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848w, 1272w, 1456w" siz="100vw" /><img src=" width="1456" height="935" data-attrs="{"src":"" class="sizg-normal" alt srcset=" 424w, 848w, 1272w, 1456w" siz="100vw" fetchprry="high" /></picture><div class="image-lk-expand"><svg xmlns=" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="#FFFFFF" stroke-width="2" stroke-lep="round" stroke-lejo="round" class="luci luci-maximize2"><polyle pots="15 3 21 3 21 9"></polyle><polyle pots="9 21 3 21 3 15"></polyle><le x1="21" x2="14" y1="3" y2="10"></le><le x1="3" x2="10" y1="21" y2="14"></le></svg></div></div></a></figure></div><p><span>Many of are faiar wh the lyril o to toxitn, the famo Hdi poem “</span><em>Madhhala</em><span>” (The Wehoe) by Harivansh Rai Bachchan (1907-2003). Of urse, the imagery of </span><em>madira</em><span> (we), </span><em>saaki</em><span> (server) and </span><em>pyala</em><span> (cup) is only ed as a trope to dwell on the plexy of life and the toxitn of poetry self.</span></p><p><span>Much like “</span><em>Madhhaala”</em><span>, Bachchan imagery om everyday life to discs the nature of loss another one of his later poems, “</span><em>Jo Beet Gayi so Baat Gayi</em><span>” (What has Happened has Happened).</span></p><p>Although the poem rri no ep unrton or profound revelatns, s simple rea, “what has happened has happened”, is a powerful remr to love tly, feel eply, and when the time , to let go and move on wh grace. </p><blockquote><p><em><strong>Jo Beet Gayi So Baat Gayi</strong></em></p><p><em>Jeevan me ek sara tha,</em></p><p><em>Mana woh behad pyara tha,</em></p><p><em>Woh toot gaya toh toot gaya</em></p><p><em>Amber ke aanan ko kho</em></p><p><em>Kne iske taare toote</em></p><p><em>Kne iske pyare chhoote</em></p><p><em>Jo chhoot gaye phir kahan e,</em></p><p><em>Par bolo toote taaron par</em></p><p><em>kab amber shok manata hai</em></p><p><em>Jo beet gayi so baat gayi</em></p><p></p><p><em>Jeevan me woh tha ek kum</em></p><p><em>The s par nya nichhavar tum</em></p><p><em>Woh sookh gaya toh sookh gaya</em></p><p><em>Madhuban ki chhaatee ko kho</em></p><p><em>Sookhee kni iski kaliyan</em></p><p><em>Murjhaay kni vallariyan</em></p><p><em>Jo murjhaay phir kahan khili</em></p><p><em>Par bolo sookhe phoolon par</em></p><p><em>Kab madhuban shor machata hai</em></p><p><em>Jo beet gayi so baat gayi</em></p><p></p><p><em>Jeevan me madhu ka pyala tha</em></p><p><em>Tumne tan-man daala tha</em></p><p><em>Woh toot gaya toh toot gaya</em></p><p><em>Madiralaya ka aangan kho</em></p><p><em>Kne pyale hil jaate ha</em></p><p><em>Gir mti me jaate ha</em></p><p><em>Jo girte ha kab uthte ha</em></p><p><em>Par bolo toote pyalon par</em></p><p><em>Kab madiralaya pachhtata hai</em></p><p><em>Jo beet gayi so baat gayi</em></p><p></p><p><em>Mridu mti ke bane huye ha</em></p><p><em>madhughat phoota hi karte ha</em></p><p><em>Laghu jeevan le kar aaye