"Comg Out Unr Fire": The Story of Gay and Lbian Servicemembers | The Natnal WWII Mm | New Orleans

gay men in the 1940s

Gay and Lbian soldiers faced extraordary discrimatn durg World War II. Most found new muni of people and thrived spe the opprsn. Disver the film Comg Out Unr Fire that shar their story.



Our celebratn of post-war gay, bisexual, and straight movie stars wearg next to nothg at all. * gay men in the 1940s *

And that’s exactly why their ndid, timate rrponnce is so important, say archivists at the ONE Natnal Gay and Lbian Archiv at the USC Librari, where their letters are now stored. ”The ONE archive is believed to be the world’s largt llectn of LGBT artifacts, cludg personal ems om photo albums and letters to the LGBT rights movement has ma tremendo stris recent years, gay history is ltle known bee was kept out of the history books for so long, said Joseph Hawks, director of the archivists are workg wh the Los Angel Unified School District and the Los Angel LGBT Center to velop LGBT-clive history lsons that will be rporated to the curriculum the g months to ply wh the FAIR Edutn Act, a state law passed law, the first of s kd the natn, requir public schools to teach about the historic ntributns of LGBT people.

But wasn’t the first time he had heard the ath of Don Slater, a foundg edor of ONE magaze — a 1950s “magaze for homosexuals” that fought obsceny laws and FBI surveillance and went to the U.


Durg Prohibn, gay nightlife and culture reached new heights—at least temporarily. * gay men in the 1940s *

”::Among the archive’s more than 2 ln ems hoed a former USC aterny hoe are matchbooks om gay bars, polil buttons, erotic patgs and discreetly labeled “addrs books” listg gay-iendly ’s a talog for an at-home electroshock therapy k ed to “rerce sex preference” by shockg the wearer if he or she reacted posively to imag of members of the same sex.

RFD, a magaze for ral gay men, ran articl the 1970s about how to build your own b and letters om rears who loved the untry life but were terribly of the archiv’ newt llectns ntas the personal wrgs and letters of Lisa Ben (a psdonym for “lbian”), who 1947 created Vice Versa: Ameri’s Gayt Magaze for lbians. By the mid-1920s, at the height of the Prohibn era, they were attractg as many as 7, 000 people of var rac and social class—gay, lbian, bisexual, transgenr and straight alike.


While hazg the lennials durg a meetg today, several of them nfsed to not knowg the basic lexin of gay slanguage. This is for them and everyone else who needs a reher. * gay men in the 1940s *

The Begngs of a New Gay World“In the late 19th century, there was an creasgly visible prence of genr-non-nformg men who were engaged sexual relatnships wh other men major Amerin ci, ” says Chad Heap, a profsor of Amerin Studi at Gee Washgton Universy and the thor of Slummg: Sexual and Racial Enunters Amerin Nightlife, 1885-1940. By the 1920s, gay men had tablished a prence Harlem and the bohemian mec of Greenwich Village (as well as the seedier environs of Tim Square), and the cy’s first lbian enclav had appeared Harlem and the Village.

Each gay enclave, wrote Gee Chncey his book Gay New York: Genr, Urban Culture, and the Makg of the Gay Male World, 1890-1940, had a different class and ethnic character, cultural style and public reputatn. Gay Life the Jazz AgeAs the Uned Stat entered an era of unprecented enomic growth and prospery the years after World War I, cultural mor loosened and a new spir of sexual eedom reigned.


The Nazi regime rried out a mpaign agast male homosexualy and persecuted gay men between 1933 and 1945. * gay men in the 1940s *

”At the same time, lbian and gay characters were beg featured a slew of popular “pulp” novels, songs and on Broadway stag (cludg the ntroversial 1926 play The Captive) and Hollywood—at least prr to 1934, when the motn picture dtry began enforcg censorship guil, known as the Hays Co. In the mid- to late ‘30s, Heap pots out, a wave of sensatnalized sex crim “provoked hysteria about sex crimals, who were often— the md of the public and the md of thori—equated wh gay men. ” By the post-World War II era, a larger cultural shift toward earlier marriage and suburban livg, the advent of TV and the anti-homosexualy csas champned by Joseph McCarthy would help ph the flowerg of gay culture reprented by the Pansy Craze firmly to the natn’s rear-view mirror.

Soon the “theater people” would start to formulate a strong muny where people were able to be openly gay; they uld cross-drs and play wh genr mak the photos so wonrful is that they are very rare. The people are iendly, and we have always been on the ont of LGBTQ+ rights and fightg for eedom to be out and the 1950s, there was no nng water and no electricy, but gay men and women were happy to be roughg bee they were ee to be themselv. If you were gay the cy, you went to the dark and dgy bars, which were n by the Mafia, and at any time uld be raid by the police and you uld be Cherry Grove, the police would leave on the last ferry to the maland at midnight, allowg same-sex dancg and open exprsns of affectn to occur the lol bars and rtrants.


