0 01-.993-.883L7 20v-3H4a1 1 0 01-.993-.883L3 16V6.414a1 1 0 01.206-.608l.087-.099 2.414-2.414a1 1 0 01.576-.284L6.414 3H20zm-1 2H6.828L5 6.828V15h4v4l3-4h5.17L19 13.17V5z"></path></svg></span><span>3</span></a><button class="_29oAF _2Pdhv"><span class="_20Nv2 _1BAdb _2WA0Y"><svg xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path fill-le="evenodd" d="M13.71 3.408A1 1 0 0012.904 3h-1.85l-.119.007a1 1 0 00-.75.499L8.122 7.134l-4.57.641-.124.025a1 1 0 00-.688.656l-.544 1.67-.032.124a1 1 0 00.297.915l3.265 3.07-.766 4.33-.014.128a1 1 0 00.43.869l1.567 1 0 00.904-.001L12 18.66l4.116 1 0 00.898-.128l1.524-1.072.1-.08a1 1 0 00.308-.919l-.8-4.35 3.257-3.063.089-.095a1 1 0 00.172-.957l-.564-1.65-.047-.115a1 1 0 00-.76-.551l-4.58-.643-2.065-3.653-.065-.1zM11.635 5h.685l2.264 4.004 4.95.695.155.457-3.58 3.369.88 4.792-.51.358-4.484-2.256-4.407 2.239-.546-.377.842-4.762-3.59-3.377.155-.474 4.926-.69L11.635 5z"></path></svg></span><span>116</span></button></div></div></div></div></div></div><div style="width:241px;height:100%;display:le-block;float:left;posn:relative;marg:4px"><div style="width:241px;height:269px" data-hook="viatn_std_thumb" class="_3Y0hT _3oBlM"><a data-hook="viatn_lk" href=" aria-label="Fartg male skunk by Fartsniffer9, visual art"><div class="_3_LJY" style="width:241px;height:269px" aria-hidn="te"><img alt="Fartg male skunk" style="width:241px;height:269px;object-f:ver" src=" srcSet=" 2x"/></div></a><div class="_2o-Ze l7J_b" style="width:241px;height:269px" aria-hidn="te"><div class="_1_xnD"><div class="_3VxSH _1ksaE _3RUpU"></div></div><div class="_5F1x4"><div style="width:241px;height:269px" class="_102Ua"><div class="_3_tBN"><div class="WP4Br"><div class="_1eevN"><div class="_3xYbL _3aVNw"></div></div></div><div class="_2U60i"></div></div><div class="_1XzIg"></div><div class="_1gkWM"><div></div><div class="_27yzX _2U60i _1bFfF"></div></div></div></div><div class="_3er0w _5F1x4 theme-dark forced-theme-dark" style="width:241px;height:269px"><div class="_1Kez0"><div class="_2CXRr"></div><div class="_1_xnD _29VhR"></div></div><div class="_1_xnD"></div><div class="_34lVt"><div class="_1_xnD _2CXRr"><a data-hook="viatn_lk" href=" class="uU5En"><h2 class="_3CpJS">Fartg male skunk</h2></a><div class="_25Sj8"><div class="MvjoN"><div class="_12zhi _3gt7H"><a data-hook="er_lk" data-ername="Fartsniffer9" data-in=" data-ertype="regular" data-erid="81377868" data-euid="89bb9a6e-9229-400e-b2da-d456dc6fd778" href=" class="er-lk _2yXGz _3mI1h"><img alt="Fartsniffer9's avatar" loadg="lazy" data-hook="er_avatar" width="24" height="24" src=" class="_121Hz"/></a></div><div class="_12zhi nRNm-"><a data-hook="er_lk" data-ername="Fartsniffer9" data-in=" data-ertype="regular" data-erid="81377868" data-euid="89bb9a6e-9229-400e-b2da-d456dc6fd778" href=" class="er-lk _2yXGz"><span class="_2EfV7">Fartsniffer9</span><span class="_3jWMJ _2cH7N" style="cursor:poter" role="img"></span></a></div></div></div></div><div class="_1_xnD _29VhR _2AuZJ"><a class="_1FMli _2Pdhv" href="><span class="_20Nv2 _1BAdb _2WA0Y"><svg width="0" height="0" viewBox="0 0 24 24" versn="1.1" xmlns=" xmlns:xlk="><path fill-le="evenodd" d="M20 3a1 1 0 01.993.883L21 4v9.586a1 1 0 01-.206.608l-.087.099-2.414 2.414a1 1 0 01-.576.284l-.131.009H13l-2.7 3.6a1 1 0 01-.683.393L9.5 21H8a1 1 0 01-.993-.883L7 20v-3H4a1 1 0 01-.993-.883L3 16V6.414a1 1 0 01.206-.608l.087-.099 2.414-2.414a1 1 0 01.576-.284L6.414 3H20zm-1 2H6.828L5 6.828V15h4v4l3-4h5.17L19 13.17V5z"></path></svg></span><span>0</span></a><button class="_29oAF _2Pdhv"><span class="_20Nv2 _1BAdb _2WA0Y"><svg xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path fill-le="evenodd" d="M13.71 3.408A1 1 0 0012.904 3h-1.85l-.119.007a1 1 0 00-.75.499L8.122 7.134l-4.57.641-.124.025a1 1 0 00-.688.656l-.544 1.67-.032.124a1 1 0 00.297.915l3.265 3.07-.766 4.33-.014.128a1 1 0 00.43.869l1.567 1 0 00.904-.001L12 18.66l4.116 1 0 00.898-.128l1.524-1.072.1-.08a1 1 0 00.308-.919l-.8-4.35 3.257-3.063.089-.095a1 1 0 00.172-.957l-.564-1.65-.047-.115a1 1 0 00-.76-.551l-4.58-.643-2.065-3.653-.065-.1zM11.635 5h.685l2.264 4.004 4.95.695.155.457-3.58 3.369.88 4.792-.51.358-4.484-2.256-4.407 2.239-.546-.377.842-4.762-3.59-3.377.155-.474 4.926-.69L11.635 5z"></path></svg></span><span>2</span></button></div></div></div></div></div></div><div style="width:268px;height:100%;display:le-block;float:left;posn:relative;marg:4px"><div style="width:268px;height:269px" data-hook="viatn_std_thumb" class="_3Y0hT _3oBlM"><span class="_10VHP"><h2>Chuck D., We Thank Thee (Male Gas Story) by BorgMaroni, lerature</h2></span><sectn class="_2_R82 _2hOTh" style="width:268px;height:269px" aria-hidn="te"><div class="_2bZrL _2Cvo9" aria-hidn="te"><svg height="100%" viewBox="0 0 15 12" prerveAspectRat="xMidYM slice" fill-le="evenodd"><learGradient x1="87.8481761%" y1="16.3690766%" x2="45.4107524%" y2="71.4898596%" id="app-root-6"><stop stop-lor="#00FF62" offset="0%"></stop><stop stop-lor="#3197EF" stop-opacy="0" offset="100%"></stop></learGradient><text class="DWO1s" fill="url(#app-root-6)" text-anchor="end" x="15" y="11">C</text></svg></div><div class="_3feXW">Lerature</div><h2 class="_1uFgc">Chuck D., We Thank Thee (Male Gas Story)</h2><div class="_3eztE">“Chuck D., We Thank Thee” by Mallm Irvg (Staff Wrer) The Sachem Issue 1192 Origally, I had plans to ll this piece An O To Chuck D. - and although my back is turned to him as I type this at my wrg sk (also my only sk), I n hear Ralf Mo’s chapped lip curlg over his long, yellowg ont teeth a ront-like snarl as he leers over my shoulr - this is all jealoy-duced jt, of urse, mor on the street has that Ralf’s actually ma to send base (holdg direct eye ntact wh a girl) while the rt of are steadily bench-warmg - as he rms me that an o n only be a poem. I n’t wre poems any better than I n pen for a llege newspaper, so let’s see where this tak . Let me clear the air - haha - I’m not here to tell you anythg you don’t already know. This isn’t gog to make the ont page; that’s rerved for the Stunt Prott of the Week, or somethg, I thk this time we’re supposed to be prottg agast</div></sectn><a data-hook="viatn_lk" href=" class="_1SRCx" tle="Chuck D., We Thank Thee (Male Gas Story)" aria-label="Chuck D., We Thank Thee (Male Gas Story) by BorgMaroni, lerature"><span></span></a><div class="_2o-Ze l7J_b" style="width:268px;height:269px" aria-hidn="te"><div class="_1_xnD"><div class="_3VxSH _1ksaE _3RUpU"></div></div><div class="_5F1x4"><div style="width:268px;height:269px" class="_102Ua"><div class="_3_tBN"><div class="WP4Br"><div class="_1eevN"><div class="_3xYbL _3aVNw"></div></div></div><div class="_2U60i"></div></div><div class="_1XzIg"></div><div class="_1gkWM"><div></div><div class="_27yzX _2U60i _1bFfF"></div></div></div></div><div class="_3er0w _5F1x4 theme-dark