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class="css-1aeb8l5-StyledGrid ell6x8x5"><div><figure class="css-r4nlvb-StyledFigure e1e1fc3"><picture class="e1e1fc2 image css-1plgymf-PictureWhIntrsicRat-StyledArticleImage eosncpx0"><source data-rat="16:9" media="(m-width: 0px)" srcSet=" 100w, 150w, 250w, 320w, 414w, 500w, 640w, 828w, 1024w" siz="(max-width: 767px) 100vw,(m-width: 768px) and (max-width: 1020px) 100vw,668px"/><img src=" alt="Gay mastay ... Melbourne edian Joel Creasey." class="css-12cetpi-StyledImage en5ut4d0"/></picture><figptn class="e1e1fc0 figptn css-bnbkt2-StyledFigCaptn-StyledFigptn e13f1dd25"><svg class="e13f1dd22 css-1kbtdjr-StyledCameraIn-StyledInImage e1vpj17e0" xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 17 14" fill="#000"><tle>Camera In</tle><path d="M10.27 11.623c-2.02 0-3.666-1.644-3.666-3.666 0-2.022 1.645-3.667 3.667-3.667s3.668 1.645 3.668 3.667-1.646 3.666-3.667 3.666zM2.834 4.56c.7 0 1.27.572 1.27 1.272 0 .7-.57 1.27-1.27 1.27-.7 0-1.27-.57-1.27-1.27 0-.7.57-1.27 1.27-1.27zM15.19 3h-1.16c-.366-.735-.82-2.125-1.988-2.125H8.5c-.856 0-1.2.656-2.302 2.125H4.25v-.354c0-.566-.515-1.062-1.102-1.062h-.67c-.554 0-1.042.496-1.042 1.052l-.01.384C.26 3.145 0 3.916 0 4.573v7.358c0 1.077.66 1.693 1.81 1.693h13.38c1.15 0 1.81-.616 1.81-1.692V4.574c0-.718-.314-1.575-1.81-1.575"></path></svg><span class="css-ew42y0-StyledFigCaptnText e13f1dd24"><span class="css-1vt5x9l-Captn e13f1dd23">Gay mastay ... Melbourne edian Joel Creasey.</span><span> Cred: <!-- -->News Corp Atralia, Supplied</span></span></figptn></figure></div><div class="css-404zpd-StyledInsetCell ell6x8x4"><h1 emProp="headle" class="css-1d82-StyledHeadle e6r4fv90">Comedian Joel Creasey shocked at lack of gay men and women on Asie TV</h1></div><div class="css-404zpd-StyledInsetCell ell6x8x4"><addrs class="css-ycmgy8-StyledByle e1qmdp8f21"><div class="css-jfngg4-StyledByleText e1qmdp8f20"><div class="css-nemhhm-StyledByleTextWrapper e1qmdp8f13"><div class="css-mzi4ul-StyledByleTextWrap e1qmdp8f16"><span emspe="" emType=" class="css-4jfl1n-StyledByleTextBlock e1qmdp8f15"><span emProp="name">Jonathon Moran</span></span><span class="css-4jfl1n-StyledByleTextBlock e1qmdp8f15">The Daily Telegraph</span></div></div><div class="css-3nalsi-StyledMetaDataWrapper e1qmdp8f3"><time dateTime="2016-03-10T16:56+0800" class="e1qmdp8f10 css-eddwdk-StyledTimtamp-StyledTimtamp oze8g2">March 10, 2016 4:56PM</time></div></div><div class="css-a5s9re-StyledButtonContaer e1qmdp8f1"></div></addrs></div><div class="css-404zpd-StyledInsetCell ell6x8x4"><div class="topic-list hi-prt css-1baot6e-StyledTopicListContaer exqmkap3"><h2 class="css-zshng4-StyledHear exqmkap1">Topics</h2><nav class="css-1dtlpsd-StyledTopicNav exqmkap2"><a data-sectn="entertament" class="css-rsnjnt-StyledTag e1f4srfq0" href="/entertament/tv">TV</a><a data-sectn="entertament" class="css-rsnjnt-StyledTag e1f4srfq0" href="/entertament">Entertament</a><a data-sectn="entertament" class="css-rsnjnt-StyledTag e1f4srfq0" href="/entertament/celebry">Celebry</a></nav></div></div><div><div class="css-czxz1x-StyledArticleContent ell6x8x3"><div class="js-taboolaReadMoreContent css-1bgobxc-StyledBlockContent eh7f8mi1" id="ArticleContent"><p class="css-1tqt8t0-StyledParagraph e4e0a020">COMEDIAN Joel Creasey has qutned the lack of diversy on Atralian TV, sayg he’s shocked to be one of the only openly gay men wh a regular gig on a mercial work.</p><p class="css-1tqt8t0-StyledParagraph e4e0a020">And the host of I’m A Celebry … Get Me Out Of Here Now! has revealed he was once told by a major rad statn to “sound more straight” on air.