Comics, Gay, Séri, Mique, tout ce que j'aime en gros...
Couple gay du jour:Gay uple of the day:Gui / Tanai. Couple gay du jour:Gay uple of the day:Deran Cody / Mark Liston. HOMO COMICUS: Last RortTake a hilar gay-tn to an island paradise of brilliant edy on W.
Wednday, January 8 at 8:30PMBoogie on down for a crazy hot night of top ics rock’ the mike, cludg:crowd slayer JUDY GOLD (om HBO, Comedy Central and her own fabulo solo shows);mad funny MICHELLE BUTEAU (om Comedy Central, The Jenny McCarthy Show and VH-1’s Bt Week Ever);the always killer POPPY CHAMPLIN (om Showtime, Logo and her h Queer Queens of Comedy tour);and boy wonr ADAM LEHMAN (om HereTV’s “Hot Gay Comics, ” Gwist TV’s “Funny Fs” and the “Stereotyped 101” tour) by boogie oogie oogie BOB MONTGOMERY (om the New York and Unrground Comedy Ftivals and SiriXM) Comedy Club208 W.