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AllNewsViosWeb Stori'Gay Men' - 107 News Rult(s)India News | Prs Tst of India | Wednday Augt 9, 2023. Wh the arrt of six men, the Uttar Prash Police on Tuday claimed to have bted a "sextortn" racket beg n through a gay datg app Kanpur, officials said.

A group of Arab iends livg Qatar's pal Doha met up over cktails and snacks last week, exchangg opns as they flicked through profil of gay men on datg apps Tr and Grdr. The spread of the monkeypox vis and s prevalence among gay men has raised wispread fear, growg anger and a number of unfortable qutns for a muny still srred by the early years of the HIV/AIDS epimic.


Lus Greenfield, 17, tells Brian Ross about his experience so-lled gay nversn mp. The full story on ABC News' 20/20 and on Friday night. * menhd gay *

Blackpool teenager Jake Daniels' cisn to e out as the first gay profsnal footballer the UK men's game more than 30 years was herald as a historic moment News | Rters | Tuday Febary 15, 2022.

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Gujarat police said on Tuday they had arrted three members of a gang acced of beatg up and robbg men ntacted on a gay datg app. Atralian midfielr Josh Cavallo said that he was overwhelmed by the outpourg of global support after g out as the only known gay men's footballer playg a top-flight league.

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I believed that "I was attracted to men bee I was gay, but was only 6 years ago that I fally accepted to myself, " wrote the fashn signer News | Prs Tst India | Monday September 7, 2020. I feel that sce I served the ary, my story n touch the liv of gay men currently servg - perfectly fe, profsnal, f and discipled officers and soldiers - who are beg forced by homophobic polici to hi themselv out of fear of discrimatn/persecutn. Five men arrted on the charge of blackmailg and robbg over 50 senr MNC officials Gugram by trappg them through a gay chattg app ially did for fun, but planned to make easy money once beme popular, a senr police officer said on Friday.


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