The 20 most and least gay-iendly untri the world | The World om PRX

gay friendliest countries

Here are the top 10 untri for gay (LGBT) travelers who want to go where they’re treated bt for great cultural and legal protectns for gay nomads.



In this article we take a look at the 20 most gay iendly untri the world. Click to skip ahead and jump to the 10 most gay iendly untri the world. We as human begs are plex and extremely flawed creatur, who only learn to grow and evolve wh time. We are movg […] * gay friendliest countries *

The untry has also embraced gay-ienly legislatn, providg the right to gay marriage, the right for gay upl to adopt, the right to serve openly the ary, and equal hog and employment protectns. Over the s that followed, Iceland has passed several gay-iendly laws such as those that target anti-discrimiatn, fair adoptn, equal age of nsent, and gay marriage.

That tradn has rried over to the morn world makg Greece and wele statn for the LGBTQ+ muny, Mykonos particular along wh several other major ci and islands are the centers of Grecian gay nightlife. That event cid wh Sydney’s famo Gay and Lbian Mardi Gras, which is one of the largt LGBTIQ+ celebratns on the pla and tak place durg Febary or March of each year. Mt-vis LGBTIQ+ neighborhood: The heart of gay Sydney is the Darlghurst neighborhood, which is nveniently loted near Sydney’s central bs district and is easily accsible by the cy’s mass trans system.

Mt-vis LGBTIQ+ neighborhood: The heart of Berl’s LGBTIQ+ activy is Schöneberg, which has had gay and lbian bars sce the 1920s, makg one of the olst gay boroughs on the pla. Its Gay Hostel is a unique lodgg opportuny that’s only available to LGBTIQ+ people unr the age of 38, creatg a safe space where you’re bound to meet some new iends. 20 Most Gay Friendly Countri In the World Fance Watchlists My Portfol Markets Optns: Hight Open Intert Optns: Hight Implied Volatily News Vios Yahoo Fance Pl Screeners Personal Fance High-yield savgs acunt rat Crypto Indtri Contact Us U.


It jt got a ltle b better to be gay the US. But what about the rt of the world? A recent study shows which untri have gay pri and which close their doors to the LGBT muny * gay friendliest countries *

Markets open 5 hours 10 mutS&P Futur Dow Futur Nasdaq Futur Rsell 2000 Futur C Oil Gold Silver EUR/USD 10-Yr Bond Vix GBP/USD USD/JPY B USD CMC Crypto 200 FTSE 100 Nikkei 225 20 Most Gay Friendly Countri In the WorldIn this article we take a look at the 20 most gay iendly untri the world. This has rulted setbacks over s and centuri, though as I said, we are learng om our mistak and improvg somewhat as time go LGBT muny nsists of lbians, gays, bi-sexual and transgenrs, people who have over the urse of history been much maligned and have had to suffer credibly for simply beg the people they were born to be.

Most of the religns, pecially the biggt religns the world, have been explicly cril of homosexuals and have promised the wrath of God on those who engage the practic. Even the Uned Stat, which claims to be the lear of the ee world, and aims to provi rtutn to the opprsed, has been crimally slow providg homosexuals wh rights that would be acrd to any other person. Luckily, Europe seems to have ma the most progrs this regard, which is why you won't be surprised to hear that the vast majory of the 20 most gay iendly untri the world belong to Europe, which has many advanced enomi and a higher standard of livg for s entire populatn, regardls of sexual orientatn.


* gay friendliest countries *

This is bee many of the untri have Islam as their official relign and sce Islam do not allow homosexual acts at all and is very strict nmng any such acts, which is why the untri have severe laws agast any such acts, which n even clu the implementatn of the ath penalty on people engagg such terme our rankg, we have relied on multiple rankgs om reliable reports and analysis cludg Asher Fergon and Nomadic Boys, who have termed their own rankgs based on var factors for LGBT iendls var untri. UguayRankg acrdg to Asher Fergon: 18Rankg acrdg to Nomadic Boys: 21Uguay is the most LGBT iendly untry South Ameri by far, havg legalized same sex marriage 2013 and homosexuals n openly serve the ary as well.

It is one of very few untri who have had a Prime Mister who openly intified as gay, and the populatn strongly supports same sex marriage and equal rights. Bis the ual cisns such as reer impact or healthre qualy, gay, lbian, bisexual, tersex, and transgenr dividuals often have to nsir more severe nsequenc.

The Netherlands crimalized homosexualy 1811; the first gay bar opened Amsterdam 1927; and 1987, Amsterdam unveiled the Homomonument, a memorial for gays and lbians killed by the Nazis.


In this article, we will take a look at the 25 most LGBTQ-iendly untri the world. If you want to skip our tailed analysis, you n go directly to the 10 Most LGBTQ-Friendly Countri the World. Enomic Costs of LGBTQ Excln Homophobia and anti-LGBTQ (lbian, gay, bisexual, transgenr, and qutng) laws are stg […] * gay friendliest countries *

The gay scene extends well beyond Amsterdam, however, wh bars, snas, and cemas several Dutch ci, cludg Rotterdam, The Hague (Den Haag), Amersfoort, Ensche, and Grongen.


Wellgton and Auckland boast the largt number of gay bars and clubs, but LGBTQIA+ rints Tranga, Christchurch, Duned, and Haton are also guaranteed a good night out.

The Other Foundatn reported that 51% of rponnts a survey on attus and genr non-nformy felt gay people should have the same human rights; 72% thought same-sex activy was morally wrong. Argenta had the most posive attus of all Lat Amerin untri Pew Rearch Center’s 2013 Global Attus Survey, wh 74% of those surveyed sayg homosexualy should be accepted.

Arnaldur Halldorsson / Bloomberg via Getty ImagIceland, which legalized same-sex marriage back 2010, was recently ranked as the happit untry for gay men. The Nordic island natn was also the first untry the world wh an openly gay head of ernment -- Jóhanna Sigurðardóttir, who served as prime mister om 2009-2013.


The island natn, loted the southwt Pacific Ocean, is also known for s betiful ci and NetherlandsCyspe of Photo / UIG via Getty ImagThe Netherlands is nsired the most gay-iendly untry the world, acrdg to Gallup, and was also the first untry the world to legalize same-sex marriage 2000.

LGBTQ culture is also very visible the Sndavian untry -- Pri Oslo is one of Norway's largt events, and the cy is also home to one of the world's bt gay AiAerial view of Johannburg, South AiDean Hutton / Bloomberg via Getty ImagIn 2006, South Ai beme the first untry Ai to legalize same-sex marriage -- and there has yet to be a send. Johannburg, s largt cy, is also the untry's gay epicenter: It's home to the annual Jo'Burg Pri event, the Out Ai Internatnal Gay and Lbian Film Ftival and most of the annual Mr.


The 10 Most Gay-Friendly Countri for Gay and LGBT Nomads .