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fw-fontG fs-fontG lh12 ps1 fs16 lg:fs16">By </span><span class="ff-fontD fw-fontD fs-fontD lh12 ps1 lg:fs16 fs14"><a class="c-primaryAccsible hover:o70 td300 wbbw" href=" data-lk="native">Amy Graff</a></span></span></span><span><span class="ff-fontG fw-fontG fs-fontG lh12 ps1 lg:fs16 fs14 c-gray600"><time dateTime="2016-06-26 12:03:19">June 26, 2016</time></span></span></div><div class="aic sx12 none sm:f"><a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="(Premium);name=Trash%20piled%20high%20at%20Dolor%20Park%20after%20Dyke%20March%2C%20cleanup%20effort%20well%20unrway&scriptn=Saturday's%20Dyke%20March%20brought%20tens%20of%20thoands%20of%20people%20and%20pil%20of%20garbage%20to%20Dolor...&;(Premium)%26utm_source%3DUTMSOURCE%26utm_medium%3DUTMMEDIUM" aria-label="Share to Facebook"><svg width="32" height="32" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 33 33" class="p0 c-black td300 hover:o70"><circle cx="16.0518" cy="16.75" r="15.375" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="1.25"></circle><path xmlns=" 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the Dyke March, leavg behd loads of trash. " alt="Thoands upon thoands of people poured to Dolor Park on June 25, 2016, durg the Dyke March, leavg behd loads of trash. " loadg="eager" src="" siz="(max-width: 768px) 100vw, (max-width: 920px) 80vw, (max-width: 1320px) 50vw, 720px" style="aspect-rat:3 / 2" class="x100 opc bgpc ofcv bgscv block bg-black y100 mnh0 fill"/></div><div class="bgt rel vv o100 y32px"><div class="x100 y100 aic f jcc" role="prentatn"><div class="ma ox-hidn oy-hidn i123jqob"><ul class="aic f jcc p0 ma csv2yd3" style="transform:translateX(0px)"></ul></div></div></div><figptn class="f fdc g2 rel ff-fontG fw-fontG fs-fontG lh12 ps1 fs14 px20 sm:px0 td300 ttfe tdl300 y136px o100"><span class="oy-hidn mh104px"><span class="re6bgoq n4l52un ff-fontG fw-fontG fs-fontG lh12 ps1 fs14 c-gray700"><p><span style="lor: #404040; font-fay: verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 11px;">Thoands upon thoands of people poured to Dolor Park on June 25, 2016, durg the Dyke March, leavg behd loads of trash. </span></p></span></span><span class="ff-fontG fw-fontG fs-fontG lh12 ps1 fs13 c-gray600 mt2 mr72 y24px"><div>Amy Graff</div></span></figptn></figure><figure role="group" aria-hidn="te" aria-label="Frame 2 of 26" class="rel m0 fdc top tdl300 td300 ttfe abs o0 vh f x100"><div class="rel x100 block"><img tle="Thoands upon thoands of people poured to Dolor Park on June 25, 2016, durg the Dyke March, a Gay Pri event. " alt="Thoands upon thoands of people poured to Dolor Park on June 25, 2016, durg the Dyke March, a Gay Pri event. " loadg="lazy" src="" siz="(max-width: 768px) 100vw, (max-width: 920px) 80vw, (max-width: 1320px) 50vw, 720px" style="aspect-rat:3 / 2" class="x100 opc bgpc ofcv bgscv block bg-black y100 mnh0 fill"/></div><div class="bgt rel vv o100 y32px"></div><figptn class="f fdc g2 rel ff-fontG fw-fontG fs-fontG lh12 ps1 fs14 px20 sm:px0 td300 ttfe tdl300 y136px o0"><span class="oy-hidn mh104px"><span class="re6bgoq n4l52un ff-fontG fw-fontG fs-fontG lh12 ps1 fs14 c-gray700"><p>Thoands upon thoands of people poured to Dolor Park on June 25, 2016, durg the Dyke March, a Gay Pri event. </p></span></span><span class="ff-fontG fw-fontG fs-fontG lh12 ps1 fs13 c-gray600 mt2 mr72 y24px"><div>Amy Graff</div></span></figptn></figure><figure role="group" aria-hidn="te" aria-label="Frame 3 of 26" class="rel m0 fdc top tdl300 td300 ttfe abs o0 vh none x100"><div class="ar3-2 f aic bg-whe i15tu57v"><div><div id="taboola-terstial-gallery-thumbnails-1f58f55a-23fe-448c-88f6-c533bf4dd40d"></div></div></div><div class="bgt rel vv o100 y32px"></div><figptn class="f fdc g2 rel ff-fontG fw-fontG fs-fontG lh12 ps1 fs14 px20 sm:px0 y136px o100"></figptn></figure><figure role="group" aria-hidn="te" aria-label="Frame 4 of 26" class="rel m0 fdc top tdl300 td300 ttfe abs o0 vh none x100"><div class="rel x100 block"><img tle="Thoands upon thoands of people poured to Dolor Park on June 25, 2016, durg the Dyke March, leavg behd loads of trash. " alt="Thoands upon thoands of people poured to Dolor Park on June 25, 2016, durg the Dyke March, leavg behd loads of trash. " loadg="lazy" src="" siz="(max-width: 768px) 100vw, (max-width: 920px) 80vw, (max-width: 1320px) 50vw, 720px" style="aspect-rat:3 / 2" class="x100 opc bgpc ofcv bgscv block bg-black y100 mnh0 fill"/></div><div class="bgt rel vv o100 y32px"></div><figptn class="f fdc g2 rel ff-fontG fw-fontG fs-fontG lh12 ps1 fs14 px20 sm:px0 td300 ttfe tdl300 y136px o0"><span class="oy-hidn mh104px"><span class="re6bgoq n4l52un ff-fontG fw-fontG fs-fontG lh12 ps1 fs14 c-gray700"><p><span style="lor: #404040; font-fay: verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 11px;">Thoands upon thoands of people poured to Dolor Park on June 25, 2016, durg the Dyke March, leavg behd loads of trash. </span></p></span></span><span class="ff-fontG fw-fontG fs-fontG lh12 ps1 fs13 c-gray600 mt2 mr72 y24px"><div>Amy Graff</div></span></figptn></figure><figure role="group" aria-hidn="te" aria-label="Frame 5 of 26" class="rel m0 fdc top tdl300 td300 ttfe abs o0 vh none x100"><div class="rel x100 block"><img tle="Sectns of Dolor Park were trash-ee on June 26, 2016, after a huge effort to clean up Dolor Park after thoands of people attend the Dyke March the day before. " alt="Sectns of Dolor Park were trash-ee on June 26, 2016, after a huge effort to clean up Dolor Park after thoands of people attend the Dyke March the day before. " loadg="lazy" src="" siz="(max-width: 768px) 100vw, (max-width: 920px) 80vw, (max-width: 1320px) 50vw, 720px" style="aspect-rat:3 / 2" class="x100 opc bgpc ofcv bgscv block bg-black y100 mnh0 fill"/></div><div class="bgt rel vv o100 y32px"></div><figptn class="f fdc g2 rel ff-fontG fw-fontG fs-fontG lh12 ps1 fs14 px20 sm:px0 td300 ttfe tdl300 y136px o0"><span class="oy-hidn mh104px"><span class="re6bgoq n4l52un ff-fontG fw-fontG fs-fontG lh12 ps1 fs14 c-gray700"><p>Sectns of Dolor Park were trash-ee on June 26, 2016, after a huge effort to clean up Dolor Park after thoands of people attend the Dyke March the day before. </p></span></span><span class="ff-fontG fw-fontG fs-fontG lh12 ps1 fs13 c-gray600 mt2 mr72 y24px"><div>Amy Graff</div></span></figptn></figure><figure role="group" aria-hidn="te" aria-label="Frame 6 of 26" class="rel m0 fdc top tdl300 td300 ttfe abs o0 vh none x100"><div class="ar3-2 f aic bg-whe i15tu57v"><div><div id="taboola-terstial-gallery-thumbnails-199fa6d1-2ac1-4490-94f3-a77e62d8c7"></div></div></div><div class="bgt rel vv o100 y32px"></div><figptn