ha</em></p><p><em>Pyale toota hi karte ha</em></p><p><em>Phir bhi madiralaya ke andar</em></p><p><em>Madhu ke ghat ha, madhu pyale ha</em></p><p><em>Jo maadakta ke maare ha</em></p><p><em>Way madhu loota hi karte ha</em></p><p><em>Woh kachcha peene wala hai</em></p><p><em>Jiski mamta ghat-pyalon par</em></p><p><em>Jo sachche madhu se jala hua</em></p><p><em>Kab rota hai chillaata hai</em></p><p><em>Jo beet gayi so baat gayi</em></p></blockquote><p>//</p><blockquote><p><strong>What has Happened has Happened</strong></p><p>In your life there was a star</p><p>Agreed, was much loved</p><p>When sank, sank</p><p>Look at the urtyard of the sky</p><p>Many of s stars break away</p><p>Many of s stars are lost</p><p>The lost on, are they ever found?</p><p>But for all s lost stars </p><p>Do the sky ever grieve?</p><p>What has happened has happened!</p><p></p><p>In your life there was a flower</p><p>Which you doted on </p><p>when dried, dried</p><p>Look at the garn’s breast</p><p>Many of s buds have dried</p><p>Many of s flowers have wilted</p><p>The wilted flowers, do they ever bloom aga?</p><p>But for all s dried flowers</p><p>Do the garn create an uproar?</p><p>What has happened has happened!</p><p></p><p>In your life, there was a cup of we</p><p>To which you gave your heart and soul</p><p>When broke, broke</p><p>Look at the wehoe’s urtyard</p><p>Many of s cups are shaken</p><p>Many of s cups fall and turn to dt</p><p>Those that fall, do they ever rise?</p><p>But for all s broken cups</p><p>Do the wehoe ever lament?</p><p>What has happened has happened!</p><p></p><p>Ma of soft mud</p><p>We jars are bound to shatter</p><p>Cursed wh a short life</p><p>We cups are bound to break</p><p>Yet, si the wehoe</p><p>There are we jars, there are we cups</p><p>Those who seek toxitn</p><p>Are bound to splurge on we</p><p>He is an experienced drker</p><p>Who is attached to the we cup</p><p>He, who is a te lover of we</p><p>Do he ever shout or scream?</p><p>What has happened has happened!</p></blockquote></div></div><div class="visibily-check"></div><div class="post-footer"><div class="pencraft ontend-pencraft-Box-module__flexGrow--mx4xz ontend-pencraft-Box-module__ret--VfQY8 ontend-pencraft-Box-module__display-flex--ZqeZt ontend-pencraft-Box-module__flex-jtify-space-between--NvIcg ontend-pencraft-Box-module__flex-align-center--rSd6h ontend-pencraft-Box-module__flex-gap-16--TpblU ontend-pencraft-Box-module__paddg-y-16--ohCEm ontend-pencraft-Box-module__borr-top-tail-themed--e17yZ ontend-pencraft-Box-module__borr-bottom-tail-themed--eVwFY post-ufi"><div class="pencraft ontend-pencraft-Box-module__ret--VfQY8 ontend-pencraft-Box-module__display-flex--ZqeZt ontend-pencraft-Box-module__flex-gap-8--HFpIK"><div class="like-button-ntaer post-ufi-button style-button"><a role="button" class="post-ufi-button style-button 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jo beet gaya