</p><p class="css-1tqt8t0-StyledParagraph e4e0a020">“It is shockg to me that I’m pretty much the only out gay man on mercial televisn Atralia that I know of,” Creasey told News Corp Atralia.</p><div class="hi-prt ad-no-notice css-qyun7f-StyledAdUnWrapper ezkyf1c0"><div class="css-1ilcqyj-StyledCenter ezkyf1c3"><div class="css-k85b03-StyledNotice ezkyf1c2"><div class="ad-article-mrec-one css-ssup-StyledAdUn ezkyf1c4"></div></div></div></div><p class="css-1tqt8t0-StyledParagraph e4e0a020">“We shouldn’t be havg this nversatn but there are so many gay and lbian entertaers out there and don’t translate to jobs on TV. A gay man is allowed to play a leadg man on Broadway but you wouldn’t see him as a leadg man on TV. It should be somethg that don’t need to be addrsed but sadly this is the realy of the televisn dtry 2016.”</p><figure class="css-73bizd-StyledFigure e1e1fc3"><picture class="e1e1fc2 image css-16jjtto-PictureWhIntrsicRat-StyledArticleImage eosncpx0"><source data-rat="4:3" media="(m-width: 0px)" srcSet=" 100w, 150w, 250w, 320w, 414w, 500w, 640w, 828w, 1024w" siz="(max-width: 767px) 100vw,(m-width: 768px) and (max-width: 1020px) 100vw,668px"/><img src=" alt="Joel Creasey and Heather Maltman host I’m a Celebry ... Get Me Out Of There." class="css-12cetpi-StyledImage en5ut4d0"/></picture><figptn class="e1e1fc0 figptn css-d9jo32-StyledFigCaptn-StyledFigptn e13f1dd25"><svg class="e13f1dd22 css-1kbtdjr-StyledCameraIn-StyledInImage e1vpj17e0" xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 17 14" fill="#000"><tle>Camera In</tle><path d="M10.27 11.623c-2.02 0-3.666-1.644-3.666-3.666 0-2.022 1.645-3.667 3.667-3.667s3.668 1.645 3.668 3.667-1.646 3.666-3.667 3.666zM2.834 4.56c.7 0 1.27.572 1.27 1.272 0 .7-.57 1.27-1.27 1.27-.7 0-1.27-.57-1.27-1.27 0-.7.57-1.27 1.27-1.27zM15.19 3h-1.16c-.366-.735-.82-2.125-1.988-2.125H8.5c-.856 0-1.2.656-2.302 2.125H4.25v-.354c0-.566-.515-1.062-1.102-1.062h-.67c-.554 0-1.042.496-1.042 1.052l-.01.384C.26 3.145 0 3.916 0 4.573v7.358c0 1.077.66 1.693 1.81 1.693h13.38c1.15 0 1.81-.616 1.81-1.692V4.574c0-.718-.314-1.575-1.81-1.575"></path></svg><span class="css-ew42y0-StyledFigCaptnText e13f1dd24"><span class="css-1vt5x9l-Captn e13f1dd23">Joel Creasey and Heather Maltman host I’m a Celebry ... Get Me Out Of There.</span><span> Cred: <!-- -->Channel 10, Nigel Wright</span></span></figptn></figure><p class="css-1tqt8t0-StyledParagraph e4e0a020">Last week, News Corp Atralia published an article by journalist Shannon Molloy tled, <em>Where are all the gay characters on Asie TV?</em></p><p class="css-1tqt8t0-StyledParagraph e4e0a020">In the article, <em>Offsprg </em>wrer Michael Lus said he would have liked to see someone like Creasey on TV when he was a kid.</p><p class="css-1tqt8t0-StyledParagraph e4e0a020">“The only time I n remember seeg a homosexual man on TV was terrible Brish ss, and they were ridiculoly over-the-top effemate or somethg,” Lus said. “After that, was dark AIDS storyl. It took a long time to see any characters that weren’t total ic stereotyp or embodyg tragic social issu. When I was a kid, I would’ve loved seeg someone like Joel on my screen.”</p><p class="css-1tqt8t0-StyledParagraph e4e0a020">Creasey, 25, acknowledg there has been gay and lbian hosts on TV, rarely have they been open about their sexualy and he uldn’t name any currently on air and that troubl him.</p><p class="css-1tqt8t0-StyledParagraph e4e0a020">Knowg he’s ntradictg himself though, he also fds strange he’s labelled a gay edian, not jt a edian.