1940s timele of major events LGBT (lbian, gay, bisexual, transgenr) rights history, cludg homosexualy, gay marriage, gay adoptn, servg the ary, sexual orientatn discrimatn protectn, changg legal genr, donatg blood, age of nsent, and more. * gay men in the 1940s *

Each year, thoands of people e together to drs up and celebrate Inpennce Day the gayt way possible … wh hundreds of drag queens on a ferry returng to the P to keep the tradn gog. In his own words, he felt “pafully isolated, strand between the sual homophobia of most ‘normal’ people and the flagrantly gay Hollywood subculture – where [he] was even ls fortable and ls accepted.

Gaynor and Adrian were succsful durg a time when any sort of evince of their homosexualy would have hurt their reers, so ’s not surprisg that there isn’t ncrete evince about the tth of their relatnship. Gay newspapers and journals, such as Die Frndschaft (Friendship) and Der Eigene (translated varly, but this ntext implyg “his own man”), ntributed to the growth of gay works.


Fally, 1936 SS lear and Chief of the German Police Herich Himmler tablished the Reich Central Office for the Combatg of Homosexualy and Abortn (Reichszentrale zur Bekämpfung r Homosexualät und r Abtreibung). Unverg the histori of gay men durg the Nazi era was difficult for much of the twentieth century bee of ntued prejudice agast same-sex sexualy and the ongog enforcement of Paragraph 175. A few years later, May 2008, the Memorial to Homosexuals Persecuted unr Nazism (Denkmal für die im Natnalsozialism verfolgten Homosexuellen) was unveiled nearby Tiergarten park central Berl.

Servg openly ary be homosexuals the policy is don't ask don't tell banned for transgenrsAugt 15LGBT employment discrimatn be sexual orientatn and genr discrimatn be hog discrimatn be sexual orientatn and genr employment discrimatn be sexual orientatn and genr discrimatn be illegal some for genr inty and hog discrimatn be sexual orientatn and genr employment discrimatn be sexual orientatn and genr discrimatn be hog discrimatn be sexual orientatn and genr employment discrimatn be sexual orientatn and genr discrimatn be discrimatn be illegal some for genr inty and hog discrimatn be sexual orientatn and genr employment discrimatn be sexual orientatn and genr all discrimatn be employment discrimatn be for genr inty and hog discrimatn be for genr inty and discrimatn be illegal some genr inty and hog discrimatn be sexual orientatn and genr discrimatn protectn pendg employment discrimatn be sexual orientatn and genr inty. Contrary to popular belief, homosexualy is technilly not agast the law North Korea, however, North Korea is a sexually nservative untry, and this appli to sexualy anywhere on the spectm. However, even though jure homosexualy is not prohibed, facto there were some s of punishment for LGBT peopleAugt 15LGBT discrimatn be illegal some are some LGBT anti-discrimatn protectns lol jurisdictns, but natnal law don't protect agast discrimatn based on sexual orientatn or genr marriage be not has been proposals to legalize gay marriage, but none have passed as of May 14Equal age of nsent be age of nsent Israel is 16 for male-male, female-female, and male-female sex.

January 1Homosexual activy be Swiss Penal Co troduced 1942 allowed same sex acts between adults (above 20 years old), but punished homosexual terurse wh people between 16 and 20 years old (while allowg heterosexual acts)1941September 16Same-sex marriage be the Shah's le, the last monarch of the Pahlavi dynasty, homosexualy was crimalised, though was mostly tolerated even to the pot of allowg news verage of a mock same-sex weddg between two men. January 1Servg openly ary be Internatnal Lbian and Gay Associatn stat that homosexuals are not allowed to serve the Kenya Defence Forc, however, 's unclear if this is a wrten law and if so, when this law was passed. 1940December 7Equal age of nsent be of nsent = 14 years oldAugt 12Homosexual activy be Icelandic parliament crimaliz homosexualy, remov the provisn of the law that ma homosexualy 28Homosexual activy be illegal (ath penalty as punishment).


Belgium was unr German occupatn durg World War II and th Paragraph 175 was 15Homosexual activy be illegal (imprisonment as punishment) the German occupatn of the Netherlands durg World War II homosexualy was crimalized by Paragraph 175. The 1994 documentary Comg Out Unr Fire giv voice to the experienc of thoands of gay and lbian servicemembers who joed the ary durg World War II, a story that is largely ignored by historians and mms across the untry.


Gay and lbian recs were forced to answer qutns vaguely, or lie about their sexualy, orr to be allowed to serve; otherwise, they would n the risk of beg sent home and brand as “sex perverts. Servicemembers on every waront enjoyed drag show entertament; an entire gay lexin was veloped om the wrgs of Dorothy Parker; and eventually an unrground queer newspaper emerged. We sat down wh Sir John Dermot Turg, Alan Turg’s nephew and thor of a new book on Bletchley Park, to discs his uncle’s role pivotal role puter science and his persecutn for beg gay the 1950s.


Gay Men unr the Nazi Regime | Holot Encyclopedia .