Berkey & Gay Furnure Co. | Furnure Cy History

berkey and gay furniture desk

Shop our berkey and gay selectn om top sellers and makers around the world. Global shippg available.



Shop Berkey and Gay at Chairish, home of the bt vtage and ed furnure, r and art. Browse our huge selectn and make an offer today! * berkey and gay furniture desk *

The pany went out of bs around the time of World War II, but the furnure that surviv today embodi the bt of Amerin some bety to your abo wh Chairish’s selectn of Berkey & Gay furnureIf you know the Berkey and Gay piece you are lookg for, our search optns make easy to fd .

The top has recently beenCategoryVtage 1920s Amerin Geian SiboardsBerkey and Gay Tall Cht of DrawersBy Berkey & Gay FurnureLoted Copake Falls, NYA Berkey and Gay pated cht walnut, wh a protective glass top. Two over two dovetailedCategoryEarly 20th Century Amerin William and Mary Commos and Chts of DrawersBerkey and Gay Set of 6 Vtage ChairsBy Berkey & Gay FurnureLoted Annville, PAA Berkey and Gay Set of 6 Vtage Chairs excellent ndn. Both elegant and crediblyCategoryVtage 1920s Amerin Baroque Dg Room ChairsRare Adams Pat Derated Inlaid Berkey and Gay Siboard Console TableBy Berkey & Gay FurnureLoted Swesboro, NJ lookg Berkey and Gay of Ameri siboard or grand nsole table.


Shop our berkey and gay sk selectn om top sellers and makers around the world. Global shippg available. * berkey and gay furniture desk *

The table is betifully laid andCategoryVtage 1920s Amerin Adam Style Console TablBerkey & Gay Cht of DrawersBy Berkey & Gay FurnureLoted Copake Falls, NYA Berkey and Gay pated cht of drawers, ma of walnut and wh a protective glass top. OrnateCategoryEarly 20th Century Amerin William and Mary Commos and Chts of DrawersAntique Berkey & Gay Flame Mahogany Breakont wh Carved Paw Feet cir 1930By Berkey & Gay FurnureLoted Big Flats, NYAn antique Amerin Empire Berkey and Gay breakont bet offers flame mahogany nstctnCategoryEarly 20th Century Amerin Amerin Empire CabetsAntique Berkey & Gay William & Mary Walnut Buffet Siboard Jabean GothicBy Berkey & Gay FurnureLoted Dayton, OHAntique Berkey & Gay Buffet or Server.

A betiful blend of William & Mary, Jabean and GothicCategoryVtage 1920s North Amerin William and Mary Siboards2 Antique Berkey & Gay Geian Style Blue Pated Walnut Tw Beds Boho ChicBy Berkey & Gay FurnureLoted Dayton, OH2 Antique Geian style beds by Berkey & Gay, cir 1920. Ma om walnut wh a blue patedCategoryVtage 1920s Geian Beds and Bed FramAntique Berkey & Gay Arts & Crafts Mahogany Double Bookse, Cir 1900By Berkey & Gay FurnureLoted South Bend, INA geo antique Arts & Crafts double bookse.

CarvedCategoryEarly 20th Century Amerin Arts and Crafts BooksAntique Berkey & Gay Regency Inlaid Band Mahogany Siboard, cir 1920sBy Berkey & Gay FurnureLoted South Bend, INA geo antique Regency style siboard buffet or crenza.


* berkey and gay furniture desk *

USA, cirCategoryEarly 20th Century Amerin Regency SiboardsAntique Berkey & Gay English Jabean Ornate Carved Walnut Siboard, 1920sBy Berkey & Gay FurnureLoted South Bend, IN" Collectn by Berkey & Gay, memoratg the pany's 75th anniversary. Ornate rvedCategoryVtage 1920s Amerin Jabean SiboardsAntique Walnut Highboy Drser w/ Vany Table Mirror by Berkey & Gay FurnureBy Berkey & Gay FurnureLoted Van Nuys, CAAntique walnut highboy drser wh vany table mirror by Berkey & Gay Furnure featurg 3 longCategoryVtage 1930s Amerin Commos and Chts of DrawersAntique Berkey & Gay Carved Flame Mahogany Extensn Dg Table & Leav C1930By Berkey & Gay FurnureLoted Big Flats, NYAn antique Amerin Empire Berkey & Gay extensn banquet dg table offers mahogany nstctnCategoryEarly 20th Century Amerin Amerin Empire Dg Room TablVtage Berkey & Gay School Carved Walnut Grape & Ve Center Table, Cir 1930By Berkey & Gay FurnureLoted Big Flats, NYA vtage center table the manner of Berkey & Gay offers walnut nstctn wh octagonal topCategoryMid-20th Century Amerin Center TablOval Glass Tray Top Heavily Carved Inlay Walnut Si End Ocsnal Coffee TableBy Berkey & Gay FurnureLoted Rockaway, NJOval glass tray top heavily rved lay walnut si end ocsnal ffee table. Category20th Century Amerin Regency Revival Servg PiecVtage 1930s Mahogany Tall Column Style DrserBy Berkey & Gay FurnureLoted Amherst, NHVtage 1930s tall mahogany drser wh rved lumn style accents on the sis.