Download Jo Beet Gaya Hai Wo Dr Na Aayega ee rgtone to your mobile phone mp3 (Android) or m4r (iPhone). #hdi #love #romantic #sad


जो बीत गई सो बात गई - हरिवंश राय बच्चन | JO BEET GAYI SO BAAT GAYI POEM

Prentg Jo Beet Gaya Hai Wo Ab Dr Na Aayega Lyrics From The Movie Tahalaka 1992, Sung By KUMAR SANU, ANURADHA PAUDWAL, BABLA MEHTA . * jo beet gaya *

जो बीत गई सो बात गई - हरिवंश राय बच्चन, Jo Beet gayi so baat gayi lyrics, jo beet gayi so baat gayi hdi poem, जीवन में एक सितारा था.


Harivansh Rai Bachchan is an Indian poet who needs no troductn. The words that are extremely well-crafted portray the kd of ep knowledge he had about life. And hence, readg his poetry always leav you wh food for thought which will make you ponr over the bigger qutns of life. In his poem, Jo Beet Gayi So Beet Gayi, his words give you the urage to let go. * jo beet gaya *

Prentg Old Hdi Song Jo Beet Gaya Hai Wo Ab Dr Na Aayega Lyrics From The Bollywood Movie Tahalaka 1992, Sung By KUMAR SANU, ANURADHA PAUDWAL, BABLA MEHTA & Composed By ANU MALIK & Lyrics Penned By Santosh Anu MalikAnwar Sardar Malik Born 2 November 1960 is an Indian mic director and sger, bt known As Anu Malik. He is also the only mic director Bollywood to w Filmfare Special Award for the movie Refugee (2000) – GoogleJo Beet Gaya Hai Song InfoDil Diwane Ka Dola Dildar Ke LiyeDil Diwane Ka Dola Dildar Ke LiyeMae Ranga Basanti Ho OMae Ranga Basanti Chola Dildar Ke LiyeDil Diwani Ka Dola Dildar Ke LiyeDil Diwani Ka Dola Dildar Ke LiyeMae Ranga Basanti Ho OMae Ranga Basanti Chola Mere Pyar Ke LiyeDil Diwani Ka Dola Dildar Ke LiyeDil Diwane Ka Dola Dildar Ke LiyeYe Pyar Bhi Hai Bimari Meri Laz Saram Gayi MariYe Pyar Bhi Hai Bimari Meri Laz Saram Gayi MariMujhe Pagli Kahe Dunia SariMujhe Pagli Kahe Dunia SariMera Tan Man Le HoMera Tan Man Le Hichkola Mere Yar Ke LiyeDil Diwane Ka Dola Dildar Ke LiyeDil Diwani Ka Dola Dildar Ke LiyeO Rabba Kuchh Karwa De Koi Aisa Jatan Bata DeO Rabba Kuchh Karwa De Koi Aisa Jatan Bata DeMere Yaar Se Mujhe Mila DeMere Yaar Se Mujhe Mila DeMae Ang Ang HoMae Ang Ang Mad Ghola Mere Yaar Ke LiyeDil Diwani Ka Dola Dildar Ke LiyeDil Diwane Ka Dola Dildar Ke LiyeJo Beet Gaya Hai Wo Ab Dr Na AayegaJo Beet Gaya Hai Wo Ab Dr Na AayegaIs Dil Me Siwa Tere Koi Or Na Aayega, Koi Or Na AayegaJo Beet Gaya Hai Wo Ab Dr Na AayegaTu Sath Na De Mera Chalna Mujhe Aata HiHar Aag Se Wakif Hu Jalna Mujhe Aata HaiYe Jiwan Ka Putla Jal Jaye Bhi To KyaYe Jiwan Ka Putla Jal Jaye Bhi To KyaMarne Ke Liye Aisa Koi Dr Na AyegaJo Beet Gaya Hai Wo Ab Dr Na AyegaIs Dil Me Siwa Tere Koi Or Na Ayega, Koi Or Na AyegaJo Beet Gaya Hai Wo Ab Dr Na AyegaTho D Ki Jdgani Aati Jati Hai JawaniTho D Ki Jdgani Aati Jati Hai JawaniKahi Utar Na Jaye PaniKahi Utar Na Jaye PaniYe Raz Amar NeYe Raz Amar Ne Khola Mere Yaar Ke LiyeDil Diwani Ka Dola Dildar Ke LiyeDil Diwane Ka Dola Dildar Ke LiyeMae Ranga Basanti Ho OMae Ranga Basanti Chola Mere Yaar Ke LiyeDil Diwane Ka Dola Dildar Ke LiyeDil Diwane Ka Dola Dildar Ke LiyeTrendg Now –Meri Awaaz Hi Pehchaan Hai Song Lyrics – (Old Song)Dekha Hazaro Dafaa LyricsYe Sham Mastani Lyrics | Kishore Kumar (Old Song)Kar Har Maidan Fateh Banya Lyrics- [Sanju]Sajnga Lutkar Bhi Tere Badan Ki Lyrics- (Mohammad Rafi)Mumk Nahi Hai Tujhko Bhulana LyricsGehraiyaan Tle Song Lyrics — Tu Marz Hai Dawa Bhi | Deepika PadoneSajda Lyrics – My Name Is KhanKabhi Alvida Naa Kehna Lyrics In English (Tle Track)Aage Bhi Jaane Na Tu Lyrics | Waqt Song -(1965)Jo Beet Gaya Hai Song FAQ-Who Is The Sger Of “Jo Beet Gaya Hai” Song? KUMAR SANU, ANURADHA PAUDWAL, BABLA MEHTAWho IS The Lyricist Of “Jo Beet Gaya Hai” Song?

SANTOSH ANANDWho SI The Composer Of “Jo Beet Gaya Hai” Song? In his poem, Jo Beet Gayi So Beet Gayi, his words give you the urage to let go. Jo beet gayi so baat gayi is an inic poem that giv urage to let go.


Watch ~ Jo Beet Gaya Hai Wo Ab Dr Na Aayega ~ movie~Tahalka ~ - Fakhra Kanwal on Dailymotn * jo beet gaya *

Of urse, the imagery of madira (we), saaki (server) and pyala (cup) is only ed as a trope to dwell on the plexy of life and the toxitn of poetry like “Madhhaala”, Bachchan imagery om everyday life to discs the nature of loss another one of his later poems, “Jo Beet Gayi so Baat Gayi” (What has Happened has Happened).