class="f fdc g2 rel ff-fontG fw-fontG fs-fontG lh12 ps1 fs14 px20 sm:px0 y136px o100"></figptn></figure><figure role="group" aria-hidn="te" aria-label="Frame 7 of 26" class="rel m0 fdc top tdl300 td300 ttfe abs o0 vh none x100"><div class="rel x100 block"><img tle="Thoands upon thoands of people poured to Dolor Park on June 25, 2016, durg the Dyke March, leavg behd loads of trash. " alt="Thoands upon thoands of people poured to Dolor Park on June 25, 2016, durg the Dyke March, leavg behd loads of trash. " loadg="lazy" src="" siz="(max-width: 768px) 100vw, (max-width: 920px) 80vw, (max-width: 1320px) 50vw, 720px" style="aspect-rat:3 / 2" class="x100 opc bgpc ofcv bgscv block bg-black y100 mnh0 fill"/></div><div class="bgt rel vv o100 y32px"></div><figptn class="f fdc g2 rel ff-fontG fw-fontG fs-fontG lh12 ps1 fs14 px20 sm:px0 td300 ttfe tdl300 y136px o0"><span class="oy-hidn mh104px"><span class="re6bgoq n4l52un ff-fontG fw-fontG fs-fontG lh12 ps1 fs14 c-gray700"><p><span style="lor: #404040; font-fay: verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 11px;">Thoands upon thoands of people poured to Dolor Park on June 25, 2016, durg the Dyke March, leavg behd loads of trash. </span></p></span></span><span class="ff-fontG fw-fontG fs-fontG lh12 ps1 fs13 c-gray600 mt2 mr72 y24px"><div>Amy Graff</div></span></figptn></figure><figure role="group" aria-hidn="te" aria-label="Frame 8 of 26" class="rel m0 fdc top tdl300 td300 ttfe abs o0 vh none x100"><div class="rel x100 block"><img tle="Thoands upon thoands of people poured to Dolor Park on June 25, 2016, durg the Dyke March, leavg behd loads of trash. " alt="Thoands upon thoands of people poured to Dolor Park on June 25, 2016, durg the Dyke March, leavg behd loads of trash. " loadg="lazy" src="" siz="(max-width: 768px) 100vw, (max-width: 920px) 80vw, (max-width: 1320px) 50vw, 720px" style="aspect-rat:3 / 2" class="x100 opc bgpc ofcv bgscv block bg-black y100 mnh0 fill"/></div><div class="bgt rel vv o100 y32px"></div><figptn class="f fdc g2 rel ff-fontG fw-fontG fs-fontG lh12 ps1 fs14 px20 sm:px0 td300 ttfe tdl300 y136px o0"><span class="oy-hidn mh104px"><span class="re6bgoq n4l52un ff-fontG fw-fontG fs-fontG lh12 ps1 fs14 c-gray700"><p><span style="lor: #404040; font-fay: verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 11px;">Thoands upon thoands of people poured to Dolor Park on June 25, 2016, durg the Dyke March, leavg behd loads of trash. </span></p></span></span><span class="ff-fontG fw-fontG fs-fontG lh12 ps1 fs13 c-gray600 mt2 mr72 y24px"><div>Amy Graff</div></span></figptn></figure><figure role="group" aria-hidn="te" aria-label="Frame 9 of 26" class="rel m0 fdc top tdl300 td300 ttfe abs o0 vh none x100"><div class="ar3-2 f aic bg-whe i15tu57v"><div><div id="taboola-terstial-gallery-thumbnails-1b02ee-76-454c-96-0d773d1edd4f"></div></div></div><div class="bgt rel vv o100 y32px"></div><figptn class="f fdc g2 rel ff-fontG fw-fontG fs-fontG lh12 ps1 fs14 px20 sm:px0 y136px o100"></figptn></figure><figure role="group" aria-hidn="te" aria-label="Frame 10 of 26" class="rel m0 fdc top tdl300 td300 ttfe abs o0 vh none x100"><div class="rel x100 block"><img tle="Thoands upon thoands of people poured to Dolor Park on June 25, 2016, durg the Dyke March, leavg behd loads of trash. " alt="Thoands upon thoands of people poured to Dolor Park on June 25, 2016, durg the Dyke March, leavg behd loads of trash. " loadg="lazy" src="" siz="(max-width: 768px) 100vw, (max-width: 920px) 80vw, (max-width: 1320px) 50vw, 720px" style="aspect-rat:3 / 2" class="x100 opc bgpc ofcv bgscv block bg-black y100 mnh0 fill"/></div><div class="bgt rel vv o100 y32px"></div><figptn class="f fdc g2 rel ff-fontG fw-fontG fs-fontG lh12 ps1 fs14 px20 sm:px0 td300 ttfe tdl300 y136px o0"><span class="oy-hidn mh104px"><span class="re6bgoq n4l52un ff-fontG fw-fontG fs-fontG lh12 ps1 fs14 c-gray700"><p><span style="lor: #404040; font-fay: verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 11px;">Thoands upon thoands of people poured to Dolor Park on June 25, 2016, durg the Dyke March, leavg behd loads of trash. </span></p></span></span><span class="ff-fontG fw-fontG fs-fontG lh12 ps1 fs13 c-gray600 mt2 mr72 y24px"><div>Amy Graff</div></span></figptn></figure><figure role="group" aria-hidn="te" aria-label="Frame 11 of 26" class="rel m0 fdc top tdl300 td300 ttfe abs o0 vh none x100"><div class="rel x100 block"><img tle="Thoands upon thoands of people poured to Dolor Park on June 25, 2016, durg the Dyke March, leavg behd loads of trash. " alt="Thoands upon thoands of people poured to Dolor Park on June 25, 2016, durg the Dyke March, leavg behd loads of trash. " loadg="lazy" src="" siz="(max-width: 768px) 100vw, (max-width: 920px) 80vw, (max-width: 1320px) 50vw, 720px" style="aspect-rat:3 / 2" class="x100 opc bgpc ofcv bgscv block bg-black y100 mnh0 fill"/></div><div class="bgt rel vv o100 y32px"></div><figptn class="f fdc g2 rel ff-fontG fw-fontG fs-fontG lh12 ps1 fs14 px20 sm:px0 td300 ttfe tdl300 y136px o0"><span class="oy-hidn mh104px"><span class="re6bgoq n4l52un ff-fontG fw-fontG fs-fontG lh12 ps1 fs14 c-gray700"><p><span style="lor: #404040; font-fay: verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 11px;">Thoands upon thoands of people poured to Dolor Park on June 25, 2016, durg the Dyke March, leavg behd loads of trash. </span></p></span></span><span class="ff-fontG fw-fontG fs-fontG lh12 ps1 fs13 c-gray600 mt2 mr72 y24px"><div>Amy Graff</div></span></figptn></figure><figure role="group" aria-hidn="te" aria-label="Frame 12 of 26" class="rel m0 fdc top tdl300 td300 ttfe abs o0 vh none x100"><div class="ar3-2 f aic bg-whe i15tu57v"><div><div id="taboola-terstial-gallery-thumbnails-284c7315-809d-4e-919c-4d313e2dc0e2"></div></div></div><div class="bgt rel vv o100 y32px"></div><figptn class="f fdc g2 rel ff-fontG fw-fontG fs-fontG lh12 ps1 fs14 px20 sm:px0 y136px o100"></figptn></figure><figure role="group" aria-hidn="te" aria-label="Frame 13 of 26" class="rel m0 fdc top tdl300 td300 ttfe abs o0 vh none x100"><div class="rel x100 block"><img tle="Thoands upon thoands of people poured to Dolor Park on June 25, 2016, durg the Dyke March, leavg behd loads of trash. " alt="Thoands upon thoands of people poured to Dolor Park on June 25, 2016, durg the Dyke March, leavg behd loads of trash. " loadg="lazy" src="" siz="(max-width: 768px) 100vw, (max-width: 920px) 80vw, (max-width: 1320px) 50vw, 720px" style="aspect-rat:3 / 2" class="x100 opc bgpc ofcv bgscv block bg-black y100 mnh0 fill"/></div><div class="bgt rel vv o100 y32px"></div><figptn class="f fdc g2 rel ff-fontG fw-fontG fs-fontG lh12 ps1 fs14 px20 sm:px0 td300 ttfe tdl300 y136px