forced-theme-dark" style="width:268px;height:269px"><div class="_1Kez0"><div class="_2CXRr"></div><div class="_1_xnD _29VhR"></div></div><div class="_1_xnD"></div><div class="_34lVt"><div class="_1_xnD _2CXRr"><div class="_25Sj8"><div class="MvjoN"><div class="_12zhi _3gt7H"><a data-hook="er_lk" data-ername="BorgMaroni" data-in=" data-ertype="regular" data-erid="44662014" data-euid="2c5c0eef-36f6-499b-801e-951a101c72f5" href=" class="er-lk _2yXGz _3mI1h"><img alt="BorgMaroni's avatar" loadg="lazy" data-hook="er_avatar" width="24" height="24" src=" class="_121Hz"/></a></div><div class="_12zhi nRNm-"><a data-hook="er_lk" data-ername="BorgMaroni" data-in=" data-ertype="regular" data-erid="44662014" data-euid="2c5c0eef-36f6-499b-801e-951a101c72f5" href=" class="er-lk _2yXGz"><span class="_2EfV7">BorgMaroni</span><span class="_3jWMJ _2cH7N" style="cursor:poter" role="img"></span></a></div></div></div></div><div class="_1_xnD _29VhR _2AuZJ"><a class="_1FMli _2Pdhv" href="><span class="_20Nv2 _1BAdb _2WA0Y"><svg width="0" height="0" viewBox="0 0 24 24" versn="1.1" xmlns=" xmlns:xlk="><path fill-le="evenodd" d="M20 3a1 1 0 01.993.883L21 4v9.586a1 1 0 01-.206.608l-.087.099-2.414 2.414a1 1 0 01-.576.284l-.131.009H13l-2.7 3.6a1 1 0 01-.683.393L9.5 21H8a1 1 0 01-.993-.883L7 20v-3H4a1 1 0 01-.993-.883L3 16V6.414a1 1 0 01.206-.608l.087-.099 2.414-2.414a1 1 0 01.576-.284L6.414 3H20zm-1 2H6.828L5 6.828V15h4v4l3-4h5.17L19 13.17V5z"></path></svg></span><span>0</span></a><button class="_29oAF _2Pdhv"><span class="_20Nv2 _1BAdb _2WA0Y"><svg xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path fill-le="evenodd" d="M13.71 3.408A1 1 0 0012.904 3h-1.85l-.119.007a1 1 0 00-.75.499L8.122 7.134l-4.57.641-.124.025a1 1 0 00-.688.656l-.544 1.67-.032.124a1 1 0 00.297.915l3.265 3.07-.766 4.33-.014.128a1 1 0 00.43.869l1.567 1 0 00.904-.001L12 18.66l4.116 1 0 00.898-.128l1.524-1.072.1-.08a1 1 0 00.308-.919l-.8-4.35 3.257-3.063.089-.095a1 1 0 00.172-.957l-.564-1.65-.047-.115a1 1 0 00-.76-.551l-4.58-.643-2.065-3.653-.065-.1zM11.635 5h.685l2.264 4.004 4.95.695.155.457-3.58 3.369.88 4.792-.51.358-4.484-2.256-4.407 2.239-.546-.377.842-4.762-3.59-3.377.155-.474 4.926-.69L11.635 5z"></path></svg></span><span>16</span></button></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div><div class="_2pZkk" style="width:1032px;nta-trsic-size:1032px 285.37717121591567px;ntent-visibily:visible" data-hook="ntent_row-2"><div style="width:208px;height:100%;display:le-block;float:left;posn:relative;marg:4px"><div style="width:208px;height:277px" data-hook="viatn_std_thumb" class="_3Y0hT _3oBlM"><a data-hook="viatn_lk" href=" aria-label="Jose's gas by OneMillnBullets, visual art"><div class="_3_LJY" style="width:208px;height:277px" aria-hidn="te"><img alt="Jose's gas" style="width:208px;height:277px;object-f:ver;object-posn:50% 100%" src=" loadg="lazy" srcSet=" 2x"/></div></a><div class="_2o-Ze l7J_b" style="width:208px;height:277px" aria-hidn="te"><div class="_1_xnD"><div class="_3VxSH _1ksaE _3RUpU"></div></div><div class="_5F1x4"><div style="width:208px;height:277px" class="_102Ua"><div class="_3_tBN"><div class="WP4Br"><div class="_1eevN"><div class="_3xYbL _3aVNw"></div></div></div><div class="_2U60i"></div></div><div class="_1XzIg"></div><div class="_1gkWM"><div></div><div class="_27yzX _2U60i _1bFfF"></div></div></div></div><div class="_3er0w _5F1x4 theme-dark forced-theme-dark" style="width:208px;height:277px"><div class="_1Kez0"><div class="_2CXRr"></div><div class="_1_xnD _29VhR"></div></div><div class="_1_xnD"></div><div class="_34lVt"><div class="_1_xnD _2CXRr"><a data-hook="viatn_lk" href=" class="uU5En"><h2 class="_3CpJS">Jose's gas</h2></a><div class="_25Sj8"><div class="MvjoN"><div class="_12zhi _3gt7H"><a data-hook="er_lk" data-ername="OneMillnBullets" data-in=" data-ertype="regular" data-erid="41193725" data-euid="58bd7420-176a-4fa8-bf50-ffa27b0f9a24" href=" class="er-lk _2yXGz _3mI1h"><img alt="OneMillnBullets's avatar" loadg="lazy" data-hook="er_avatar" width="24" height="24" src=" class="_121Hz"/></a></div><div class="_12zhi nRNm-"><a data-hook="er_lk" data-ername="OneMillnBullets" data-in=" data-ertype="regular" data-erid="41193725" data-euid="58bd7420-176a-4fa8-bf50-ffa27b0f9a24" href=" class="er-lk _2yXGz"><span class="_2EfV7">OneMillnBullets</span><span class="_3jWMJ _2cH7N" style="cursor:poter" role="img"></span></a></div></div></div></div><div class="_1_xnD _29VhR _2AuZJ"><a class="_1FMli _2Pdhv" href="><span class="_20Nv2 _1BAdb _2WA0Y"><svg width="0" height="0" viewBox="0 0 24 24" versn="1.1" xmlns=" xmlns:xlk="><path fill-le="evenodd" d="M20 3a1 1 0 01.993.883L21 4v9.586a1 1 0 01-.206.608l-.087.099-2.414 2.414a1 1 0 01-.576.284l-.131.009H13l-2.7 3.6a1 1 0 01-.683.393L9.5 21H8a1 1 0 01-.993-.883L7 20v-3H4a1 1 0 01-.993-.883L3 16V6.414a1 1 0 01.206-.608l.087-.099 2.414-2.414a1 1 0 01.576-.284L6.414 3H20zm-1 2H6.828L5 6.828V15h4v4l3-4h5.17L19 13.17V5z"></path></svg></span><span>6</span></a><button class="_29oAF _2Pdhv"><span class="_20Nv2 _1BAdb _2WA0Y"><svg xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path fill-le="evenodd" d="M13.71 3.408A1 1 0 0012.904 3h-1.85l-.119.007a1 1 0 00-.75.499L8.122 7.134l-4.57.641-.124.025a1 1 0 00-.688.656l-.544 1.67-.032.124a1 1 0 00.297.915l3.265 3.07-.766 4.33-.014.128a1 1 0 00.43.869l1.567 1 0 00.904-.001L12 18.66l4.116 1 0 00.898-.128l1.524-1.072.1-.08a1 1 0 00.308-.919l-.8-4.35 3.257-3.063.089-.095a1 1 0 00.172-.957l-.564-1.65-.047-.115a1 1 0 00-.76-.551l-4.58-.643-2.065-3.653-.065-.1zM11.635 5h.685l2.264 4.004 4.95.695.155.457-3.58 3.369.88 4.792-.51.358-4.484-2.256-4.407 2.239-.546-.377.842-4.762-3.59-3.377.155-.474 4.926-.69L11.635 5z"></path></svg></span><span>190</span></button></div></div></div></div></div></div><div style="width:277px;height:100%;display:le-block;float:left;posn:relative;marg:4px"><div style="width:277px;height:277px" data-hook="viatn_std_thumb" class="_3Y0hT _3oBlM"><span class="_10VHP"><h2>Fallg Leav (Male Gas Story) by BorgMaroni, lerature</h2></span><sectn class="_2_R82 _2hOTh" style="width:277px;height:277px" aria-hidn="te"><div class="_2bZrL _2Cvo9" aria-hidn="te"><svg height="100%" viewBox="0 0 15 12" prerveAspectRat="xMidYM slice" fill-le="evenodd"><learGradient x1="87.8481761%" y1="16.3690766%" x2="45.4107524%" y2="71.4898596%" id="app-root-9"><stop stop-lor="#00FF62" offset="0%"></stop><stop stop-lor="#3197EF" stop-opacy="0" offset="100%"></stop></learGradient><text class="DWO1s" fill="url(#app-root-9)" text-anchor="end" x="15" y="11">F</text></svg></div><div class="_3feXW">Lerature</div><h2 class="_1uFgc">Fallg Leav (Male Gas Story)</h2><div class="_3eztE">The bpectacled man watched the visor over the rim of his ffee mug, fgers tappg trospectively agast the fadg Cheers logo. “I spect by now that you know Charl is a