HIV/AIDS and Edutn: Lsons om the 1980s and the Gay Male Communy the Uned Stat | Uned Natns

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Knowledge is power: If we learned anythg the gay male muny durg the early days of the HIV/AIDS epimic the Uned Stat, was that. No one knew what had h , and people were dyg huge numbers all around . The muny lost iends, lleagu, and timate partners. Inially mislabeled gay-related immune ficiency (GRID), valuable time was lost rpondg to the crisis bee most felt safe the belief that they were not at risk. Sce early victims were predomantly gay men, the stigma attached to homosexualy the medil, erng, law enforcement and eccliastil stutns beme a barrier to unrstandg, preventn, and treatment.



The high percentage of gay and bisexual men who are livg wh HIV means that, as a group, they have a greater risk of beg exposed to HIV; browse lks here. * aids why gay *

Sce the HIV epimic started the 1980s gay men have been at a greater risk and reprented more of the new HIV s that we’ve known this untry and actually ternatnally as well. In this day and time, gay men still make up about 2/3 of the new HIV diagnosis. So aga, the pot I would want to make, ’s not bee of who you are, ’s not jt bee you’re gay.


What's behd the higher rat of fectn among gay men? Dr. David bunks myths and explas why some groups are and areas are more affected by HIV/AIDS than others. * aids why gay *

It’s bee we live a high HIV prevalent society among gay men and then also bee some of the behavrs that we engage may put more at risk for HIV. New HIV fectns cled among gay and bisexual men the last , but HIV ntu to disproportnately affect gay and bisexual men relative to other muni the U.


Gay and bisexual men are more severely affected by HIV than any other group the Uned Stat (US). * aids why gay *

Progrs rcg new HIV fectns among gay and bisexual men has also not been equal, wh differenc by race, ethnicy, and age.

Factors that fluence health out—cludg HIV-related stigma, homophobia, racism, discrimatn, poverty, limed accs to high-qualy health re, and other longstandg barriers—have ntributed to the unequal reach of HIV preventn and treatment; higher levels of HIV some muni; and ntued equi. Addnally, 2020, 49% fewer HIV tts were admistered among gay and bisexual men non-healthre settgs than 2019.


Is AIDS a "gay" disease? Today, 70% of new HIV s occur homosexual and bisexual mal. HIV/AIDS is spread by risky sexual behavr... * aids why gay *

Wh effective preventn and treatment tools at our disposal, the natn has a s--the-makg opportuny to end the domtic HIV epimic and elimate dispari HIV preventn and re among gay and bisexual men and other populatns disproportnately affected by HIV. Social and stctural issu—such as HIV stigma, homophobia, discrimatn, poverty, and limed accs to high-qualy health re—fluence health out and ntue to drive equi. Get the latt data on HIV among gay and bisexual men and fd out how CDC is makg a difference.


The HIV epimic ntu to disproportnately impact gay and bisexual men, transgenr women, youth 13-24 and muni of lor. * aids why gay *

This web ntent the term gay and bisexual men to reprent gay, bisexual, and other men who reported male-to-male sexual ntact. Almost all of the major homophile groups ed to tell that HIV/AIDS is not a “gay” disease.

They claimed that should not be associated wh homosexualy any way, shape or form bee this allegedly led to the “stigmatizg and spegoatg” of homosexuals.

Dpe overall progrs rcg new fectns among gay and bisexual men, the HIV epimic ntued and was more severe among Black or Ain Amerin (hereafter referred to as Black) and Hispanic/Lato gay and bisexual men the leadg up to the feral Endg the HIV Epimic the U.S. (EHE) iative, which the U.S. Department of Health and Human Servic lnched 2019. * aids why gay *

This assertn was an sential ponent of the refully-engeered mpaign tend to nvce that homosexualy is jt as healthy as heterosexualy. But as evince piled up, the allegatn that homosexualy and HIV/AIDS were unrelated was no longer fensible, and those who nied the nnectn were creasgly perceived as disnnected om realy. Eventually, even the lears of the homophile movement had to publicly acknowledge the nnectn.

* aids why gay *

For example, Matt Foreman, former Director of the Natnal Gay and Lbian Task Force, admted:.

Internally, when the numbers e out, the “tablished” gay muny seems to have a llective shg as if this isn’t our problem.

Differenc exist by race/ethnicy knowledge of HIV stat, preventn, treatment, and stigma among gay and bisexual men. * aids why gay *

Folks, wh 70 percent of the people this untry livg wh HIV beg gay or bi, we nnot ny that HIV is a gay disease. In a sense, the homosexual “special rights” movement is actually perpetuatg this awful disease wh s actns and attus. However, Amerin urts have thlsly med the Constutn to illicly expand the right to privacy to clu abortn, fantici, thanasia, pornography ― and now, ersatz homosexual “marriage.

Homosexual groups have ed to cripple ernment efforts to curb the very disease that is killg them by the thoands every year. Organized “gays” have blocked blood screeng for HIV, fought the closg of homosexual bathho, advoted for the legalizatn of both male and female prostutn, shut down ntact tracg and sexual partner notifitn, opposed crimalizg the liberate fectn of another person wh HIV-AIDS, and promoted the e of ndoms, which have a six to eight percent failure rate. The radil homosexual lobby still acc the ernment of so-lled “AIDS genoci, ” and asserts that the Feds “have blood on their hands.

CDC remends a variety of laboratory ttg and STD screengs to ensure the health of gay and bisexual men. * aids why gay *

To show how out of touch the mastream media is wh realy, Newsweek Magaze, which has featured AIDS on s ver no fewer than twenty tim, laid the blame for the AIDS epimic at the feet of “homophobia and relig lears steeped moralistic doctre who have supprsed hont nversatn about how to stop .


Remendatns for Gay and Bisexual Men's Health | CDC.