o0"><span class="oy-hidn mh104px"><span class="re6bgoq n4l52un ff-fontG fw-fontG fs-fontG lh12 ps1 fs14 c-gray700"><p><span style="lor: #404040; font-fay: verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 11px;">Thoands upon thoands of people poured to Dolor Park on June 25, 2016, durg the Dyke March, leavg behd loads of trash. </span></p></span></span><span class="ff-fontG fw-fontG fs-fontG lh12 ps1 fs13 c-gray600 mt2 mr72 y24px"><div>Amy Graff</div></span></figptn></figure><figure role="group" aria-hidn="te" aria-label="Frame 14 of 26" class="rel m0 fdc top tdl300 td300 ttfe abs o0 vh none x100"><div class="rel x100 block"><img tle="Thoands upon thoands of people poured to Dolor Park on June 25, 2016, durg the Dyke March, a Gay Pri event. " alt="Thoands upon thoands of people poured to Dolor Park on June 25, 2016, durg the Dyke March, a Gay Pri event. " loadg="lazy" src="" siz="(max-width: 768px) 100vw, (max-width: 920px) 80vw, (max-width: 1320px) 50vw, 720px" style="aspect-rat:3 / 2" class="x100 opc bgpc ofcv bgscv block bg-black y100 mnh0 fill"/></div><div class="bgt rel vv o100 y32px"></div><figptn class="f fdc g2 rel ff-fontG fw-fontG fs-fontG lh12 ps1 fs14 px20 sm:px0 td300 ttfe tdl300 y136px o0"><span class="oy-hidn mh104px"><span class="re6bgoq n4l52un ff-fontG fw-fontG fs-fontG lh12 ps1 fs14 c-gray700"><p>Thoands upon thoands of people poured to Dolor Park on June 25, 2016, durg the Dyke March, a Gay Pri event. </p></span></span><span class="ff-fontG fw-fontG fs-fontG lh12 ps1 fs13 c-gray600 mt2 mr72 y24px"><div>Amy Graff</div></span></figptn></figure><figure role="group" aria-hidn="te" aria-label="Frame 15 of 26" class="rel m0 fdc top tdl300 td300 ttfe abs o0 vh none x100"><div class="ar3-2 f aic bg-whe i15tu57v"><div><div id="taboola-terstial-gallery-thumbnails-0588d068-7088-4c0b-bdb4-85fa21d75fb6"></div></div></div><div class="bgt rel vv o100 y32px"></div><figptn class="f fdc g2 rel ff-fontG fw-fontG fs-fontG lh12 ps1 fs14 px20 sm:px0 y136px o100"></figptn></figure><figure role="group" aria-hidn="te" aria-label="Frame 16 of 26" class="rel m0 fdc top tdl300 td300 ttfe abs o0 vh none x100"><div class="rel x100 block"><img tle="Thoands upon thoands of people poured to Dolor Park on June 25, 2016, durg the Dyke March, a Gay Pri event. " alt="Thoands upon thoands of people poured to Dolor Park on June 25, 2016, durg the Dyke March, a Gay Pri event. " loadg="lazy" src="" siz="(max-width: 768px) 100vw, (max-width: 920px) 80vw, (max-width: 1320px) 50vw, 720px" style="aspect-rat:3 / 2" class="x100 opc bgpc ofcv bgscv block bg-black y100 mnh0 fill"/></div><div class="bgt rel vv o100 y32px"></div><figptn class="f fdc g2 rel ff-fontG fw-fontG fs-fontG lh12 ps1 fs14 px20 sm:px0 td300 ttfe tdl300 y136px o0"><span class="oy-hidn mh104px"><span class="re6bgoq n4l52un ff-fontG fw-fontG fs-fontG lh12 ps1 fs14 c-gray700"><p>Thoands upon thoands of people poured to Dolor Park on June 25, 2016, durg the Dyke March, a Gay Pri event. </p></span></span><span class="ff-fontG fw-fontG fs-fontG lh12 ps1 fs13 c-gray600 mt2 mr72 y24px"><div>Amy Graff</div></span></figptn></figure><figure role="group" aria-hidn="te" aria-label="Frame 17 of 26" class="rel m0 fdc top tdl300 td300 ttfe abs o0 vh none x100"><div class="rel x100 block"><img tle="Thoands upon thoands of people poured to Dolor Park on June 25, 2016, durg the Dyke March, a Gay Pri event. " alt="Thoands upon thoands of people poured to Dolor Park on June 25, 2016, durg the Dyke March, a Gay Pri event. " loadg="lazy" src="" siz="(max-width: 768px) 100vw, (max-width: 920px) 80vw, (max-width: 1320px) 50vw, 720px" style="aspect-rat:3 / 2" class="x100 opc bgpc ofcv bgscv block bg-black y100 mnh0 fill"/></div><div class="bgt rel vv o100 y32px"></div><figptn class="f fdc g2 rel ff-fontG fw-fontG fs-fontG lh12 ps1 fs14 px20 sm:px0 td300 ttfe tdl300 y136px o0"><span class="oy-hidn mh104px"><span class="re6bgoq n4l52un ff-fontG fw-fontG fs-fontG lh12 ps1 fs14 c-gray700"><p>Thoands upon thoands of people poured to Dolor Park on June 25, 2016, durg the Dyke March, a Gay Pri event. </p></span></span><span class="ff-fontG fw-fontG fs-fontG lh12 ps1 fs13 c-gray600 mt2 mr72 y24px"><div>Amy Graff</div></span></figptn></figure><figure role="group" aria-hidn="te" aria-label="Frame 18 of 26" class="rel m0 fdc top tdl300 td300 ttfe abs o0 vh none x100"><div class="ar3-2 f aic bg-whe i15tu57v"><div><div id="taboola-terstial-gallery-thumbnails-fe0cb806-ce8b-4925-a7aa-ff0edfe49c01"></div></div></div><div class="bgt rel vv o100 y32px"></div><figptn class="f fdc g2 rel ff-fontG fw-fontG fs-fontG lh12 ps1 fs14 px20 sm:px0 y136px o100"></figptn></figure><figure role="group" aria-hidn="te" aria-label="Frame 19 of 26" class="rel m0 fdc top tdl300 td300 ttfe abs o0 vh none x100"><div class="rel x100 block"><img tle="Thoands upon thoands of people poured to Dolor Park on June 25, 2016, durg the Dyke March, a Gay Pri event. " alt="Thoands upon thoands of people poured to Dolor Park on June 25, 2016, durg the Dyke March, a Gay Pri event. " loadg="lazy" src="" siz="(max-width: 768px) 100vw, (max-width: 920px) 80vw, (max-width: 1320px) 50vw, 720px" style="aspect-rat:3 / 2" class="x100 opc bgpc ofcv bgscv block bg-black y100 mnh0 fill"/></div><div class="bgt rel vv o100 y32px"></div><figptn class="f fdc g2 rel ff-fontG fw-fontG fs-fontG lh12 ps1 fs14 px20 sm:px0 td300 ttfe tdl300 y136px o0"><span class="oy-hidn mh104px"><span class="re6bgoq n4l52un ff-fontG fw-fontG fs-fontG lh12 ps1 fs14 c-gray700"><p>Thoands upon thoands of people poured to Dolor Park on June 25, 2016, durg the Dyke March, a Gay Pri event. </p></span></span><span class="ff-fontG fw-fontG fs-fontG lh12 ps1 fs13 c-gray600 mt2 mr72 y24px"><div>Amy Graff</div></span></figptn></figure><figure role="group" aria-hidn="te" aria-label="Frame 20 of 26" class="rel m0 fdc top tdl300 td300 ttfe abs o0 vh none x100"><div class="rel x100 block"><img tle="Thoands upon thoands of people poured to Dolor Park on June 25, 2016, durg the Dyke March, a Gay Pri event. " alt="Thoands upon thoands of people poured to Dolor Park on June 25, 2016, durg the Dyke March, a Gay Pri event. " loadg="lazy" src="" siz="(max-width: 768px) 100vw, (max-width: 920px) 80vw, (max-width: 1320px) 50vw, 720px" style="aspect-rat:3 / 2" class="x100 opc bgpc ofcv bgscv block bg-black y100 mnh0 fill"/></div><div class="bgt rel vv o100 y32px"></div><figptn class="f fdc g2 rel ff-fontG fw-fontG fs-fontG lh12 ps1 fs14 px20 sm:px0 td300 ttfe tdl300 y136px o0"><span class="oy-hidn mh104px"><span class="re6bgoq n4l52un ff-fontG fw-fontG fs-fontG lh12 ps1 fs14 c-gray700"><p>Thoands upon thoands of people poured to Dolor Park on June 25, 