CategoryEarly 20th Century Neoclassil Revival Commos and Chts of DrawersTall Narrow Walnut Marble Top Night Stands End Table Cabet Porcela InsertBy Berkey & Gay FurnureLoted Rockaway, NJTall narrow walnut marble top night stands end table bet porcela sert. Category20th Century Amerin Jabean End TablMarble Top Oval One Door Compartment Drawer Adams Style Pated Stand TableBy Berkey & Gay FurnureLoted Rockaway, NJMarble top oval one door partment drawer Adams style pated stand table. Category20th Century Amerin Adam Style PestalsFrench Style Carved Parcel Gilt and Fluted Table LampBy Berkey & Gay Furnure, Bloomgdale'sLoted Garnerville, NYA geo rved and parcel gilt walnut table lamp.

Category20th Century Amerin Regency End TablRosewood & Burl Wood Tripod Base Si Table Regency Style Floor Lamp MtBy Baker Furnure Company, Berkey & Gay FurnureLoted Rockaway, NJRosewood & burl wood tripod base si table regency style floor lamp mt!


Berkey & Gay Company wrg sk havg a mold edge bookmatched mahogany top, a sgle drawer, birdseye maple rner" name="scriptn" data-reactroot=" * berkey and gay furniture desk *

Sobota, Century FurnureLoted Topeka, KS namake and uncle, a furnure signer as well, Karl Schmidt, who signed for Berkey and Gay FurnureCategoryLate 20th Century Amerin Choiserie Cabets6 Ch Hua Dg Chairs Black by Raymond K. He apprenticed for seven yearsCategoryLate 20th Century Amerin Choiserie Dg Room ChairsRecent SalPair of Berkey & Gay Mahogany Si ChairsBy Berkey & Gay FurnureLoted New York, NYPair of Berkey & Gay Mahogany si chairs wh tersectg poted arch between top and bottomsCategory20th Century Amerin Regency Revival ChairsBerkey and Gay CabetLoted Pasana, CABerkey and Gay walnut storage bet wh walnut ont panel/door and birds eye maple overlayCategoryVtage 1930s Amerin CabetsEarly 20th Century Amerin Solid Oak Bookse Berkey and Gay ManufacturerBy Berkey & Gay FurnureLoted Vanuver, Brish Columbia. ‘Berkey and Gay’ label to the si of one drawer- Berkey and Gay was a top furnure maker GrandCategoryEarly 20th Century Amerin Edwardian BooksCtom Pair of Chts / Commos Ebony Fish by Berkey and GayBy Berkey & Gay FurnureLoted Stamford, CTFe Hollywood Regency Berkey and Gay ctom pair of chts ebony fish.


View this em and disver siar for sale at 1stDibs - 'Antique Berkey & Gay wrg sk or nsole. Ma of mahogany wh rectangular shape, Queen Ann style feet and a back trtle nnectg the legs. Cir * berkey and gay furniture desk *

Fe large pair ofCategoryMid-20th Century Amerin Hollywood Regency Commos and Chts of DrawersBerkey and Gay Burled Wood BuffetBy Berkey & Gay FurnureLoted North York, ONThis geo buffet is Mid-Century Morn style and ma of rich, burled wood.