Farter,” he said gravely. Mallm’s gratu to have been facg away om Mr. Dempsey, whose tone strongly suggted that this was no lghg matter, was beyond measure. His lips twched unntrollably, but he mataed self-ntrol as he llected two plat and turned around to set them down on each of their plac at the kchen’s small dg table. This was his send vis to the Dempsey hoe. At this pot, he had known Chuck D. for over a year and a half. “Uh… yeah. Now that you mentn , might’ve e up a uple of tim,” he said, thkg back to the six separate stanc which he and Chuck had to make an emergency stop on the drive here. “We’re a fay of Farters,” Terrence ntued as soberly as before, and this time Mallm almost sliced to his fger stead of the</div></sectn><a data-hook="viatn_lk" href=" class="_1SRCx" tle="Fallg Leav (Male Gas Story)" aria-label="Fallg Leav (Male Gas Story) by BorgMaroni, lerature"><span></span></a><div class="_2o-Ze l7J_b" style="width:277px;height:277px" aria-hidn="te"><div class="_1_xnD"><div class="_3VxSH _1ksaE _3RUpU"></div></div><div class="_5F1x4"><div style="width:277px;height:277px" class="_102Ua"><div class="_3_tBN"><div class="WP4Br"><div class="_1eevN"><div class="_3xYbL _3aVNw"></div></div></div><div class="_2U60i"></div></div><div class="_1XzIg"></div><div class="_1gkWM"><div></div><div class="_27yzX _2U60i _1bFfF"></div></div></div></div><div class="_3er0w _5F1x4 theme-dark forced-theme-dark" style="width:277px;height:277px"><div class="_1Kez0"><div class="_2CXRr"></div><div class="_1_xnD _29VhR"></div></div><div class="_1_xnD"></div><div class="_34lVt"><div class="_1_xnD _2CXRr"><div class="_25Sj8"><div class="MvjoN"><div class="_12zhi _3gt7H"><a data-hook="er_lk" data-ername="BorgMaroni" data-in=" data-ertype="regular" data-erid="44662014" data-euid="2c5c0eef-36f6-499b-801e-951a101c72f5" href=" class="er-lk _2yXGz _3mI1h"><img alt="BorgMaroni's avatar" loadg="lazy" data-hook="er_avatar" width="24" height="24" src=" class="_121Hz"/></a></div><div class="_12zhi nRNm-"><a data-hook="er_lk" data-ername="BorgMaroni" data-in=" data-ertype="regular" data-erid="44662014" data-euid="2c5c0eef-36f6-499b-801e-951a101c72f5" href=" class="er-lk _2yXGz"><span class="_2EfV7">BorgMaroni</span><span class="_3jWMJ _2cH7N" style="cursor:poter" role="img"></span></a></div></div></div></div><div class="_1_xnD _29VhR _2AuZJ"><a class="_1FMli _2Pdhv" href="><span class="_20Nv2 _1BAdb _2WA0Y"><svg width="0" height="0" viewBox="0 0 24 24" versn="1.1" xmlns=" xmlns:xlk="><path fill-le="evenodd" d="M20 3a1 1 0 01.993.883L21 4v9.586a1 1 0 01-.206.608l-.087.099-2.414 2.414a1 1 0 01-.576.284l-.131.009H13l-2.7 3.6a1 1 0 01-.683.393L9.5 21H8a1 1 0 01-.993-.883L7 20v-3H4a1 1 0 01-.993-.883L3 16V6.414a1 1 0 01.206-.608l.087-.099 2.414-2.414a1 1 0 01.576-.284L6.414 3H20zm-1 2H6.828L5 6.828V15h4v4l3-4h5.17L19 13.17V5z"></path></svg></span><span>0</span></a><button class="_29oAF _2Pdhv"><span class="_20Nv2 _1BAdb _2WA0Y"><svg xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path fill-le="evenodd" d="M13.71 3.408A1 1 0 0012.904 3h-1.85l-.119.007a1 1 0 00-.75.499L8.122 7.134l-4.57.641-.124.025a1 1 0 00-.688.656l-.544 1.67-.032.124a1 1 0 00.297.915l3.265 3.07-.766 4.33-.014.128a1 1 0 00.43.869l1.567 1 0 00.904-.001L12 18.66l4.116 1 0 00.898-.128l1.524-1.072.1-.08a1 1 0 00.308-.919l-.8-4.35 3.257-3.063.089-.095a1 1 0 00.172-.957l-.564-1.65-.047-.115a1 1 0 00-.76-.551l-4.58-.643-2.065-3.653-.065-.1zM11.635 5h.685l2.264 4.004 4.95.695.155.457-3.58 3.369.88 4.792-.51.358-4.484-2.256-4.407 2.239-.546-.377.842-4.762-3.59-3.377.155-.474 4.926-.69L11.635 5z"></path></svg></span><span>41</span></button></div></div></div></div></div></div><div style="width:237px;height:100%;display:le-block;float:left;posn:relative;marg:4px"><div style="width:237px;height:277px" data-hook="viatn_std_thumb" class="_3Y0hT _3oBlM"><a data-hook="viatn_lk" href=" aria-label="An awkward date page 1 by OneMillnBullets, visual art"><div class="_3_LJY" style="width:237px;height:277px" aria-hidn="te"><img alt="An awkward date page 1" style="width:237px;height:277px;object-f:ver;object-posn:50% 100%" src=" loadg="lazy" srcSet=" 2x"/></div></a><div class="_2o-Ze l7J_b" style="width:237px;height:277px" aria-hidn="te"><div class="_1_xnD"><div class="_3VxSH _1ksaE _3RUpU"></div></div><div class="_5F1x4"><div style="width:237px;height:277px" class="_102Ua"><div class="_3_tBN"><div class="WP4Br"><div class="_1eevN"><div class="_3xYbL _3aVNw"></div></div></div><div class="_2U60i"></div></div><div class="_1XzIg"></div><div class="_1gkWM"><div></div><div class="_27yzX _2U60i _1bFfF"></div></div></div></div><div class="_3er0w _5F1x4 theme-dark forced-theme-dark" style="width:237px;height:277px"><div class="_1Kez0"><div class="_2CXRr"></div><div class="_1_xnD _29VhR"></div></div><div class="_1_xnD"></div><div class="_34lVt"><div class="_1_xnD _2CXRr"><a data-hook="viatn_lk" href=" class="uU5En"><h2 class="_3CpJS">An awkward date page 1</h2></a><div class="_25Sj8"><div class="MvjoN"><div class="_12zhi _3gt7H"><a data-hook="er_lk" data-ername="OneMillnBullets" data-in=" data-ertype="regular" data-erid="41193725" data-euid="58bd7420-176a-4fa8-bf50-ffa27b0f9a24" href=" class="er-lk _2yXGz _3mI1h"><img alt="OneMillnBullets's avatar" loadg="lazy" data-hook="er_avatar" width="24" height="24" src=" class="_121Hz"/></a></div><div class="_12zhi nRNm-"><a data-hook="er_lk" data-ername="OneMillnBullets" data-in=" data-ertype="regular" data-erid="41193725" data-euid="58bd7420-176a-4fa8-bf50-ffa27b0f9a24" href=" class="er-lk _2yXGz"><span class="_2EfV7">OneMillnBullets</span><span class="_3jWMJ _2cH7N" style="cursor:poter" role="img"></span></a></div></div></div></div><div class="_1_xnD _29VhR _2AuZJ"><a class="_1FMli _2Pdhv" href="><span class="_20Nv2 _1BAdb _2WA0Y"><svg width="0" height="0" viewBox="0 0 24 24" versn="1.1" xmlns=" xmlns:xlk="><path fill-le="evenodd" d="M20 3a1 1 0 01.993.883L21 4v9.586a1 1 0 01-.206.608l-.087.099-2.414 2.414a1 1 0 01-.576.284l-.131.009H13l-2.7 3.6a1 1 0 01-.683.393L9.5 21H8a1 1 0 01-.993-.883L7 20v-3H4a1 1 0 01-.993-.883L3 16V6.414a1 1 0 01.206-.608l.087-.099 2.414-2.414a1 1 0 01.576-.284L6.414 3H20zm-1 2H6.828L5 6.828V15h4v4l3-4h5.17L19 13.17V5z"></path></svg></span><span>6</span></a><button class="_29oAF _2Pdhv"><span class="_20Nv2 _1BAdb _2WA0Y"><svg xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path fill-le="evenodd" d="M13.71 3.408A1 1 0 0012.904 3h-1.85l-.119.007a1 1 0 00-.75.499L8.122 7.134l-4.57.641-.124.025a1 1 0 00-.688.656l-.544 1.67-.032.124a1 1 0 00.297.915l3.265 3.07-.766 4.33-.014.128a1 1 0 00.43.869l1.567 1 0 00.904-.001L12 18.66l4.116 1 0 00.898-.128l1.524-1.072.1-.08a1 1 0 00.308-.919l-.8-4.35 3.257-3.063.089-.095a1 1 0 00.172-.957l-.564-1.65-.047-.115a1 1 0 00-.76-.551l-4.58-.643-2.065-3.653-.065-.1zM11.635 