2016, durg the Dyke March, a Gay Pri event. </p></span></span><span class="ff-fontG fw-fontG fs-fontG lh12 ps1 fs13 c-gray600 mt2 mr72 y24px"><div>Amy Graff</div></span></figptn></figure><figure role="group" aria-hidn="te" aria-label="Frame 21 of 26" class="rel m0 fdc top tdl300 td300 ttfe abs o0 vh none x100"><div class="ar3-2 f aic bg-whe i15tu57v"><div><div id="taboola-terstial-gallery-thumbnails-3b2c62e5-57c3-4035-a817-762ef6c62bea"></div></div></div><div class="bgt rel vv o100 y32px"></div><figptn class="f fdc g2 rel ff-fontG fw-fontG fs-fontG lh12 ps1 fs14 px20 sm:px0 y136px o100"></figptn></figure><figure role="group" aria-hidn="te" aria-label="Frame 22 of 26" class="rel m0 fdc top tdl300 td300 ttfe abs o0 vh none x100"><div class="rel x100 block"><img tle="Thoands upon thoands of people poured to Dolor Park on June 25, 2016, durg the Dyke March, a Gay Pri event. " alt="Thoands upon thoands of people poured to Dolor Park on June 25, 2016, durg the Dyke March, a Gay Pri event. " loadg="lazy" src="" siz="(max-width: 768px) 100vw, (max-width: 920px) 80vw, (max-width: 1320px) 50vw, 720px" style="aspect-rat:3 / 2" class="x100 opc bgpc ofcv bgscv block bg-black y100 mnh0 fill"/></div><div class="bgt rel vv o100 y32px"></div><figptn class="f fdc g2 rel ff-fontG fw-fontG fs-fontG lh12 ps1 fs14 px20 sm:px0 td300 ttfe tdl300 y136px o0"><span class="oy-hidn mh104px"><span class="re6bgoq n4l52un ff-fontG fw-fontG fs-fontG lh12 ps1 fs14 c-gray700"><p>Thoands upon thoands of people poured to Dolor Park on June 25, 2016, durg the Dyke March, a Gay Pri event. </p></span></span><span class="ff-fontG fw-fontG fs-fontG lh12 ps1 fs13 c-gray600 mt2 mr72 y24px"><div>Amy Graff</div></span></figptn></figure><figure role="group" aria-hidn="te" aria-label="Frame 23 of 26" class="rel m0 fdc top tdl300 td300 ttfe abs o0 vh none x100"><div class="rel x100 block"><img tle="Thoands upon thoands of people poured to Dolor Park on June 25, 2016, durg the Dyke March, a Gay Pri event. " alt="Thoands upon thoands of people poured to Dolor Park on June 25, 2016, durg the Dyke March, a Gay Pri event. " loadg="lazy" src="" siz="(max-width: 768px) 100vw, (max-width: 920px) 80vw, (max-width: 1320px) 50vw, 720px" style="aspect-rat:3 / 2" class="x100 opc bgpc ofcv bgscv block bg-black y100 mnh0 fill"/></div><div class="bgt rel vv o100 y32px"></div><figptn class="f fdc g2 rel ff-fontG fw-fontG fs-fontG lh12 ps1 fs14 px20 sm:px0 td300 ttfe tdl300 y136px o0"><span class="oy-hidn mh104px"><span class="re6bgoq n4l52un ff-fontG fw-fontG fs-fontG lh12 ps1 fs14 c-gray700"><p>Thoands upon thoands of people poured to Dolor Park on June 25, 2016, durg the Dyke March, a Gay Pri event. </p></span></span><span class="ff-fontG fw-fontG fs-fontG lh12 ps1 fs13 c-gray600 mt2 mr72 y24px"><div>Amy Graff</div></span></figptn></figure><figure role="group" aria-hidn="te" aria-label="Frame 24 of 26" class="rel m0 fdc top tdl300 td300 ttfe abs o0 vh none x100"><div class="ar3-2 f aic bg-whe i15tu57v"><div><div id="taboola-terstial-gallery-thumbnails-d740c32d-d09d-4a2e-93bf-cd8f70760865"></div></div></div><div class="bgt rel vv o100 y32px"></div><figptn class="f fdc g2 rel ff-fontG fw-fontG fs-fontG lh12 ps1 fs14 px20 sm:px0 y136px o100"></figptn></figure><figure role="group" aria-hidn="te" aria-label="Frame 25 of 26" class="rel m0 fdc top tdl300 td300 ttfe abs o0 vh none x100"><div class="rel x100 block"><img tle="Extra trash ns were brought to clean up the trash ms after the Dyke March held June 25, 2016." alt="Extra trash ns were brought to clean up the trash ms after the Dyke March held June 25, 2016." loadg="lazy" src="" siz="(max-width: 768px) 100vw, (max-width: 920px) 80vw, (max-width: 1320px) 50vw, 720px" style="aspect-rat:3 / 2" class="x100 opc bgpc ofcv bgscv block bg-black y100 mnh0 fill"/></div><div class="bgt rel vv o100 y32px"></div><figptn class="f fdc g2 rel ff-fontG fw-fontG fs-fontG lh12 ps1 fs14 px20 sm:px0 td300 ttfe tdl300 y136px o0"><span class="oy-hidn mh104px"><span class="re6bgoq n4l52un ff-fontG fw-fontG fs-fontG lh12 ps1 fs14 c-gray700"><p>Extra trash ns were brought to clean up the trash ms after the Dyke March held June 25, 2016.</p></span></span><span class="ff-fontG fw-fontG fs-fontG lh12 ps1 fs13 c-gray600 mt2 mr72 y24px"><div>Amy Graff</div></span></figptn></figure><figure role="group" aria-hidn="te" aria-label="Frame 26 of 26" class="rel m0 fdc top tdl300 td300 ttfe abs o0 vh f x100"><div class="ar3-2 f aic bg-whe i15tu57v"><div><div id="taboola-terstial-gallery-thumbnails-fdda0575-96e6-4e42-895d-7da95ecc4607"></div></div></div><div class="bgt rel vv o100 y32px"></div><figptn class="f fdc g2 rel ff-fontG fw-fontG fs-fontG lh12 ps1 fs14 px20 sm:px0 y136px o100"></figptn></figure></div></sectn><div class="re6bgoq d1uy5mhj ff-fontJ fw-fontJ fs-fontJ lh18 ps32 fs18" data-block-type="text" data-dropp="false"><p>Saturday's 24th annual Dyke March brought tens of thoands of people and pil of garbage to the newly remoled Dolor Park San Francis's Missn District.</p></div><div class="mb32"><img src=" alt="" class="x1px y1px vh abs" aria-hidn="te" width="1" height="1"/><div id="30b0aaf4-cc13-4972-9cf9-ad9a05e5e62d"></div></div><div class="re6bgoq d1uy5mhj ff-fontJ fw-fontJ fs-fontJ lh18 ps32 fs18" data-block-type="text" data-dropp="false"><p>Durg the afternoon rally, a celebratory crowd spread out their piic blankets, beach chairs and Styrofoam olers, verg nearly every patch of grass across the 16-acre expanse. They took the live performanc, DJ mic and speech honorg the LGBTQ muny.  </p></div><div class="re6bgoq d1uy5mhj ff-fontJ fw-fontJ fs-fontJ lh18 ps32 fs18" data-block-type="text" data-dropp="false"><p>That eveng, trash was strewn across the 16-acre expanse and piled up at receptacl.</p></div><div class="pt16 mb32 sy16 bb bt b-gray300"><div class=""><p class="ff-fontE fw-fontE fs-fontE lh12 fs13 f aic jcc ttu">Advertisement</p><p class="ff-fontG fw-fontG fs-fontG lh12 fs13 f aic jcc">Article ntu below this ad</p></div><div class="tac mb16 sm:mnh300px" data-block-type="ad" data-small-id="A300" data-large-id="Inle-1" data-un=""></div></div><div class="re6bgoq d1uy5mhj ff-fontJ fw-fontJ fs-fontJ lh18 ps32 fs18" data-block-type="text" data-dropp="false"><p>A crew of over 25 people cleaned up Saturday night, some stayg until 2:30 a.m., and over 15 returned Sunday morng to ntue pickg up garbage. When I walked the park this morng, the effort seemed anized and well-unrway wh some sectns of the park fully cleaned up.