</p><figure class="css-73bizd-StyledFigure e1e1fc3"><picture class="e1e1fc2 image css-16jjtto-PictureWhIntrsicRat-StyledArticleImage eosncpx0"><source data-rat="4:3" media="(m-width: 0px)" srcSet=" 100w, 150w, 250w, 320w, 414w, 500w, 640w, 828w, 1024w" siz="(max-width: 767px) 100vw,(m-width: 768px) and (max-width: 1020px) 100vw,668px"/><img src=" alt="Visable ... Heather Maltman and Joel Creasey the jungle." class="css-12cetpi-StyledImage en5ut4d0"/></picture><figptn class="e1e1fc0 figptn css-d9jo32-StyledFigCaptn-StyledFigptn e13f1dd25"><svg class="e13f1dd22 css-1kbtdjr-StyledCameraIn-StyledInImage e1vpj17e0" xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 17 14" fill="#000"><tle>Camera In</tle><path d="M10.27 11.623c-2.02 0-3.666-1.644-3.666-3.666 0-2.022 1.645-3.667 3.667-3.667s3.668 1.645 3.668 3.667-1.646 3.666-3.667 3.666zM2.834 4.56c.7 0 1.27.572 1.27 1.272 0 .7-.57 1.27-1.27 1.27-.7 0-1.27-.57-1.27-1.27 0-.7.57-1.27 1.27-1.27zM15.19 3h-1.16c-.366-.735-.82-2.125-1.988-2.125H8.5c-.856 0-1.2.656-2.302 2.125H4.25v-.354c0-.566-.515-1.062-1.102-1.062h-.67c-.554 0-1.042.496-1.042 1.052l-.01.384C.26 3.145 0 3.916 0 4.573v7.358c0 1.077.66 1.693 1.81 1.693h13.38c1.15 0 1.81-.616 1.81-1.692V4.574c0-.718-.314-1.575-1.81-1.575"></path></svg><span class="css-ew42y0-StyledFigCaptnText e13f1dd24"><span class="css-1vt5x9l-Captn e13f1dd23">Visable ... Heather Maltman and Joel Creasey the jungle.</span><span> Cred: <!-- -->Channel 10, Nigel Wright</span></span></figptn></figure><p class="css-1tqt8t0-StyledParagraph e4e0a020">“I don’t jt joke about my sexualy,” explaed Creasey, who will later this month kick off a natnal stand-up edy tour wh a n of shows at the Melbourne Internatnal Comedy Ftival. “When I joke about my ex or sex or datg, I’m often lumped wh, oh he mak gay jok about his gay ex-boyiend or his gay sex or gay datg. People say all the time on social media and crics have wrten their reviews. They’re not gay jok. They’re jt jok about my life. No straight edian qualifi their straight jok as jt beg jok nor should they have to.”</p><p class="css-1tqt8t0-StyledParagraph e4e0a020">He add: “It would be great to see more gay men and women workg televisn. We n read the news, prent the sport, evict a talent show nttant or play a character jt the same as everyone else.”</p><p class="css-1tqt8t0-StyledParagraph e4e0a020">Early his reer, when workg on rad Perth, Creasey said he was once told to “sound more straight”.</p><p class="css-1tqt8t0-StyledParagraph e4e0a020">“I’m not paraphrasg eher. Hontly what do a straight person sound like? I was dumbfound.”</p><p class="css-1tqt8t0-StyledParagraph e4e0a020">Creasey praised his current employer Ten for embracg him and others for who they are.</p><p class="css-1tqt8t0-StyledParagraph e4e0a020">“Never once have they asked me to tone down or act more straight,’ he said. </p><p class="css-1tqt8t0-StyledParagraph e4e0a020">* The journalist is South Ai as a gut of Channel Ten verg I’m A Celebry ... Get Me Out Of Here!</p></div></div></div><div class="css-404zpd-StyledInsetCell ell6x8x4"><p class="css-shxq-StyledFootnote e184g9zm0">Origally published as <a class="css-iufyg1-StyledTextLk ezegcyi0" target="_blank" rel="noopener" href=">Creasey wants gay to be mastay</a></p></div><div class="css-404zpd-StyledInsetCell ell6x8x4"><div class="css-i2ml8v-StyledSharg e1sjvqe43"><button class="gtm-facebook-share-button css-zk8z1i-StyledButton e1sjvqe42"><svg class="css-opb8k2-In-StyledIn-FacebookStyledIn e1mieozu1" xmlns=" viewBox="0 0 438 817.8"><tle>Share to Facebook