Jo Beet Gaya Lyrics om Swayam Siddha sung by Talat Mahmood mic directed by Praful Chdhary mic posed by Praful Chdhary lyrics wrten by Bhavani Prasad Mishra and starrg Samar Roy, Shanta Apte, Mola" lang="en * jo beet gaya *

Jo Beet Gayi So Baat GayiJeevan me ek sara tha, Mana woh behad pyara tha, Woh toot gaya toh toot gayaAmber ke aanan ko khoKne iske taare tooteKne iske pyare chhooteJo chhoot gaye phir kahan e, Par bolo toote taaron parkab amber shok manata haiJo beet gayi so baat gayiJeevan me woh tha ek kumThe s par nya nichhavar tumWoh sookh gaya toh sookh gayaMadhuban ki chhaatee ko khoSookhee kni iski kaliyanMurjhaay kni vallariyanJo murjhaay phir kahan khiliPar bolo sookhe phoolon parKab madhuban shor machata haiJo beet gayi so baat gayiJeevan me madhu ka pyala thaTumne tan-man daala thaWoh toot gaya toh toot gayaMadiralaya ka aangan khoKne pyale hil jaate haGir mti me jaate haJo girte ha kab uthte haPar bolo toote pyalon parKab madiralaya pachhtata haiJo beet gayi so baat gayiMridu mti ke bane huye hamadhughat phoota hi karte haLaghu jeevan le kar aaye haPyale toota hi karte haPhir bhi madiralaya ke andarMadhu ke ghat ha, madhu pyale haJo maadakta ke maare haWay madhu loota hi karte haWoh kachcha peene wala haiJiski mamta ghat-pyalon parJo sachche madhu se jala huaKab rota hai chillaata haiJo beet gayi so baat gayi//What has Happened has HappenedIn your life there was a starAgreed, was much lovedWhen sank, sankLook at the urtyard of the skyMany of s stars break awayMany of s stars are lostThe lost on, are they ever found? ~ Jo Beet Gaya Hai Wo Ab Dr Na Aayega ~ movie~Tahalka ~ - vio Dailymotn. "Jo Beet Gaya" lyrics om Swayam Siddha sung by talat mahmood and mic directed by praful chdhary and posed by praful chdhary and lyrics wrten by bhavani prasad mishra Jo Beet Gaya Lyrics Jo beet gaya so beet gaya Sathi yeh bada zamana hai Is nayi subah me suraj ne Kuch dhunda naya tarana hai Chalne ki ghadi par uthi Jiske do paav chala aaye Hum to is bar ba soche Hum to is bar ba soche Apna ghar bar jala aaye Je ka raaz chale chalna Duniya me humne jana hai Is nayi subah me suraj ne Kuch dhunda naya tarana hai Hasi r seeta savri Isi sh ki bhamaye Jisne gun ki aaj talak bhi Mahek rahi hai malaye Mahek rahi hai malaye Tara durgavati r Jhansi ki rani ki bahno Utho aaj tut pado Samay aaya hai Kariya behno Unki kar jhankar Naye dhang se Phir tumhe jagana hai Is nayi subah me suraj ne Kuch dhunda naya tarana hai Jo beet gaya so beet gaya Sathi yeh bada zamana hai Is nayi subah me suraj ne Kuch dhunda naya tarana hai.

”Wynk Mic brgs to you Jo Beet Gaya So Beet Gaya MP3 song om the movie/album Swyamsiddha. jo beet gaya wo kal tha by prabhav mishra. ” Jo beet gayi so baat gayi..


Play & Download Jo Beet Gaya So Beet Gaya MP3 Song for FREE by Talat Mahmood om the album Swyamsiddha. Download the song for offle listeng now. * jo beet gaya *

Jo beet gayi so baat gayi! wah doob gaya toh doob gaya. jo chhoot gaye phir kahan e,.

Jo beet gayi so baat gayi.


" Jo beet gayi so baat gayi.." is my favore hdi poem. I remember readg and memorizg when I was a kid. I was class 6 or 7 or 8, that I don't remember. But I remember that I loved . That time we jt learned and memorized . Msage was spiratnal.… * jo beet gaya *

wah sookh gaya toh sookh gaya.

wah toot gaya toh toot gaya. Jo Beet Gaya Hai Wo Dr Na Aayega Rgtone.


~ Jo Beet Gaya Hai Wo Ab Dr Na Aayega ~ movie~Tahalka ~ - vio Dailymotn .