</p></div><div class="re6bgoq d1uy5mhj ff-fontJ fw-fontJ fs-fontJ lh18 ps32 fs18" data-block-type="text" data-dropp="false"><p>After last year's Dyke March, the trash cleanup effort was highly sctized by neighborhood groups and drew attentn on <a class="" href=" data-lk="native">lol blogs</a>. In 2015, the crew to clean up after the Dyke March was smaller than this year's and overwhelmed by the effort, and for 2016, Supervisor Stt Wiener says a new vendor was brought to help.</p></div><div data-block-type="lerecirculatn" class="pb32"><div class="f fdc"><div class="ttc f aic sx16 mb16"><h2 class="wsn ff-fontE fw-fontE fs-fontE lh12 fs18">More For You</h2><div class="bb bw2 x100 b-black"></div></div><div><div class="f fdc jcb"><article class="grid l1-m"><div class="f fdc sy8 mb8 mr8 l1 row1"><h2 class="hya c-black ff-fontC fw-fontC fs-fontC lh13 fs16 sm:fs18"><a class="tdn hover:o70 td300" data-lk="spa" href="/news/article/">Thoands celebrate as SF Pri Para kicks off</a></h2></div><div class="grid sy8 row2 l1span2"></div><div class="block l2 row1 ml8 x90px xs:x120px sm:x180px lg:x88px"><a class="" data-lk="spa" href="/news/article/"><div class="rel x100 block"><img tle="Thoands celebrate as SF Pri Para kicks off" alt="Thomas Pedrozza (center), bears the name of all of the Orlando victims across his body, as he walks the 46th annual LGBT Pri Para, San Francis, California, on Sunday, June 26, 2016." loadg="lazy" src="" siz="(max-width: 360px) 240px, (max-width: 480px) 360px, 480px" style="aspect-rat:3 / 2" class="x100 opc bgpc ofcv bgscv block y100 mnh0 fill"/></div></a></div></article><div class="b-gray400 bb pen my16"></div></div><div class="f fdc jcb"><article class="grid l1-m"><div class="f fdc sy8 mb8 mr8 l1 row1"><h2 class="hya c-black ff-fontC fw-fontC fs-fontC lh13 fs16 sm:fs18"><a class="tdn hover:o70 td300" data-lk="spa" href="/bayarea/article/">Trans March kicks off SF Pri weekend</a></h2></div><div class="grid sy8 row2 l1span2"></div><div class="block l2 row1 ml8 x90px xs:x120px sm:x180px lg:x88px"><a class="" data-lk="spa" href="/bayarea/article/"><div class="rel x100 block"><img tle="Trans March kicks off SF Pri weekend" alt="Felicia Elizondo, a longtime transgenr activist and survivor of the Compton Cafeteria Rt helps rry a giant transgenr flag durg the annual Trans March om Dolor Park to the se of the rt the Tenrlo June 24, 2016 San Francis, Calif." loadg="lazy" src="" siz="(max-width: 360px) 240px, (max-width: 480px) 360px, 480px" style="aspect-rat:3 / 2" class="x100 opc bgpc ofcv bgscv block y100 mnh0 fill"/></div></a></div></article></div></div></div></div><div class="re6bgoq d1uy5mhj ff-fontJ fw-fontJ fs-fontJ lh18 ps32 fs18" data-block-type="text" data-dropp="false"><p>"I don't want to be naive," Supervisor Wiener told SFGATE. "There's always gog to be trash issu wh an event of that magnu. But I do know steps have been take to improve on last year's effort."</p></div><div class="md:pt16 md:mb32 md:sy16 md:bb md:bt b-gray300"><div class="vh y0 mb0 md:vv md:y100 md:mb16"><p class="ff-fontE fw-fontE fs-fontE lh12 fs13 f aic jcc ttu">Advertisement</p><p class="ff-fontG fw-fontG fs-fontG lh12 fs13 f aic jcc">Article ntu below this ad</p></div><div class="tac mb16 sm:mnh300px" data-block-type="ad" data-small-id="NTV7ARD" data-large-id="Inle-2" data-un=""></div></div><div class="re6bgoq d1uy5mhj ff-fontJ fw-fontJ fs-fontJ lh18 ps32 fs18" data-block-type="text" data-dropp="false"><p>As reported a prev <a class="" data-lk="spa" href=">SFGATE article</a>, garbage has been a never-endg battle between Dolor Park sun-worshippers and San Francis's Recreatn and Park Department tasked wh cleang the area. As the populatn the cy has creased, the crowds have as well, and eventually led to the $20.5 ln renovatn the park so sperately need.</p></div><div class="re6bgoq d1uy5mhj ff-fontJ fw-fontJ fs-fontJ lh18 ps32 fs18" data-block-type="text" data-dropp="false"><p>Rec and Park wants people to pack out their own trash at Dolor Park and signage enurage this "pack- pack-out" mentaly. In recent months, the park's ongog trash problem has improved as many are beg more nscient about rponsible park stewardship.</p></div><div class="re6bgoq d1uy5mhj ff-fontJ fw-fontJ fs-fontJ lh18 ps32 fs18" data-block-type="text" data-dropp="false"><p>"While there are still tough weekends, pared to the old park (before the renovatn), is improvg," Rec and Park spokperson Joey Kahn told <a class="" data-lk="spa" href=">SFGATE</a>.</p></div><div class="re6bgoq d1uy5mhj ff-fontJ fw-fontJ fs-fontJ lh18 ps32 fs18" data-block-type="text" data-dropp="false"><p>Kahn thks thgs are gettg better for two ma reasons. One, he believ the astcture add the renovatn is better servg the crowds. "Twenty-seven new toilets, up om four," he poted out. "Recyclg pacy has creased om 1344 gallons weekly to nearly 28,000 gallons; landfill pacy has creased by over 20,000 gallons weekly. This is addn to the e pop up which returned this weekend after a succsful pilot 2015. It's a triple-sortg staffed facily for park ers to post, recycle, and throw away their trash. Last year, diverted more than 68 percent of waste to post and recyclg. Prevly, would have gone to landfill."</p></div><div class="pt16 mb32 sy16 bb bt b-gray300"><div class=""><p class="ff-fontE fw-fontE fs-fontE lh12 fs13 f aic jcc ttu">Advertisement</p><p class="ff-fontG fw-fontG fs-fontG lh12 fs13 f aic jcc">Article ntu below this ad</p></div><div class="tac mb16 sm:mnh300px mnh300px" data-block-type="ad" data-small-id="Inle-1" data-large-id="Inle-3" data-un=""></div></div><div class="re6bgoq d1uy5mhj ff-fontJ fw-fontJ fs-fontJ lh18 ps32 fs18" data-block-type="text" data-dropp="false"><p>Sendly, Kahn add the Love Dolor mpaign, found Leave No Trace prcipl, has been tg the public about rponsible park stewardship wh Dolor Park. "They have been workg wh the lol merchants, the muny, and other anizatns to curb the trash problem," he said.</p></div><div class="re6bgoq d1uy5mhj ff-fontJ fw-fontJ fs-fontJ lh18 ps32 fs18" data-block-type="text" data-dropp="false"><p>Kahn add: "It's hard to believe that we have to nvce adults to pick up after themselv. Park ers should be able to pack out their trash. If they n pack , they n pack out."