5h.685l2.264 4.004 4.95.695.155.457-3.58 3.369.88 4.792-.51.358-4.484-2.256-4.407 2.239-.546-.377.842-4.762-3.59-3.377.155-.474 4.926-.69L11.635 5z"></path></svg></span><span>123</span></button></div></div></div></div></div></div><div style="width:278px;height:100%;display:le-block;float:left;posn:relative;marg:4px"><div style="width:278px;height:277px" data-hook="viatn_std_thumb" class="_3Y0hT _3oBlM"><span class="_10VHP"><h2>Surprise Dutch Oven (Gay Fart story) by aNSFWacunt, lerature</h2></span><sectn class="_2_R82 _2hOTh" style="width:278px;height:277px" aria-hidn="te"><div class="_2bZrL _2Cvo9" aria-hidn="te"><svg height="100%" viewBox="0 0 15 12" prerveAspectRat="xMidYM slice" fill-le="evenodd"><learGradient x1="87.8481761%" y1="16.3690766%" x2="45.4107524%" y2="71.4898596%" id="app-root-12"><stop stop-lor="#00FF62" offset="0%"></stop><stop stop-lor="#3197EF" stop-opacy="0" offset="100%"></stop></learGradient><text class="DWO1s" fill="url(#app-root-12)" text-anchor="end" x="15" y="11">S</text></svg></div><div class="_3feXW">Lerature</div><h2 class="_1uFgc">Surprise Dutch Oven (Gay Fart story)</h2><div class="_3eztE">(Male, gay fartg story. So if you’re not a fan of that, stop readg right !) [Also has oral sex, if you are somehow offend by that(?). Read at your own discretn] It was very late at night, like 1-3 am when I started suckg Leon’s dick. We were havg a sleepover at his hoe, and had bee a ‘thg’ I did for him the last 4 tim I had stayed over. Leon is a blond guy, I would say he is chubby, but only a ltle b, ’s more that his body proportns are that of a larger, wir person, if that mak sense; that said, he was only slightly taller than me. We met bee I was iends wh iends of his, we didn’t liked each other at first -He is too much of a party animal for me, a b annoyg and stupid; took me a while to figure out he was jt jokg around wh me and wasn’t tryg to actually mock me- but we eventually clicked; REALLY clicked, I gus you uld say. After a few ‘slumber parti’, what started as a joke end up actually</div></sectn><a data-hook="viatn_lk" href=" class="_1SRCx" tle="Surprise Dutch Oven (Gay Fart story)" aria-label="Surprise Dutch Oven (Gay Fart story) by aNSFWacunt, lerature"><span></span></a><div class="_2o-Ze l7J_b" style="width:278px;height:277px" aria-hidn="te"><div class="_1_xnD"><div class="_3VxSH _1ksaE _3RUpU"></div></div><div class="_5F1x4"><div style="width:278px;height:277px" class="_102Ua"><div class="_3_tBN"><div class="WP4Br"><div class="_1eevN"><div class="_3xYbL _3aVNw"></div></div></div><div class="_2U60i"></div></div><div class="_1XzIg"></div><div class="_1gkWM"><div></div><div class="_27yzX _2U60i _1bFfF"></div></div></div></div><div class="_3er0w _5F1x4 theme-dark forced-theme-dark" style="width:278px;height:277px"><div class="_1Kez0"><div class="_2CXRr"></div><div class="_1_xnD _29VhR"></div></div><div class="_1_xnD"></div><div class="_34lVt"><div class="_1_xnD _2CXRr"><div class="_25Sj8"><div class="MvjoN"><div class="_12zhi _3gt7H"><a data-hook="er_lk" data-ername="aNSFWacunt" data-in=" data-ertype="regular" data-erid="75010633" data-euid="47eb87c3-e786-49c4-ad0f-c030d2d05b4f" href=" class="er-lk _2yXGz _3mI1h"><div class="_3JF42" style="width:24px;height:24px"><svg viewBox="0 0 23 22" fill="none" xmlns="><tle></tle><path d="M11.6365 12.2222C15.0115 12.2222 17.7476 9.48618 17.7476 6.11111C17.7476 2.73604 15.0115 0 11.6365 0C8.2614 0 5.52536 2.73604 5.52536 6.11111C5.52536 9.48618 8.2614 12.2222 11.6365 12.2222Z"></path><path d="M5.52536 14.6667C2.8253 14.6667 0.636475 16.8555 0.636475 19.5556V20.3704C0.636475 21.2704 1.36608 22 2.2661 22H21.0068C21.9069 22 22.6365 21.2704 22.6365 20.3704V19.5556C22.6365 16.8555 20.4476 14.6667 17.7476 14.6667H5.52536Z"></path></svg></div></a></div><div class="_12zhi nRNm-"><a data-hook="er_lk" data-ername="aNSFWacunt" data-in=" data-ertype="regular" data-erid="75010633" data-euid="47eb87c3-e786-49c4-ad0f-c030d2d05b4f" href=" class="er-lk _2yXGz"><span class="_2EfV7">aNSFWacunt</span><span class="_3jWMJ _2cH7N" style="cursor:poter" role="img"></span></a></div></div></div></div><div class="_1_xnD _29VhR _2AuZJ"><a class="_1FMli _2Pdhv" href="><span class="_20Nv2 _1BAdb _2WA0Y"><svg width="0" height="0" viewBox="0 0 24 24" versn="1.1" xmlns=" xmlns:xlk="><path fill-le="evenodd" d="M20 3a1 1 0 01.993.883L21 4v9.586a1 1 0 01-.206.608l-.087.099-2.414 2.414a1 1 0 01-.576.284l-.131.009H13l-2.7 3.6a1 1 0 01-.683.393L9.5 21H8a1 1 0 01-.993-.883L7 20v-3H4a1 1 0 01-.993-.883L3 16V6.414a1 1 0 01.206-.608l.087-.099 2.414-2.414a1 1 0 01.576-.284L6.414 3H20zm-1 2H6.828L5 6.828V15h4v4l3-4h5.17L19 13.17V5z"></path></svg></span><span>5</span></a><button class="_29oAF _2Pdhv"><span class="_20Nv2 _1BAdb _2WA0Y"><svg xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path fill-le="evenodd" d="M13.71 3.408A1 1 0 0012.904 3h-1.85l-.119.007a1 1 0 00-.75.499L8.122 7.134l-4.57.641-.124.025a1 1 0 00-.688.656l-.544 1.67-.032.124a1 1 0 00.297.915l3.265 3.07-.766 4.33-.014.128a1 1 0 00.43.869l1.567 1 0 00.904-.001L12 18.66l4.116 1 0 00.898-.128l1.524-1.072.1-.08a1 1 0 00.308-.919l-.8-4.35 3.257-3.063.089-.095a1 1 0 00.172-.957l-.564-1.65-.047-.115a1 1 0 00-.76-.551l-4.58-.643-2.065-3.653-.065-.1zM11.635 5h.685l2.264 4.004 4.95.695.155.457-3.58 3.369.88 4.792-.51.358-4.484-2.256-4.407 2.239-.546-.377.842-4.762-3.59-3.377.155-.474 4.926-.69L11.635 5z"></path></svg></span><span>148</span></button></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div><div class="_2pZkk" style="width:1032px;nta-trsic-size:1032px 314.3754515510966px;ntent-visibily:visible" data-hook="ntent_row-3"><div style="width:274px;height:100%;display:le-block;float:left;posn:relative;marg:4px"><div style="width:274px;height:306px" data-hook="viatn_std_thumb" class="_3Y0hT _3oBlM"><a data-hook="viatn_lk" href=" aria-label="[AT] Gassy!MunaXCron Comic by lil-creep, visual art"><div class="_3_LJY" style="width:274px;height:306px" aria-hidn="te"><img alt="[AT] Gassy!MunaXCron Comic" style="width:274px;height:306px;object-f:ver;object-posn:50% 100%" src=" loadg="lazy" srcSet=" 2x"/></div></a><div class="_2o-Ze l7J_b" style="width:274px;height:306px" aria-hidn="te"><div class="_1_xnD"><div class="_3VxSH _1ksaE _3RUpU"></div></div><div class="_5F1x4"><div style="width:274px;height:306px" class="_102Ua"><div class="_3_tBN"><div class="WP4Br"><div class="_1eevN"><div class="_3xYbL _3aVNw"></div></div></div><div class="_2U60i"></div></div><div class="_1XzIg"></div><div class="_1gkWM"><div></div><div class="_27yzX _2U60i _1bFfF"></div></div></div></div><div class="_3er0w _5F1x4 theme-dark forced-theme-dark" style="width:274px;height:306px"><div class="_1Kez0"><div class="_2CXRr"></div><div class="_1_xnD _29VhR"></div></div><div class="_1_xnD"></div><div class="_34lVt"><div