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loose cannons gay movie

Tommaso is the youngt son and soon-to-be partner of an Italian pasta magnate. However, he is gay and wants to be a wrer, not a bsman. Wantg to unveil this to his fay, his plans are thwarted by his brother and Tommaso gets stuck on the path that he was sperately tryg to avoid.



Gay Turkish-Italian filmmaker Ferzan Ozpetek is up to his old tricks aga, and boy are the tricks old. * loose cannons gay movie *

Tommaso, ostensibly enrolled bs school Rome but actually a gay lerature stunt wh a novel hly submted to a publisher, returns home for a pompo dner where Vcenzo plans to announce the generatnal handover ont of the entire fay and some new bs associat. Anton is disowned and Tommaso, aaid that openg up about his gayns would be a fal ath knell for his father, reluctantly steps to manage the factory wh the assistance of Alba, a betiful young fay iend wh a nose for bs als and eye-tchg pasta packagg. He wants to get back to Rome, to his wrg and his gay lover, a bookish the film centr on Tommaso and his dilemmas, Loose Cannons has an assortment of characters wh an assortment of reprsed emotns.

There's the homophobic and patriarchal father; the outwardly stoic, but realy sensive, mother; the dghter stuck a passnls marriage wh a podgy hband and two chubby dghters; the spster ntie discreetly drenchg her sorrows whiskey; the diabetic grandmother dishg out pearls of wisdom; and the ugly, trated Loose Cannons is never dull, wh plenty of narrative twists, flashback scen and regular troductns of new characters, all the typestg soon grat. The man tri to wrangle the gun out of the bri's hand, at which pot the film cuts to a shot of the hoe's exterr and the bangg sound of a gun shot is don't get better when, durg a transnal phase of the film, Tommaso's gay iends om Rome show up for a surprise vis. Tommaso's parents nvce them to stay overnight – cue mp homos who try to act straight but still n't help admire Alba's drs or flirt wh Tommaso's brother--law.

Gay Turkish-Italian filmmaker Ferzan Ozpetek is up to his old tricks aga, and boy are the tricks old. While has s moments, “Loose Cannons” (“Me vaganti”), clearly meant to be a funny tale wh self-help overton about always beg te to yourself spe what others want you to be, recycl every cliche of that genre, then, for good measure, pil on every cliche of the gay g-out edy as well. One day, Tommaso, the youngt son of a rich pasta-makg fay om southern Italy, tells his olr brother Anton that he’s gog to e clean to the fay about his homosexualy, but Anton beats him to , nfsg first.

The youngt son (Ricrdo Smarc) of an Italian pasta magnate plans to announce he's gay so that he won't have to take over the fay bs -- but his brother (Alsandro Prezsi) mak a startlg announcement of his own. * loose cannons gay movie *

Far worse though is Ozpetek’s reliance on straight/gay, prumably humoro sexual nfns, filled wh double meangs, that go back at least as far as Shakpeare.

When Tommaso’s band of gay iends arriv om Rome to rcue him, an elaborate se is ncted to disguise the fact that they are homosexual. The youngt son (Ricrdo Smarc) of an Italian pasta magnate plans to announce he's gay so that he won't have to take over the fay bs -- but his brother (Alsandro Prezsi) mak a startlg announcement of his own. The ma theme has dramatic and thoughtprovokg implitn, beg the difficulty for a son to reveal his homosexualy to his fay, and the difficulty, almost the impossibily for the fay to accept this revelatn.

Bravo for Ivan Cotroneo, the talented translator of Cunngham and Kureishi, among other evint skills, and for Fernan Ozpetek, the only Italian director (though he happens to be Turkish by birth) who regularly and reliably featur posive gay characters his films.

* loose cannons gay movie *

The first two-thirds of Me Vaganti (Loose Cannons) will seem dated to anyone faiar wh the last 30 years of queer reprentatn Amerin cema, as will the melodramatic, end-of-the-world reactn of Tommaso's father to learng that his son is gay, but the last third hs all the right dramatic and emotnal not and reems any doubts one might have about the rt. It's not that he's a standout here, but playg a gay character is still a brave move Italian cema, pecially for an actor who still pends on teen-heartthrob rol for his bread-and-butter. He's certaly no more or ls believable as a gay man than are any of the other actors the film, though even that's a throwback to the days when U.


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