</p></div><div class="y1px x100 abs bgn top"></div><div style="top:25%" class="y1px x100 abs bgn"></div><div style="top:50%" class="y1px x100 abs bgn"></div><div style="top:75%" class="y1px x100 abs bgn"></div><div class="y1px x100 abs bgn bottom"></div></article></div><div class="package"><span class="mb16 block"><span class="ff-fontG fw-fontG fs-fontG lh12 ps1 lg:fs16 fs14 c-gray600"><time dateTime="2016-06-26 12:03:19">June 26, 2016</time></span></span><div class="bt bb b-gray400 py16 pr8"><div class="f aic jcb mb8 fw g8"><div class="f sx8 aic sy4"><div class="x48px mnw48px"><div class="rel x100 block"><img tle="Photo of Amy Graff" alt="Photo of Amy Graff" loadg="lazy" siz="48px" style="aspect-rat:1 / 1" class="x100 br50 opc bgpc ofcv bgscv block y100 mnh0 fill"/></div></div><div class="f fdc sy4"><span class="c-gray700 f aic g2 fw owa"><span class="fs16"><span class="ff-fontG fw-fontG fs-fontG lh12 ps1 fs16 fs16">By </span><span class="ff-fontD fw-fontD fs-fontD lh12 ps1 lg:fs16 fs14"><a class="c-primaryAccsible hover:o70 td300 wbbw" href=" data-lk="native">Amy Graff</a></span></span></span></div></div><div class="sx8 f"><a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href=" aria-label="fd Amy Graff on twter"><svg width="24" height="24" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="p0 bn bgt on m0 p0 td300 hover:c-primary"><path d="M12 24C18.6274 24 24 18.6274 24 12C24 5.37258 18.6274 0 12 0C5.37258 0 0 5.37258 0 12C0 18.6274 5.37258 24 12 24Z" fill="currentColor"></path><path fill-le="evenodd" clip-le="evenodd" d="M16.6506 9.18857C17.136 8.88224 17.5085 8.39651 17.6833 7.81788C17.2288 8.10223 16.7266 8.30787 16.1907 8.4192C15.7631 7.93701 15.152 7.63635 14.4756 7.63635C13.178 7.63635 12.1265 8.74609 12.1265 10.1147C12.1265 10.3089 12.1459 10.4983 12.1863 10.6791C10.2338 10.5756 8.50257 9.58992 7.3428 8.08947C7.14043 8.45678 7.02478 8.88224 7.02478 9.33606C7.02478 10.1955 7.43961 10.9542 8.07026 11.3995C7.68502 11.3868 7.32263 11.274 7.00529 11.0897V11.1202C7.00529 12.3214 7.81478 13.3233 8.89118 13.5502C8.69352 13.6084 8.48644 13.6375 8.27129 13.6375C8.12001 13.6375 7.9721 13.6226 7.82957 13.5935C8.12808 14.5777 8.99607 15.2953 10.0247 15.3145C9.21995 15.9796 8.20675 16.3753 7.10614 16.3753C6.91654 16.3753 6.72896 16.3646 6.54541 16.3412C7.58551 17.044 8.82059 17.4545 10.1478 17.4545C14.4709 17.4545 16.8335 13.6779 16.8335 10.4025C16.8335 10.2948 16.8321 10.1877 16.8274 10.082C17.2866 9.73245 17.686 9.29564 18 8.79857C17.5784 8.9957 17.1253 9.12901 16.6506 9.18857Z" fill="whe"></path></svg></a></div></div><div class="ff-fontG fw-fontG fs-fontG lh13 fs16 fs16 c-gray700 sy16"><p>Amy Graff is the news edor for SFGATE. She was born and raised the Bay Area and got her start news at the Daily Californian newspaper at UC Berkeley where she majored English lerature. She has been wh SFGATE for more than 10 years. You n email her at </p></div></div></div></div><div class="none lg:f mnw300px x300px fdc sy40 jcb"><div class="package y100 none md:block"><div class="s top97"><div class=""><div class="tac" data-block-type="ad" data-large-id="A300" data-un=""></div></div></div></div><div data-eid="llectn-118393-mostPopular" class="package"><div class="f fdc sy32 lg:sy24"><div class="ttc f aic sx16"><h2 class="wsn ff-fontE fw-fontE fs-fontE lh12 fs18">Most Popular</h2><div class="bb bw2 x100 b-primary"></div></div><div class="grid pl0"><div class="f fdr aib"><span class="c-primary mr8 ff-fontE fw-fontE fs-fontE lh12 fs20">1<!-- -->.</span><div class="f fdc g8 ml4"><h2 class="hya c-black ff-fontD fw-fontD fs-fontD lh13 fs18"><a class="tdn hover:o70 td300" data-lk="spa" href="/renotahoe/article/">‘S—t h the fan’: Tahoe’s young people may not e back</a></h2></div></div><div class="bsd bw2 b-gray600 bb pen my16 lg:my24"></div><div class="f fdc jcb"><div class="f fdr aib"><span class="c-primary mr8 ff-fontE fw-fontE fs-fontE lh12 fs20">2<!-- -->.</span><div class="f fdc g8"><h2 class="hya c-black ff-fontD fw-fontD fs-fontD lh13 fs18"><a class="tdn hover:o70 td300" data-lk="spa" href="/bayarea/article/">168-year-old California newspaper fil for bankptcy</a></h2></div></div><div class="bsd bw2 b-gray600 bb pen my16 lg:my24"></div></div><div class="f fdc jcb"><div class="f fdr aib"><span class="c-primary mr8 ff-fontE fw-fontE fs-fontE lh12 fs20">3<!-- -->.</span><div class="f fdc g8"><h2 class="hya c-black ff-fontD fw-fontD fs-fontD lh13 fs18"><a class="tdn hover:o70 td300" data-lk="spa" href="/bayarea/article/">Bay Area dad shot and killed at fast food drive-th, police say</a></h2></div></div><div class="bsd bw2 b-gray600 bb pen my16 lg:my24"></div></div><div class="f fdc jcb"><div class="f fdr aib"><span class="c-primary mr8 ff-fontE fw-fontE fs-fontE lh12 fs20">4<!-- -->.</span><div class="f fdc g8"><h2 class="hya c-black ff-fontD fw-fontD fs-fontD lh13 fs18"><a class="tdn hover:o70 td300" data-lk="spa" href="/news/article/">'Alien life on Earth': New unrwater speci found California</a></h2></div></div><div class="bsd bw2 b-gray600 bb pen my16 lg:my24"></div></div><div class="f fdc jcb"><div class="f fdr aib"><span class="c-primary mr8 ff-fontE fw-fontE fs-fontE lh12 fs20">5<!-- -->.</span><div class="f fdc g8"><h2 class="hya c-black ff-fontD fw-fontD fs-fontD lh13 fs18"><a class="tdn hover:o70 td300" data-lk="spa" href="/sf-culture/article/">Unthorized BART film sells out San Francis Theater</a></h2></div></div></div></div></div></div><div data-eid="llectn-108907-dynamic_thumbnail_list" class="package"><div class="f fdc sy28"><div class="f aic"><div class="f aic ttu ls10 xmc le-block rel ff-fontB fw-fontB fs-fontB lh12 fs20 ls12 md:fs25 md:ls15"><div class="wsn pl20 sm:pl28 pr12 sm:pr16 pt12 pb16 sm:pt16 sm:pb20 z1001 f aic">Shoppg<div class="ml8 sm:ml12 br50 x8px y8px borr bw2"></div></div><svg prerveAspectRat="none" width="100%" height="100%" class="le-block abs top left c-primary" viewBox="0 0 211 77" fill="none" xmlns="><path d="M187.291 7.95447H8.87643C4.45816 7.95447 0.876434 11.5362 0.876434 15.9545V68.6212C0.876434 73.0395 4.45816 76.6212 8.87644 76.6212H183.325C185.824 76.6212 188.179 75.4538 189.692 73.4652L196.112 65.0274V18.3692L187.291 7.95447Z" fill="currentColor"></path><path d="M193.618 1.39624H16.7216C12.3033 1.39624 8.72159 4.97796 8.72159 9.39624V60.8462C8.72159 65.2645 12.3033 68.8462 16.7216 68.8462H193.381C195.298 68.8462 197.151 68.1579 198.604 66.9065L206.791 59.8514C208.554 58.3317 209.568 56.1191 209.568 53.7911V15.5505C209.568 13.0753 208.423 10.7395 206.465 9.22443L198.515 3.07014C197.113 1.98503 195.391 1.39624 193.618 1.39624Z" fill="whe" stroke="#111111" stroke-width="2"></path></svg></div><div class="bb bw2 x100 b-black ml-1 mb4"></div></div><div><div class="f fdc jcb"><article class="grid l1-m"><div class="f fdc sy8 mb8 mr8 l1 row1"><h2 class="hya c-black ff-fontD fw-fontD fs-fontD lh13 fs18 xs:fs22 lg:fs16"><a class="tdn hover:o70 td300" data-lk="spa" href="/shoppg/article/">Should you get a Cost membership?</a></h2></div><div class="grid sy8 row2 l1"></div><div class="block l2 row1span3 ml8 x78px xs:x100px sm:x140px lg:x78px"><a class="" data-lk="spa" href="/shoppg/article/"><div class="rel x100 block"><img tle="Should you get a Cost membership?" alt="Shop this Cost membership om stacksocial. 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dolores gay