class="_1_xnD _2CXRr"><a data-hook="viatn_lk" href=" class="uU5En"><h2 class="_3CpJS">[AT] Gassy!MunaXCron Comic</h2></a><div class="_25Sj8"><div class="MvjoN"><div class="_12zhi _3gt7H"><a data-hook="er_lk" data-ername="lil-creep" data-in=" data-ertype="regular" data-erid="45025415" data-euid="c9252f95-849d-4e24-9d63-1c464c274ef9" href=" class="er-lk _2yXGz _3mI1h"><img alt="lil-creep's avatar" loadg="lazy" data-hook="er_avatar" width="24" height="24" src=" class="_121Hz"/></a></div><div class="_12zhi nRNm-"><a data-hook="er_lk" data-ername="lil-creep" data-in=" data-ertype="regular" data-erid="45025415" data-euid="c9252f95-849d-4e24-9d63-1c464c274ef9" href=" class="er-lk _2yXGz"><span class="_2EfV7">lil-creep</span><span class="_3jWMJ _2cH7N" style="cursor:poter" role="img"></span></a></div></div></div></div><div class="_1_xnD _29VhR _2AuZJ"><a class="_1FMli _2Pdhv" href="><span class="_20Nv2 _1BAdb _2WA0Y"><svg width="0" height="0" viewBox="0 0 24 24" versn="1.1" xmlns=" xmlns:xlk="><path fill-le="evenodd" d="M20 3a1 1 0 01.993.883L21 4v9.586a1 1 0 01-.206.608l-.087.099-2.414 2.414a1 1 0 01-.576.284l-.131.009H13l-2.7 3.6a1 1 0 01-.683.393L9.5 21H8a1 1 0 01-.993-.883L7 20v-3H4a1 1 0 01-.993-.883L3 16V6.414a1 1 0 01.206-.608l.087-.099 2.414-2.414a1 1 0 01.576-.284L6.414 3H20zm-1 2H6.828L5 6.828V15h4v4l3-4h5.17L19 13.17V5z"></path></svg></span><span>14</span></a><button class="_29oAF _2Pdhv"><span class="_20Nv2 _1BAdb _2WA0Y"><svg xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path fill-le="evenodd" d="M13.71 3.408A1 1 0 0012.904 3h-1.85l-.119.007a1 1 0 00-.75.499L8.122 7.134l-4.57.641-.124.025a1 1 0 00-.688.656l-.544 1.67-.032.124a1 1 0 00.297.915l3.265 3.07-.766 4.33-.014.128a1 1 0 00.43.869l1.567 1 0 00.904-.001L12 18.66l4.116 1 0 00.898-.128l1.524-1.072.1-.08a1 1 0 00.308-.919l-.8-4.35 3.257-3.063.089-.095a1 1 0 00.172-.957l-.564-1.65-.047-.115a1 1 0 00-.76-.551l-4.58-.643-2.065-3.653-.065-.1zM11.635 5h.685l2.264 4.004 4.95.695.155.457-3.58 3.369.88 4.792-.51.358-4.484-2.256-4.407 2.239-.546-.377.842-4.762-3.59-3.377.155-.474 4.926-.69L11.635 5z"></path></svg></span><span>81</span></button></div></div></div></div></div></div><div style="width:230px;height:100%;display:le-block;float:left;posn:relative;marg:4px"><div style="width:230px;height:306px" data-hook="viatn_std_thumb" class="_3Y0hT _3oBlM"><a data-hook="viatn_lk" href=" aria-label="Grass and Gas part 1 by OneMillnBullets, visual art"><div class="_3_LJY" style="width:230px;height:306px" aria-hidn="te"><img alt="Grass and Gas part 1" style="width:230px;height:306px;object-f:ver;object-posn:50% 100%" src=" loadg="lazy" srcSet=" 2x"/></div></a><div class="_2o-Ze l7J_b" style="width:230px;height:306px" aria-hidn="te"><div class="_1_xnD"><div class="_3VxSH _1ksaE _3RUpU"></div></div><div class="_5F1x4"><div style="width:230px;height:306px" class="_102Ua"><div class="_3_tBN"><div class="WP4Br"><div class="_1eevN"><div class="_3xYbL _3aVNw"></div></div></div><div class="_2U60i"></div></div><div class="_1XzIg"></div><div class="_1gkWM"><div></div><div class="_27yzX _2U60i _1bFfF"></div></div></div></div><div class="_3er0w _5F1x4 theme-dark forced-theme-dark" style="width:230px;height:306px"><div class="_1Kez0"><div class="_2CXRr"></div><div class="_1_xnD _29VhR"></div></div><div class="_1_xnD"></div><div class="_34lVt"><div class="_1_xnD _2CXRr"><a data-hook="viatn_lk" href=" class="uU5En"><h2 class="_3CpJS">Grass and Gas part 1</h2></a><div class="_25Sj8"><div class="MvjoN"><div class="_12zhi _3gt7H"><a data-hook="er_lk" data-ername="OneMillnBullets" data-in=" data-ertype="regular" data-erid="41193725" data-euid="58bd7420-176a-4fa8-bf50-ffa27b0f9a24" href=" class="er-lk _2yXGz _3mI1h"><img alt="OneMillnBullets's avatar" loadg="lazy" data-hook="er_avatar" width="24" height="24" src=" class="_121Hz"/></a></div><div class="_12zhi nRNm-"><a data-hook="er_lk" data-ername="OneMillnBullets" data-in=" data-ertype="regular" data-erid="41193725" data-euid="58bd7420-176a-4fa8-bf50-ffa27b0f9a24" href=" class="er-lk _2yXGz"><span class="_2EfV7">OneMillnBullets</span><span class="_3jWMJ _2cH7N" style="cursor:poter" role="img"></span></a></div></div></div></div><div class="_1_xnD _29VhR _2AuZJ"><a class="_1FMli _2Pdhv" href="><span class="_20Nv2 _1BAdb _2WA0Y"><svg width="0" height="0" viewBox="0 0 24 24" versn="1.1" xmlns=" xmlns:xlk="><path fill-le="evenodd" d="M20 3a1 1 0 01.993.883L21 4v9.586a1 1 0 01-.206.608l-.087.099-2.414 2.414a1 1 0 01-.576.284l-.131.009H13l-2.7 3.6a1 1 0 01-.683.393L9.5 21H8a1 1 0 01-.993-.883L7 20v-3H4a1 1 0 01-.993-.883L3 16V6.414a1 1 0 01.206-.608l.087-.099 2.414-2.414a1 1 0 01.576-.284L6.414 3H20zm-1 2H6.828L5 6.828V15h4v4l3-4h5.17L19 13.17V5z"></path></svg></span><span>0</span></a><button class="_29oAF _2Pdhv"><span class="_20Nv2 _1BAdb _2WA0Y"><svg xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path fill-le="evenodd" d="M13.71 3.408A1 1 0 0012.904 3h-1.85l-.119.007a1 1 0 00-.75.499L8.122 7.134l-4.57.641-.124.025a1 1 0 00-.688.656l-.544 1.67-.032.124a1 1 0 00.297.915l3.265 3.07-.766 4.33-.014.128a1 1 0 00.43.869l1.567 1 0 00.904-.001L12 18.66l4.116 1 0 00.898-.128l1.524-1.072.1-.08a1 1 0 00.308-.919l-.8-4.35 3.257-3.063.089-.095a1 1 0 00.172-.957l-.564-1.65-.047-.115a1 1 0 00-.76-.551l-4.58-.643-2.065-3.653-.065-.1zM11.635 5h.685l2.264 4.004 4.95.695.155.457-3.58 3.369.88 4.792-.51.358-4.484-2.256-4.407 2.239-.546-.377.842-4.762-3.59-3.377.155-.474 4.926-.69L11.635 5z"></path></svg></span><span>109</span></button></div></div></div></div></div></div><div style="width:266px;height:100%;display:le-block;float:left;posn:relative;marg:4px"><div style="width:266px;height:306px" data-hook="viatn_std_thumb" class="_3Y0hT _3oBlM"><a data-hook="viatn_lk" href=" aria-label="Gassy at the office part 2 by OneMillnBullets, visual art"><div class="_3_LJY" style="width:266px;height:306px" aria-hidn="te"><img alt="Gassy at the office part 2" style="width:266px;height:306px;object-f:ver" src=" loadg="lazy" srcSet=" 2x"/></div></a><div class="_2o-Ze l7J_b" style="width:266px;height:306px" aria-hidn="te"><div class="_1_xnD"><div class="_3VxSH _1ksaE _3RUpU"></div></div><div 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height="24" src=" class="_121Hz"/></a></div><div class="_12zhi nRNm-"><a data-hook="er_lk" data-ername="OneMillnBullets" data-in=" data-ertype="regular" data-erid="41193725" data-euid="58bd7420-176a-4fa8-bf50-ffa27b0f9a24" href=" class="er-lk _2yXGz"><span class="_2EfV7">OneMillnBullets</span><span class="_3jWMJ _2cH7N" style="cursor:poter" role="img"></span></a></div></div></div></div><div class="_1_xnD _29VhR _2AuZJ"><a class="_1FMli _2Pdhv" href="><span class="_20Nv2 _1BAdb _2WA0Y"><svg width="0" height="0" viewBox="0 0 24 24" versn="1.1" xmlns=" xmlns:xlk="><path fill-le="evenodd" d="M20 