Countri Where Gay Marriage is Legal - WorldAtlas

countries that recently legalized gay marriage

There are 27 untri where gay marriage is legal.



Sort through the more than 30 jurisdictns that have enacted laws allowg gays and lbians to marry. * countries that recently legalized gay marriage *

Not every untry the world is volved the nversatn surroundg gay marriage, but a large percentage of the world’s natns have eher legalized same-sex marriage, permted gay marriage certa parts of the untry, allows civil unns between dividuals of the same sex, or actively rtricts gay marriage.

Rsia is an example of a natn that do not necsarily crimalize same-sex upl, but the ernment plac ser rtrictns on people who are gay, which is still a way of censorg relatnships that are not heterosexual. Same-Sex Marriage Legalizatn by CountryThe Dutch triggered a polil and social shift that has spread across large swaths of the globe.People take part the gay pri nga, May 13, 2023, Havana.(YAMIL LAGE/AFP/Getty Imag)Sce the Netherlands beme the first untry to legalize same-sex marriage 2001, more than 30 untri around the world have followed su.On June 20, 2023, Estonia moved to bee the first ex-Soviet bloc untry to legalize the practice, wh s new law takg effect next year.Today, marriage equaly is largely limed to untri North and South Ameri, Europe and Oceania. The first same-sex marriag took place Northern Ireland Febary 2020.Ecuador legally regnized same-sex marriage after a majory of judg s hight urt led favor of a gay uple sug the untry’s civil registry.

Prime Mister Xavier Bettel, who is openly gay, supported the measure and beme the first lear of the European Unn to marry his partner.Stland: 2014The Sttish Parliament passed a bill allowg same-sex marriage Febary 2014 and the law took effect later that year. Icelandic Prime Mister Johanna Sigurdardottir ma history Febary 2009 when she beme the untry's first female prime mister and the world's first openly gay head of ernment.Same-sex marriage beme legal Swen on May 1, 2009, followg the enactment of a marriage law passed by the Swedish Parliament early April.


A Pevian high urt has orred same-sex unns to be legally registered public rerds, markg a victory for the LGBTQ muny a untry that has been reluctant to regnize gay upl. The lg, published on Friday, followed a se brought by a gay Pevian cizen who sued the registratn office for refg to rerd her 2019 marriage overseas, sayg her nstutnal rights were vlated. Pe is one of the few untri Lat Ameri that has not regnized same-sex marriage, though is not illegal to be gay. * countries that recently legalized gay marriage *

Sce the first same-sex marriag took place the Netherlands 2001, more than 30 other jurisdictns have enacted laws allowg gays and lbians to marry, mostly Europe and the Ameris. Netherlands2001EuropeFirst untry to legalize same-sex marriage after Parliament passed the law December Zealand 2013Asia-PacificFirst untry the Asia-Pacific regn to allow gays and lbians to 2009EuropeThe law replaced a 1993 statute permtg civil unns. Slovenia 2022EuropeFirst untry formerly munist Eastern Europe to legalize same-sex Ai 2006Sub-Saharan AiOnly Ain untry where same-sex marriage is legal; several untri on the ntent have passed laws that ban homosexualy recent 2005EuropeBeme the third untry globally to legalize same-sex marriage after a vote s closely divid 2009EuropeGay and lbian upl Swen prevly had been allowed to register for civil unns sce 1995.

1%) st ballots favor of legalizg same-sex marriage a 2021 2019Asia-PacificA urt lg prompted a change the law that ma Taiwan the first jurisdictn Asia to perm gays and lbians to Kgdom 2014EuropeLegal same-sex marriage took effect Northern Ireland 2020, six years after the change England and Wal. June 26 marks the fifth anniversary of gay marriage beg legalized across the entire Uned memorate this tone LGBTQ history, we are takg a look at untri around the world that have officially legalized same-sex marriage.

Revelers on a boat para the Prsengracht nal participatg the Amsterdam Canal Para durg Amsterdam Gay Pri on Augt 2, 2014 Amsterdam, Juen/Getty ImagThe legislatn gave same-sex upl the right to marry, divorce, and adopt CBS News2.


Worldwi, most of the untri that allow gay marriage are Wtern Europe. In the Ameris, five untri have legalized gay marriage. * countries that recently legalized gay marriage *

Spectators watch along Yonge Street, at the annual Pri Ftival para, July 3, 2016, Toronto, Ontar, Willms/Getty ImagIn 1999, some provcial ernments extend mon law marriag to gay and lbian upl, providg them wh most of the legal benefs of marriage but laws varied across the CBC News4. A reveler drsed wh a gay pri flag walks the streets next to Cibel Square before the Pri Para durg the Madrid Gay Pri Ftival on June 29, 2016, Madrid, Blazquez Domguez/Getty ImagThe law guaranteed intil rights to all married upl regardls of sexual New York Tim5.