is joel creasey gay

COMEDIAN Joel Creasey’s heart breaks when he thks about his gay iends mted, long-term relatnships who are unable to get married.



Comedian Joel Creasey has mented on the difficulti nontg a gay footballer g out publicly * is joel creasey gay *

Joel Creasey’s Short B(Age): Fay, GayBorn on 11 Augt 1990, Sydney, Atralia, Joel, age 28, is openly gay. Prr to his graduatn at Wley College 2007, the gay edian had found his school’s stunt newspaper, The Wley Inquirer of which he was edor--chief. Moreover, his school age, he also served as the pta of the drama droppg out to foc on his reer stand-up edy, he studied polil science and foreign affairs at Curt Universy for three Creasey Celebrat One Year Anniversary Wh Partner, Jack Stratton-SmhJoel Creasy has always been on the spotlight, as one of the vol advot of gay rights, and vouched numero tim for legalizatn of same-sex marriage Atralia.


Joel Creasey has opened up about his awkward terview wh Cher at Sydney's Gay and Lbian Mardi Gras 2018.  * is joel creasey gay *

The openly gay J&J duo was the toast of the town, and their relatnship was hugely celebrated before their breakup. I'll be like Roxy Jacenko”Quippgly acknowledgg the fact that neher of the gay partners n geilly give birth to a baby, the Take Me Out host further joked about havg the babi wh a fabulo girliend stead. Ever sce LGBT marriage had been voted y Atralia, many gay weddgs had been takg place.

He humoroly said, 'There are so many gay weddgs g up sce the y vote me through that I'm gog to have to wa bee I need all foc on me.

RELATED:Rhys Nicholson spills on awkward lunch wh RuPl and Michelle VisageCourtney Act and Vany want to teach Atralian queer history to the worldRicki-Lee spills on Atralia’s Got Talent and Atralian Idol mours“I’ve always found, and I thk my gay edy peers would say the same thg, that 's nice to have a pot of difference, ” he tells Yahoo Liftyle.


COMEDIAN Joel Creasey has qutned the lack of diversy on Atralian TV, sayg he’s shocked to be one of the only openly gay men on a mercial work. * is joel creasey gay *

If you thk about , between myself, Hannah Gadsby, Rhys Nicholson, Nathan Valvo, Geralde Hickey, there are so many brilliant gay ics right now. But ’s not jt amongst the gay ics, everyone's fair game durg Comedy Ftival! Comedian Joel Creasey has mented on the difficulti nontg a gay footballer g out publicly, after revealg he had a sexual affair wh a “bloody good” current AFL player.


Inspired by a growg queer prence their town after years of feelg like they were the "only gays the village", Kristen and Holly are anisg Colac's first pri event. * is joel creasey gay *

“He's gog to be 'the gay player', and you don't want that. You want to be intified as the bt your field, not as the bt gay player.


* is joel creasey gay *

While valu the broar muny would suggt the first player to reveal their homosexualy will be embraced, there is no doubt a mentaly wh the system that mak a challenge. Dermott Brereton only last year ma claims gay players the AFLW were “groomg” straight young teammat, somethg Gillon McLachlan quickly refuted.

"I have been to the football a few tim, ” Creasey says, “and I have been stg the stands and I've heard lots of (anti-gay slurs) ed as tnts to players and yelled out.