3a1 1 0 01.993.883L21 4v9.586a1 1 0 01-.206.608l-.087.099-2.414 2.414a1 1 0 01-.576.284l-.131.009H13l-2.7 3.6a1 1 0 01-.683.393L9.5 21H8a1 1 0 01-.993-.883L7 20v-3H4a1 1 0 01-.993-.883L3 16V6.414a1 1 0 01.206-.608l.087-.099 2.414-2.414a1 1 0 01.576-.284L6.414 3H20zm-1 2H6.828L5 6.828V15h4v4l3-4h5.17L19 13.17V5z"></path></svg></span><span>2</span></a><button class="_29oAF _2Pdhv"><span class="_20Nv2 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art"><div class="_3_LJY" style="width:230px;height:306px" aria-hidn="te"><img alt="Victor And Max's sleepover shart versn" style="width:230px;height:306px;object-f:ver;object-posn:50% 100%" src=" loadg="lazy" srcSet=" 2x"/></div></a><div class="_2o-Ze l7J_b" style="width:230px;height:306px" aria-hidn="te"><div class="_1_xnD"><div class="_3VxSH _1ksaE _3RUpU"></div></div><div class="_5F1x4"><div style="width:230px;height:306px" class="_102Ua"><div class="_3_tBN"><div class="WP4Br"><div class="_1eevN"><div class="_3xYbL _3aVNw"></div></div></div><div class="_2U60i"></div></div><div class="_1XzIg"></div><div class="_1gkWM"><div></div><div class="_27yzX _2U60i _1bFfF"></div></div></div></div><div class="_3er0w _5F1x4 theme-dark forced-theme-dark" style="width:230px;height:306px"><div class="_1Kez0"><div class="_2CXRr"></div><div class="_1_xnD _29VhR"></div></div><div class="_1_xnD"></div><div class="_34lVt"><div class="_1_xnD _2CXRr"><a data-hook="viatn_lk" href=" class="uU5En"><h2 class="_3CpJS">Victor And Max's sleepover shart versn</h2></a><div class="_25Sj8"><div class="MvjoN"><div class="_12zhi _3gt7H"><a data-hook="er_lk" data-ername="OneMillnBullets" data-in=" data-ertype="regular" data-erid="41193725" data-euid="58bd7420-176a-4fa8-bf50-ffa27b0f9a24" href=" class="er-lk _2yXGz _3mI1h"><img alt="OneMillnBullets's avatar" loadg="lazy" data-hook="er_avatar" width="24" height="24" src=" class="_121Hz"/></a></div><div class="_12zhi nRNm-"><a data-hook="er_lk" data-ername="OneMillnBullets" data-in=" data-ertype="regular" data-erid="41193725" data-euid="58bd7420-176a-4fa8-bf50-ffa27b0f9a24" href=" class="er-lk _2yXGz"><span class="_2EfV7">OneMillnBullets</span><span class="_3jWMJ _2cH7N" style="cursor:poter" role="img"></span></a></div></div></div></div><div class="_1_xnD _29VhR _2AuZJ"><a class="_1FMli _2Pdhv" href="><span class="_20Nv2 _1BAdb _2WA0Y"><svg width="0" height="0" viewBox="0 0 24 24" versn="1.1" xmlns=" xmlns:xlk="><path fill-le="evenodd" d="M20 3a1 1 0 01.993.883L21 4v9.586a1 1 0 01-.206.608l-.087.099-2.414 2.414a1 1 0 01-.576.284l-.131.009H13l-2.7 3.6a1 1 0 01-.683.393L9.5 21H8a1 1 0 01-.993-.883L7 20v-3H4a1 1 0 01-.993-.883L3 16V6.414a1 1 0 01.206-.608l.087-.099 2.414-2.414a1 1 0 01.576-.284L6.414 3H20zm-1 2H6.828L5 6.828V15h4v4l3-4h5.17L19 13.17V5z"></path></svg></span><span>2</span></a><button class="_29oAF _2Pdhv"><span class="_20Nv2 _1BAdb _2WA0Y"><svg xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path fill-le="evenodd" d="M13.71 3.408A1 1 0 0012.904 3h-1.85l-.119.007a1 1 0 00-.75.499L8.122 7.134l-4.57.641-.124.025a1 1 0 00-.688.656l-.544 1.67-.032.124a1 1 0 00.297.915l3.265 3.07-.766 4.33-.014.128a1 1 0 00.43.869l1.567 1 0 00.904-.001L12 18.66l4.116 1 0 00.898-.128l1.524-1.072.1-.08a1 1 0 00.308-.919l-.8-4.35 3.257-3.063.089-.095a1 1 0 00.172-.957l-.564-1.65-.047-.115a1 1 0 00-.76-.551l-4.58-.643-2.065-3.653-.065-.1zM11.635 5h.685l2.264 4.004 4.95.695.155.457-3.58 3.369.88 4.792-.51.358-4.484-2.256-4.407 2.239-.546-.377.842-4.762-3.59-3.377.155-.474 4.926-.69L11.635 5z"></path></svg></span><span>183</span></button></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div><div class="_2pZkk" style="width:1032px;nta-trsic-size:1032px 250.40881687136667px;ntent-visibily:visible" data-hook="ntent_row-4"><div style="width:242px;height:100%;display:le-block;float:left;posn:relative;marg:4px"><div style="width:242px;height:242px" data-hook="viatn_std_thumb" class="_3Y0hT _3oBlM"><span class="_10VHP"><h2>To Break or not to Break the Barrier? by KiperCrow, lerature</h2></span><sectn class="_2_R82 _2hOTh" style="width:242px;height:242px" aria-hidn="te"><div class="_2bZrL _2Cvo9" aria-hidn="te"><svg height="100%" viewBox="0 0 15 12" prerveAspectRat="xMidYM slice" fill-le="evenodd"><learGradient x1="87.8481761%" y1="16.3690766%" x2="45.4107524%" y2="71.4898596%" id="app-root-18"><stop stop-lor="#00FF62" offset="0%"></stop><stop stop-lor="#3197EF" stop-opacy="0" offset="100%"></stop></learGradient><text class="DWO1s" fill="url(#app-root-18)" text-anchor="end" x="15" y="11">T</text></svg></div><div class="_3feXW">Lerature</div><h2 class="_1uFgc">To Break or not to Break the Barrier? </h2><div class="_3eztE">Characters om BorgMaroni's Sue 6b Back om an eventful sight seeg trip Mexi, the Sue 6B boys and their Brish iend Amanda B. stop at a lol rtrant “Comida la l Barr” (Food om the neighborhood). The rtrant offers tradnal Mexin dish, which everyone has been lovg. “Oh gosh, I’m starvg!” Ralf said before groang, lettg his hunger speak for himself. “I heard your stomach growl so loud, I thought was me.” Chuck said sg then tappg his belly to gture where the sound is ually sourced. “Well Señor Pedo I thk I speak for all of when I say that we’re all glad that wasn’t yours!” Ralf said, wh more than a ht of sarsm. “Oh Ralf, you’re jt hungry. Let’s ci on what we want to orr. Then we n make sure that you’re not angry at the world. Jt at North Ameri.” Amanda said, before takg a seat at the table and readg the menu. “The Tostadas sound good! Pile all the veggi!” Wyatt said, lghg at his ia.</div></sectn><a data-hook="viatn_lk" href=" class="_1SRCx" tle="To Break or not to Break the Barrier? " aria-label="To Break or not to Break the Barrier? by KiperCrow, lerature"><span></span></a><div class="_2o-Ze l7J_b" style="width:242px;height:242px" aria-hidn="te"><div class="_1_xnD"><div class="_3VxSH _1ksaE _3RUpU"></div></div><div class="_5F1x4"><div style="width:242px;height:242px" class="_102Ua"><div class="_3_tBN"><div class="WP4Br"><div class="_1eevN"><div class="_3xYbL _3aVNw"></div></div></div><div class="_2U60i"></div></div><div class="_1XzIg"></div><div class="_1gkWM"><div></div><div class="_27yzX _2U60i _1bFfF"></div></div></div></div><div class="_3er0w _5F1x4 theme-dark forced-theme-dark" style="width:242px;height:242px"><div class="_1Kez0"><div class="_2CXRr"></div><div class="_1_xnD _29VhR"></div></div><div class="_1_xnD"></div><div class="_34lVt"><div class="_1_xnD _2CXRr"><div class="_25Sj8"><div class="MvjoN"><div class="_12zhi _3gt7H"><a data-hook="er_lk" data-ername="KiperCrow" data-in=" data-ertype="regular" data-erid="52341288" data-euid="0b6fb84b-0584-45d7-b0ae-8a65aa48713b" href=" class="er-lk _2yXGz _3mI1h"><div class="_3JF42" style="width:24px;height:24px"><svg viewBox="0 0 23 22" fill="none" xmlns="><tle>