CategoryVtage 1970s Amerin Mid-Century Morn BuffetsBerkey & Gay Sheraton Style Mahogany Satwood Band Game Table, cir 1930By Berkey & Gay FurnureLoted Big Flats, NYA vtage Sheraton style rd game table the manner of Berkey and Gay offers flame mahoganyCategoryMid-20th Century Amerin Sheraton Card Tabl and Tea TablMaterialsMahogany, SatwoodAntique Berkey & Gay School Send Empire Carved Flame Mahogany Poster Bed c1920By Berkey & Gay FurnureLoted Big Flats, NYAn antique Amerin Send Empire poster double/full size bed the manner of Berkey and GayCategoryEarly 20th Century Amerin Amerin Empire Beds and Bed FramAntique Napoleon III Style Berkey & Gay Flame Mahogany Tall Cht c1910By Berkey & Gay FurnureLoted Big Flats, NYAn antique Napoleon III style tall cht of drawers by Berkey and Gay offers flame mahoganyCategoryEarly 20th Century Amerin Napoleon III Commos and Chts of DrawersAntique Eastlake Berkey & Gay Attrb. Walnut & Burl Inlaid Parlor Table, c1880By Berkey & Gay FurnureLoted Big Flats, NYAn antique Eastlake parlor table attributed to Berkey and Gay offers walnut and burl nstctnCategoryAntique Late 19th Century Amerin Eastlake Center TablMaterialsBurl, Wood, WalnutFrench Berkey & Gay School Carved Flame Mahogany Mirrored Drser, cir 1930By Berkey & Gay FurnureLoted Big Flats, NYAn antique French Louis XVI style Berkey and Gay School flame mahogany cht of drawers offersCategory20th Century Amerin Louis XVI DrsersMaterialsMirror, MahoganyAntique Victorian Mahogany Berkey & Gay Wrg Dk Console Queen AnneBy Berkey & Gay FurnureLoted Dayton, OH"Antique Berkey & Gay wrg sk or nsole.


Ma of mahogany wh rectangular shape, Queen AnnCategoryEarly 20th Century Queen Anne Dks and Wrg TablAntiuqe Berkey & Gay Amerin Empire Crotch Mahogany Buffet Siboard ServerBy Berkey & Gay FurnureLoted Dayton, OH"Antique Berkey & Gay buffet or siboard. An Amerin Empire Revival, cir 1905-1929 Ma ofCategoryEarly 20th Century Amerin Empire BuffetsAntique Berkey & Gay William & Mary Walnut Cha Hutch Cabet Jabean GothicBy Berkey & Gay FurnureLoted Dayton, OH"Antique Berkey & Gay cha hutch.

A betiful blend of William & Mary, Jabean and Gothic stylgCategoryEarly 20th Century William and Mary CabetsAntique Berkey & Gay Knoleworth William & Mary Round Mahogany Dg TableBy Berkey & Gay FurnureLoted Dayton, OHAntique Berkey & Gay Knoleworth William & Mary dg table.


Ma of mahogany featurg round formCategoryEarly 20th Century William and Mary Dg Room TablAntique Berkey Gay William & Mary Draw Leaf Refectory Dg Table JabeanBy Berkey & Gay FurnureLoted Dayton, OH"Antique Berkey & Gay draw leaf extendable Refectory dg table. Attributed to Berkey and GayCategory20th Century Jabean Dks and Wrg Tabl8 Antique Berkey & Gay William & Mary Walnut Dg Room Chairs Jabean GothicBy Berkey & Gay FurnureLoted Dayton, OH"Antique Berkey & Gay dg chairs. A betiful blend of William & Mary, Jabean and gothicCategoryEarly 20th Century William and Mary Dg Room ChairsMaterialsUpholstery, WalnutBerkey & Gay Furnure Console TableBy Berkey & Gay FurnureLoted Man, UTBerkey & Gay Console Table or Entry Table.


Attributed to Berkey and GayCategoryEarly 20th Century William and Mary Dks and Wrg TablFrench Ro Style Pated ConsoleLoted Stamford, CT base, wh elegant ratn of rved foliate and shell crt. Bearg a label for Berkey and GayCategoryEarly 20th Century Amerin Console TablPair of Berkey & Gay End TablBy Berkey & Gay FurnureLoted Pomona, CAA pair of oak end tabl by Berkey & Gay wh trtle style bas.


CategoryVtage 1930s Amerin End TablBerkey & Gay Antique Inlaid Mahogany French Drser, cir 1930sBy Berkey & Gay FurnureLoted South Bend, INA geo antique mahogany French style drser by Berkey & Gay, cir 1930s.


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