A fjord Norway, wh the Norwegian flag the foreground, October 14 Maclean/Creative CommonsIn January 2009, the bill was enacted to law, and gay upl were legally granted the right to marry, adopt children and receive artificial NBC News7. Beatrice Murch/Creative CommonsPrr to the same-sex marriage law, a number of lol jurisdictns, cludg the natn's pal, Buenos Air, had enacted laws allowg gays and lbians to enter to civil The Guardian11.

Denmark's legalizatn me 2012 after Queen Margrethe II gave her royal assent to the proposed Danish Natnal Associatn of Gays & Lbians at Copenhagen's LGBT Pri March CommonsDenmark was the first untry to allow same-sex upl to register as domtic partners BBC News12.


* countries that recently legalized gay marriage *

Uguay fans celebrate as Uguay sr their first goal agast England as seen on the screen set up at Word Cup FIFA Fan Ft on Copabana beach June 19, 2014 R Janeiro, Raedle/Getty ImagCivil unns have been permted Uguay sce 2008, and 2009 gay and lbian upl were given adoptn BBC News13. In 2017, Germany beme the 15th European untry to allow same-sex upl to Greens Party parliamentarian Volker Beck celebrat followg a vote at the nearby Bunstag which approved gay marriage Germany on June 30, 2017, Berl, Gallup/Getty ImagGermany gave full maral rights to homosexual upl a vote that Chancellor Angela Merkel voted New York Tim25. Ecuador's hight urt approved same-sex marriage a 5-4 rights activists prott outsi of the Constutnal Court, wag for the urt's cisn on gay marriage, Quo, Ecuador, Tuday, June 4, Photo/Dolor OchoaEcuador has regnized same-sex partnerships sce 2015, but the Constutnal Court officially approved same-sex marriag on June 12, urt stcted the ernment to pass legislatn that will cement equal rights for all cizens who wish to BBC29.

FILE PHOTO: Pevian urt opens door to legally regnize same-sex uplLIMA (Rters) - A Pevian high urt has orred same-sex unns to be legally registered public rerds, markg a victory for the LGBTQ muny a untry that has been reluctant to regnize gay lg, published on Friday, followed a se brought by a gay Pevian cizen who sued the registratn office for refg to rerd her 2019 marriage overseas, sayg her nstutnal rights were vlated.

However, 61% disapproved of gay people public Lima urt orred the rerds office to "proceed wh the registratn" of the woman's marriage, the Superr Court of Jtice of Lima said on urt clared "applible" an article of the Pevian Civil Co of 1984 on the fay, which refers to marriage as the voluntary unn between man and is likely that an appeal agast the lg will be 2020, a gay uple took Pe to the Inter-Amerin Court of Human Rights after they lost a bid for regnn of their Mexin marriage the time, the nstutnal urt led that the civil registry of Pe only regniz the marriage between a man and a untri South Ameri, cludg Argenta, Uguay, Brazil and Colombia, have legalized gay marriage recent years. ImageLorie Smh said her Christian fah requir her to turn away ctomers seekg servic to celebrate same-sex Woolf for The New York TimThe Supreme Court sid on Friday wh a web signer Colorado who said she had a First Amendment right to refe to sign weddg webs for same-sex upl spe a state law that forbids discrimatn agast gay people.


’”The se, though amed as a clash between ee speech and gay rights, was the latt a seri of cisns favor of relig people and groups, notably nservative cisn also appeared to suggt that the rights of L. The liberal jtic viewed as somethg else entirely — a dispute that threatened societal protectns for gay rights and rolled back some recent an impassned dissent, Jtice Sonia Sotomayor warned that the oute signaled a return to a time when people of lor and other mory groups faced open discrimatn.

Kavangh and Amy Coney Barrett, shifted the urt to the urts have generally sid wh gay and lbian upl who were refed service by bakeri, florists and others, lg that potential ctomers are entled to equal treatment, at least parts of the untry wh laws forbiddg discrimatn based on sexual owners of bs challengg those laws have argued that the ernment should not force them to choose between the requirements of their fahs and their livelihoods.

A baker refed to make a weddg ke for their receptn on relig Cote for The New York TimHad there been an actual gay person who was refed a weddg-related service at the center of 303 Creative L. Irish-Amerin Gay, Lbian and Bisexual Group of Boston, Inc., a se om 1995 which the urt sid wh the anizers of a veterans para that blocked a group of gay, lbian and bisexual people om marchg the event. Jtice Sotomayor seemed pecially ncerned about the way the urt’s opn would send a disapprovg msage to the public about people who are gay, lbian, bisexual or transgenr, or who were same-sex relatnships.


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