gay art tumblr

Search 21,286 Gay Men Posters, Art Prts, and Canvas Wall Art. Barewalls provis art prts of over 64 Milln imag! Wholale pric on am.



Alex Ojeda Illtrator ?? Mexin Digner & Illtrator ?️‍? Origal Gay Art & illtratn ✍? DM me for missn assignments ❌NO FREE ART❌ ? * gay art tumblr *

I don’t know about you, but 95% of the hoeholds I make are gay ? While sometim I’ve been tempted to e some of the more lewd cc gay wall art out there, never really seems to f my sims personali and my ual fay style of gameplay.

??? • 12 Tops | 6 Bottoms* | 2 Full Outfs | 3 Hats • Lifted + fed pecs, glutei maximi maximized ? • Adonis belts and bulg galore • Ctom thumbs • Disabled for random • *Legggs listed as pants to prevent p*nis clippgDownload (Patreon)Stay gay and sexy, y’all ✌️.

Contributg archiv clu The Amerin Philosophil Society; The Archiv of the Archdce of San Francis (AASF); Bay Area Lbian Archiv; California State Archiv; The Collectns of the Ksey Instute, Indiana Universy; The Digal Transgenr Archive; The Gay, Lbian, Bisexual, and Transgenr Historil Society; Lambda Archiv; The Lbian Herstory Archiv; ONE Natnal Gay & Lbian Archiv at the USC Librari; San Francis Public Library; Jam C. AdvertisementSKIP ADVERTISEMENTWorkg largely outsi the gallery system, a group of illtrators is revivg the disciple and refg how queer bodi are reprented MacConnell, “Ernie” 2014, waterlor and pen on paperLAST FALL, IN a ty apartment downtown New York, a 30-year-old gay physique mol named Matthew Williams stood naked agast a whe backdrop ont of the gay artist John MacConnell. Over the next 2, 000 years, pturg the naked male form beme an sential artistic skill, one that reached s apotheosis Wtern culture durg the Italian Renaissance, when homosexual sire was subtly exprsed Donatello’s bronze “David” (cir 1440) and Caravagg’s patg “The Micians” (1597), where the tradnal female me is replaced wh a band of boys, partially robed togas, referencg a Greek and Roman perd which homoeroti was a part of society.


Hey this is an art blog (A very gay art blog) pared to my origal one.. this is specifilly for art and doodl. and I won't post and reblog crap here eher so yea! * gay art tumblr *

Classics profsor Andrew Lear, 59, who now ns Osr Wil Tours, a pany that offers excursns foced on implicly gay art and history major while some old masters fetishized the male body barely d ways, the ia of an openly queer artist exprsg his sir om a queer perspective was only born the last century.


I like drawg fictnal gays. * gay art tumblr *

) Frato, “Tangere” 2016, lored pencil on paper, urty of the artist and Antoe Levi, Paris; Jordan Mejias, “Dare Me, ” 2017, monochromatic waterlor on paper, om the book “Of Art and Men” (Photograph: Hans-Ge Pospischil) © Jordan MejiasIN THE YEARS after Cadm, other gay perspectiv on the male body found their way to visual culture, though they’ve typilly been nsired taboo or hypersexual. And spe the “queer enlightenment” of the 1970s and ’80s, when Robert Mapplethorpe, the photographer Rotimi Fani-Kayo and others brought man-on-man sex to the mm, there rema few celebratory imag of openly gay men Wtern visual art. Williams’s afternoon ssn wh MacConnell, fact, is part of a recent revival of male figure drawg among ntemporary gay artists — cludg Kou Shou, Mart Bedolla and Stephen McDermott — who all specialize stripped-down reprentatns of largely young whe men.

Gay figure artists are followg the homoerotic tradn tablished by Mizer, Fland and the artist Tom Bianchi, whose photographic nus have seen a renaissance after he published “Fire Island P, Polaroids 1975-1983” 2013. In this, Frato and the other ntemporary gay figure artists share a philosophy, spe their different athetics: They’re all mted to reflectg the mostly unseen terr liv of the men they admire, and to celebratg a diverse set of subjects who, taken together, stand opposn to a nonil history of art that has long ignored an openly gay view of the male body. This November, Summer Diary has jt opened Summer Outpost - s onle shop and art gallery, sellg origal patgs, exclive prts, digal magaz, and their new lendar for more at, Instagram,, December 5th, Summer Diary heads om s Jersey Shore home to South Beach to exhib at "the gayt fair at Miami Art Week" -- the Art Gaysel show at Hotel Gaytherg.

"If you're to llectg queer art and havg a good time" says Billy, "this mt be the place for you to be Miami Beach evengs durg Art Basel" Diary will be showg select works om "The Sun Bathers", their current onle show of origal patgs by Richard Stabbert, "Men In Nature", an exclive & very limed edn of prts by SDP ntributg photographer Ron Amato (clud here this gallery), and "Somewhere Over The Rabow", one-of-a-kd hand pated vtage postrds by Nolan Gaysel ns om December 5 - 9, 2018. (Male Gas Story) by BorgMaroni, leratureChuck D., We Thank Thee (Male Gas Story) by BorgMaroni, leratureFallg Leav (Male Gas Story) by BorgMaroni, leratureSurprise Dutch Oven (Gay Fart story) by aNSFWacunt, leratureTo Break or not to Break the Barrier? Almost immediately, qutns of rptn were raised, as there were many dub and blatantly antigay motiv behd the seizure, and virtually every LGBTQ anizatn along wh many media outlets, cludg The New York Tim, vigoroly nmned the Rentboy, RentMen was left.


Even *more* gay wall art, yay!!! ? But serly, the look awome sled down and placed a row of three or as a block of four. I jt pretend this is what my sims are *actually* kntg, haha ?... * gay art tumblr *

This is perhaps the most lc of all the versns of this myth that we uld is no overtly homosexual si to the story of the battle between Antas and Hercul, yet the nsistent voluptuons of the var versns is hard to ny wh morn ey. The were not solely sexual relatnships - they were ep and voted iendships full of love and passn, but probably ls sertive than what the morn-day gay man would Hermann Wilhelm Bissen, Hylas, 1846Plutarch, the Greek historian (and eventual Roman cizen), wrote that Hercul' list of male lovers was beyond numberg.

Its mercial succs led to a 1959 sequel, Hercul Hendrick Goltzi, Farne Hercul, 1592A perfect partg shot of Goltzi's etchg of the ancient Roman statue known as the Farne Hercul, which had been disvered the Baths of Caralla Rome 1546 and stalled a urtyard of the Farne fay's palace on the banks of the is not one thg about this etchg that is not supergay, om the credible renrg of the mcl to the morn-day queens peerg up om the right to the astoundgly phallic (uncut as well) pediment that Hercul rts on.


As art holds an sential place the LGBT muny, The Advote striv to she a light on the work of gay, lbian, bisexual, and transgenr artists who are movg the cultural needle wh the artists spotlight sectn. Disver slishows om gay art opengs across the world wh mediums that range om photographs, to oils, to sculpture, and more. Read terviews and profil of ntemporary artists who portray LGBT history, sex, culture, and polics wh their works. Browse through the artist spotlight and other sectns that celebrate gay culture. * gay art tumblr *

Tom of Fland and Bill Ward of Dm fame are gay artists whose work I greatly admire, as well as the humor and imagatn of Roberta Gregory, Howard Cse's precise le and sophistited storytellg, and Ivan Velez 's ic/soap opera Tal Of the Closet.


* gay art tumblr *

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Tags: paris hilton, nile richie, tumblr, ed, pk, money, ros, stop beg poor, stop, stop beg jealo, pop culture, pop, gay, ldsay lohan, mic, paris, pray for paris, blon, amanda byn, christa aguiera, mariah rey, mean girls, girls, sha, jealoy, glter, gltered, glter text, text, blackberry, drake, dua lipa, anne marie, emo, avril lavigne, throwback, kylie jenner Paris Hilton 'Lost Blackberry / 3 iPhon' Art Laptop SkBy SameOldChicTags: jack stber, stber, mic, jack, spotify, jackstber, tumblr, horror, clay, jack stber tumblr, jack stber mic, stber mic, creepy, clay art, abstract, die, buttercup, micropop, retro, athetic, hamantha, youtube, mdblowg, vtage, k, pop food, tiktok, hotle, mician, cute gay rights gay rights Laptop SkBy MVDigTags: gay, lgbt, lgtbqai, black and whe, le art, tumblr, mimalistic GRUTTERS Laptop SkBy K-n-STags: opossum, possum, marsupial, quote, text art, meme, tumblr Be Gay, Do Crim Laptop SkBy peltigaanTags: text, athetic, word art, pastel, tumblr, gay pri, pri month is g 3, relatable, lgbtq Gay and Tired Laptop SkBy arealprcsTags: ll me by your name, timothée chalamet, gay, lgbt, film, movi art, tumblr CALL ME BY YOUR NAME Laptop SkBy vntonbTags: owari, anime, tumblr, yaoi, gay, mika, yu, ons, owari no seprah this is offil art why are they so gay Laptop SkBy Vcent WilliamsTags: lgbtq, lgbt, letterg, lbian, queer, sapphic, wlw, lgbtqia, gay, mlm, stagram, tiktok, tumblr, twter, happy Thank God I’m Gay Art Laptop SkBy becamacTags: athetic, lgbt, gay, lgbtq, sapphic, tumblr, die, llage, artsy, girls "Girls" Art Collage Style Laptop SkBy honeycurseTags: ptert, ptert spired, tumblr, tumblr spired, graphic, graphic art, 3d, lgbtqia, lgbtq, lgbt, pri, gay, queer, lbian, loveislove, trans, transgenr, bisexual, lgbtpri, nonbary, gaypri, stagay, love lgbtmuny, primonth, bi, asexual, pansexual, genrfluid, lovews, dragqueen, gayboy, lgbtqiapl, lgbtqpri, drag, equaly The lgbtq+ Future Laptop SkBy yoursvtageTags: sh, bro, meme, text, word art, gay, kiss, pk, tumblr, vs Kiss me bro...

