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'Inceptn' Star: I'm An Actor, Of Course I've Had Gay Sex * tim hardy gay *

On Sunday, at a prs nference at the Toronto Internatnal Film Ftival for Hardy’s new movie Legend, which Hardy plays a gay man, reporter Graeme Coleman om the LGBT news outlet Daily Xtra asked Hardy: “Do you fd hard for celebri to talk to media about their sexualy? There is nothg embarrassg about beg gay.


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Askg someone if he or she is gay is the equivalent of askg if they are married, if they were raised Christian, of if they have a bachelor’s gree.


Tom Hardy is known for many thgs: His lead rol Inceptn and Mad Max: Fury Road; his embrace of femism; his tense love for dogs; his shape-shiftg beard; his pillowy lips. But among his (many) gay fans, the 37-year-old Brish actor is perhaps bt known for somethg very different: Admtg, and later nyg he admted, that he ed to have sex wh men. * tim hardy gay *

Jt bee beg gay affects who a person has sex wh, this is not a qutn about his or her sex life. The reason why some people don’t want to ask—both at prs nferenc and at cktail parti—is bee there is still that ltle lgerg doubt the back of their mds that there is somethg wrong wh homosexualy. If you ask someone whether he or she is gay, and he or she is not, they should not feel badly about themselv or about you.

Gay people are, most s, happy to tell you that they are gay. Straight people hardly ever get asked whether they’re straight or gay and might be taken aback by the qutn, but they seem to never have a problem settg the rerd straight. In 2008, while Hardy was promotg another movie which he played a gay man, Brish gay liftyle magaze Attu quoted him sayg “I’ve played wh everythg and everyone.

Ronnie is known to have been gay, and recent reports claim that both brothers were bisexual.


Watch Timo Hardy Gay gay porn vios for ee, here on Disver the growg llectn of high qualy Most Relevant gay XXX movi and clips. No other sex tube is more popular and featur more Timo Hardy Gay gay scen than Pornhub! Browse through our imprsive selectn of porn vios HD qualy on any vice you own. * tim hardy gay *

Those who are celebratg Hardy’s rponse seem to thk that keepg people om askg about sexual orientatn is helpg end homophobia.

It further nvc people that beg gay (or even askg if someone is gay) is somethg shameful that needs to be hidn.

It jt shows how obssed we are, as a culture, wh gay people and gay sex. 'Inceptn' star Tom Hardy talks about his fluid sexualy and experimentg wh gay sex an terview wh NOW magaze (via the Daily Mail).

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I'm done experimentg but there's plenty of stuff a relatnship wh another man, pecially gay men, that I need my life.

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A lot of gay men get my thg for sho. I have fe feme quali and a lot of gay men are credibly mascule. But among his (many) gay fans, the 37-year-old Brish actor is perhaps bt known for somethg very different: Admtg, and later nyg he admted, that he ed to have sex wh 2008—ancient Hollywood history—Hardy posed for the December ver of the gay Brish magaze Attu as part of a publicy tour for the “crime edy” RocknRolla, which Hardy played a closeted London gangster named Handsome Bob.

Now, ’s not unmon for ostensibly straight men to pose for gay publitns Bra; Daniel Radcliffe, for example, has graced the ver of Attu at least twice. But an acpanyg terview wh Attu’s Simon Gage, Hardy let on that he wasn’t always one thoand percent ’s the relevant part:It’s such a tradn of London gangsters, the gay thg, what wh the Krays...


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