Joel Creasey has opened up about his awkward terview wh Cher at Sydney's Gay and Lbian Mardi Gras 2018. '' Funny: Joel Creasey, 30, has revealed what really happened wh his bizarre terview wh gay in Cher (both pictured) at Sydney's Gay and Lbian Mardi Gras back 2018Joel said the sger appeared to offer a more general statement as opposed to answerg his qutn.

Love: Joel is openly gay and has been a relatnship wh mol Jack Stratton-Smh (L) 'Essentially I was onle datg two people wh a whole bunch of other people havg an opn on those dat.


COMEDIAN Joel Creasey has qutned the lack of diversy on Atralian TV, sayg he’s shocked to be one of the only openly gay men wh a regular gig on a mercial the host of I’m A Celebry … Get Me Out Of Here Now! “It is shockg to me that I’m pretty much the only out gay man on mercial televisn Atralia that I know of, ” Creasey told News Corp Atralia. “We shouldn’t be havg this nversatn but there are so many gay and lbian entertaers out there and don’t translate to jobs on TV.

A gay man is allowed to play a leadg man on Broadway but you wouldn’t see him as a leadg man on TV. Cred: Channel 10, Nigel WrightLast week, News Corp Atralia published an article by journalist Shannon Molloy tled, Where are all the gay characters on Asie TV? “The only time I n remember seeg a homosexual man on TV was terrible Brish ss, and they were ridiculoly over-the-top effemate or somethg, ” Lus said.


”Creasey, 25, acknowledg there has been gay and lbian hosts on TV, rarely have they been open about their sexualy and he uldn’t name any currently on air and that troubl him. Knowg he’s ntradictg himself though, he also fds strange he’s labelled a gay edian, not jt a InVisable... “When I joke about my ex or sex or datg, I’m often lumped wh, oh he mak gay jok about his gay ex-boyiend or his gay sex or gay datg.

They’re not gay jok. ”He add: “It would be great to see more gay men and women workg televisn.

It also don’t help that same-sex uple and transgenr cizens are nied several basic rights afford to their cisgenr heterosexual none of this seems to faze Asie Eurovisn host and openly gay man Joel Creasey. “but apart om my 21st birthday, they’re about to have the gayt event the history of the world happen their cy.


Comedian Joel Creasey celebrat his 30th birthday amid Melbourne's strict lockdown and says he's now officially 'gay ad' Published: 09:18 BST, 12 Augt 2020 | Updated: 09:38 BST, 12 Augt 2020. Takg to Instagram, Joel applied his signature sense of humour to the suatn admtg he's now 'gay ad'. Miltone: Comedian Joel Creasey (pictured) celebrated his 30th birthday amid Melbourne's strict lockdown and says he's now officially 'gay ad''I turned 30 today or ''gay ad'' as my muny affectnately ll , ' Joel said, referrg to the tone of exg his 20s.


Key pots:The event will be held next Saturday at a lol Colac feJoel Creasey vised the town for a documentary after experiencg homophobic cinc the townThe print of Gippsland Pri Iniative says public events such the are important to normalise diversyThe event is beg anised by lols Kristen Turley and her partner Holly Kercheval, who were spired to act when they noticed a growg queer prence the town after years of feelg like they were the "only gays the village". (Supplied: Kristen Turnley)Colac's spotty historyComedian Joel Creasey has publicly discsed his history wh the town where he was heckled wh anti-gay remarks durg a stand-up set his first vis 2011 and when he was chased to his r by teenagers at a send vis later that returned to Colac for a third time wh an ABC mera crew for the largely posive documentary Gaycrashers but later  2018 told the Bge List podst was not all as seemed. "We had people yellg at 24/7, so Colac is a very homophobic place, " he Otway Shire uncillor Tosh-Jake Fnigan said that although the ments ma by Mr Creasey were accurate at the time, their posn as the first trans-elected official the area showed how a change of heart had occurred.


Although the Colac Otway uncillors will vote on whether or not to raise a rabow flag regnn of the Internatnal Day Agast Homophobia, Biphobia, Lbophobia and Transphobia next Wednday, the Colac Otway Shire still remas only one of 11 municipali that has not the past.


Joel Creasey opens up on gay players the AFL | Sportg News Atralia .