Laptop SkBy bigmemeenergyTags: le art, kiss, mimalist, mimalistic, tumblr, ptert, style, girl, woman, lbian, gay, lgbtq, love, femist, equaly, morn, athetic Kiss Laptop SkBy PurpleRangeTags: funny, lgbt, rabow, queer, cute, be gay do crim, be gay, speech bubble, pixel art, pixels, tumblr, sassy, rabow text, sarstic, mimal, mimalism, gay humour, lbian, bisexual, pansexual, gay culture, retro, bean, adorable, simple Bisexual Bean Laptop SkBy Bean-Bois-IncTags: rabow, cute, lorful, happy, pri, gay, lgbt, blue, love, funny, pk, yellow, tumblr, retro, ol, happs, summer, stars, lbian, athetic, rabow flag, fun, mic, pastel, green, hipster, trendy, red, orange, lgbtq rabow art sign Laptop SkBy sign-azTags: jfk, drag, drag queen, queer, pop art, gay, pri, psychelic, ad, lol, cursed, tumblr, kawaii Pretty JFK Laptop SkBy BeStsonTags: harg, artsy, pisso, life, god, tumblr, stagram, queer, eye, edgy, edgy art, gay, keh, keh harg Eye Patg Laptop SkBy erwt20Tags: sounds gay, i m , be gay do crim, be gay, speech bubble, pixel art, pixels, funny, tumblr, sassy, lgbt, rabow, rabow text, funny, sarstic, mimal, mimalism, gay humour, lbian, bisexual, pansexual, queer, gay culture, cute, retro, among Sounds gay I’m pixel speech bubble lgbtq rabow pixelart Laptop SkBy LemonshaaarkTags: be gay do crim, be gay, speech bubble, pixel art, pixels, funny, tumblr, sassy, lgbt, rabow, rabow text, funny, sarstic, mimal, mimalism, gay humour, lbian, bisexual, pansexual, queer, gay culture, cute Be gay do crim pixel speech bubble lgbtq rabow Laptop SkBy LemonshaaarkTags: love, ship, lgbt, gay, history, athetic, dark amia, tumblr, cute, kiss, bookworm, the song of achill, tsoa, greek mythology, gay history, books, circe, patrocl, achill The Song of Achill origal art Laptop SkBy utopianmyrieTags: im baby, athetic, arthoe, art hoe, babyboy, gay, lgbt, baby blue, tumblr, stagram, wavy, transgenr, bisexual, brockhampton, kev abstract, kawaii, genr, non bary, trans rights, asexual, art school, art stunt, uni art school ed my life Laptop SkBy lev-iTags: lgbtq, lgbt, letterg, queer, sapphic, wlw, lgbtqia, gay, mlm, stagram, tiktok, tumblr, twter, happy, pansexual, pan Thank God I’m Pansexual Art Laptop SkBy becamacTags: crge culture, crge, scenere, tumblr, scenere pri, scenere fanart, fanart, furry, furri, furry art, kandi, kandi art, rabow, gay, queer, lgbtq, anime, crge culture is ad, rawr xd, emo, alt, alt fashn, nostalgia, nostalgia re Crge Culture Is Dead!!!! X3 Laptop SkBy Cho-iixTags: wlw, lbian, kissg, girls, portra of a lady on fire, le art, queer, athetic, lgbtq, lgbt, pri, gay, tumblr, movie portra of a lady on fire Laptop SkBy etherealvibTags: yass queen, meme, funny, pk, tumblr, athetic, retro, word art, drag queen, lgbtq, gay, girls, prcs, posive, bff, re Yass Queen Meme Laptop SkBy MoonNStarArtTags: ew, eddsworld, eddsworld matt, ew matt, ewmatt, mattedd, tumblr, shippg, gay, shpost, athetic, fanart, fan art, ships, love s o f t Laptop SkBy god-wont-answerTags: rabow, cute, lorful, pri, gay, blue, happy, pk, yellow, lgbt, funny, love, tumblr, athetic, ol, stars, pastel, green, lbian, happs, orange, summer, red, fun, retro, trendy, rabow flag, quote, purple, hipster Digal Non Woven Art Rabow Pure & Nature Laptop SkBy SYED MUHAMMAD SUFYANTags: im baby, athetic, arthoe, art hoe, babyboy, gay, lgbt, baby blue, tumblr, stagram, wavy, transgenr, bisexual, brockhampton, kev abstract, kawaii, genr baby girl cute athetic Laptop SkBy lev-iTags: im baby, athetic, arthoe, art hoe, babyboy, gay, lgbt, baby blue, tumblr, stagram, wavy, transgenr, bisexual, brockhampton, kev abstract, kawaii, genr baby boy cute athetic Laptop SkBy lev-iTags: im baby, athetic, arthoe, art hoe, babyboy, gay, lgbt, baby blue, tumblr, stagram, wavy, transgenr, bisexual, brockhampton, kev abstract, kawaii, genr, non bary, trans rights, asexual, art school, art stunt, uni, dont touch s art, broke artist, starvg artist, ank ocean broke artist athetic shirt Laptop SkBy lev-iTags: im baby, athetic, arthoe, art hoe, babyboy, gay, lgbt, baby blue, tumblr, stagram, wavy, transgenr, bisexual, brockhampton, kev abstract, kawaii, genr, non bary, trans rights, asexual, art school, art stunt, uni, dont touch s art, broke artist, starvg artist, ank ocean broke artist athetic shirt Laptop SkBy lev-iTags: pastel, pk, cute, blue, athetic, tumblr, yellow, funny, kawaii, vtage, floral, flowers, green, trendy, lorful, ol, space, pri, gay pretty, hipster, laptop, nature, orange, purple, retro, stars, teen, tik tok, vs, 90s, adorable, reams, fun, girl, girly, liquid, gradient, meme, apolypse, humor, y2k, mem, hydro, popular, quot Be Pretty, Be Kd, Be Gay Funny Pastel Art Laptop SkBy CrownMaTags: supernatural, spn, an, an wchter, sam an, sam wchter, the wchters, wchter brothers, space, galaxy, nebula, vector art, stiel, gay ships, tumblr, amon Space Dean Wchter Laptop SkBy Ryan MillettTags: hokai, great wave off kanagawa, japan, mimalist, le art, michelangelo, the creatn of adam, mona lisa, adam and eve, pisso, gay, lgbt, die, athetic, tumblr, ptert, aly, renaissance, summer, pag, artist, j, happy, faia, sky, sun, sunflower, sunset, vtage, retro, fuji, iyo e, 80s, 90s, van gogh, kawaii, the starry night, classic, girl wh the pearl earg, the kiss, the last supper, guerni The Great Wave off Kanagawa - Le Art Laptop SkBy edisr00Tags: gal pal, hangg out, lbian, girliend, gf, gay, but not necsarily, meme, tumblr, word art, ol, agent peggy rter, twter, rtelli, kd of, iends, girls Gal Pals, Hangg Out Laptop SkBy QA1897Tags: stay woke, donald glover, blm black liv matter, lgbt gay, culture, atlanta, fx love diversy, rabows clouds, twter, tumblr, rnb, london, femism muny, drake, big sean, kendrick lamar, ank ocean, tyler the creator solange, beyonce redbone, xxxtentacn, travis, supreme Stay Woke fan art Pri week Laptop SkBy ShariPadillaTags: weirdns is good, wacky, weird, odd, nilas ge, eric andre, tumblr, avant gar, ee jazz, harsh noise, gay pri, strange, weirdnsisgood, adult swim, art hoe Weirdns is good Nic and Eric Laptop SkBy WeirdnsidgoodTags: work btie, retro morn, rabow pri gay lgbt, funny fun summer, workbtie, cute doodle quote, lorful layers typography, life love lol, ptert, hipster pop art, betiful lors, pretty classic, happy tumblr saygs, new quirky art Retro Work Btie Laptop SkBy chillaxtsTags: paris hilton, nile richie, tumblr, ed, pk, money, ros, stop beg poor, stop, stop beg jealo, pop culture, pop, gay, ldsay lohan, mic, paris, pray for paris, blon, amanda byn, christa aguiera, mariah rey, mean girls, girls, sha, jealoy, glter, gltered, glter text, text, blackberry, drake, dua lipa, anne marie, emo, avril lavigne, throwback, kylie jenner, ia, quote, saygs, funny, humor, birthday, christmas, sarsm, paris hilton lost blackberry 3 iphon art 0, paris hilton lost blackberry 3 iphon art 1 Paris Hilton 'Lost Blackberry / 3 iPhon' Art| Perfect Gift|Dua Lipa Laptop SkBy christzAccsoriTech AccsoriLaptop SkGay Art TumblrLaptops are good at a lot of thgs, but let's face , they're not known for their good looks.


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