Dolor Gay Dewey, Amerin sheet metal pany executive. Named Woman of Year, Wake County Republin Womens Club, 1975. Member of Natnal Associatn Female Executiv, North Carola Nurs Associatn, Natnal Feratn Indiana Bs, Uned Stat Senatorial.



Personal Profil for Dolor S Gay om Dallas, TX and Dolor B Gay om Carson, CA, and five other persons wh the same name, their addrs, phone numbers, emails * dolores gay *

In a 2013 op-ed published NBC Lato Huerta explaed her ep support for marriage equaly and how she has “e to see that the stggl gay people face are tertwed wh my own stggl.

“On a practil level, ” Huerta ntued, “the gay muny was key my work wh the farm workers’ movement, om anizg to strikg. The farm workers, turn, have shown their support by marchg gay pri march and rryg pri flags to display their support. In 2020, former Senator Claire McCaskill (D-MO) stated her belief that the reason Democrats didn’t take a larger majory Congrs was that they red too much about protectg gay marriage and trans rights.

“She has been a strong advote and leadg Lata voice for full equaly for LGBT people, ” Carey said, “and we were grateful to have her addrs our 2009 Natnal Conference on LGBT Equaly: Creatg Change, where she spired thoands of lbian, gay, bisexual and transgenr rights advot om around the untry and the world. Huerta was the keynote speaker at the January 2009 “Creatg Change” nference of LGBTQ-rights activists Denver, Co, where she spoke on the importance of marriage equaly and gay rights—one year after Prop 8 California was passed.


