Photos urty of Michael Lamar Simeon Michael Lamar Simeon, aka the Black gay ic geek, is a self-scribed guy that lik other guys, ic books, movi, and vio gam. His Safe Gayven platform has over 118 thoand followers on TikTok, 7.54K subscribers, 586 vios on YouTube, and 9.6K Facebook followers. Although Michael has always loved
◊ Pl Charl is the Gay Comic Geek, a self-scribed dork who lov ic books, Transformers, llectable figur, sci-fi and fantasy movi, Anime … * the gay comic geek *
◊I'm love wh a hero I'm love wh the one who will always w He's a proment figure In the gay ic geeky world I'm I know I'm safe om the villa's plan In the arms of my mutant mcle man He's always there the nick of time His big, bold heart is me!
— openg theme songPl Charl is the Gay Comic Geek, a self-scribed dork who lov ic books, Transformers, llectable figur, sci-fi and fantasy movi, Anime, Amerin rtoons, and anythg else that uld be nsired geeky. He also jt so happens to be the Gay Comic Geek, Pl reviews thgs associated wh geek subculture, givg his overall opn and providg his own unique gay perspective. Not everythg he reviews als wh gay subject matter, though he do brg up gay films, novels, and TV seri equently, as well as gay-themed adult ics.
Sce his but 2008, he has gaed a steady rise populary on YouTube wh his primary channel found here and a sendary channel tled Gay Geeky Vlogs here. The Gay Geeky Vlogs channel was started as a means of brgg to light thgs that Pl has an tert but don't directly volve ic books, as well as talk about thgs gog on his life.
Pl Staffelbach is the Gay Comic Geek, a self-scribed dork who lov ic books, Transformers, llectable figur, sci-fi and fantasy movi, Anime, Amerin rtoons, and anythg else that uld be nsired geeky. He also jt so happens to be gay As the Gay Comic Geek, Pl reviews... * the gay comic geek *
A unique thg ncerng the Gay Comic Geek is that his reviews are largely unscripted, and do not volve him portrayg a fictnal character. Bee of his rise populary, Pl has been terviewed several tim and now works alongsi four other gay YouTube channel owners a group project lled A Gay Colab, found Gay Comic Geek also has a webse here. A warng as much of his ntent is Not Safe for Gay Comic Geek provis exampl of: Fanservice: Pl has no shame lettg his dience sneak peeks at his well-kept body.
The Gay Comic Geek is here! That’s right, Pl – the nerdit, geekit, mclit guy on YouTube – gut starred on our biggt episo yet! He joed Bryan the Barely Bear, Jarrod the Alterna-Guy, Eric the Mcle Pig, Oral the Catty Sick Black Friend, and The Qutn of Qutnable Sexual Practic as they discsed movi, gam, ics, and NERD FITNESS?!!? If you’re a nerd who wants to pwn n00bz but also look great, or if you jt want to hear what we thought about Star Wars 3D, then turn on, strap on, and get ready to FLAME ON!MegaConThe entire Flame On! crew met up at Orlando MegaCon and had a blast! They ught Before Watchmen: Silk Spectre artist Amanda Conner durg the n, but the bt tim were had afterward. They shared drks wh DC pros and sred away a Star Trek character, but you’ll have to listen to see if they reveal how they pulled that off. Pl went and had a total of six different stum! He shar some of his stori, but The Qutn doubts he was sober the entire time…MoviChronicle is the first found-footage super hero movie and the boys weigh on what they thought about the movie and the quirky wrer Max Landis. We also revis Tt (briefly) before givg reviews of Unrworld: Awakeng and Star Wars: The Phantom Menace 3D. Also, hear their reactns to the new Amazg Spir-Man and The Avengers trailers! This year is gonna be even more super hero-y than last year!GamEric and Q disver the wonr of the Uncharted seri and thk about bokg Drake. At the other end of the galaxy, Bryan and Q are still gog at hard wh their light sabers Star Wars: The Old you thk football, you thk Madonna, right? Didn’t thk so. But the boys weigh on her Super Bowl halftime performance and discs whether the Queen of Pop ought to let someone else take ’s also talk about the electrifyg new show Jtified, which surprisgly don’t al wh fonts or style sheets. Pl and Oral make a love nnectn over Nato, while Pl shar the rt of his favor cludg Big Bang Theory and Archer!Gay NewsProp 8 is overturned (aga)! Pl some other stat allow homos to marry! But Eric is already married, Bryan prefers to hibernate s, and Oral and Q are sted to be sgle forever, so while the news is great, they ultimately are jt bter about .MicBryan attend a ncert and sipped on some honeyed whiskey while rockg out to Jonathan Coulton and headlers They Might Be Giants. Oral laments the loss of his own…personal…diva Whney Hoton. The Qutn mentns a favore die band of his lled Fun has fally punched through to the Top 40 thanks to their h sgle “We Are Young” beg featured on Glee!Nerd FnsPl’s strength is off the charts, and we’re not jt talkg about that +7 Str modifier on his D&D character. He’s super f but also lov Superboy as much as the rt of . He talks about his daily route, workout diet, and offers some helpful advice to those who want abs as much as they want their own light saber. And, of urse, the boys grill Pl on whether he has sex stume!ComicsIt was a huge month for die ics: Archie, Locke and Key, Jim Henson’s Tale of Sand, Saga, Fatale, Thief of Thiev, Aphrodisiac, Prophet, and Phonogram all get some attentn!Marvel gets some negative attentn wh the Ghost Rir Creator Sndal, but their books aren’t so bad wh FF, Fantastic Four, the Ultimate Comics tl, and X-Men beg as top notch as DC, Pl schools Q on the Teen Tans and tells his thoughts on the New 52! The boys also pick apart DC’s new logo, discs Animal Man’s trippy issue #6, dish on the Green Lantern tl, and more! Learn more about your ad choic. Vis Support this show Hosted on Ast. See for more rmatn. * the gay comic geek *
Straight Gay: A number of the Gay Comic Geek's YouTube subscribers have ma suatns about his te orientatn, and even gone so far as to acce him of pretendg to be gay for attentn.
* the gay comic geek *
His 'Friends' vio on A Gay Colab lampshas this. Michael Simeon, also known as the “Black Gay Comic Geek, ” eply unrstands the stggle of fdg Black queer characters ics and other genre fandoms. Curtis Holt, aka “Mister Terrific, ” is portrayed by Echo Kellum CW’s Arrow as an openly gay character.
In the gay ic geeky world I'm. Pl Staffelbach is the Gay Comic Geek, a self-scribed dork who lov ic books, Transformers, llectable figur, sci-fi and fantasy movi, Anime, Amerin rtoons, and anythg else that uld be nsired geeky.
He also jt so happens to be gay. As the Gay Comic Geek, Pl reviews thgs associated wh geek subculture, givg his overall opn and providg his own unique gay perspective. Bee of his rise populary, Pl has been terviewed several tim and now works alongsi four other gay YouTube channel owners a group project lled A Gay Colab, found here.
GayComicGeek Pl Charl: is back wh his exclive seri for The Sword barg his soul on what ught him off guard and what ma him get off harr. * the gay comic geek *
The Gay Comic Geek also has a webse here WARNING: NSFW! The Gay Comic Geek provis exampl of:[]. The Gay Comic Geek is here!
Gay NewsProp 8 is overturned (aga)! Pl some other stat allow homos to marry!