Disver all facts and statistics on Homosexualy (gays and lbians) the U.S. on !
* straight vs gay statistics *
Moral stance towards gay or lbian relatns the Uned Stat 2022.
Moral views on gay or lbian relatns the Uned Stat 2001-2022.
Victims of anti-homosexualy hate crim U. Increasg numbers of populatn-based surveys the Uned Stat and across the world clu qutns that allow for an timate of the size of the lbian, gay, bisexual, and transgenr (LGBT) populatn. An timated 3.5% of adults the Uned Stat intify as lbian, gay, or bisexual and an timated 0.3% of adults are transgenr.
Gallup timat that 7.2% of the U.S. adult populatn is lbian, gay, bisexual or transgenr. * straight vs gay statistics *
Among adults who intify as LGB, bisexuals prise a slight majory (1.8% pared to 1.7% who intify as lbian or gay).
Conversely, gay men prise substantially more than half of gay and bisexual men seven of the ne surveys. Unrstandg the size of the lbian, gay, bisexual, and transgenr (LGBT) populatn is a cril first step to rmg a host of public policy and rearch topics. In measurg sexual orientatn, lbian, gay, and bisexual dividuals may be intified strictly based on their self-inty or may be possible to nsir same-sex sexual behavr or sexual attractn.
How many adults are lbian, gay, or bisexual? Fdgs shown Figure 1 nsir timat of the percentage of adults who self-intify as lbian, gay, or bisexual across ne surveys nducted wh the past seven years. While the surveys show a fairly wi variatn the overall percentage of adults who intify as LGB, the proportn who intify as lbian/gay vers bisexual is somewhat more nsistent (see Figure 2).
Gallup fds 5.6% of U.S. adults intifyg as lbian, gay, bisexual or transgenr, wh the majory of them sayg they are bisexual. * straight vs gay statistics *
In six of the surveys, lbian- and gay-intified dividuals outnumbered bisexuals. In most s, the surveys were roughly 60% lbian/gay vers 40% bisexual.
The UK Integrated Hoehold Survey found the proportn to be two-thirds lbian/gay vers one-third bisexual. The Natnal Survey of Fay Growth found rults that were sentially the oppose of the UK survey wh only 38% intifyg as lbian or gay pared to 62% intifyg as bisexual.
The crease the number of visible gay and trans people is sometim treated as a cursy or a e for ncern by crics, but ’s not a surprise. It’s normal. * straight vs gay statistics *
The Natnal Survey of Sexual Health and Behavr and the Atralian Longudal Study of Health and Relatnships both found a majory of rponnts (55% and 59%, rpectively) intifyg as bisexual.The surveys show even greater nsistency differenc between men and women associated wh lbian/gay vers bisexual inty.