Lookg for Dolor Gay onle? Fd Instagram, Twter, Facebook and TikTok profil, imag and more on IDCrawl - ee people search webse. * dolores gay *

When asked if Obama standg for marriage equaly would alienate Latx voters a 2012 terview wh the Huffgton Post, Huerta replied, “The gay rights movement is workg for many of the same basic rights and digni that those of the immigrants’ rights and labor movements have been fightg for s: workplace rights, enomic secury, accs to opportuny. The gay muny has been a strong ally for the qut for public policy that treats all people wh rpect and digny. A better untry for gays and lbians is a better untry for all.


Get Dolor Gay's ? ntact rmatn, ? phone numbers, ? home addrs, age, background check, whe pag, social media profil, rum and CV, public rerds, plac of employment, photos and vios, skilled experts, publitns, arrt rerds and bs rerds * dolores gay *

Dolor n e different name, such as Dolor M Gay, Dolor Serrano Degay, Maria D Serranogay, Maria Dolor Gay, Maria D Gay, Maria Dolor Serrano, Dolor M Serrano, Dolor M Serranogay, Delor Gay, Ma Dolor Gay, Dolor Gay Ma, Delor M Serrano, D Gay Ma, Dolor Serrano, Delor Serranogay, Dolor Serrano Gay, Delor M Gay, Ma D Gay. We assume that at least twelve people cludg Joaqu Gay, Israel Velas Gay, Joaqu Gay may know Dolor based on this rince history. Six persons, cludg Joaqu G Gay, Maria Dolor Gay, Joaqu Gay, Israel Gay, Josue Gay, Israel V Gay, listed the phone number (281) 583-8784 as their own, var documents dited.

The phone number (832) 688-8056 is also ed by Priscilla D Duron, Joaqu Gay, Josue Gay, Kimberly A Heze, Samantha Heze, Cody W Heze. Public rerds show that the phone number (832) 688-8607 is lked to Julian Balras, Idalia Balras, Joaqu Gay, Denise Moavi, Valente Balras.


Is Dolor Hart Gay? Come and disver what has been stated lately about this and what's Dolor Hart sayg about this. * dolores gay *

13907 Hillgdale Ln, Hoton, TX 770705610 Court of York, Hoton, TX 7706914655 Champn Fort Dr #704, Hoton, TX 770695330 Sprgton Ln, Sprg, TX 773795222 FM 1960 #224, Hoton, TX 77069450 S Peachtree Pkwy #C202, Peachtree Cy, GA 3026916222 Stuebner Airle Rd #503, Sprg, TX 7737913811 Court of Lords, Hoton, TX 77069 Possible nnectns via historil rerds - Israel Velas Gay. Possible nnectns via phone numbers - Joaqu G Gay, Maria Dolor Gay, Joaqu Gay, Israel Gay, Josue Gay, Israel V Gay, Priscilla D Duron, Kimberly A Heze, Samantha Heze, Cody W Heze, Julian Balras, Idalia Balras, Denise Moavi, Valente Balras.

Possible nnectns via mails - Joaqu Gay.

FAQ: Learn more about our top rult for Dolor GayWhat is Dolor Gay's addrs? Dolor Gay's addrs is 3020 Ovid Ave, D Mo, IA is Dolor Gay's phone number?


Dolor Gay Dewey, Amerin sheet metal pany executive. Named Woman of Year, Wake County Republin Womens Club, 1975. Member of Natnal Associatn Female Executiv, North Carola Nurs Associatn, Natnal Feratn Indiana Bs, Uned Stat Senatorial. * dolores gay *

Dolor Gay's phone number is (608) old is Dolor Gay?

Dolor Gay's is 54 years is Dolor Gay's email addrs? Dolor Gay's email addrs is dolor*** We have 3 addnal emails on file for DolorIs Dolor Gay married?


The bt gay bars, dance clubs, gay-rated hotels, gay snas and gay cise clubs San Francis. * dolores gay *

We have marriage rerds for 12 people named Dolor is Dolor Gay's date of birth? Dolor Gay was born on Dolor Gay have a crimal rerd? You n fd arrt rerds for Dolor Gay our background checks if they to fd someone if you n t remember their last name?

You bch: turn your gay rds if you don't like you're not enthralled wh her after watchg this, then you might as well be heterosexual. Her rerdg of the tle track om "The Oppose Sex" is the sgle gayt song I have ever Anonymoreply 37October 30, 2010 1:31 AM.

I love Dolor Gay.

* dolores gay *

I was too young of a homo at the time to realise who she was and like R54, too entranced by Diana Rigg to re. As much as some voic the field of munitn and ter have speculated if Dolor Hart is gay, there is no kd of evince that n rroborate this.

While folks still say Dolor Hart is gay, their ments hold no nsistency or accuracy of any type. The g out of Dolor Hart would greatly benef untls homosexuals around the world who are still the closet. Celebri such as Dolor Hart haven't admted they're homosexual, this is sce they're fely not gay or sce they're and do not want to go public.

Although Dolor Hart has never reported to be homosexual, beg a famo artist and homosexual is somethg unrstood as normal by the society. Are you currently keen on Dolor Hart and have anythg to say of the qutn - Is Dolor Hart gay?


Dolor Gay's Instagram, Twter & Facebook on IDCrawl .